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Kids with MAGA hats and Native Americans involved in... something

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6 minutes ago, Nokt said:

I hope you didn't take my "see this absolves these kids". I wholeheartedly agree that the teacher/students should be punished.


Reddit, and the internet, have knee-jerk reactions a lot of the time. Context isn't always what it seems and can play out very differently when situations like this is arises. Which is why I stated what I did. You'll almost never see me post in politically driven threads, I just happened to be in this one because I saw it on reddit and saw the school had issued an update yesterday.


Na I get where you was coming from... my sentiment was more directed at the person on REDDIT who had to "White-splain" the whole situation but really didn't change the context at all. I don't know what the conversation about this is on REDDIT, but nothing that person wrote disputed anything in the Washington Post story in the O.P.

The only new information it gave me was that it was the Isrealites that those kids initially were confronting and when the Native American dude saw how heated things were getting, he tried to leave and was prevented from doing so by "Smirky-McDouche-Face". So no, I didn't think you were "absolving the kids". I just wanted to point out that that long assed Reddit post didn't change anything and didn't prove some "Fake News" bullshit conspiracy.


2 minutes ago, Jason said:


Even if you were inclined to give the most charitable interpretation possible to this kid that took xenophobia off the table, it's still blatantly the face of a bully to anyone who got deal with being bullied as a kid.


He was being a dick and was only doing it because he knew that old dude wouldn't do anything to him. 

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Just now, SFLUFAN said:

Black Israelites have the "honor" of being classified as an actual hate group by the SPLC.


I actually saw them on the subway once in NYC. :daydream:


The mental process basically went directly from "WTF" to "oh shit I bet you I know what this is!"

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The video does give more context, yet the behavior of most of the kids is still unacceptable. And major fail on the part of the adults who didn’t get the group out of there as soon as the preachers started calling them demons and faggots.

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20 minutes ago, Bacon said:

I partially view this and mansplain as a way to say, "their opinion is invalid cuz they are white/a man." 

No, people who "white/man-splain" tend to think that an opinion is ONLY valid once it's seen from its proper/correct perspective; That of the Straight White Male. Once an opinion is validated from that perspective, then and only then is it deemed as being worthy of consideration. Which is while those who do it feel the compulsive need to.

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7 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

No, people who "white/man-splain" tend to think that an opinion is ONLY valid once it's seen from its proper/correct perspective; That of the Straight White Male. Once an opinion is validated from that perspective, then and only then is it deemed as being worthy of consideration. Which is while those who do it feel the compulsive need to.

Is this oddly worded? They way I am kinda taking it is that the people who white/man-splain only see their own opinion as valid? Or are you saying that white/man-splainers only listen to other white/man-splain? And I don't really see what this has do with what I said. I don't mean that in a negative way, I just don't get your response to my post. 


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The "whole context" stuff coming out now is laughable. 


In its full context, the kid is out of line. It's unacceptable behavior, end of story. 


The question for me is is this kid actually thinking he did something wrong at this point, or is he feeling sorry for himself thinking the internet is mean and they didn't understand what happened? 


I've seen a lot of the kids comment on social media about it, and they seem to think they're the victims. 


It's pathetic and embarrassing. 

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Maybe it has morphed, but “-splaining” is supposed to describe when a person condescendingly explains something from the belief that they are obviously more knowledgeable than who ever they are deivering the info to.


Like the dudes who say “Actually, ...” about some topic to a woman who is an expert in that field, because by nature of being a man he must know more than the woman irrespective of actual expertise.


It’s not that the splainer has a less worthwhile opinion because they belong to whatever group, it’s that they elevate their own opinion on the basis of belonging to said group.

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24 minutes ago, Bacon said:

Is this oddly worded? They way I am kinda taking it is that the people who white/man-splain only see their own opinion as valid? Or are you saying that white/man-splainers only listen to other white/man-splain? And I don't really see what this has do with what I said. I don't mean that in a negative way, I just don't get your response to my post. 



Yes. That's what I'm saying... If they didn't, they wouldn't feel the need to do it. EVERY explanation for something needs to be filtered through THEIR experiences. It's like when people of color are told why something that THEY perceive as being racist ISN'T actually racist by non-people of color. Or sexist behavior and comments  aren't actually sexist because the other men don't see it as being sexist. It's the presumption that their perspective is not only equally valid in certain situations that often have nothing to do with their own personal experience, but is THE authoritative perspective. THAT is what the terms, "white-splain" and "man-splain" are addressing.

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I always took it as "you clearly don't understand the topic so I need to explain it to you in the correct way so you can understand it." The "white/man-splain" term exists because it happens, but when I hear someone say "this person is white/man-splaining," I sometimes hear it as, "their opinion is invalid because they are white/a man."

