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I vote we collapse Retro and PC Tech into tags rather than suboards


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If subboards showed up on both the main board page and subboard, they would be solid. But they' don't and tags otherwise handles that role with filtering.


Spamalot, however, makes sense as subboard since the purpose is to contain spam.


What say you Supreme High Chancellor? @SFLUFAN 

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I want to offer the hypothesis that these sub topics would be more active in the main board. It's not that I'm uninterested in them, but I'm going to forget to check them and will miss threads in which I would have otherwise contributed.


If a topic has enough activity that the parent topic and it fight for attention when together, then you should probably have a whole new board, not just a subboard. But that's not the case, and I think by using the suboard you're relegating the topic to obscurity.


Just a thought for those of you who want it separate and are the current active contributors.

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9 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Those of us in the Retro community love our little sub-board. We'd be highly upset to see it go. 


Sorry, Legend, for once, you have a terrible suggestion. 


Damn kids with your... old games...


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I mean, Wade's the one calling the shots on this, but I've always said that I feel like Retro is fundamentally different than a lot of other potential subforum candidates since:

  • it's inherently something that you don't expect frequent, sustained activity on (meaning that the threads will sink)
  • it's not a topic where there's going to be an exogenous cue for everyone who cares to go find the relevant thread (the way that a WWE PPV event will make the wrestling fans go see if there's a thread, for example)

and that you therefore need it separate to keep it visible.


As for Discord, Discord moves too fast to be of use for Retro (see the first bullet).

  • stepee 1
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8 hours ago, Pikachu said:

Retro as a sub board is fine. It's a small board with meaningful content and discussion. Entertainment could be expanded to Entertainment and Technology. Both topics cross relate a lot and will make the board very active.

That's a great idea and I implemented it!


@Emblazon - please adjust the shading on the new "Consumer Technology" prefix when you get the chance.

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8 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Sorry, Wade has spoken. He promised us. 


We enjoy retro discussion and don't want it getting swallowed up in GG, where that would most certainly happen. 


Why do you care so much, anyway? I don't see how it would bother anyone.


Also, fuck discord. 


If you guys feel strongly about it, that's fine. But my reason for caring is simply because on many occasions for other boards or subboards I find I've missed topics I would have otherwise discussed. Having MS and Sony, for example, in GG has made it much easier for me to stay on top of all the boards. The same could be true for retro. If D1P was a big as Neogaf/ResetEra, then I would wholly endorse separate boards, because those boards move way too fast to have just one. But we're not. I don't think those threads would get swallowed so quickly, and I'm be more likely to see them and contribute to them.


I'll add that without the required tags (as it was before) I could understand why you'd still want the sub, because there would then be no way at all to make sure you see the retro-specific stuff. But with tags now, you can. You can just filter it and it takes about just as many clicks as it did before.


Again, if you guys feel strongly otherwise, that's fine. But I honestly think it would be better the other way and I would be more likely to participate (as would possibly others) therby growing the sub community and increasing community discussion in general.

  • stepee 1
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5 hours ago, legend said:


If you guys feel strongly about it, that's fine. But my reason for caring is simply because on many occasions for other boards or subboards I find I've missed topics I would have otherwise discussed. Having MS and Sony, for example, in GG has made it much easier for me to stay on top of all the boards. The same could be true for retro. If D1P was a big as Neogaf/ResetEra, then I would wholly endorse separate boards, because those boards move way too fast to have just one. But we're not. I don't think those threads would get swallowed so quickly, and I'm be more likely to see them and contribute to them.


I'll add that without the required tags (as it was before) I could understand why you'd still want the sub, because there would then be no way at all to make sure you see the retro-specific stuff. But with tags now, you can. You can just filter it and it takes about just as many clicks as it did before.


Again, if you guys feel strongly otherwise, that's fine. But I honestly think it would be better the other way and I would be more likely to participate (as would possibly others) therby growing the sub community and increasing community discussion in general.

There's really no reason for you to miss topics that pop up on that board, if you're so inclined to contribute. I didn't think you cared about that area, anyway.


