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~Rate The Last Movie/TV Show You Watched Thread~

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9 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:

If someone wants to watch good South Korean TV dramas, go watch Goblin and Mr. Sunshine (on Netflix).


I thought you were saying Goblin was on Netflix and I got kinda excited.


No worries though because you can watch a great many of them on Viki.com :thumbup:

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Captain Marvel - 8.5/10 - 
The movie was really good. Solid mid-tier MCU movie. 

For the negative comments I’d read/heard I disagreed with them. I didn’t have the same problems with the film that some people seem to have. If you like MCU movies, you’ll like this one too. 

I thought the characters were good, the actors were good, Sam Jackson was awesome, the tone was good, the visual effects were good, moments were earned, the story was good and subverted my expectations in several ways. Yup. Good movie.

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a lot better than I was expecting. If you always wanted to see John Cena butt chug a beer now you can.





Mortal engines


yeah it is not good. Silly universes can sometimes work if the other pieces are there but they are not in this case. I know this is based on a series of books and it certainly feels like they used two different ones for the plot, there is a sub-villain that appears for the middle half of the movie that really feels tacked in there.



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I knew absolutely zero, I mean really zero, about this when I decided to go to the theater with a friend last night. I meant to watch The Favourite which was unfortunately sold out. 


I have no idea if it was meant to be semi-satire, ironic...whatever, but I found it to be a not-much-of-anything mixture of aimless, pedestrian, played out and worst of all just boring. I can't even remember how many times I've seen these story beats and ideas on screen and unless this was meant as a satire that just never worked, the plot holes are the only entertaining part.


Also, apparently Chloe Grace Moretz annoys me as an actress on a fundamental level and I have no idea why. The movie itself is technically competent and all that but it just did nothing for me at all so...



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After Life - The new Ricky Gervais show on Netflix gets a 7.5/10. Not the most original setup but there are some very lovely emotional moments.


Boy Erased - 8.0/10. Well written, well acted, interesting and scary-because-it's-real story.

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On 3/10/2019 at 7:57 AM, elbobo said:


Mortal engines


yeah it is not good. Silly universes can sometimes work if the other pieces are there but they are not in this case. I know this is based on a series of books and it certainly feels like they used two different ones for the plot, there is a sub-villain that appears for the middle half of the movie that really feels tacked in there.




wow, you overrated that one big time! Mortal Engines is without a doubt the worst movie I saw last year

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AFTER LIFE :star::star::star::star::star:

God damn you Netflix and Ricky Gervais. I never wanted to laugh and cry so much for a tv show until I watched this amazing series. He plays a man so far beyond being just depressed/suicidal. He has pretty much given up on how you treat people, what a life is really worth, and the overall treatment of the sick. Great line about how you see your dog suffering from illness and put him down to rid them of their pain/misery, but can’t apply that same ethical treatment on someone with dimentia/Alzheimer’s This will hit you hard, especially if you have lost anyone close to you recently.

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Strange Days


Had never seen this one before. Released in 1995 and set in the far flung future of 1999 where you can download and experience people's memories. Hidden cuts in "long" takes are quite common now but they must have been fairly mind blowing in this film when it was released. The story and characters are decent, overall a solid film.







A horror anthology telling 5 stories. As with most anthologies the quality varies from part to part.



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Saw Captain Marvel tonight and really enjoyed it. At least after my initial viewing I can't think of anything to criticize, except for maybe the weird running, which only was noticeable to me because people here pointed it out. :lol:  Solid action, Brie Larson was great, and you really have a sense of her power. 8/10

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On 3/16/2019 at 6:11 PM, Nokra said:

Saw Captain Marvel tonight and really enjoyed it. At least after my initial viewing I can't think of anything to criticize, except for maybe the weird running, which only was noticeable to me because people here pointed it out. :lol:  Solid action, Brie Larson was great, and you really have a sense of her power. 8/10


Funny you say that, because I kind of felt like she seemed kind of underpowered from what they showed. 

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On 3/16/2019 at 4:44 AM, elbobo said:

Strange Days


Had never seen this one before. Released in 1995 and set in the far flung future of 1999 where you can download and experience people's memories. Hidden cuts in "long" takes are quite common now but they must have been fairly mind blowing in this film when it was released. The story and characters are decent, overall a solid film.


