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While You Were Sleeping (당신이 잠든 사이에): 8/10


While You Were Sleeping is a semi-high concept courtroom drama. The concept is that there is a woman, Hong Joo (played by Suzy), who dreams of the future every night but mostly people who will die in the near future (I'll do a longer spoiler summary below). But she dreams of a guy who soon becomes her neighbor and actually saves her because he saw her future in his dream. However, there does seem to be a butterfly effect thing early on, if they change their own fates something horrible might happen down the line.


The guy, Jae Chan (Lee Jong-Suk), is a junior prosecutor and he regularly goes up against his friend (or former friend) who is a Lawyer, so seeing the future might be handy when you're going to trial. In any case that is the basic formula of the show. Something bad happens, they see it, prevent it, do the same thing. But that's not to say things get mundane, the formula becomes a bit more challenging as the show goes on.


I gotta give credit to this show, seems like many Korean dramas center around a courtroom, however, in this show the prosecutor is the good guy and the lawyer is rightfully a huge piece of shit. The cast is stacked with some of the best actors you've seen on other shows (if you watch other Korean shows) Jung Jae-in from DP that none of you watched and Kim Won-Hae to name a few. I always give Kim Won-Hae a special shout out because it always seems like he fills a minor role but always steals the show, and that's no different here. Overall I liked the show, I liked the concept but it felt like the "madness" was more front loaded than the back end which was filled more with court cases.


In depth first episode synopsis in the spoiler below:



At the beginning Hong Joo dreams of a guy who gets immolated at a gas station, her and her mother actually encounter the guy before it happens and tell him not to smoke but of course he thinks they are crazy and ignores them. She steals his lighter but he's got a backup lighter and just like in her dream he lights up a cigarette at a gas station and goes up in flames. She dreams that she's hugging a guy (like the poster / cover art) but doesn't know the guy, but the guy (Jae Chan) moves in next door. She then has a dream of the future where she is in the hospital and it turns out her mother died and she has no idea why. So later she goes on a Valentine's date with a guy, the lawyer mentioned earlier Lee Yoo Beom, since she can't drive in the snow she gives him the keys. But they get into an accident when he doesn't see a guy crossing the street.


Hong Joo winds up in a coma and when she wakes up a year later she finds out that not only has she been blamed for the death of the pedestrian but her mother died from overworking because she had to pay for the medical bills and pay the family of the deceased (this is the moment in her dream). So the prosecutor Jae Chan hears her story, doesn't believe her and so she goes on the roof of the hospital and kills herself. BUT, Jae Chan sees this in HIS dream and on the night of the traffic accident he stops the accident from happening by crashing his car into her car and saves the life of the pedestrian as well. When she gets out of the car she hugs him like in the dream, and that is the first episode. :o


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Necromentia: 5/10


This feels like one of those movies where someone said, "I know how to do gore and creature effects real good but if you need a compelling movie you better look somewhere else," if that was the aim the film does succeed. Yes the film does have some interesting creature and gore effects but the story is confusing and uninteresting. First it's told in reverse like Memento but unlike Memento there is really no grand revelation at the end of the movie.


The film begins with a guy who runs a barber shop but seems to be preserving the dead body of a woman in his spare time because she promised she would come back from the dead. Some guy barges in, Travis, and blackmails him telling him he knows about the woman and that the guy has necrophilia with her. He won't let his secret out if the guy agrees to go to hell and bring back his brother. So he carves some symbols into him and he ends up in hell. Then the film focuses on Travis and his brother. His brother Thomas (played by Zach CUMER) is wheelchair bound with some kind of mental illness. He has some kind of vision with some freak dressed like a pig who tells him to kill himself. Meanwhile Travis works as some S&M dude and a lady give him some ketamine so he can stop his heroin addiction. When he takes it he sees a demon named Morbius who says he will save Travis' brother if he goes to hell and finds his wife. After that we are flashbacked to Moribus, a bartender. His wife seemed to be unhappy that he worked late hours and wanted him to die. His wife was the dead woman from the beginning of the movie and was cheating on his husband with the guy from the beginning, Hagen. So basically the film took a long way to tell you in reverse that this woman killed her husband and all this other stuff happened after. Whoopie? Basically it fails as a horror movie, or even a movie in general, just a confusing dud.

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On 10/13/2023 at 10:02 PM, gamer.tv said:

The Reckoning - I’ve just watched episode one and it’s so, so bleak.


