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Game of Thrones - Season 8 - Starting April 14th


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It's interesting that thus far, despite knowing the end of the world is coming, we haven't seen much regarding emissaries to other lands to help with the war (or promise of payment once they have won). 


It does seem that with lands to the East and the West, they could essentially have the fight coming down and from all sides to the undead army.

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12 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

The show runners have already said the ending will be something like "bittersweet."


Having virtually everyone in the realm die, including all the main characters wouldn't fall under that description. At all.

Ok so everyone but John dies. He sits on the Iron Throne, King of a land of corpses. 



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Episode was okay/good. Like last season, the show runners have decided they can't come up with the difficult but fascinating conversations characters should be having (you cut away when Jaimie and Bran finally meet back up and talk? Jorah and Lady Mormont don't get a full conversation? Where the fuck was Varys all episode?). I really enjoyed the Brienne knighting scene, but it's weird to me that Tyrion would recall the Battle of the Blackwater with Davos when it's because of Tyrion that Davos' son died at that battle, and Davos doesn't mention it? Tyrion being super insensitive.


It's stuff like this that shows me that the show has gone full Hollywood blockbuster and isn't Game of Thrones to a degree anymore. What's with all this How to Train Your Dragon lovey-dovey nonsense, etc. The show is putting a lot of stock in Jon and Danaerys' "romance" when neither actor is good enough to carry it (especially Emilia Clarke) and Jon calling Danaerys "Dany" is also way too "hip" for a dark medieval fantasy world and they've barely built up this romance and suddenly it's become a thing. Is anyone really buying it? I've liked the last two episodes, but some serious missteps here as well. 

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10 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Cersei ain't winning this thing, lol.


I don't know how, but Cersei will win this and end up as the Night Queen and wind up giving birth to a future Night King. The series will end with her still sitting on the IronThrone surround by nothing but the dead. Everyone watching will be as unhappy about it as she is.

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10 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

Episode was okay/good. Like last season, the show runners have decided they can't come up with the difficult but fascinating conversations characters should be having (you cut away when Jaimie and Bran finally meet back up and talk? Jorah and Lady Mormont don't get a full conversation? Where the fuck was Varys all episode?). I really enjoyed the Brienne knighting scene, but it's weird to me that Tyrion would recall the Battle of the Blackwater with Davos when it's because of Tyrion that Davos' son died at that battle, and Davos doesn't mention it? Tyrion being super insensitive.


It's stuff like this that shows me that the show has gone full Hollywood blockbuster and isn't Game of Thrones to a degree anymore. What's with all this How to Train Your Dragon lovey-dovey nonsense, etc. The show is putting a lot of stock in Jon and Danaerys' "romance" when neither actor is good enough to carry it (especially Emilia Clarke) and Jon calling Danaerys "Dany" is also way too "hip" for a dark medieval fantasy world and they've barely built up this romance and suddenly it's become a thing. Is anyone really buying it? I've liked the last two episodes, but some serious missteps here as well. 

I think you're super critical, tbh. 

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Just now, Ghost_MH said:


I don't know how, but Cersei will win this and end up as the Night Queen and wind up giving birth to a future Night King. The series will end with her still sitting on the IronThrone surround by nothing but the dead. Everyone watching will be as unhappy about it as she is.

Bittersweet, yo. That is not. :p 


It implies there'll definitely be tragedy, but hope for the future. 

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4 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I think you're super critical, tbh. 


I am being nitpicky to a degree, but forgetting Varys for an entire episode or cutting away from Bran and Jaimie's important conversation were both pretty lame. And the Jon and Danaerys romance is also lame. And Davos being cool with Tyrion nonchalantly discussing the battle where his own son was incinerated by that very person is weird


There was a lot to like as well but a lot of these two episodes haven't taken full advantage of all of these characters being together. 

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Varys does feel kinda forgotten, but there are so many characters to focus on, I can forgive it. And I figure there's a good chance he gets a moment later on. Remember, Melisandre made that cryptic statement to him a while back "I have to die in this strange land, like you."


I'm fine with the Jon and Dany pairing. :shrug:


What else was there to say between Jaime and Bran? 


As for Tyrion and Davos, eh. The Blackwater was years ago and these characters have long been familiar with losing loved ones. I didn't think much of it. 

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8 hours ago, Brick said:

Could Arya die next week? Maybe make a big sacrifice, killing a bunch of White Walkers before dying herself? Maybe even Sansa could die. What else could their characters do with the remaining season? 


Also were they hinting at a Theon and Sansa romance, or am I just imagining it? 

