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Do you ever stop and think to yourself, 'I wonder what Inuk is doing right this moment?'


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Well, it's time for this post again and I'm afraid that it's very doubtful that there will be a "miracle" ending.


It well and truly seems that Inuk's journey in this life is coming to its natural conclusion.


Over the last couple of weeks, his overall quality of life has been on a steady decline - his mobility is getting more and more difficult, his appetite comes and goes with increasing frequency, he seems to mentally "check out" more often, his "bad days" are increasing in frequency, and it just seems that he's ready to make the journey across the Rainbow Bridge. His mother has been staying with me more often over the last couple of months and she said that she's seeing the same things that I am, and she agrees that his time in this life is drawing to a close.


I'm unsure when the final procedure will occur, but it's really only a matter of weeks (if that - it's probably going to be sooner) as his mom and I aren't going to prolong his existence to the point where his bad days exceed his good ones.  I certainly won't say that I'm "ready" to let him go, not by a longshot, but I guess I'm more "prepared" than I was a couple of months ago.  And I really do get the sense that he is too.


I'm not sure that I will post any more pictures in this thread as I think we all would prefer to remember him as he was rather than how he is now in his twilight days, but we'll see.


In any event, thank you all for participating in this thread for the last few years.  It certainly meant a lot to Inuk, Samantha (his mom), and me.

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57 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Well, it's time for this post again and I'm afraid that it's very doubtful that there will be a "miracle" ending.


It well and truly seems that Inuk's journey in this life is coming to its natural conclusion.


Over the last couple of weeks, his overall quality of life has been on a steady decline - his mobility is getting more and more difficult, his appetite comes and goes with increasing frequency, he seems to mentally "check out" more often, his "bad days" are increasing in frequency, and it just seems that he's ready to make the journey across the Rainbow Bridge. His mother has been staying with me more often over the last couple of months and she said that she's seeing the same things that I am, and she agrees that his time in this life is drawing to a close.


I'm unsure when the final procedure will occur, but it's really only a matter of weeks (if that - it's probably going to be sooner) as his mom and I aren't going to prolong his existence to the point where his bad days exceed his good ones.  I certainly won't say that I'm "ready" to let him go, not by a longshot, but I guess I'm more "prepared" than I was a couple of months ago.  And I really do get the sense that he is too.


I'm not sure that I will post any more pictures in this thread as I think we all would prefer to remember him as he was rather than how he is now in his twilight days, but we'll see.


In any event, thank you all for participating in this thread for the last few years.  It certainly meant a lot to Inuk, Samantha (his mom), and me.


Very sad to hear this. He is an all time good boy and I never got to meet him but he still was able to bring me a lot of joy from a distance just seeing pictures and hearing about him. By all accounts you were an amazing father to him and provided him a fantastic happy life. I wish you well emotionally as you deal with such a great loss.

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Just to be specific, we're tracking his "bad days" vs his "good days" and what's happening to him on those days so that we have some basis for when we make the final decision for the procedure.  For example, he didn't have a particularly good morning today, but he's having a much better afternoon. 


We realize that there's nothing particularly scientific about what we're doing, but we believe that this is the best approach to making at least as informed a decision as we possibly can.

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I'm actually quite touched you found joy in this dumb little thread, and I'm sorry you are going through the end days. I know it isn't easy but you have given Inuk a tremendous life, and I hope you know you matched his companionship in kind.

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6 minutes ago, Rachel said:

I saw how good of a dog dad Wade is in person and it’s very special 


Wade's attention to detail was impeccable, especially traveling with the ramps and other accommodations for long road trips.

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We've schedule appointment for the final procedure for 1:30pm tomorrow but have asked them to let us know if an earlier slot becomes available.  He declined significantly over the weekend (little-to-no appetite, loss of function in the hind legs, frequent non-recognition of both Samantha and me, and his usual canine painkillers have stopped being effective so we've been giving him extra strength Tylenol to keep him as comfortable as possible) so the time has finally arrived.


Needless to say, I'm emotionally and physically drained.

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I'm extremely sorry to read this. I know you're doing the best thing for your boy and it's awful but it has to be done. 


You've been a great owner and he lived a wonderful life. Cherish the great moments you had with him. 


I wish you strength and love for when the procedure happens. Stay strong, Wade. 

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51 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Between the sedative and the increased painkiller dosage, Inuk is sleeping very comfortably.  He probably won't even be awake when the vet arrives for the procedure.


The extra time with him and threading the needle with the timing of his passing like this are both gifts.

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Its amazing and such a wonderful thing how pets become such a large part of our lives and really do become part of the "family" dynamic. Never forget the great times and know that you are doing the right thing in not prolonging his suffering. It's such a tough decision but it's selfless on you and his moms part. I wish I knew what more to say but I don't feel like crying at work. It's going to be a rough few weeks, stay strong and allow yourself to grieve

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Wade you certainly went above and beyond as Inuk's guardian. He was blessed to have you and you were blessed to have him. He was treated like a king, ate better than most humans could ever dream of, lived a life full of travel and adventure, and even met some friends along the way. He always looked chilled out and must have been a joy to have around. It's unfortunate this day had to come but make sure to cherish the memories. This thread was more than we deserved so thank you for sharing his life with us.  🫂

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2 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


I'm sorry - it was not intentional at all.


My mind just isn't all there right now.


It's absolutely ok. I understand you're not in a good mental state. I'm very heartbroken for you but you were an amazing owner. He lived a beautiful life and you must cherish the memories you had with him. He is now in heaven playing with other dogs all pain free and healthy. 


I'm so glad he passed in peace. I can't express the love I have for animals and I've been in your situation. Try to just remember the good times you had with him and stay positive knowing he's in a better place.

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I'm sorry for your loss. As you all I know I lost my dog suddenly three months ago and I still struggle with it. I understand what you're going through. 


In the middle of the night last night I was missing him and decided to go snuggle my other dog, we adopted them together, the one who passed away was my shadow and this one is more independent. I laid on the floor and held him and he growled at me to let him sleep and pushed me away. 😂 

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