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Kids with MAGA hats and Native Americans involved in... something

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3 minutes ago, RedSoxFan9 said:

atheists like to pretend every religious person is extremely devout and is committed to all the bad parts of their religion.


Atheists are just pussies who don't have the balls to become apatheists. And they don't have the courage to admit they can't 100% know for sure whether God exists or not either and instead become more logically consistent agnostics. :p 

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2 minutes ago, RedSoxFan9 said:

atheists like to pretend every religious person is extremely devout and is committed to all the bad parts of their religion.

I think it’s fair to presume a person who professes adherence to a structured belief system does indeed believe those things outside of the person stating (through word or action) that they reject some of those beliefs.

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5 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


Given I was born and raised Muslim (though I consider myself an apatheist today) so no, I'm not joking. I know many Muslim men and women who wear their Muslim attire and they are otherwise totally normal individuals, meaning their attire doesn't imply anything further about them other than that they are religiously Muslim enough to believe they should wear Muslim attire (even then it could be cultural as opposed to religious in nature). There's no political assumptions to make based off their clothes. There is with MAGA-hat wearing young white males at an anti-abortion event. If I'm missing something, please, spell it out for me, don't be coy now. 

When polled the majority of Muslims supported sharia here in the US.  And that's the western Muslims.  Islam is believed to be the answer to all aspects of life, politically and otherwise. 

So yes, it is political. 

My point is not that we should judge people by what they're wearing and assume their beliefs, but rather have a conversation about it, in order to educate people on better beliefs.  To say that every mega hat wearing idiot is inherently sexist, homophobic, racist with horrible beliefs is equal to saying the same of all Muslims based on their held beliefs.  And what I said is a fact, if you want to see the polls on the above held horrible beliefs in the vast majority of Muslim communities, then I will post some for you.  (however, I'm not going to paint all Muslims with the same brush).

How many of those kids do you think wear the hat so as to be a part of the "In" group, even though they don't necessarily hold the views one would commonly associate with them?  I bet there are a couple.  And I bet when challenged on those beliefs, many more would become educated well enough to understand why the beliefs are wrong.  The same can be said for both groups. 


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17 minutes ago, johnny said:

especially judging Muslims in the United States based off their attire. Like.... come on. Do they do something inherently bad here that I’m supposed to see them and think something negatively. 


On the flip side, the MAGA hat is at worst a symbol for white supremacy and at best shows you support this administration and its dislike of minorities. Then you show up at a rally that wants to strip the right of women to control their own body. 

My point is that you shouldn't judge them off their attire. 


Would you like to see the similarities between the beliefs of the MEGA hat wearing guy when it comes to womens rights and that of muslims beliefs of womens rights. 

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1 minute ago, Boyle5150 said:

To say that every mega hat wearing idiot is inherently sexist, homophobic, racist with horrible beliefs 


Of course that’s ridiculous. The MAGA tards will be the first ones to tell you that they love women, don’t have a problem with gay people (as long as they don’t hold hands in front of them), have a black friend, and don’t see color. 

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10 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


Atheists are just pussies who don't have the balls to become apatheists. And they don't have the courage to admit they can't 100% know for sure whether God exists or not either and instead become more logically consistent agnostics. :p 

I'm pretty sure the vast majority of atheist don't hold the claim to know 100% of anything being true.

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Just now, johnny said:

Of course that’s ridiculous. The MAGA tards will be the first ones to tell you that they love women, don’t have a problem with gay people (as long as they don’t hold hands in front of them), have a black friend, and don’t see color. 

They love women so much they force them into bags and man do they love the gays... where's the nearest rooftop...

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Maybe it’s because I deal with teenagers everyday, but I think the boys here (those wearing the MAGA hats and those who weren’t) were just doing annoying troll stuff. Once the Black Hebrews started with the demon/faggot/pedophile lover stuff, the boys got HYPED to respond.


Which is why I continue to lay the blame for what ended up transpiring largely on the adult chaperones who didn’t get them out of there immediately.

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1 minute ago, Boyle5150 said:

I'm pretty sure the vast majority of atheist don't hold the claim to know 100% of anything being true.


Atheists firmly believe in no god of any sort and that it's a fairy tale. Your description is of an agnostic. Unless we're talking about atheists who self identify as agnostic or something :p  :troll: 




How Agnostic Differs From Atheist
Many people are interested in distinguishing between the words agnostic and atheist. The difference is quite simple: atheist refers to someone who does not believe in the existence of a god or any gods, and agnostic refers to someone who doesn’t know whether there is a god, or even if such a thing is knowable. This distinction can be troublesome to remember, but examining the origins of the two words can help.

Agnostic first appeared in 1869, (possibly coined by the English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley), and was formed from the Greek agnōstos (meaning "unknown, unknowable"). Atheist came to English from the French athéisme. Although both words share a prefix (which is probably the source of much of the confusion) the main body of each word is quite different. Agnostic shares part of its history with words such as prognosticate and prognosis, words which have something to do with knowledge or knowing something. Atheist shares roots with words such as theology and theism, which generally have something to do with God.


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4 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Maybe it’s because I deal with teenagers everyday, but I think the boys here (those wearing the MAGA hats and those who weren’t) were just doing annoying troll stuff. Once the Black Hebrews started with the demon/faggot/pedophile lover stuff, the boys got HYPED to respond.


Which is why I continue to lay the blame for what ended up transpiring largely on the adult chaperones who didn’t get them out of there immediately.

A little bit of education can go a long way with moments like this.  The adults had/have a perfect opportunity to educate these kids, although I fear it won't happen  for most of them.

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1 minute ago, Spork3245 said:


Atheists firmly believe in no god of any sort and that it's a fairy tale. Your description is of an agnostic. Unless we're talking about atheists who self identify as agnostic or something :p  :troll: 


I'm an atheist who doesn't believe in any God/gods but there is nothing that can be said with 100% certainty of proving a negative.

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Just now, stepee said:

Why do you guys keep letting Boyle have this same never ending argument of religion/belief values/hypocrisy. :P

For the same reason I enjoy pointing out others hypocrisy.  People don't like to see when they play the same game that they blame others of playing.

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3 minutes ago, Bacon said:

I never really thought myself as an Atheist tho, but I suppose that is what I am. I always preferred non-religious, but after googling it (just now) and seeing "Irreligion" that doesn't really describe me.  

Personally, I don't think there should be a name for non-religious, as it's the same as saying agolfer because you don't play golf. 


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Just now, RedSoxFan9 said:


it's more of a never ending argument about why he doesn't like muslims because LOGIC

Please point to where I've said I don't like Muslims.  This is your problem, stop with the assumptions.  I merely dislike their beliefs.  Guess what, I dislike Christian beliefs and right wing beliefs, but that has nothing to do with the people themselves, but has everything to do with belief systems/dogma. 

Stick around, you might learn something.  

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