If you aren’t aware of Jimmy Saville, watch the Louie Theroux documentary  (the first one), then read about his life, then watch this. A truly horrible person that was held on such high regard. Another phrase would be ‘a monster hidden in plain sight’.

I’ve been slowly carrying on with this, tricky as my wife doesn’t want to watch it, and it’s continued with the above. It’s hard as I wouldn’t say I like it, purely as the content is horrible, but  it’s well acted and made and they don’t shy away from any inference. It is exploitative, in the same way Spotlight is/was.

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Pieces: 5/10


Pieces is one of those '80s exploitation horror films but offers very little beyond showing naked ladies get chopped up by chainsaws. The film opens with a little boy assembling a puzzle of a nude woman. His mother finds him putting it together and gets mad at him and slaps him and tells him to get a garbage bag. He gets an axe instead and murders her. When the police show up he puts on an act so he is not suspected and then the movie flash forwards 40 years into the future, the murder unsolved. The killer rekindles his murderous desires by bring back out the puzzle and his mother's bloody clothes. So he goes around chopping up women with a chainsaw at a college campus. As useless as the police were 40 years ago they are equally as useless here. They are clueless, ask the wrong questions, tell people not to touch evidence after touching the evidence. The killer is a slow moving, walking, dude with a chainsaw who somehow seems to get the drop on everyone. If you have half of a brain you'll be able to figure out who it is. At the end of the day Pieces is a very low IQ exploitation slasher.

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Bodies - new limited(?) series on Netflix, that starts with a fun premise. Four London police officers find the naked body of a man in the middle of the street. The twist? Each of these officers is living in a different time! So from 1890 to 1941 to 2023 to 2053, this elaborate mystery/conspiracy slowly gets unraveled, time travel shenanigans ensue, you get the idea. But as Dean Pelton will tell you, time travel is hard to write, and this ultimately felt really unsatisfying to me. Thumbs down. 

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Cannibal Apocalypse aka Cannibals in the Streets: 7/10


Cannibal Apocalypse is a 1980 film starring the late great John Saxon. Unlike a lot of other Cannibal movies this one really breaks the mold and actually could barely considered one. A typical cannibal movie has someone going to a place, finding the cannibals then getting eaten. In Cannibal Apocalypse John Saxon is Commander Norman Hopper in the Vietnam war. This part is a bit on the cringey side as the depiction here is a bit disrespectful. In any case they rescue some POWs that had turned to cannibalism while captive. While reaching his arm in the cage they are being kept he's bitten by the POW. We fast forward to some point in the future where he has just had a nightmare about this incident. In any case one of the POWs is released from the hospital and gets cannibalistic urges and bites a lady at a movie theater and finds himself in a gunfight with the police. Eventually we find that cannibalism is a virus that affects the mind if you are bitten. But this is totally different from a zombie because a cannibal will eat anything and a zombie only wants brains (right?). In any case the film comes back around and becomes an allegory for Vietnam again. The cannibals are now being hunted in the same way the soldiers were hunting people in Vietnam. Maybe a lot of the film deep down really wanted to make a statement about how veterans are treated in the united states as well. Deep shit. As ridiculous as it sounds I think a lot of the ideas worked and thought it was a fun movie.

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Why Didn't I Tell You a Million Times (100万回 言えばよかった): 8/10


This is a romantic drama of sorts. It's about a man, Naoki, and woman, Yui, that are long time friends but decided to get romantically involved later down the line. Unfortunately Naoki is murdered in January of this year and has become a roaming spirit. However, a police detective, Uozumi, is able to see his ghost. So it's a bit of a murder mystery but also Naoki communicating through Yozumi to Yui. Though as it turns out not much needs to be said, their relationship is so close even as a ghost she knows what he is thinking. It's a show that raises the question can you love someone who's there in spirit without a body.


I enjoyed my time with it. For the most part they made sure that Yui had power on her own, who made her decisions for her self. The actual underlying mystery is a bit dark but other than one part it doesn't really explicitly tell you what the crime is though you can piece it together. I mentioned this about that other Japanese show I watched but I like these modern shows because it shows you what a modern day Japan looks like, and since this came out this year it's about as modern as it gets. Lastly, for some reason I found the language on this show easy to understand, more than anime anyway. Maybe anime shows use complicated language while everyone here is super casual. It's only 10 episodes so check it out.

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55 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

He’s Nunya. 


I mean...not sure what the big deal is? I share my entire life story on here and everyone knows something about each other. He has over 100,000 posts and the only thing I know about him is that he lives in California. 

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9 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


I didn't know it was a series - interesting!

