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Wolfenstein 2 on Switch: can mobile hardware really run a cutting-edge shooter?


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3 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

He said it doesn't "look" any better, and from there I can see where you're coming from. But in context everything he says makes sense and isn't misinformation. He describes what upscaling is, which further confuses Dan and Abby lol. But when he was saying it doesn't look "better" he was saying that it is upscaling it, not running it natively at that resolution. 


The S? Everything I'm reading, including MS's own support page, states the S only upscales. So if that's wrong, do you have a source?


If you had Jeff in the room with you he would say you can tell a difference, he would say something like "OF COURSE!" He never says in that whole thing there's not a difference. He in fact goes into what the differences is! 


https://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinmurnane/2018/04/14/red-dead-redemption-raises-the-bar-for-xbox-one-x-enhanced-xbox-360-games/#9ca43aa45557 - states native there, can find more if you like

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7 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

Yeah...that's the X, not the S. 

From the article: “Red Dead looks a lot better even if played on an Xbox One S where it displays at native 1080p (1920 X 1080), a substantial improvement over the original 720”


Edit: I assume they mention upscaling only (which again literally everything does so there wouldn’t be a point in having a video to begin with if that is what was happening) on the Xbox S page because most 360 games don’t run in 1080p on S native and it’s new.

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1 minute ago, The def star said:

The S will run Native 1080p


1 minute ago, stepee said:

From the article: “Red Dead looks a lot better even if played on an Xbox One S where it displays at native 1080p (1920 X 1080), a substantial improvement over the original 720”

OK thanks - this is the piece I needed to see. 


So is this specific to Red Dead or does the S do this with all games?

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I don’t know if it’s all of them, but it would only apply to a game that received an X patch. It’s more of a side effect of the X enhancements that they added but didn’t really talk about much because “now runs 8 360 games in 1080p!” isn’t really much a of a selling point so they concentrate on the 4k bulletpoint on X.

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I don’t actually care about him or his knowledge one way or the other, I just hate when people misuse mentioning upscaling still so I had to chime in :P


Resolutions are going to get really complicated to talk about with temporal, reconstruction, dynamic, things like checkerboarding, so this will all get much more annoying!


Edit: This is mostly all a good thing though! The variety of techniques used to even get this game running here is all pretty savvy.

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Yeah RDR upscales on the S but doesn't have all the bells and whistles that are exclusive to the X version like the 16x anistropic filtering, so if you want to say hey you want to play this game and it will look amazing you would say you won't see it looking amazing if you're playing on the S.

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9 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Yeah RDR upscales on the S but doesn't have all the bells and whistles that are exclusive to the X version like the 16x anistropic filtering, so if you want to say hey you want to play this game and it will look amazing you would say you won't see it looking amazing if you're playing on the S.


It does upscale if you have a tv higher than 1080p. But it also renders in a higher resolution!

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2 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

Are we done calling shitty, terrible ports miraculous yet? Wow, it's a miracle, they did it, but no one wants it, so who fucking cares? I want good games, not crap so compromised that it's embarrassing. 

Just because you dont want it, doesn't mean others don't.  DOOM sold well, according to Bethesda, regardless of what you think is compromised or embarrassing.  The switch community seems to be ok with lesser ports, remasters, indies and Nintendo exclusives. Gamers seem happy and companies supporting Switch are making money. Win win.

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6 hours ago, AndrewDean84 said:

Just because you dont want it, doesn't mean others don't.  DOOM sold well, according to Bethesda, regardless of what you think is compromised or embarrassing.  The switch community seems to be ok with lesser ports, remasters, indies and Nintendo exclusives. Gamers seem happy and companies supporting Switch are making money. Win win.

Win-win? Maybe if you don't give a shit about getting new, good games.


See, most games that are shit, I don't care. Why would I? But here we have an instance of good developers wasting time on shitty ports instead of providing new, meaningful experiences tailored to the platform. This is a win-win for the developers, who port over whatever the fuck they shit out of a compiler and then get praised for it being a "miracle" that it works, but gamers? I guess someone, somewhere out there is theoretically happy with this situation. As a Switch owner, I am not. I think this is bullshit and might set a very distressing trend of crappy ports that everyone praises despite the fact that they're unplayable blurry piles of shit.

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3 hours ago, AndrewDean84 said:

Just because you dont want it, doesn't mean others don't.  DOOM sold well, according to Bethesda, regardless of what you think is compromised or embarrassing.  The switch community seems to be ok with lesser ports, remasters, indies and Nintendo exclusives. Gamers seem happy and companies supporting Switch are making money. Win win.

Do you have a link?  I’d heard it only sold ~80k at launch and less than 200k (incl digital) by Xmas

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5 minutes ago, mikechorney said:

Where does he talk about Bethesda being happy about Doom sales on Switch?  I read a bunch of vague/generic throwaway comments. (I may have missed it though. )


Oh this will definitely their best-selling thing’, but we saw it early, we felt like there was something we could support and our games would resonate, and they have, and obviously Nintendo’s crushing it with their hardware sales which is great."

It was the first article that came up on google.  There were others as well. Worth a google.

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