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The Last Night (great looking Blade Runner-inspired 2.5D game) has run into funding/legal issues

Commissar SFLUFAN

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13 minutes ago, Bacon said:

I mean, I supported gamer gate before it was turned into a meme machine of two groups totally changing what it was all about. Then I just had to sit there frustrated because all the real issues became tossed to the side. 

You were bamboozled my friend. 

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11 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

There never were any "real issues" to begin with.


9 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

You were bamboozled my friend. 


7 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

That must have been an interesting 11 seconds.


I mean TB was pro gamer gate too, but I mean, I can't even remember what Gamer Gate was before it turned into that shit show. I think it was some ethics in journalism or something, but then it wasn't. And I wasn't bamboozled, things just changed because people suck. 

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8 minutes ago, Bacon said:




I mean TB was pro gamer gate too, but I mean, I can't even remember what Gamer Gate was before it turned into that shit show. I think it was some ethics in journalism or something, but then it wasn't. And I wasn't bamboozled, things just changed because people suck. 

It was never actually about ethics. The reason you can’t remember is evidence of the strategy employed working quite well. 

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I don't think the original GamerGate was even a "group," it was just a hashtag about the situation as it unfolded if I remember correctly. Hence the name. It very, very quickly devolved into a lot of shit slinging and people getting into business that wasn't theirs and it just got nasty real fast. Some folks tried to rein it back and make it about ethics in game journalism, which of course quickly became a snide and sarcastic meme, so at that point anyone supporting it was labelled as a "supporter of GamerGate," which basically meant sexist, hated minorities, hated trans people, etc, which, while it was clearly a bad idea at this point to associate yourself with that tag, I found to be an extremely gross and dishonest tactic that didn't help the anti-GamerGate push anymore than the "ethics in game journalism" helped the pro-push, which at this point should've been abandoned by most people because it was basically toxic sludge.


You had the stigma from that follow TotalBiscuit around until after his death as people assumed he fucking hated trans and women, which, to anyone that actually knew anything about the man, couldn't be further from the truth. Smear tactics are bullshit and guilt-by-association is a shitty shotgun approach that any decent person should be ashamed of using in any case I can think of. But the entire concept of context was lost on that shitshow before it even began.


Also, this game has a really cool art style. It's like if the people who made Octopath Traveler actually had artistic talent instead of just slapping a thousand generic shader effects from last gen all over some spritework. Although I can't say anything about the gameplay itself as I don't think I saw any in that footage.

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13 hours ago, Paperclyp said:

Shouldn’t derail this thread though - I do wonder if MS pulled funding for some reason related to the guy’s politics though. 

I highly doubt that if MS pulled the funding that his politics had anything to do with it.  It's more than likely that the team kept missing development milestones.

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40 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

I highly doubt that if MS pulled the funding that his politics had anything to do with it.  It's more than likely that the team kept missing development milestones.

I'll be honest, I'm completely out of the loop with this whole GamerGate thing and industry talk in general. I wasn't interested in video games at all during that era and missed it and frankly don't have an interest in any of it now. My question is I guess if whatever this guy's stances egregious enough for a company like MS to potentially pull funding? 


And I kind of forgot no gameplay had even been shown so maybe my interest for this was entirely premature anyway. It sure looked amazing though. 

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1 hour ago, Bloodporne said:

I'll be honest, I'm completely out of the loop with this whole GamerGate thing and industry talk in general. I wasn't interested in video games at all during that era and missed it and frankly don't have an interest in any of it now. My question is I guess if whatever this guy's stances egregious enough for a company like MS to potentially pull funding? 


And I kind of forgot no gameplay had even been shown so maybe my interest for this was entirely premature anyway. It sure looked amazing though. 

I don’t think he was to the point of being so extreme that companies wouldn’t work with him. People had pulled up old tweets of his supporting GG and I think being like an anti feminist. I don’t think he’s terribly old, and these were like from 2014. I don’t really remember what my worldview was like when I was 16-17, but I’m positive I was an ignorant fool. 


I think he was in a spot where you could legitimately give him a chance. 

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3 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

I don’t think he was to the point of being so extreme that companies wouldn’t work with him. People had pulled up old tweets of his supporting GG and I think being like an anti feminist. I don’t think he’s terribly old, and these were like from 2014. I don’t really remember what my worldview was like when I was 16-17, but I’m positive I was an ignorant fool. 


I think he was in a spot where you could legitimately give him a chance. 

Which is why I'm pretty convinced that if MS stopped funding that it's entirely do to development issues such as not hitting milestones.

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3 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

I don’t think he was to the point of being so extreme that companies wouldn’t work with him. People had pulled up old tweets of his supporting GG and I think being like an anti feminist. I don’t think he’s terribly old, and these were like from 2014. I don’t really remember what my worldview was like when I was 16-17, but I’m positive I was an ignorant fool. 


I think he was in a spot where you could legitimately give him a chance. 

I'm extremely thankful for social media and all sorts of other forms of online records not really existing, or me engaging in them yet, at that age. That would be not good. 


What @SFLUFAN is suggesting sounds much more plausible. Especially in light of there not having been real gameplay footage yet. I don't know shit about development but those visuals look incredibly labor intensive so maybe that got away from them. No Man's Sky style where they simply forgot to actually make a game to go with their radically tubular concept. 

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  • 4 years later...
26 minutes ago, SoberChef said:

Just wanted to bump this in case we get confirmation that this game will actually release sometime in 2023.


I wouldn't hold your breath.


Steam page says TBA, the publisher's website doesn't even have the game on there and their own website says



Release date

When it's ready. To create something truly unique, we're taking the time to experiment, fail, learn, and grow as creators.


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  • 1 year later...
1 hour ago, crispy4000 said:

I keep getting this game and Replaced mixed up in my head.


That's hardly surprising considering how very strikingly similar both games appear graphically and thematically.


In fact, when REPLACED was revealed at the Xbox presentation in June 2021 , practically everyone made the observation that it was intended to "replace" The Last Night in Microsoft's library.


Of course, the similarity became even more apparent when the developers announced in August 2023 that the release was being delayed to 2024 (after a previous May 2022 announcement of a release delay to 2023) and we haven't heard anything from them since!

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