Pretty sure I saw it back in the day on VHS. :p

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On 3/16/2019 at 6:44 AM, elbobo said:

Strange Days


Had never seen this one before. Released in 1995 and set in the far flung future of 1999 where you can download and experience people's memories. Hidden cuts in "long" takes are quite common now but they must have been fairly mind blowing in this film when it was released. The story and characters are decent, overall a solid film.







I love Strange Days

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Love Death and Robots: Season One 4.25/5


Cool anthology series on Netflix and from David Fincher. Overall they had some great shorts and a couple that were meh. Love the different animation styles included and felt like watching The Animatrix but with no central plot to anything. 

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7 hours ago, EternallDarkness said:


Funny you say that, because I kind of felt like she seemed kind of underpowered from what they showed. 

Are you comparing her to her character in the comics? I've never read those so maybe that is an important difference? I was mostly thinking of how powerful she was compared to at the beginning of the film. :)

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4 hours ago, Nokra said:

Are you comparing her to her character in the comics? I've never read those so maybe that is an important difference? I was mostly thinking of how powerful she was compared to at the beginning of the film. :)


Honestly it's been forever since I read any  comics (though I do recall her being a beast in some of them, pretty sure I remember her destroying a moon or a planet at some point), but I'm just referring to when the movie got announced and the articles were talking about how her character would now be the most powerful marvel character to date (which I took to mean the most powerful good guy), and yet to me I don't think she came off that powerful. Certainly she didn't really display anything more impressive than we've already seen, though of course she wasn't facing any sort of 'big baddie' so she could have been pulling her punches. I know she's definitely more durable than many of those we've seen before. As for her being more powerful at the end of the film, definitely. She no longer had that inhibitor or whatever the Kree had put on her. 

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Troy the director's cut


all 185 minutes of it and that is not counting the ending credits. There is some old school grand hollywood movie making here saddled with a lot of bad dialogue and occasionally odd performance moments, Peter O'toole faints like a woman overcome by the vapors at one point, it is supposed to be this extremely dramatic moment but I just laughed my ass off. The battle scenes are solid but often just seem to end, the one on one fights are well done. The sacking of Troy is probably wee a lot of stuff got put back in because it is pretty brutal.



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2 hours ago, elbobo said:

Troy the director's cut


all 185 minutes of it and that is not counting the ending credits. There is some old school grand hollywood movie making here saddled with a lot of bad dialogue and occasionally odd performance moments, Peter O'toole faints like a woman overcome by the vapors at one point, it is supposed to be this extremely dramatic moment but I just laughed my ass off. The battle scenes are solid but often just seem to end, the one on one fights are well done. The sacking of Troy is probably wee a lot of stuff got put back in because it is pretty brutal.



I still couldnt figure out whom to root for in this film...Hector was the closest thing...


watching Orlando get slapped around in a house full of his fan girls was funny back in the day

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Searching for Bobby Fisher 10/10..

Such a great movie.. Laurence Fishburne is great as always...the 2 opposing philosophies pulling at Josh...  "always play on the edge of defeat".."play the man not the board"..soo good... a movie about chess that isnt about chess.


An Officer an a Gentleman...10/10  louis gossett jr, is so good as DI Foley...the breakdown during the hazing weekend is still so good.. Its fun seeing the hottie from Beverly Hills cop play the frumpy trainee/candidate in this..


A Soldiers Story...10/10   A black Master Sergeant in a company of black soldiers during WW2 is killed and a black officer is sent to investigate...racism, self hate?..so good. Very young Denzel is already excellent in this...but Adolph Caesar as Sgt Waters is next level here... very complicated and complex character...


I'd almost taken for granted how GREAT these movies are.

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On 3/17/2019 at 11:18 PM, silentbob said:

Love Death and Robots: Season One 4.25/5


Cool anthology series on Netflix and from David Fincher. Overall they had some great shorts and a couple that were meh. Love the different animation styles included and felt like watching The Animatrix but with no central plot to anything. 

I have watched this 3 times now and outside maybe 1 story they all range from good to fantastic. 


