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Curious to see how many men on here find it offensive


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5 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Maybe I just have weird memory or whatever, but repeated slogans have a way of sticking. That's kinda their purpose. :p 


Thinking back, I'm pretty sure I was pretty judicious about getting up and using the bathroom/grabbing a snack or drink during commercial breaks and that I'd developed a pretty decent sense of how long I had before I needed to be back. :p


I think I might have also often muted the TV during ads but that I'm less sure about.

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6 minutes ago, Jason said:


Why would I remember 10+ year old ads? :shrug:


There are more than a few that just stick:

Every kiss begins with Kay.

I'm lovin' it. 

Raise your hands if you're Sure. 

Always Coca Cola.

Now you're playing with power. 


We should start a thread of memorable taglines. 

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I mean, okay, okay, I see you're really insistent about how you've never ever watched commercials. :p 


I'm just saying it's been their slogan for around 30 years(I looked it up, they first used it in 1989), and given they're a high profile company that's been around a really long time,, a lot of people know the slogan. I was just surprised a dude had never heard of it before.

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1 minute ago, Emblazon said:


There are more than a few that just stick:

Every kiss begins with Kay.

I'm lovin' it. 

Raise your hands if you're Sure. 

Always Coca Cola.

Now you're playing with power. 


We should start a thread of memorable taglines. 

I was actually thinking about doing something like that. :p Let's see if Jason know any of those!

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1 minute ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I mean, okay, okay, I see you're really insistent about how you've never ever watched commercials. :p 


I'm just saying it's been their slogan for around 30 years(I looked it up, they first used it in 1989), and given they're a high profile company that's been around a really long time,, a lot of people know the slogan. I was just surprised a dude had never heard of it before.


Have you seen my beard lately? :p


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8 hours ago, Jason said:


I haven't had live TV service since I went off to college at 18, so unless I'm over someone else's place and they turn it on I'm just not exposed to TV advertising. And as you know I don't watch sports, so it's not like I'm going to bars to catch games (and thus having that opportunity to be exposed to TV advertising).

Okay. This explains a lot. 

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1 hour ago, Remarkableriots said:

At :033 in the video was that trying to make roughhousing bad?


I could be wrong, but I got the impression that in that scene, the kid underneath isn't really seeing it as roughhousing. To me it appeared more that the kid on top was bullying the one on bottom and the adults are excusing it with "boys will be boys". 


As to the ad itself, I do find it somewhat strange that a razor company is giving us moral advice, but I actually agree with the advice. And I also think that anything that can be done to start a discussion and change the culture for the better is a good thing. 


Again maybe I'm wrong, but It seems to me that if one also sees toxic masculinity in advertising then it just reinforces it in the society, at least in a minor way. I would bet that few people are going to examine their whole life because of a commercial :p but again, anything that improves the culture is ok in my book. 

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11 minutes ago, Chris- said:

I wonder, does @SFLUFAN use Gillette razors to make his body as smooth as a naked mole rat?

No, I don't.


For my face, I use Harry's products.

For my torso, I use a Philips Norelco Body Groomer for the majority of the shaving followed by a generic store-brand five blade to take care of the stubble.

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3 hours ago, Chris- said:

I use the Harry's post-shave balm, which is quite pleasant. Double-edge razor all the way though.


Do the double edge razors work really well? I've been using some like 4 blade razor and I'm pretty sick of the hair clogging the blades and not coming out. Thinking about switching to an actual razor blade razor.

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31 minutes ago, Rev said:

Do the double edge razors work really well? I've been using some like 4 blade razor and I'm pretty sick of the hair clogging the blades and not coming out. Thinking about switching to an actual razor blade razor.


Yes, they work very well. They result in much less irritation (I have very sensitive skin), and are also cost-effective; the upfront cost (razor, brush, soap) is a bit higher, but it quickly pays for itself (I have the same soap puck that I purchased 5 years ago, and you can get hundreds of blades for $15-20). You can also make it a more pleasant experience by investing in pre-shave oils, different post-shave balms, etc. If you are intrigued, the Wicked_Edge subreddit is a good place to start.

