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Dragon Age: The Veilguard (f.k.a Dreadwolf/a.k.a "Dragon Effect" | All Hallows' Eve 2024) - Information Thread, update (10/15): PC Requirements and Global Launch times

Commissar SFLUFAN

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3 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

What's your point? The first two Zelda games were made when console gaming was in its infancy. I literally just played the original Zelda last week. The basic gameplay loop that we all know and love is there, but they didn't know how to tie it all together because they were still making arcade games. So, by modern standards, the original Zelda kind of sucks. But they didn't know any better.

My point is context. I played the first Zelda as a kid when it came out and at the time it was like nothing else we were playing or had ever played before. It was one of the earliest attempts at what would later be known as the action RPG genre. A LOT of things "suck by modern standards" because technology improves and techniques get refined but judging a 30 year old game that started a series that endures to this day and saying it sucks is kinda looking at it wrong in my opinion. It's what was drilled into us in film history classes in school... judge a work in the context of the time it came out, not by modern standards especially when looking at technical aspects of that work. Shit, Zelda was revolutionary at the time for the simple fact that the cartridge had a battery back up that allowed you to save your progress which was UNHEARD of at the time. So I respectfully disagree that the game sucked because they didn't know what they were doing. They knew what they were doing at the time and ended up making one of the most historically significant games in the medium. That's not my opinion, that's history.

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2 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

My point is context. I played the first Zelda as a kid when it came out and at the time it was like nothing else we were playing or had ever played before. It was one of the earliest attempts at what would later be known as the action RPG genre. A LOT of things "suck by modern standards" because technology improves and techniques get refined but judging a 30 year old game that started a series that endures to this day and saying it sucks is kinda looking at it wrong in my opinion. It's what was drilled into us in film history classes in school... judge a work in the context of the time it came out, not by modern standards especially when looking at technical aspects of that work. Shit, Zelda was revolutionary at the time for the simple fact that the cartridge had a battery back up that allowed you to save your progress which was UNHEARD of at the time. So I respectfully disagree that the game sucked because they didn't know what they were doing. They knew what they were doing at the time and ended up making one of the most historically significant games in the medium. That's not my opinion, that's history.

Sure, it's history, and I can appreciate it for that fact. It's also not really that satisfying to play. I'm playing through the original Phantasy Star right now and it's the same thing. Do I appreciate it? Yes. On a micro level, it's fun. Like, battles are fun. On a macro level... not really. It kind of sucks. Random kemco garbage that gets released these days is a more rewarding experience. Standing on the shoulders of giants and whatnot.


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40 minutes ago, DarkStar189 said:

With the track record of EA and Bioware games, I really wish/hope nobody preorders this game. These companies have such a shit track record. I'm still pretty burned by Battlefield. 

I kinda hate the attitude towards pre-orders these days. Pretty much every digital store offers refunds now and if you are going to get the game no matter what, you might as well pre-order it. Like, I have never canceled a pre-order online or at a store because I'm going to get the game at launch anyway. I most certainly am not waiting for some reviews from a shill review website. And not that it is a huge deal, but pretty much any game you don't get at launch will be spoiled for you if you use youtube, reddit, twitch, or twitter.


I mean, of course I'm not going to pre-order this game, but that is because at the moment of writing this I'm not going to get it. 


I do regret pre-ordering ELEX 2, but @Mr.Vic20 could have time traveled to the past and warned me and I still would have gotten the game.

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8 minutes ago, Bacon said:

I kinda hate the attitude towards pre-orders these days. Pretty much every digital store offers refunds now and if you are going to get the game no matter what, you might as well pre-order it. Like, I have never canceled a pre-order online or at a store because I'm going to get the game at launch anyway. I most certainly am not waiting for some reviews from a shill review website. And not that it is a huge deal, but pretty much any game you don't get at launch will be spoiled for you if you use youtube, reddit, twitch, or twitter.


I mean, of course I'm not going to pre-order this game, but that is because at the moment of writing this I'm not going to get it. 