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triple movie saturday


Midnight Special


I went in blind and recommend you do as well. All i will say is that is a good movie and you should give it a watch







well it is better than batman vs superman and justice league but those are very low bars to clear. The last 20 minutes or so was wonderfully over the top, wish the rest of the movie was like it. There sure was a lot of lava underwater





Into the Spiderverse


loved it, the writing was hilarious, characters are fantastic.The animation style with the comicbook panels and word bubbles was outstanding, the low frame rate annoyed the hell out of me though.



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Shazam! Tons of fun/10


I saw this Saturday night at a Fandango screening. I'm in the extreme minority on my opinion of the DCEU movies that came out before Aquaman, but for everybody who hated most of that stuff I think they have lots to look forward to. DC has now released 2 crowd-pleasing films in a row, and it would appear Walter Hamada has the universe on track after the rocky "phase one" stuff (I know they don't call Man of Steel through Justice League 'phase one', but we gotta call it something). Levi is wonderful in the role, and it's a very fun film. Not all of the special effects hit home, but you're usually too involved in the humor & the adventure to notice. 


It kind of had an "Ant-Man meets The Goonies" vibe, in all the right ways. Go see this movie in 2 weeks! 

  • stepee 1
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Watched Mary Poppins Returns tonight on 4K UHD Blu Ray. 7.5/10


The movie itself, while not on the same level as the original, is about the best they could have done for making this so many years after that timeless classic. And I’m glad they did make it, because it has a lot of family-friendly heart to it and a few good musical numbers to boot. I will say that I probably enjoyed it more on this second viewing than the first.


Because much of the movie is filmed with a bit of a murky tone to accentuate the fantasy feeling you get in the fantasy sequences, the visual impact is up and down. Much of the movie, with its muted contrast doesn’t show off HDR in any way that elevates it above the standard Blu Ray presentation, but then you get a sudden swing into a bright, colourful setting and HDR’s advantages delight your eyes. Or it takes another swing into a darkly lit scene with bright street lamps glowing and the dynamic range on display is far more impactful than when you watch the same scene on the standard Blu Ray. In those moments, the 4K UHD disc makes itself worthwhile.


The movie isn’t the crispest one to take advantage of your 4K display, looking generally good, but often a little softer than many other recent releases.


The Dolby Atmos sound mix isn’t the most dynamic mix out there. There were a handful of moments where the surrounds were put to use, but for the most part everything is very front-heavy. There is frequent movement across the front sound stage, but I really only felt like 3 of the 10 speakers in my setup were being given much to do. Outside of a couple quick blasts, the subwoofer got a rest for this one too. Not much wall-shaking today.  Still, dialogue was crisp and clear and never drowned out, and the music itself sounded nice.


So, overall the 4K UHD Blu Ray is definitely a stronger presentation than the standard Blu Ray, but it’s not something you pull out when you want demo material for your gear.

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The Matrix - 4K UHD - 10/10


My favourite movie of all-time got a massive upgrade in this new release.  First and foremost, the colours are finally restored back to their theatrical version - not the re-tinted version they started putting out with all home releases starting with the second DVD release.  I know they were trying to make it look more similar to the sequels, but I've always hated it.  This is worth the purchase just to have the colouring restored to its proper state.


But they didn't stop there.  While there are a couple of scenes with noisy grain, for the most part the film grain is finely resolved and unobtrusive and the level of detail is a big step up from the previous blu-ray release.


The HDR is put to fantastic use.  Playing the same scenes on the old blu ray and this new 4K UHD, the difference HDR makes is ridiculously apparent.  Deeper blacks, fantastic use of shadow and contrast and specular highlights and... I mean if you do what I did and swap back and forth scene by scene you will never-ever want to settle for the non 4K UHD disc in HDR again.  You will notice all sorts of things you've never noticed before.


The new Atmos mix is likewise a noticeable jump up from the old blu-ray.  The sound mix is punchy and detailed and very dynamic.  The directions that sounds come at you from is appropriate throughout.  All your speakers get a workout.  Comparing to the old blu-ray, the sense of immersion is much greater with the Atmos mix.  Gunfire is punchier.  Explosions hit harder.


This fantastic movie received the royal treatment in its upgrade to 4K UHD.  If you want some demo material for convincing your friends that upgrading from standard blu ray to 4K UHD is worthwhile, here it is.

  • stepee 1
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