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~*Official Venezuela Slow-Motion Coup/Elliot Abrams War Criminal Thread*~

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On 2/24/2019 at 12:11 AM, 2user1cup said:

For who? USA?


Sorry for the delay. I needed to watxh a segment and I have been gaming so much it was hard to focus. They are 1000000% anti-Maduro. Every expert they bring in tows the line and gives the impression that once he is gone the problem's Venezuela faces will magically disappear. There isn't any questioning of why or how Venezuela got into this position. Hell they call Juan Guaido president. 


It's disappointing that a news agency focused on a demograhic that's countries of origin have been dicked around by the US in one way or another just go along for the ride. They are also super anti-Trump but take everything he says as gospel in regards to Venezuela.

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Btw, for a detailed, insightful and informed perspective on this issue that touches on a few details most pieces do not and connects it to wider developments in US foreign policy (both economic and military), I encourage everyone to read this article, from a historian and economist who has a deep grasp of international finance and its relation to US geopolitics.  It's worth a look as food for thought, even if you don't agree with it, (which you very well might not) as it addresses a few aspects and details of the crisis that conventional accounts overlook.

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From the article that @Signifyin(g)Monkey recommended:



The end of America’s unchallenged global economic dominance has arrived sooner than expected, thanks to the very same Neocons who gave the world the Iraq, Syria and the dirty wars in Latin America. Just as the Vietnam War drove the United States off gold by 1971, its sponsorship and funding of violent regime change wars against Venezuela and Syria – and threatening other countries with sanctions if they do not join this crusade – is now driving European and other nations to create their alternative financial institutions. 

This break has been building for quite some time, and was bound to occur. But who would have thought that Donald Trump would become the catalytic agent?



For the past half-century, U.S. strategists, the State Department and National Endowment for Democracy (NED) worried that opposition to U.S. financial imperialism would come from left-wing parties. It therefore spent enormous resources manipulating parties that called themselves socialist (Tony Blair’s British Labour Party, France’s Socialist Party, Germany’s Social Democrats, etc.) to adopt neoliberal policies that were the diametric opposite to what social democracy meant a century ago. But U.S. political planners and Great Wurlitzer organists neglected the right wing, imagining that it would instinctively support U.S. thuggishness.

The reality is that right-wing parties want to get elected, and populist nationalism is today’s road to election victory in Europe and other countries just as it was for Donald Trump in 2016.




The end of our monetary imperialism, about which I first wrote in 1972 in Super Imperialism, stuns even an informed observer like me. It took a colossal level of arrogance, short-sightedness and lawlessness to hasten its decline — something that only crazed Neocons like John Bolton, Elliot Abrams and Mike Pompeo could deliver for Donald Trump.


wtf I love trump now

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39 minutes ago, RedSoxFan9 said:




In that sense there were reproaches shared by the uncommitted attitude of the Venezuelan millionaires living abroad. A more determined contribution of money was expected to finance the passage of police, military and politicians to the area of Guaidó. So far it has not happened.

What?  Those wealthy Venezuelans living in Miami aren't opening their wallets for this harebrained scheme?  The utter nerve of them!

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Keep in mind that Mike Pence is the same guy who tried to challenge North Korea to a cross-DMZ staring contest




“I thought it was important that we went outside,” Pence said, according to the Post. “I thought it was important that people on the other side of the DMZ see our resolve in my face.”


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10 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Why does the US need to take sides in every single internal dispute? Why can't they just say "We hope a peaceful resolution will be achieved, and support ongoing efforts to stabilize the situation."


Gotta keep the empire going plus Venezuela has oil. 


Lol the NY Times is stating the aid convoy that caught fire was cause by one of the anti-Maduro protestors at the bridge. Proving Colombian and US statements about the incident wrong. 

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