I got a good laugh looking up the credited creator of the show. This is his entire bio on IMDB:



James Cummings is known for Boiling Point (2021), Boiling Point (2023) and Boiling Point (2019).

That’s how I found out there was also a short film made before the movie. :lol:

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On 10/1/2023 at 12:53 PM, thewhyteboar said:



The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp 5/5 Incredible, full of life, while avoiding cloying sentimentality. Black Narcissus, The Red Shoes, and Colonel Blimp are possibly the greatest trio of movies from anyone? Very few directors can match that.

A Canterbury Tale 4.5/5 I kept rolling with the Archers. This is really lovely with some great shots. I'd love to watch this with my daughter as a holiday film when she gets older.

I Know Where I'm Going! 4/5 The last of the Archers that I watched. Solid rom/com. Roger Livesey kicks ass.

Henry Fool 2.5/5 Did not connect with this one. Thought the humor was way more full of misses than hits. 

The Wild Bunch 5/5 Rewatched this as I decided to also read a biography of Sam Peckinpah. No greater master at crosscutting or editing than he. 

The Last Run 3.5/5 Fun car chase movie with George C. Scott. Some really lovely jackets. Peak fashion.

Do The Right Thing 4.5/5 I'd never seen this before. What a cast, what a story, what an always-timely message. 

White Lighting 3/5 Fun seeing a bunch of guys who pop up in Peckinpah movies.

Gloria 2.5/5 I really wanted to like this, I like John Cassavetes and Gena Rowlands, but I just think it didn't really work.

Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters 5/5 Gorgeous. Just gorgeous. I particularly liked the score (Philip Glass), but this is a movie where everything (set design, costumes, cinematography) just comes together perfectly. 



Salvatore Giuliano - not all Italian neo-realism is my thing, and this was one that wasn’t. I liked seeing Frank Wolff (maybe the first time I’ve seen him speaking Italian). Beautiful shots of Sicily and a good ending, but it didn’t really get my water moving. 
Sneakers - One of my favorites from when I was a kid. Absolutely holds up, especially with that cast. It’s such a tragedy that River Phoenix died so young–what a talent.
My Darling Clementine - A gorgeous black and white take on the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. Victor Mature gives a wonderful and deeply felt performance as Doc Holliday. The Hamlet scene and his delivery of the soliloquy is quite moving, and a great scene to show what the West was becoming. Monument Valley just pops in the black and white. You get these wonderful shots of the town with Monument Valley in the background. Just great stuff. Plus it has Walter Brennan. Great movie.  
Rocco and His Brothers - I had only seen one Visconti before it (The Leopard), and even though I liked that one a lot he wasn’t really someone on my radar, I just picked this one cause I love Alain Delon. And now Visconti might be my favorite director. This is just an incredible movie with a bunch of insane performances. Annie Girardot’s gut-wrenching one will be a favorite for a long, long time. It was filmed in Milan and looks beautiful, but it doesn’t just show the fancy areas, though the Duomo makes an appearance, it goes into the tenements as well. It shows real poverty amidst a society that is growing but leaving some behind. A beautiful and sad movie. 
Anatomy of a Murder - Jimmy Stewart is just a humble country lawyer, Ben Gazzara (always amazing) is his slimy client, and George C. Scott is the hotshot prosecutor. Any courtroom drama with a cast like that is going to be incredible. 
Senso - I went back to Visconti here, a color movie this time. And it is gorgeous. The colors of the uniforms, the opera house, Venice. Everywhere you look just gorgeous contrasts. 
La Strada - Fellini’s first big one. Giulietta Masina’s performance glows, she can be so bright and then a half second later you can see the deep sadness. I liked it more than I Vitelloni, but it’s not my favorite of his. The trio of 8 ½, La Dolce Vita, and Amarcord will always be my favorite, though I still have a few Fellinis that I need to watch.
The Seven-Ups - An insanely good car chase, Roy Scheider, good 70s clothing, and not much else.
Hopscotch - I watched this because I wanted to watch a Walter Matthau movie. He was good, but this was a comedy that just wasn’t that funny.
Le Notti Bianche - If you had asked me before this month, I would have said that Fellini was my favorite Italian director. But now I think it has to be Visconti, this is the 3rd of his I watched this month. I liked seeing Marcello Mastroianni in a different kind of role, not as confident as he is in La Dolce Vita. A little more earnest and honest. Which makes what happens at the end all the sadder.
The Age of Innocence - I’m slowly trying to work my way through the Scorsese films that I haven’t seen yet. I really liked this one, especially how it looked. I’ll be thinking about that gorgeous scene by the lighthouse for awhile.