Sansa at a minimum will survive to run the Stark show up north. Arya will likely live a little longer so we get to see her assassinate more people in the final 3 episodes. There's too much there to lose either of them. No on the Theon/Sansa thing.


Theon, Beric, Jorrah are most certainly dead.  Other side characters are up for grabs such as Greyworm. Ghost is also dead which makes little difference since they hardly even show him! I've been really annoyed they cut him from the show, and the little we got to see him was in the background yesterday. 


Jaime and his little brother will live. Jaime's dynamic with her sister isn't over. I think Brienne may survive because of this, but there is a chance she's also gone.

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58 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

Episode was okay/good. Like last season, the show runners have decided they can't come up with the difficult but fascinating conversations characters should be having (you cut away when Jaimie and Bran finally meet back up and talk? Jorah and Lady Mormont don't get a full conversation? Where the fuck was Varys all episode?). I really enjoyed the Brienne knighting scene, but it's weird to me that Tyrion would recall the Battle of the Blackwater with Davos when it's because of Tyrion that Davos' son died at that battle, and Davos doesn't mention it? Tyrion being super insensitive.


It's stuff like this that shows me that the show has gone full Hollywood blockbuster and isn't Game of Thrones to a degree anymore. What's with all this How to Train Your Dragon lovey-dovey nonsense, etc. The show is putting a lot of stock in Jon and Danaerys' "romance" when neither actor is good enough to carry it (especially Emilia Clarke) and Jon calling Danaerys "Dany" is also way too "hip" for a dark medieval fantasy world and they've barely built up this romance and suddenly it's become a thing. Is anyone really buying it? I've liked the last two episodes, but some serious missteps here as well. 

I agree there were missed opportunities, but it was extremely entertaining to see these characters together again after so long. I have my nitpicks too. Where the fuck has Ghost been? Why has he been sidelined for so damn long? I'm with you on wanting more Bran, with Jaime and Tyrion. I think the bottom line is there are too many characters and only so much screen time. Because of that, and how well many of the interactions did play out, I am more forgiving than you.


My issue with Dany/Jon romance is more related to my general dislike or neutrality to Dany. I like Jon, but Jon never learns and is dumb like his uncle. I guess I never expected much from either of them. When did Dany ever have a good romance? 

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7 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

My issue with Dany/Jon romance is more related to my general dislike or neutrality to Dany. I like Jon, but Jon never learns and is dumb like his uncle. I guess I never expected much from either of them. When did Dany ever have a good romance? 


I'm with you - I do have a general dislike of Dany (in both the books and moreso the show) and the fact Emilia Clarke has no chemistry with any of the "romances" she's had in the show means they should never have pivoted a key romance (Jon and Dany) with her in the first place. But I agree. 

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3 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


I'm with you - I do have a general dislike of Dany (in both the book and moreso the show) and the fact Emilia Clarke has no chemistry with any of the "romances" she's had in the show means they should never have pivoted a kew romance (Jon and Dany) with her in the first place. But I agree. 

I agree that she's really annoying in the book as well. I mostly dread her chapters to be honest. I guess the romance was critical to the story. We can already see the tension it adds coupled with Jon's claim, but I agree it isn't a great romance to say the least. I think Jaime/Brienne is the best romance of the show, and they stole the episode with the knighting scene.  Ygritte/Jon and maybe Sam/Gilly are runner ups? I don't know.

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Doesn't Dany's brother called her Dany? Like, in season one, doesn't he say it right before he gets his golden crown? That said, I have never been a fan of her, and Jon's likeability has gone down. I would be fine with both of them dying. That actually might be my most desirable outcome. And to be fair to Jon, he isn't the only character who's likeability as gone down. There are also characters who I use to dislike but I have liked much more as the show went on.

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My biggest quibble with this episode is that Jon doesn't immediately tell Dany he's not interested in the throne. I certainly understand his hesitance in telling Dany about his parentage, he likes her and it's bound to make things more complicated, but it's a conversation that really should have gone "hey, turns out I'm kinda the rightful King, but I don't really care about that, I don't want to be King, I don't even know how to spell Aegon Targaryen, I just want to make sure the living survive." 


Again, I understand why they can't bury that hatchet. The unreasonable lust for power in the face of death is rather central to the thesis of the show. That's why they keep building up Sansa and her feud with Dany, it's the only reason Jon's parentage matters, it's the driving force behind Cerci. They can't make it simple, but at the same time you know that Jon is thinking it, and I just want him to say it.