I do regret pre-ordering ELEX 2, but @Mr.Vic20 could have time traveled to the past and warned me and I still would have gotten the game.

It still stings that E2 is half the game E1 was! 

  • True 1
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39 minutes ago, Bacon said:

Also, Zelda 1 sucked. Final Fantasy came out a year later and is a far better game. 

Final Fantasy is definitely a superior product, but I would argue they both had the basic gameplay loop down while failing to figure out how to tie it into an experience that felt rewarding when you finish. It wasn't until Link to the Past/Final Fantasy IV that they really nailed it, and those both came out in the same year. I think, don't quote me on that.

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I didn’t like The Legend of Zelda or The Adventure of Link back in the day, I thought that they were boring. However, I really liked A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. Those are about the only Zelda games that I like, I haven’t played Breath of the Wild.

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4 hours ago, Bacon said:

I kinda hate the attitude towards pre-orders these days. Pretty much every digital store offers refunds now and if you are going to get the game no matter what, you might as well pre-order it. Like, I have never canceled a pre-order online or at a store because I'm going to get the game at launch anyway. I most certainly am not waiting for some reviews from a shill review website. And not that it is a huge deal, but pretty much any game you don't get at launch will be spoiled for you if you use youtube, reddit, twitch, or twitter.


I mean, of course I'm not going to pre-order this game, but that is because at the moment of writing this I'm not going to get it. 


I do regret pre-ordering ELEX 2, but @Mr.Vic20 could have time traveled to the past and warned me and I still would have gotten the game.

I play mostly Playstation and I think their refund policy only applies if you have never fired up the game. How was I supposed to know Battlefield was launching unfinished? It is more of a Sony console problem. But between Anthem, Mass Effect, and Battlefield, there is no way I'm giving money to this game without solid impressions beforehand. 

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My Zelda ranking, granted I've never played majora's mask (I know, sacrilege), oracles, or spirit tracks:


Ocarina of Time

Minish Cap

Wind Waker

Link to the Past

Twilight Princess

Link's awakening

Skyward Sword

Four Swords adventures

Breath of the wild

First two

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  • 4 months later...
50 minutes ago, Bacon said:

I'd bet Holiday season 2023 or Spring 2024, but I'm not really sure exactly what an Alpha stage is for a single player game.

The article states that Alpha stage means the game is playable from beginning to end. Most rumors say Holiday 2023. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Dragon Age: Dreadwolf - Information Thread, update: "Who is the Dread Wolf?" teaser trailer
On 6/3/2022 at 11:52 AM, skillzdadirecta said:

It's what was drilled into us in film history classes in school... judge a work in the context of the time it came out, not by modern standards especially when looking at technical aspects of that work.

Ehhh. I think appreciating something for its historical value is good, but you can judge it by whatever standards you want. I'm not gonna pretend Atari games don't suck shit because they were amazing and revolutionary at the time. That isn't judging them by modern or historical standards, it's judging them by my own standards, which also shift and flow over time.

Trying to remove yourself from the context of the world as it is and your current viewpoint to get some sort of fabled objective sense of a product or piece of art, to me, is a fool's errand. I think it's far more valuable to, instead of building this comfy cushion of caveats on why something actually isn't bad because of historical context, we instead look at those same pieces of art, and separate them into ones that withstood the test of time and those that didn't, and suss out how we can also make timeless pieces.

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11 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

Trying to remove yourself from the context of the world as it is and your current viewpoint to get some sort of fabled objective sense of a product or piece of art, to me, is a fool's errand. I think it's far more valuable to, instead of building this comfy cushion of caveats on why something actually isn't bad because of historical context, we instead look at those same pieces of art, and separate them into ones that withstood the test of time and those that didn't, and suss out how we can also make timeless pieces.