We enjoy our little community. Just leave it as is. 

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4 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

There's really no reason for you to miss topics that pop up on that board, if you're so inclined to contribute. I didn't think you cared about that area, anyway.


We enjoy our little community. Just leave it as is. 


I mean, there's a limit to this, right? You can over consolidate something or over fragment it. We could fragment our board into separate boards for different genres. Someone could still argue that there is no reason to miss anything, but it simply becomes more annoying to fuss with all that at a point and that will lead to more apathy in searching in general. Same thing here. We just have different lines where we'd put the cut off.


I still play retro games ever now and then. These days, more usually PC retro games, but I did also just buy an NES classic.


I've already said it's fine if you guys feel strongly this way--I'll manage to get over it :p  I'm just explaining why myself (and maybe others) might care even though we don't historically post on the board.

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29 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

You still didn't answer why you'd miss topics with the way things are now. 


But I'm glad you conceded. Wade's word is law. :P 


Also, there's a thread on the NES Classic in GG, so win!


I thought I did, but maybe I didn't express it well. I don't end up going to the subboard often because it's slow moving enough that usually there is nothing to new to see. The consequence of not visiting it often is that I end up missing things when there is something new that would interest.


Maybe that's just me, but my impression is it isn't an uncommon. I've certainly had it happen in the reverse. Post something in a slow board and it gets little to no attention; post it in an active board and lots more people respond. Clearly there were more people interested than was indicated by the slow board, and it's just that they don't visit the slow board often enough to generate the discussion. Given that, I don't think not visiting slow boards and missing relevant topics is only something that happens with me :p 

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15 minutes ago, legend said:


I thought I did, but maybe I didn't express it well. I don't end up going to the subboard often because it's slow moving enough that usually there is nothing to new to see. The consequence of not visiting it often is that I end up missing things when there is something new that would interest.


Maybe that's just me, but my impression is it isn't an uncommon. I've certainly had it happen in the reverse. Post something in a slow board and it gets little to no attention; post it in an active board and lots more people respond. Clearly there were more people interested than was indicated by the slow board, and it's just that they don't visit the slow board often enough to generate the discussion. Given that, I don't think not visiting slow boards and missing relevant topics is only something that happens with me :p 


Seems pretty easy to me to tell whether or not anything new's been posted...



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19 minutes ago, Jason said:


Seems pretty easy to me to tell whether or not anything new's been posted...




That's not actually quite sufficient. It could be new because someone responded to a topic you've already seen but passed on. Or, maybe someone did make a new topic, but then a different one you've seen got bumped above it. Unless you actually go frequently, inevitably you're going to miss something. But since most checks yield no return, frequently checking is a bit silly and annoying.


I really don't think you can make this easily disappear by suggesting people just check more frequently or pay attention more. As far as I can tell, it's a pretty common phenomenon on message boards and I don't see why it would suddenly change.


If the sub community simply doesn't care about that phenomenon, then that's fine. Maybe you guys have reasons for keeping it small that I don't appreciate that are more important to you. Or maybe you actively don't want certain people responding. But I think that's going to be the effect all the same and it's why I would vote to change it.

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6 hours ago, legend said:

I still play retro games ever now and then. These days, more usually PC retro games, ...

Come join us then.. Retro does not mean it only has to be about old console games. I spent a ton of time growing up playing PC games (I kind of feel I'm due for another Build Engine retro play through soon). :D

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I agree with @legend; it seems  completely unnecessary to have a subboard for Retro rather than just a label on General Gaming. Why keep things separate and limit the conversation so artificially? Like legend, I don't always check the Retro subboard repeatedly, but the topics would interest me if I saw them. Simply because "Wade promised" doesn't seem to me like a good enough reason to me... I don't think Wade or anyone else knew of the possibility for category labels when he promised that, and now we have a better solution.


Also like legend, I don't care that much and if that's how it will stay, I won't lose any sleep over it. :p It just seems weird to me to not want to grow the Retro community, given that we have the tools to do so, and IMO the fewer subboards we have, the better. 

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