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11 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

The "whole context" stuff coming out now is laughable. 


In its full context, the kid is out of line. It's unacceptable behavior, end of story. 


The question for me is is this kid actually thinking he did something wrong at this point, or is he feeling sorry for himself thinking the internet is mean and they didn't understand what happened? 


I've seen a lot of the kids comment on social media about it, and they seem to think they're the victims. 


It's pathetic and embarrassing.  

Kids are just..... I don't even know.

My nephew is a unapologetic Trump supporter, mostly because my brother voted for trump. He isn't like some crazy trump fanatic, but my nephew took that information and ran with it.

I eventually had to unfollow him on facebook and instagram because of the stuff he would post. Him posting wasn't even the worst of it, the kids that would attack him unrelentingly were just as bad if not worse. I tried to diffuse the situation a lot because I feel for my nephew, he's an awkward kid with a chaotic family. Nothing good ever came out of it. I couldn't get through to anyone.


I still reach out to my nephew every now and again to try and help, but I don't know if it ever makes a difference.

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7 hours ago, johnny said:

The school absolutely needs to fire them. I mean, will they? Probably only if the parents of those kids are bitching. 


Oh please, I've already seen news about some of the parents screaming "fake news" and that it was the kids that were being bullied. 

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25 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

And can you imagine how difficult it must be for a group that consists of a minority to end up on the SPLC's hate group watch list?!?


That's practically a goal that the Black Israelites set out for themselves to achieve!

The Black Israelites are COMICALLY hateful :lol:  When I lived in NYC it was always amusing to me to see people (usually White people from out of town) engaging them Everyone else just ignored them because that's exactly what they want. They're a bunch of irrelevant morons.

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1 hour ago, Nokt said:

Kids are just..... I don't even know.

My nephew is a unapologetic Trump supporter, mostly because my brother voted for trump. He isn't like some crazy trump fanatic, but my nephew took that information and ran with it.

I eventually had to unfollow him on facebook and instagram because of the stuff he would post. Him posting wasn't even the worst of it, the kids that would attack him unrelentingly were just as bad if not worse. I tried to diffuse the situation a lot because I feel for my nephew, he's an awkward kid with a chaotic family. Nothing good ever came out of it. I couldn't get through to anyone.


I still reach out to my nephew every now and again to try and help, but I don't know if it ever makes a difference.


That's sad... how old is he? Sadly kids that come from unstable home environments are the ones that are most vulnerable to falling under some nefarious group's influence whether it be White supramacists, the bloods or Isis. All you can do is try to be there for him, expose him to other points of view and hope he outgrows whatever he's going through. 

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19 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

That's sad... how old is he? Sadly kids that come from unstable home environments are the ones that are most vulnerable to falling under some nefarious group's influence whether it be White supramacists, the bloods or Isis. All you can do is try to be there for him, expose him to other points of view and hope he outgrows whatever he's going through. 

He is currently 16 or 17, I forget his DOB. My brother just kind of takes a backseat when it comes to parenting and his wife is just... not a good parent. I wish he would step in more, but I think he would rather just not deal with the drama and oh boy is she full of drama. I hate to say it, but I'm glad they moved away a couple years ago.

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6 hours ago, Nokt said:

Kids are just..... I don't even know.

My nephew is a unapologetic Trump supporter, mostly because my brother voted for trump. He isn't like some crazy trump fanatic, but my nephew took that information and ran with it.

I eventually had to unfollow him on facebook and instagram because of the stuff he would post. Him posting wasn't even the worst of it, the kids that would attack him unrelentingly were just as bad if not worse. I tried to diffuse the situation a lot because I feel for my nephew, he's an awkward kid with a chaotic family. Nothing good ever came out of it. I couldn't get through to anyone.


I still reach out to my nephew every now and again to try and help, but I don't know if it ever makes a difference.

Glad you’re trying. 


In relation to this, it’s absurd it’s even being molded into a political issue. 10-20 years ago nobody would have dreamed to take the kids side publicly. These people existed, but they were basically in hiding because of the shame they’d get if they revealed their despicable views. 


Now, they’re out in force and they’re using really effective tactics to manipulate people who don’t really understand what’s going on. 

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55 minutes ago, Commodore D said:

The mental gymnastics you all do to make someone a villain while also while also being vulgar and celebrating violent thoughts is hilarious. You all either had to be the biggest bullies in school or the biggest targets of bullying, either way the lasting effects are truly sad.

Why thank you! :daydream:

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15 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

So the Native American dude lied when he said the kids blocked his way, threw beer at him and chanted "build that wall" or what?


The track record of veterans being shit stains and dishonest lately is a mark against him. But honestly, anyone wearing a MAGA hat might as well be wearing a Klan hood or a swastika armband in my eyes, so I believe the Native American vet.

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