And that's fine for other pieces of art I think. But when you're dealing with art that is limited by the technological limitations of the time, such as videogames and movies in particular, I DO think it's a bit unfair to judge those works by more current works that came later and didn't have the disadvantage of those limitations and budgets especially when a lot of the more contemporary works had the added advantage of being able to build off of what the prior works established. It's all subjective anyway, but as someone who has grown up with videogames and can actually remember how innovative a game like the first Legend of Zelda was at the time I played it as a kid, it's hard for me to look back on that game from a modern perspective and simply say "It sucks." That to me is unfair and reductive. Art history is taught for a reason but I digress. Art is also subjective so anyone who DOES think those older games "suck" because of the technical limitations of the time, unfair or not, are not wrong. They're just people I disagree with and really don't have any interest in engaging with about that particular subject because we have radically differing views on the topic and probably would waste each other's time trying to get the other to see our viewpoints. Best to move on...


Anywho, I'm gonna do start the marathon once I have a good idea of a date. May even play the series on PC... I know Dragon Age Origins had some differences on PC than console. I believe there was a more tactical, over head camera angle you could use if you wanted to. Consoles didn't have that so I may try it there.

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6 minutes ago, Bacon said:

Playing DAO on PC was hella rad after playing it on console. I remember watching videos on YT of DAO on PC and wishing my console game looked like that. It was one of the first purchases I made when I got my first gaming PC. 

SOLD. Next playthrough will be on PC. It has an isometric view right? Or something like that?

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2 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

SOLD. Next playthrough will be on PC. It has an isometric view right? Or something like that?

Yeah. TBH, I didn't use it much. I was mostly meaning it just visually looked far better than what I was playing on my 360. 

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18 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Plus on PC you can skip the fade!

I've played it 3 times on PC and I've skipped the fade every time. Next time I play, since it has been 8 years, I don't think I will. 



At least I think it has been 8 years. I might have played it on EA Origin some time after that. 


Edit: lol


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Dragon Age: Origins is a decent bit different (and a good bit better) than the console versions of the same. This was the same period as Jade Empire, then KOTOR and then Mass Effect 1 before DA:O where BioWare was a primarily PC game developer who was slowly making ports of their PC focused games for the console market. Mass Effect 1 on PC is also a decent bit different than Mass Effect 1 as it was originally on consoles - mostly in how it controls. The controls on PC are a marked improvement over the console versions (it's clear the gameplay was built first and foremost around mouse and keyboard controls in both ME1 and DA:O) and you do get things like an isometric option in DA:O and it's much easier to control and switch between party members on PC. This trend changes with the much more streamlined (and arguably gameplay-wise less complex) Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 2, whose gameplay, options, and controls dropped the PC-focused nature of the previous games and how they worked where there was more emphasis on stat rolling and D&D like PC game mechanics - all that was dropped or smoothed out for DA2 and ME2. You can probably blame publisher EA at the time for this, who saw two potentially blockbuster franchises to make money off of and likely told the PC-focused BioWare to make these franchises more accessible with their sequels by streamlining the gameplay (and streamlining the PC jank that's kind of part of the charm of ME1 and DA:O). 


Also with DA:O on PC you get the modding community where there are some great mods as well and playing the game up close with a PC monitor makes the game much easier to see and track and play on than playing like 12 feet away, even on a big screen TV. I played ME1 originally on Xbox 360 and later in life on PC, and I played DA:O originally on PS3 and then later in life on PC. The PC experiences of both were significantly better, whereas I felt ME2 on Xbox 360 was just fine at the time and felt comparable to what I played again on PC later in life.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't know if I can really get hyped about this. Dragon Age: Origins is one of my favorite games of all time, then EA was immediately like "we'll never make THAT kind of game again," so they made Dragon Age II. That game kind of sucked/was rushed, so they made Dragon Age: Inquisition, which If I'm being really honest reeeeeaally wasn't that fun? It felt like the game had a lot of busy work to pad out the run time. I wanted to love it so much at the time, but in retrospect I'm like... it was okay.


When EA bought BioWare, they did that thing big companies do where they buy another company because they want to sell their products, but then they tell that company to stop making those products.

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