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~Rate The Last Movie/TV Show You Watched Thread~

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On 3/20/2023 at 9:07 PM, TwinIon said:

Watched Puss In Boots: The Last Wish and it’s really punching above its’ weight class. Yeah, even more than the Shrek films, this is aimed more at kids, but my lord the filmmaking goes hard. It’s more than just the slightly cell shaded art style, or the animation, and it’s more than just some tricks with the frame rate, this film is a gem. They do an incredible job with the action choreography and the voice cast, and there are some fun jokes in there. It’s an impressive piece of work that plenty of movies not aimed at children could learn from.

I forgot to post here when I saw it but yeah, I agree with all of this. The movie was outstanding, incredibly entertaining for adults in a less “low hanging fruit” way that the Shrek movies are. Arguably my favorite movie I’ve seen so far this year. 

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Beauty in Trouble: 7/10


Beauty in Trouble is a drama based in the Czech Republic revolving around a mother and her kids. After massive flooding in the area her husband resorts to opening up a chop shop but the mother (Marcela) can't stay any longer because of her asthmatic son, that and he's running a chop shop. So they move to her mother's house which turns out to be moderately better but her father in law is kind of a sleezebag himself. Then she meets a rich guy who offers to help her out from the kindness of his heart. The husband goes to prison but the thought lingers is it right to leave him and so I think the culmination of the whole movie is finding out what the correct decision actually is. It's not flashy, but a  pretty straightforward character driven movie and an interesting look at life in another country.

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I'm right w/ @Mercury33about always forgetting to post here. Usually there's a thread for whatever specific film I want to talk about, so I just don't think about this thread hardly ever.


Intend to watch 'Tetris' at some point this weekend among all the Mania related stuff happening. Aside from that, "Air" & "Super Mario Brothers Movie" next week at a smaller local theater I have yet to visit.

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Party Down Season 3 - 10/10 - for a show to be off air as long as it was, you would expect it take a while to find its rhythm. Really impressive how the show didn’t miss a beat with season 3. I don’t think I will more impressed with a show this year than I am with this season


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40 minutes ago, Brian said:

Party Down Season 3 - 10/10 - for a show to be off air as long as it was, you would expect it take a while to find its rhythm. Really impressive how the show didn’t miss a beat with season 3. I don’t think I will more impressed with a show this year than I am with this season


Star Trek Applause GIF


It was a great return - I need more!

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I’ve been watching Fast and Furious movies, some for the first time, some just for the first time since release. It’s a series that I’ve judged harshly, but given its popularity and longevity, I thought I’d give it another shot.


The first one is perfectly adequate. Cheesy, and yeah, some of the racing just doesn’t scan, but overall, a perfectly watchable film. The second and third are terrible and it really is quite amazing this series kept going after abandoning increasingly more of the cast for increasingly worse replacements. It’s even more amazing given that bringing back Walker and Diesel in 4 didn’t manage to make much of a better movie, but it is better.


Then comes Fast 5, and while I’m still not a fan, really does make a case for this series. Big cast, all getting along. Lots of driving and action. The Rock comes in and is just the right amount of over-the-top. It’s easy to see how you get a bunch of movies after this. As fun as it is, I still can’t entirely enjoy the vault sequence. It asks for disbelief, which is fine, but it’s the same problem as the Ant-Man movies, in that there’s no consistency. The vault is as heavy or as light as it needs to be at any given moment, and I just can’t get past it and enjoy the ride.


Also, it’s odd to me that they spend most of the film planning a heist, and then just switch to this other plan with zero prep time. I apparently watched the extended edition, but it still feels like there’s a montage missing where they beef up the Chargers or practice driving with a weight or at least explain that the vault isn’t nailed down at all. Maybe any effort to explain anything would just make you realize the whole thing is looney toons, but it still seems counter to the first couple acts of the movie.

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I fucking LOVE 2 Fast 2 Furious, cuz.


I know it's a terrible movie. I'm fully cognisant of that fact. It is also 100% my favorite Fast & Furious movie. Maybe just because it's the most quotable and there's no way you can not have a great time while watching it with the homies on a Saturday night.


"pockets ain't empty, cuz."

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2 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

I fucking LOVE 2 Fast 2 Furious, cuz.


I know it's a terrible movie. I'm fully cognisant of that fact. It is also 100% my favorite Fast & Furious movie. Maybe just because it's the most quotable and there's no way you can not have a great time while watching it with the homies on a Saturday night.


"pockets ain't empty, cuz."


It's a great bromance 1980's-esque Miami Vice long-form episode with great quotes. It's a bad movie, so @TwinIon is completely correct, but I've grown really fond of it having rewatched it over the years. It knows what it is and leans into it hard. It's a lot of dumb fun. It's definitely not my favorite F&F movie but it gets a lot of unfair hate (and a lot of fair hate too, it's a ridiculous movie). 

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47 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


It's a great bromance 1980's-esque Miami Vice long-form episode with great quotes. It's a bad movie, so @TwinIon is completely correct, but I've grown really fond of it having rewatched it over the years. It knows what it is and leans into it hard. It's a lot of dumb fun. It's definitely not my favorite F&F movie but it gets a lot of unfair hate (and a lot of fair hate too, it's a ridiculous movie). 

While the first film flirted with the bromance between Brian and Dom, the second movie went FULL BROMANCE with Brian and Roman. And I fucking love it. 2 Fast 2 Furious is one of the worst and best movies of all time, and I will die on that hill.


"damn, Suki, when are you going to pop my clutch?"


Every single line in that movie stands on its own.