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3 minutes ago, Chris- said:


Yes, they work very well. They result in much less irritation (I have very sensitive skin), and are also cost-effective; the upfront cost (razor, brush, soap) is a bit higher, but it quickly pays for itself (I have the same soap puck that I purchased 5 years ago, and you can get hundreds of blades for $15-20). You can also make it a more pleasant experience by investing in pre-shave oils, different post-shave balms, etc. If you are intrigued, the Wicked_Edge subreddit is a good place to start.


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On 1/21/2019 at 5:03 PM, TwinIon said:

The ad is basically saying "don't be a bully, don't sexually harass people, etc." If you feel personally attacked by an ad saying men shouldn't do those kinds of things, I'm going to assume that you take part in those kinds of actions.


There's a conversation to be had about the value of a moral message in advertising in general, but I can't say I'm offended by anything in the ad itself.

Pretty much this. 


I get people don't want to be lectured by the company selling them razors. 


But the rage over the add is fucking stupid. This country has a huge problem when somebody tries to start a dialog about meaningful topics that impact people's lives. 


Yesterday the entire country celebrated a man that did just that. This, and the NFL kneeling issue show me that not much has changed in this country. Even many of the people praising the legacy of Dr. King are the same people that yelled at him to shut up, go home, and "know his place." 


We need to grow up and be willing to face the bad things that happen in this world, and be able to discuss ways to improve things like rational adults. 

  • stepee 1
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4 hours ago, Chris- said:


Yes, they work very well. They result in much less irritation (I have very sensitive skin), and are also cost-effective; the upfront cost (razor, brush, soap) is a bit higher, but it quickly pays for itself (I have the same soap puck that I purchased 5 years ago, and you can get hundreds of blades for $15-20). You can also make it a more pleasant experience by investing in pre-shave oils, different post-shave balms, etc. If you are intrigued, the Wicked_Edge subreddit is a good place to start.

I just got myself a safety razor last week. Now I need to learn how to do it without killing my neck.

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1 hour ago, thewhyteboar said:

I just got myself a safety razor last week. Now I need to learn how to do it without killing my neck.


Don't apply pressure! Seriously, just let the weight of the razor do the work. Also, until you get the hang of it, just take small strokes.

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Haven't watched it, wont watch it, but understand the gist of it. Not that I probably would have, but Gillete products are definitely on my no buy list now. 


I don't want my son or nephews to grow up in any manner that "society" now deems they should. Neither do the other dads and moms in that group.


It continues the trope of dad is stupid, the attack that you find over the past 20 to 30 years in media, Al Bundy, Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin, etc...


Similar perspective to mine.

  • Guillotine 2
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4 hours ago, Commodore D said:

Haven't watched it, wont watch it, but understand the gist of it. Not that I probably would have, but Gillete products are definitely on my no buy list now. 


I don't want my son or nephews to grow up in any manner that "society" now deems they should. Neither do the other dads and moms in that group.


It continues the trope of dad is stupid, the attack that you find over the past 20 to 30 years in media, Al Bundy, Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin, etc...


Similar perspective to mine.

IMO you should at least watch it before you form an opinion. No offense, but either taking your opinion from another or having others simply confirm your preexisting notions does not seem like a very fair or thoughtful reaction to me. 


As to the stupid dad trope, I think I can see what you mean about the trope existing, given the examples you gave. But I think this isn't really what the ad is saying. It's an undeniable fact that some men have some shitty behavior, just as some women do, and in my opinion, the ad was speaking to those men, calling on them to improve their behavior.  It isn't saying that all men are stupid or that all men need to improve their behavior. 


I'm not sure what you mean by not wanting your son or nephew to grow up in any manner that society seems they should. Would you mind explaining this, please? 

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What's especially funny is that 'boys will be boys' - an attitude the ad is explicitly addressing - is intrinsic to the 'stupid dad' trope. So, congratulations on opposing something that explicitly addresses something you don't like. You managed to disagree with yourself, which is impressive.

  • stepee 2
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