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~Rate The Last Movie/TV Show You Watched Thread~

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Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse   7.5/10... very well put together... As in Black Panther I got pulled in by the overwhelmingly positive hype and that it was a game changer... The other universe Spideys were unneeded but didnt truly affect the narrative. Miles is a great protagonist and more interplay between him and beer gut Peter would have been most welcome.

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Sicario - 5/5


I needed to relax, which meant watching something that knew I could enjoy from start to finish. Sicario is absolutely one of those films. The quality of the film is obvious from the start and doesn’t let up. I recently got the 4K BD, and it’s both beautiful and an aural delight in ATMOS. 


I’ll watch anything Deakins shoot and anything that Villenue directs. 


I remembered how excellent Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin, and Del Toro are, but I’d forgotten that Daniel Kayuula was the partner and how he’s such a real, if limited, presence in the film.


As an aside, I think it’s also (unintentionally) a film about how useless a US/Mexico wall would be.

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Into the Spider-verse - 10/10 - The animation style was innovative and unique.  The movie itself was the best Spider-man movie I've ever seen.  As a life-long Spider-man fan, this felt like a Spider-man movie, made by Spider-man fans FOR Spider-man fans.  They just "got" what Spider-man is all about at its core.


Mary Poppins Returns - 7.5/10 - The original is such a classic, that there was no possible way for this to measure up, but I think they did as good a job as was possible.  I think with repeat viewings my appreciation for it will grow.  The musical numbers were good to great.  The tone was on point.  The emotional scene hit the heart strings.  Not the disaster I expected.


Mamma Mia Here We Go Again - 8/10 - This is a massive improvement over the original movie.  The musical numbers feel more polished and are more worthy of a soundtrack listening.  The acting takes a big step forward.  The movie is highly rewatchable.  The tone is happy and light.  The kids, from my 9-yo to my 20-yo all enjoyed it.  The UHD has some fantastically colourful images to work it's HDR magic on.  It was visually very pleasing.  Being digitally filmed, it is a very clean image as well, with no film grain.  Everything is crystal clear and the type of thing you see on demo reels on TV's in store displays.  Popping in the standard Blu-ray disc for comparison, everything feels so flat and muted.  The visual punch is just not there after watching the same scenes in HDR.  The Dolby Atmos mix is very enjoyable.  There is consistent immersion from the musical numbers, though the material doesn't afford them many opportunities to really make use of directional sound, but there were a couple of moments throughout where sounds were clearly and appropriately placed in the surrounds or heights that made me smile for having the setup to appreciate them.


Star Wars The Last Jedi - 8/10 - I'd seen the movie twice in theatres and I like it a lot.  This was the first time watching it on UHD at home though and despite having been forewarned, I was still disappointed in the presentation.  As a result of sticking firm to the director's intent on visual aesthetic, this movie really does not take advantage of HDR.  Certainly there is more detail afforded by the 4K resolution, and that makes it superior to the standard Blu-ray, but the blacks are not as deep as they could be and the brights are not as bright as they could be.  Everything seems to fall within a standard dynamic range.  When you see a shot of space, there is such a difference between the "black" of space versus the "black" of the letterbox bars surrounding the movie that space looks grey by comparison.  And the sorts of specular highlights usually found in HDR presentations (including the recent Solo UHD) are nowhere to be found.  There are a few standout moments in the visual presentation - notably the scenes in the throne room.  The deep reds are vibrant, to be sure.  The Atmos sound mix was... good... but not demo-material.  


In the Heart of the Sea - 7/10 - It was kind of neat to see Chris Hemsworth and Tom Holland sharing the screen here, in this setting.  I found the movie to be a little bit predictable, but well-executed.  The UHD disc I had heard good things about and at first was a little underwhelmed.  In the earlier parts of the movie, I felt like the 4K resolution was actually hurting the presentation due to the fact that visual effects on locations was so much more readily apparent and artificial looking than would have been ideal.  As the film unfolds, however, there are some demo-worthy scenes, particularly one where there is a lot of fire on screen that had me revoking my early doubts.  The Dolby Atmos track was good throughout, though I struggle to think back on any truly amazing moments.  I had to have the sound tuned down a couple notches while watching this one though, so that is hardly a definitive verdict.

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Everything Sucks!


A rip off of Freaks and Geeks down to the main kids being in AV club except it set in the 90s which the show will remind you of every 5 seconds in the first few episodes. The two main characters have some solid development but everyone else is just along for the ride. I was in high school the same time as these characters so this should be a nostalgia trip for me but it just throws the 90s at the screen instead of letting it be a backdrop on which to tell the story.






Babylon Berlin season 1


I feel like this show is a halfstep from being a masterpiece, it can reach out and touch it at times but then falls frustratingly back. The club scenes especially the one in episode 2 are phenomenal and almost other worldly. The setting is unique, I don't think I have ever seen another show or movie set in the Weimar republic prior to Hitler's real rise to power. Charlotte is a great character and the actress is infectious.