This month was me becoming a massive Luchino Visconti fanboy.

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Fear X: 8/10



You don't often see John Turturro in a starring role but he is quite good as the lead in one of Nicolas Winding Refn's earlier films. Turturro plays Harry Caine, a mall security guard who hasn't quite come to terms with his wife's murder. He spends his free time reviewing security footage just to catch a glimpse of the killer even if he doesn't know who or what they look like. Eventually he gets a tip that takes him on a trip to find the truth. The ending is supposedly ambiguous but in my interpretation it seems to be clear what happened, at least somewhat. I think it was a cool tense thriller, the Brian Eno soundtrack adding to the atmosphere. For me Refn's films have kind of gotten up their own ass lately (Neon Demon) but this feels a bit more straightforward but still retains a lot of his style.


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Onimusha: 8/10


Onimusha is one of those game series that I've head good things about but had never actually played. From what I understand none of the games share the same protagonist but have the same underlying theme. So what better game to make a show about than one you can make an all new adventure about without upsetting purists? The show takes place in the early Edo period, you've heard this tale before, Samurais and war are becoming less necessary. The main character is Musashi Miyamoto, a real life samurai, borrows an Oni gauntlet from a shrine so he can hunt down some evil dude named Lemon. Written by Hideyuki Kurata, the screenwriter for the most recent season of Rurouni Kenshin, and directed by Takashi Miike the show seems to share a lot of familiar concepts. As GreatOnesHere so politely reminded us Miike has been on a Samurai tear recently so who better to direct. It felt a lot like Ninja Scroll or even the more recent Blade of the Immortal. Badass samurai, goes on a journey to get a guy, faces a gauntlet of baddies along the way. There's is a girl, etc. But just because it follows the blueprint doesn't mean it's boring. The action somehow seems to top the fights from the previous episode, and the first episode was already pretty crazy.


The show is actually a CG show, it's just that it looks like an Arc Systems Work game type of CG, where it's CG but looks like an anime. We're at a point that these no longer look bad and this one looks quite good. From Sublimation who also did the Dragon's Dogma show (which I didn't see) they seem to have been able to do Miike's style justice. Finally, Musashi is voiced by the great Akio Otsuka, if you're unfamiliar he voices Batou across all of Ghost in the Shell. So you're in for a treat here. Heck there aren't even annoying Japanese women's voices so you're extra golden! Overall a pretty solid show, I can't say I was surprised but I was very pleased it turned out well.

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Stay: 7/10


Directed by Marc Forster, Stay is one of those kind of mind fuck movies. It begins with an art student named Henry (Ryan Gosling) who was involved in a car accident at the beginning of the movie. Then, as you will see many times, the film has these crazy transitions and we travel through a couple of characters before landing on a psychiatrist named Sam (Ewan McGregor) who ends up seeing Henry as his patient. Henry garners Sam's attention early on by predicting a hailstorm. He tells Sam that he's going to commit suicide in three days and we go on a journey to not only find Henry who's gone missing but also find out more about his life as we go. The ending isn't a shocker but something that unites the events of the movie in a satisfying way. This is a kind of stick with it type of movie because it might feel confusing and disjointed and strange. The incentive to keep watching is paying attention to the insane scene transitions that are rather unique to this movie.

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8 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Stay: 7/10


Directed by Marc Forster, Stay is one of those kind of mind fuck movies. It begins with an art student named Henry (Ryan Gosling) who was involved in a car accident at the beginning of the movie. Then, as you will see many times, the film has these crazy transitions and we travel through a couple of characters before landing on a psychiatrist named Sam (Ewan McGregor) who ends up seeing Henry as his patient. Henry garners Sam's attention early on by predicting a hailstorm. He tells Sam that he's going to commit suicide in three days and we go on a journey to not only find Henry who's gone missing but also find out more about his life as we go. The ending isn't a shocker but something that unites the events of the movie in a satisfying way. This is a kind of stick with it type of movie because it might feel confusing and disjointed and strange. The incentive to keep watching is paying attention to the insane scene transitions that are rather unique to this movie.


I find Marc Forster to be a pretty underrated director. A lot of his movies are really good.

