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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate review thread


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1 hour ago, Emblazon said:

Anyone having any issues with double jump when falling? Sometimes my second jump just won't work. 


Also, any tips for not falling?

A lot of it takes playing the game and having a good feel for your fighter. If you’re falling a ton you can use somebody like Kirby or Ness. They can get back on the map easier than most. 

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Sounds at least as bad as Smash 4's, which wasn't great.  Congrats Nintendo, you lost a subscription sale.

... I'm sad to also say that Icons died.  Got review bombed by 4chan and was subsequently shut down.  That's a real shame, because even though it had some input lag (apparently Ultimate's is as bad or worse!), the rollback netcode was legit.  Their 3-player free for all matchmaking was awesome for the short while it was a thing.  Even with 3 players it still felt better than any Smash game I've played online in any circumstance.

All this makes me sad that I even enjoy these games.  I just want to have fun playing platform fighters online.  Nintendo seemingly doesn't give a shit about that, and the fanbase isn't willing to support games that actually do it right.

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I have had a match or two with randos that has had a few hiccups that run that bad, but never entire matches. There is a consistent input delay of what feels like a million years but I imagine is actually closer to maybe 150-200ms. I have been able to adjust to it for the most part, but a true wired connection would probably provide a much, much smoother experience. The guy talks about him being on a hardwired connection, but I'm pretty sure to do that with the Switch you need to use a USB thing which actually makes things worse, don't you? I recall that because of how it communicates or something like that, you end up at best maybe slightly better with optimal conditions, although it's been a while so I could be wrong or misremembering.

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Played for several hours offline today.  The game’s pace stops just short of Melee thanks to quicker attacks and faster movement than 4, but what the game gains in speed it lacks in responsiveness.  I’m assuming the 6+ frames of input lag have a lot to do with it.  Here’s hoping that Nintendo can improve it, because the game could (and should) feel soo much better.  The level 9 CPU’s do put up a good challenge, but it doesn’t feel like they are working with the same handicap at all.


Overall I’m enjoying it more than I thought it would, but it is rough around the edges at the moment.  Here’s hoping a fix is in the works.

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I'm still unlocking dudes.  Haven't found my boy, Luigi yet.  As soon as I do it's over for all y'all. :cool:


Some of these spirit challenges are straight up impossible.  The Sonic+Pink Spirally Throw His Head assist trophy guy I still can' get past in Adventure mode.  And I ran into one on the spirit board that was "Floor is Lava" which isn't bad except the map was final destination. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?!

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11 minutes ago, Slug said:

I'm still unlocking dudes.  Haven't found my boy, Luigi yet.  As soon as I do it's over for all y'all. :cool:


Some of these spirit challenges are straight up impossible.  The Sonic+Pink Spirally Throw His Head assist trophy guy I still can' get past in Adventure mode.  And I ran into one on the spirit board that was "Floor is Lava" which isn't bad except the map was final destination. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?!


You need a support spirit that makes you immune to lava floors. Just wait till you get to “avoids conflict” Peach on the NES Donkey Kong level. Took me forever.

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1 hour ago, Spork3245 said:


You need a support spirit that makes you immune to lava floors. Just wait till you get to “avoids conflict” Peach on the NES Donkey Kong level. Took me forever.

I've gotten a spirit that gives immunity to every type of floor except lava so far.  I've gotten "reduces lava floor damage" spirits, but no immunity.  And since the problem is less about the damage and more about constantly getting popped in the air they do me no good.  I'm sure I'll find a lava immunity eventually.



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7 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

I have had a match or two with randos that has had a few hiccups that run that bad, but never entire matches. There is a consistent input delay of what feels like a million years but I imagine is actually closer to maybe 150-200ms. I have been able to adjust to it for the most part, but a true wired connection would probably provide a much, much smoother experience. The guy talks about him being on a hardwired connection, but I'm pretty sure to do that with the Switch you need to use a USB thing which actually makes things worse, don't you? I recall that because of how it communicates or something like that, you end up at best maybe slightly better with optimal conditions, although it's been a while so I could be wrong or misremembering.


I thought the online in Smash 4 was pretty bad.  A huge improvement over Brawl, but trash nonetheless.

How does the online feel compared to 4?

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Feels good to me so far. I haven't played online and I'm not likely to. Still, it says something about Smash Bros that this game still can get people to sit down and play for a while. My brother and his wife were over and they played with me for quite a while, and I can't remember the last time that happened. 


I'm so glad I googled around and found the place in the menu you can re-challenge fighters. I'm not great at this game, and I lost a lot of those matches. I've been playing one on one, single stock, no items against lvl 8 CPUs to practice unlocking characters, and I'm getting better, but I still lose regularly.


Playing world of light is odd. Level difficulty is all over the place, the map is a maze, and I don't like that you have to back out of the whole thing to unlock new characters.

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I just want to say that I think this game is absolutely incredible. The whole package of music, multiplayer options (so good that you can customize them with a shit load of options and name/save them), number of characters, map selection, nods to all these classic games, etc. Damn.


Just the sheer chaos of ridiculous shit on screen with like the quest 64 dude fighting an obscure Pokémon on shadow moses while samus throws a bobomb at the duck hunt dog... I just sit and play with a stupid grin on my face. 


I really like the stages where you’re playing on classic levels too. It’s surreal in a great way. Oh and I think the gameplay is just fantastic. I love the speed of it (not too fast, not too slow). 

  • stepee 2
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On 12/8/2018 at 12:53 PM, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I fall way too much with Little Mac, but it feels so good to punch my opponents. 


Ness and Ike are my other favorites. 


Gah, yeah totally.  I can't recover worth shit with Little Mac but he's so damn fun to play (other than falling to my death three times).


Been having fun with King K. Rool, he seems pretty damn strong.



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1 hour ago, Paperclyp said:

I just want to say that I think this game is absolutely incredible. The whole package of music, multiplayer options (so good that you can customize them with a shit load of options and name/save them), number of characters, map selection, nods to all these classic games, etc. Damn.


Just the sheer chaos of ridiculous shit on screen with like the quest 64 dude fighting an obscure Pokémon on shadow moses while samus throws a bobomb at the duck hunt dog... I just sit and play with a stupid grin on my face. 


I really like the stages where you’re playing on classic levels too. It’s surreal in a great way. Oh and I think the gameplay is just fantastic. I love the speed of it (not too fast, not too slow). 


Quest 64 dude? There is no Quest 64 dude. Are you thinking of Ness from Earthbound? 

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3 hours ago, Amazatron said:


Gah, yeah totally.  I can't recover worth shit with Little Mac but he's so damn fun to play (other than falling to my death three times).


Been having fun with King K. Rool, he seems pretty damn strong.



Yeah King K. Rool and Bowser are my go to characters. 


When does the first dlc drop? I need to purchase the battle pass. 

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