The subplots are just not quite connected enough and as soon as the show gains traction it switches to a seemingly unrelated and much less interesting plot or character.


Frustrations aside this a great show and you should check it out. I listened to the original german with subtitles.



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The Last Kingdom Season 3: 1000/10


I can’t even deal with how good this show is. Season 3 lived up to hype and was by far the best season so far. I never had a problem with the pacing of the first 2 seasons but the increase to 10 episodes made it even better and allowed time to properly deliver on all the payoffs the show has been building to. This very much felt like the conclusion of a trilogy arc within a greater story. The last 3 episodes were especially fire.   I don’t think this show has gotten much recogition in the awards circles but the guy who plays Alfred(forgetting his name) deserves a damn Emmy. Great show, great season, holy hell what a ride. 



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The Roosevelts: An Intimate History 10/10


Damn, Ken Burns knows how to hit you in the feels. My eyes were a bit watery by the end. This is probably my favorite series he's done and he's done some excellent ones. Eleanor Roosevelt was such a remarkable person. If every human had even 10% of her conscience, the world would be so much better off. 


And of course, I added several new books to my want list. :p 

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13 hours ago, Mercury33 said:

The Last Kingdom Season 3: 1000/10


I can’t even deal with how good this show is. Season 3 lived up to hype and was by far the best season so far. I never had a problem with the pacing of the first 2 seasons but the increase to 10 episodes made it even better and allowed time to properly deliver on all the payoffs the show has been building to. This very much felt like the conclusion of a trilogy arc within a greater story. The last 3 episodes were especially fire.   I don’t think this show has gotten much recogition in the awards circles but the guy who plays Alfred(forgetting his name) deserves a damn Emmy. Great show, great season, holy hell what a ride. 



See--my initial rating was spot on. :p

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The Staircase 7/10


I like true crime documentaries and this was was pretty good, though slow at times. I still don't know if Michael Peterson murdered his wife, but I think I'd have reasonable doubt if I were on the jury. Even before all the bullshit about lying experts on the witness stand came out. 


It left me a little unsettled. 

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On 1/10/2019 at 12:08 AM, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

The Staircase 7/10


I like true crime documentaries and this was was pretty good, though slow at times. I still don't know if Michael Peterson murdered his wife, but I think I'd have reasonable doubt if I were on the jury. Even before all the bullshit about lying experts on the witness stand came out. 


It left me a little unsettled. 

I still don't get how a few steps and a wall created such a bloody mess. 

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23 minutes ago, ALIEN-gunner said:

I still don't get how a few steps and a wall created such a bloody mess. 

Same here, but I also don't understand how if you're gonna beat someone to death with a blunt object, you don't wind up with any skull fractures or brain injuries. 


There was another theory that sounds crazy at first, but could be plausible. If an owl attacked her, it could leave those types of injuries. There were small feathers in her hair and on her body. And owl attacks had been occurring in the area.

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On 1/8/2019 at 9:17 PM, Mercury33 said:

The Last Kingdom Season 3: 1000/10


I can’t even deal with how good this show is. Season 3 lived up to hype and was by far the best season so far. I never had a problem with the pacing of the first 2 seasons but the increase to 10 episodes made it even better and allowed time to properly deliver on all the payoffs the show has been building to. This very much felt like the conclusion of a trilogy arc within a greater story. The last 3 episodes were especially fire.   I don’t think this show has gotten much recogition in the awards circles but the guy who plays Alfred(forgetting his name) deserves a damn Emmy. Great show, great season, holy hell what a ride. 



I'm ready to get there. We're through the first six episodes of season 1 and it's good, but Uhtred is such an ass right now. 

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Murder Mountain


Netflix is producing some really good crime documentaries. We had Wild Wild Country and now this documentary about marijuana farmers in rural CA. It is interesting how seemingly lawless that area was until just a year or two ago.







Korean movie about a guy that telekinetic powers and tries to help his estranged daughter. Decent but nothing special.