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The Devil's Own: 6/10


An Irish father sits down with his family to lead a prayer before dinner when a man bursts in and guns him down for being a Republican. Sounds like a pretty good movie so far right? Well, it turns out Republicans (IRA) are good people in Ireland... maybe? A question that kind of plagues the movie the whole way through. In any case Brad Pitt plays Frankie McGuire, the son of the guy who was gunned down. He now leads the IRA in a fight against the British army but is able to slip away somehow and makes it to the United States so he can get good 'ol American missiles to bring back to Ireland and blow them up. He's not a terrorist he's a freedom fighter and the twist is he's living under the roof of a cop who was nice enough to allow him to stay in his New York basement, very nice. Harrison Ford is an honest cop, maybe the only one alive. Never wants to use lethal force (weird) but ends up lying for a cop who does, in any case he still wants to do the right thing and when he finds out who Frankie really is, well he wants to bring him in so he can live (?)


In any case the biggest flaw of the movie is the ambiguity of it all. Is Brad Pitt a good guy or a bad guy? Are British people bad? Is Harrison Ford doing the right thing? The movie hammers home, "It's not an American story it's an Irish one," but the movie never lets Ireland get a chance to shine. That being said it is enjoyable just based on the performances by the leads and the most evil you've ever seen Treat Williams be. Certainly enjoyable enough to consider turning off your brain to enjoy and the movie doesn't go too far out of it's way to make you think about it.

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Blue Eye Samurai: 6/10


This show is like Kill Bill mixed with any other Japanese thing you can think of. It's about a warrior named Mizu, a Japanese person mixed with the white devil. These mixed races are shunned by society so Mizu had a very difficult life. So Mizu grew up with a blacksmith and used their power to make swords to kill their would be father which is 1 of 4 people. So the show is pretty much a blood soaked sex and rage party the whole way through. I found this difficult to watch because it seems to be laser focused on this whole revenge thing but it's really hard to root for anyone, was this a Walter White kind of deal? Yeah the white dude sucks but Mizu burns a lot of bridges getting to that revenge and it is hard to root for them (which I suppose is the point) but then really no one else is that great either.


I was wary of watching this show from the get go. I saw "Blue Eye Samurai," and the name alone turned me off. The art style is ugly too. It's looks like Disney art circa Emperor's New Groove era, but they put tons of sex, nudity and blood so it's super edgy. I think that's the biggest problem I had with the show, it felt like it spent so much time trying to show you it was cool without being cool. It tries to be Japanese but is completely in English, but then they like to throw Japanese words in there on occasion. Look we said, "onryo, we are so cool!" Why not just translate it and say "vengeful spirit" it makes a lot more sense in the grand scheme of things. There's no escaping it either because there is no Japanese dub. something I was able to get by with the Tekken show. So yeah I found this show very frustrating to watch. The idea this is a samurai show is a lie and if there is ever a season 2 well it will be even more confusing.

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Transporter 3: 7/10


It has been a while since I had seen a Transporter movie, I believe I had only seen the second one in theaters and this one not at all. There isn't much to remember about these movies except they are action movies with some car stuff, fighting stuff, and a woman is usually involved. Well that's Transporter 3! They make this one a bit spicier by throwing some Speed into the mix. Frank Martin (The Transporter) seems like he's out of the game but some bad guy, played by Robert Knepper (Remember he was TBag from Prison Break?), forces him back into action. To make sure he does his job he puts on a Pentagon technology bracelet that will explode if he gets 75 feet away from the car. He also happens to be transporting a Ukranian woman with the same bracelet.


In any case this is a major "turn off your brain" movie. But it's not turn off your brain to the point it's insulting. The car tricks are cool, the fighting is cool, the girl... well take her or leave her. There were a couple of moments that were kind of head scratchers (I didn't turn off my brain enough I guess) at the beginning, Frank's buddy crashes at his house and makes a big deal about the bracelet, now I think anyone with half a brain could have figured out what was going on there. Second is like 20 minutes before the movie ends Frank realizes that the girl is what he's actually transporting but didn't we just assume that from the beginning? One other minor complaint is the fight scenes are way too cut up, way too many cuts and stylized like some music video. But other than that it's just dumb fun.

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7 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I wasn't even aware it was a thing. And I canceled my Apple sub in Sept. I'll have to check this out.


It is just really beautifully drawn and well done imo - you should have at least 3 months apple sub from your phone I think also

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1 minute ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

If I did, I didn't claim it and it's not showing up now.


I did claim the 6 months of free Apple Music with my new Air Pods Pro I got in yesterday.


huh, I wonder if they stopped giving free Appletv now along with the price raise. Well, you are absolutely going to need to see this and there are several seasons :P

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