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Earthfall - 4 player co-op "L4D with aliens" FPS


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I hadn't heard of this until seeing some gameplay on IGN just now. It caught my eye because they are comparing it to Left 4 Dead, which is a franchise both @Triage and I love, and have been waiting (forever) for a third installment. At $40, we'll definitely be picking this up in 10 days.





Available on Steam, Xbox, & PS4 July 13th

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Some reviews are in:


PC Gamer - 74%

While calling Earthfall derivative of Left 4 Dead might even be an understatement, it's an entertaining variation on that theme with a great extra layer of map control added by the barricade system. I wish it had pushed harder to differentiate itself, especially in the design of special enemies. But if you’re looking to satisfy your co-op horde shooter craving with Left 4 Dead 3 still nowhere on the immediate horizon, you could certainly do a lot worse.


COGconnected - 45%

The most frustrating thing about Earthfall is that it squanders its potential at every turn. From subpar graphics and gameplay mechanics to a story that’s been told a thousand times before, and a complete lack of game variety this alien shooter could have been a lot more fun. Earthfall is at its best when you play with three other friends taking nothing seriously and just killing a bunch of aliens. If you stay at the same objective, aliens will keep spawning, so you can make your own little endless wave mode. Bottom line, there’s a decent foundation here that just isn’t well executed, and that’s disappointing. As it stands right now, Earthfall isn’t exactly worth it’s $29.99 USD price tag, though if Holospark tightens up the areas that bring the whole game down, it might be worth revisiting later on.  


Push Square - 30%

There’s still a lot of potential to be realised in a Left 4 Dead-like experience, but Earthfall is a complete miss. It fails to build upon the foundations abandoned by Valve, with repetitive AI spawns and an arsenal of weaponry that does nothing to distinguish themselves from one another. And with just four hours of content to work through, you’ll be left feeling short-changed by an experience that gives you no reason to return once the credits roll.


The Sixth Axis - 40%

I’m all for taking the spirit of a beloved classic and bringing it up to date, but you have to be prepared to be judged utterly against that original game. Under the right circumstances Earthfall is capable of capturing the frantic teamwork of Left 4 Dead, but there’s too much wrong here to maintain it for long.


IGN - 55%

Earthfall's co-op shooting gets repetitive quickly due to a lack of randomization or progression and it never injects enough new ideas into the Left 4 Dead blueprint to be interesting.  Parts of Earthfall present a certain charm, and the co-op shooting experience could certainly be fun with the right group of friends. But it’s hard to get away from the fact that Earthfall is a lesser incarnation of a decade-old game, with fewer modes and missions, at a higher price.


Game Informer - 50%

Earthfall just isn’t fun. The game has a solid foundation but that structure doesn’t hold anything that’s entertaining or interesting enough to merit the effort of playing it, especially when there are already several superior games that inhabit the same subgenre.

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18 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


Hmm! Tell me more! How is it different from l4d2?


Here's a stage show of the beta demo they had at E3



the TL;DR if you don't want to watch it.


- Greater emphasis on melee combat

- Individual characters have different special skills

- You have a camp that you upgrade with items you find on missions and also seems like some items you find you can craft items like lockpicks and such (for characters that use those skills)

- There is a noise meter so hordes aren't just triggered by a witch (like in L4D)

- There are humans, not everyone is a zombie.

- There is character progression, skill trees, etc

- Expect a lot of post launch content (like payday 2)


Here's just straight gameplay of the beta mission (no interview)



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10 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Here's a stage show of the beta demo they had at E3



the TL;DR if you don't want to watch it.


- Greater emphasis on melee combat

- Individual characters have different special skills

- You have a camp that you upgrade with items you find on missions and also seems like some items you find you can craft items like lockpicks and such (for characters that use those skills)

- There is a noise meter so hordes aren't just triggered by a witch (like in L4D)

- There are humans, not everyone is a zombie.

- There is character progression, skill trees, etc

- Expect a lot of post launch content (like payday 2)


Here's just straight gameplay of the beta mission (no interview)




Thanks, I'll watch this later today!

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