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Braveheart - 9/10 - watched on 4K UHD blu-ray - This is one of those movies I've always intended to watch one day and never got around to until now.  It was pretty much what I expected.  A very well-done movie, if not exactly a feel-good movie.  It's a shame history didn't allow for a happier ending.  The acting was solid throughout with Mel Gibson giving a believable performance where I buy in to his motivations at every turn.  
The visual presentation was one of those movies that isn't going to be something you pull out to impress your friends with your TV, but it could be one to use to impress your friends with the improved quality brought to the UHD disc versus previous releases.  At time, actually, there are scenes that ARE very impressive, dripping with 4K detail and HDR goodness.  But it's mixed in with some scenes that are quite soft - presumably due to the source shots themselves, as opposed to a poor transfer.  Film grain is also a mixed bag, but for the most part it is unobtrusive and finely resolved, giving the picture a natural filmic appearance.  Overall, visually, I would say it is "good".  
The Dolby Atmos sound mix is also, "good".  I didn't really notice much in the way of object movement or panning.  Generally all the in-movie sounds are coming from the front, even in the heat of a battle that is supposed to be all around you.  The surrounds seem to be primarily used for the musical score.  There is the occasional time when all the speakers are put to better use, such as when there is a heavy rainfall in one scene, but it's certainly not the most dynamic audio mix out there.
A Simple Favor - 8/10 - watched on Apple TV 4K - I had heard that the less you know about this movie going in, the better.  And having now watched it, I'm glad I heeded that advice and avoided any story info beforehand.  The plot certainly is compelling and I found myself thinking about how it might resolve when I had to stop the movie half-way through and wait until the next day to finish it.  The tone can occasionally feel a little off in the moment, but those moment are fleeting.  There were enough clever twists and turns to make this a better watch than I'd expected.
This was one of the nicer looking 4K Dolby Vision streaming movies I've watched.  It's a very clean image throughout and there were more moments of beautiful visuals than expected.  I mean, it's not exactly the kind of movie that lends itself to jaw-dropping cinematography or anything, but it's a pleasing image.
Grudge Match - 7/10 - finally finished watching this one.  I've been watching it in 20 minute instalments on my iPhone on Flixster Video over the last couple of months.  It had lots of funny moments and also had lots of heart.  It's not going to win any awards or anything, but it's a good, fun film.
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Free Solo - 4/5 - I waited to see this until they released it in IMAX and I'm mostly glad I did. It's an incredible feat told through breathtaking cinematography. It's a story that is a bit padded, and in the end it's not the most interesting or deep documentary, though they get into more than just how hard it is to do. Still, it's arguably one of the most impressive physical achievements ever, in one of the most gorgeous places on earth, and it was all captured on film. This is definitely a "Titanic" situation, where knowing how it ends doesn't lessen the drama. There have been some great documentaries this year, and while this isn't my favorite, it stands out as the most impressive by far.

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Babylon Berlin season 2


Not as great as the first season. The characters that were vice cops in the first season get involved in a grand national conspiracy this time around and it just all feels like too much. I thought the show had done something pretty daring near the end of the season but it was just a very unfortunate head fake.



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On 1/15/2019 at 3:29 AM, johnny said:

Silence 5/5 


top tier Scorsese imo. I don’t remember anybody even talking about this movie when it came out 


On 1/15/2019 at 10:04 AM, Greatoneshere said:


Because no one watched it. The movie is bloody fantastic and I wish it's running time and existential tone and slow pace didn't turn so many people off from the movie. 

I mean I'd consider myself a film buff and a huge Scorsese fan and...I didn't even know this existed, seriously. I just had to google it.


What the hell. I'm getting on this asap. Is it for rent on Amazon?


Coincidentally, I just re-watched Wolf of Wall Street.

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5 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

I mean I'd consider myself a film buff and a huge Scorsese fan and...I didn't even know this existed, seriously. I just had to google it.


What the hell. I'm getting on this asap. Is it for rent on Amazon?


Coincidentally, I just re-watched Wolf of Wall Street.


Silence is fantastic. Get on it. It is indeed on Amazon, free via Amazon Prime Video. It's such a beautiful movie, so streaming it seems like a shame, so make sure you dedicate as much bandwidth to the stream as you can. 

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5 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


Silence is fantastic. Get on it. It is indeed on Amazon, free via Amazon Prime Video. It's such a beautiful movie, so streaming it seems like a shame, so make sure you dedicate as much bandwidth to the stream as you can. 

Good thing I checked here because I'm in dire need of a new quality flick. 


Also just saw Mean Streets again not too long ago as a matter of fact. Love the guy as a director. 

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Dragonball Super : Broly... 7/10 one of the better movies.. the story telling portions are very well done... the biggest flaw is that once the fight begins it turns into a constant light show with no interval and minimal storytelling.... people like the characters, a bit more story and interaction over spectacle would be better...


Once the main fight started most of the parents checked out and left the movie for their 25 yr olds to enjoy

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DBS: Broly

6.8/10 - Fuses Bardock and Broly movies and while it makes sense to include them both I would rather of had a Bardock movie that lead into the Broly movie. Includes some new story tidbits and while I enjoy the fact that they try to give Broly a personality I miss his endless rage in attacking Goku and the gang. The fight scenes were cool? A lot of the action was just cut to cut to cut to cut. I wish we would have had a little bit more of a continuous fight scene. Without giving much away it was kind of weird that they just let the villain off the hook "okay bye! see you on your next foiled plan"

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The Punisher Season 2 - 11/10


I loved the shit out of this season even the fluff episodes because the dialog was so good and all of the characters were amazingly interesting. This is 100 times better than the first season which had too many episodes about nothing. The creators said they listened to the fans and it shows. More action, more drama and great from the beginning to the very end. Perfect ending too. 

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future man season 2


Still the smartest dumb show on television. Wolf and Tiger remain the highlights of the series and it is kind of interesting that relegated the titular character to a secondary role this season. 2nd half of the season was a lot stronger than the first.



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