All that aside, I enjoyed all the lovely goodbyes we got this week. They certainly set it up such that nearly every scene felt like a farewell. Obviously a lot of folk are gonna die next week, but I'm glad they spent this time to set it all up.


I also find it kinda hilarious that Ghost is back, completely unacknowledged.

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20 minutes ago, Bacon said:

Doesn't Dany's brother called her Dany? Like, in season one, doesn't he say it right before he gets his golden crown? That said, I have never been a fan of her, and Jon's likeability has gone down. I would be fine with both of them dying. That actually might be my most desirable outcome. And to be fair to Jon, he isn't the only character who's likeability as gone down. There are also characters who I use to dislike but I have liked much more as the show went on.


Whether her abusive older brother said it doesn't make Jon using it with her as a term of affection any better. If anything, it makes its usage worse. :p 

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2 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

Just how livid must be GRRM's publisher/editor right about now?  With its conclusion, the series has effectively relegated the books to "fan fiction" territory as it is now the "canon" for the universe.


Their marketing department is even more livid.

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5 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

Just how livid must be GRRM's publisher/editor right about now?  With its conclusion, the series has effectively relegated the books to "fan fiction" territory as it is now the "canon" for the universe.

I imagine their anger is directed to GRRM hosting movie nights of old films at his private theater instead of finishing the series. I can't imagine their frustration. 

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1 hour ago, Kal-El814 said:

That’s... a weird mashup.


They've done Game of Thrones spoofs, but I guess they can get away with more now that HBO actually owns Sesame Street. I approve.


2 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

How on earth do you market "The Winds of Winter" at this point?  What possible campaign is there to generate interest in an alternate-universe conclusion to the series?


Ha...Conclusion to the series. He's never going to finish writing those books.

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2 hours ago, TwinIon said:

My biggest quibble with this episode is that Jon doesn't immediately tell Dany he's not interested in the throne. I certainly understand his hesitance in telling Dany about his parentage, he likes her and it's bound to make things more complicated, but it's a conversation that really should have gone "hey, turns out I'm kinda the rightful King, but I don't really care about that, I don't want to be King, I don't even know how to spell Aegon Targaryen, I just want to make sure the living survive." 


Again, I understand why they can't bury that hatchet. The unreasonable lust for power in the face of death is rather central to the thesis of the show. That's why they keep building up Sansa and her feud with Dany, it's the only reason Jon's parentage matters, it's the driving force behind Cerci. They can't make it simple, but at the same time you know that Jon is thinking it, and I just want him to say it.


All that aside, I enjoyed all the lovely goodbyes we got this week. They certainly set it up such that nearly every scene felt like a farewell. Obviously a lot of folk are gonna die next week, but I'm glad they spent this time to set it all up.


I also find it kinda hilarious that Ghost is back, completely unacknowledged.


He doesn't need to say it, because I'm sure he and Dany are on the same page here. The problem isn't them. It's everyone else. Sansa has made it clear the north doesn't want to bow to a king or queen in King's Landing. They still want Jon as their king and if Jon has the rightful claim for the throne, then that makes Dany's position all the more tepid. The easiest thing in the world to do is just get married and call it a draw, but marriage isn't exactly the right thing to be talking about the night before battle and I'm sure Jon is still struggling with what to think of the whole situation.

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22 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

How on earth do you market "The Winds of Winter" at this point?  What possible campaign is there to generate interest in an alternate-universe conclusion to the series?


You don't, and that's the point. I worked in the campus bookstore in college and movie adaptations always drove tremendous sales, regardless of the quality or content of the adaptation. Most people won't know or care that it is an 'alternative' conclusion, and those that do were the original books fans and thus were going to buy it anyways.

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43 minutes ago, Chris- said:


You don't, and that's the point. I worked in the campus bookstore in college and movie adaptations always drove tremendous sales, regardless of the quality or content of the adaptation. Most people won't know or care that it is an 'alternative' conclusion, and those that do were the original books fans and thus were going to buy it anyways.


Ill definitely buy the book (well, books) but I feel I will need to motivate myself to read it.

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1 hour ago, SFLUFAN said:

How on earth do you market "The Winds of Winter" at this point?  What possible campaign is there to generate interest in an alternate-universe conclusion to the series?


First of all, GRRM's version is the definitive canon. It may not be in the minds of TV only viewers (who don't care about the books anyway), but it certainly is in the mind of book readers. There is a marketing conundrum here, but I am absolutely invested in the book series, even more now that seasons 5 and 7 of the show were subpar. 

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