In fact, I would go so far as to say it IS a genius movie, in that it successfully achieves everything it sets out to do. It is stupid as fuck and it never pretends to be anything else. There is a very, very thin veneer  of a serious plot that just coats the surface enough to where you buy in, but deep down the movie is just Fonzie jumping the shark. And I am fucking here for it.


It is an 80's movie out of time. It is both a nostalgic 80's trip while wrapped in the trappings of early 2000's zeitgeist. It is an accidental masterpiece. And, once again, I will die on that hill.


Without 2 Fast 2 Furious, the whole franchise falls apart. It is the keystone.

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On 4/4/2023 at 11:59 PM, Fizzzzle said:

While the first film flirted with the bromance between Brian and Dom, the second movie went FULL BROMANCE with Brian and Roman. And I fucking love it. 2 Fast 2 Furious is one of the worst and best movies of all time, and I will die on that hill.


"damn, Suki, when are you going to pop my clutch?"


Every single line in that movie stands on its own.


In fact, I would go so far as to say it IS a genius movie, in that it successfully achieves everything it sets out to do. It is stupid as fuck and it never pretends to be anything else. There is a very, very thin veneer  of a serious plot that just coats the surface enough to where you buy in, but deep down the movie is just Fonzie jumping the shark. And I am fucking here for it.


It is an 80's movie out of time. It is both a nostalgic 80's trip while wrapped in the trappings of early 2000's zeitgeist. It is an accidental masterpiece. And, once again, I will die on that hill.


Without 2 Fast 2 Furious, the whole franchise falls apart. It is the keystone.


I like 2 Fast 2 Furious for the silliness of it all plus.. Tyrese got to “shine” in this… seemingly so much so that when Vin Diesel got back on board it felt as if he was on a mission to put Tyreses’ character as the butt of the joke for the rest of the series..

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Léon: The Professional (1994) - 5/10


I watched this again for the first time in 20 years or so. It has not held up well. In my mind this movie was a nine out of ten. I forgot just how cringe and awful the sexualization of Matilda is. It really really drags the movie down. But that’s not all that sucks. The action just isn’t shot that well in my opinion. Lots of it—most, even—happening in cutaways and off-camera. The music/score is both typical and exemplary of some of the worst of its era. And the movie feels like it probably could have fit into a tight hour and 45 but it clocks in at half an hour longer than that. 

Of course, it’s not all bad. It’s kind of a classic for a reason. There are some things that age won’t change. Namely the performances. There really aren’t any bad ones here, and Portman stands out for both the age contrast and excellent job she did. Gary Oldman is great as always despite his character being a bit over the top and silly. I’ve always had a soft spot for Jean Reno, too. Especially in these ‘90s action thrillers.

Also, who can forget that classic long distance shot of the two mains leaving Leon’s apartment and walking over the small hill in the city? Carrying the plant and awkward old-timey suitcase. It’s a beautiful shot.

I loved this movie when I was a kid and teenager. I can’t say that I “love” it anymore, though. Maybe I’ll revisit it again in another 20 years and see what I think.

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Casablanca: 8/10


There are certain older movies regarded as classics that I've never seen. Casablanca is among them. "Frankly my dear I don't give a damn!" That's this movie right? Oh actually it's not, kid. A surprise for me was as well regarded as this movie is, the director Michael Curtiz, is basically a nobody. Whenever this movie comes up his name is never dropped. But if you brought up Citizen Kane you're going to hear about Orson Welles (I guess it helps he starred in it too) but I think you catch my drift.


The film is set in the 1940s and is naturally about refugees and Nazi occupation. Refugees spread across Europe but seems like Casablanca is the lowest place a person could go. It's like the Mos Eisley of Earth! Humphrey Bogart plays Rick, the proprietor of canteen that can provide people some favors. That being said Rick is light on his allegiances though obviously will never side with a Nazi. In any case Nazis find themselves in the neighborhood because two German couriers carrying letters of transit were murdered and they want to pin it on a dude who's part of the underground resistance. A woman comes back into his life, long story short this is gonna be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


I think there are things to enjoy here, the writing is probably the best part. All the lines are sharp and Bogart is the perfect guy to deliver them. I think the whole Nazi tension aspect is probably the best part of the movie. The love story for me was kind of just fluff, although it obviously ties into the plot so it needs to be in the movie. The ending has some unexpected turns as well. I think it's a movie that does hold up today but I might not hold it in as high regard as some people.

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20 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

A surprise for me was as well regarded as this movie is, the director Michael Curtiz, is basically a nobody. Whenever this movie comes up his name is never dropped. But if you brought up Citizen Kane you're going to hear about Orson Welles (I guess it helps he starred in it too) but I think you catch my drift.


It's from an era where the studio and stars were the main attraction. Welles is an exception, not the rule. Casablanca is of an ilk similar to Gone with the Wind or All About Eve where the reputation of the film as a whole precedes them greatly, but anyone who knows Curtiz would give him his proper due, particularly with the merits of this movie. Guy had a hell of a CV, really strange to see him referred to as a "nobody."

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The City Of The Living Dead 4k


One of my favorite Italian horror "films", and I use the term "film" loosely as because its more of a series slightly interconnected scenes. A priest hangs himself in graveyard causing the dead to rise. These arnt your typical zombies though , they can teleport around. The film feels like it was made by an AI that doesnt actually understand human beings or how reality works. Case in point , women dies and while getting buried she comes back to life and everyone is like Say What Dunno GIF - Say What Dunno Shrug - Discover & Share ... 

"lets go on road trip!!"

And the scenes get weirder and weirder and everyone is walking around on 2 bars of Xanax. One scene has a women call over a friend because there is a corpse that was buried earlier now laying in her kitchen. Friend shows up and is like "yup she was dead earlier today"  Later on the now walking dead has gotten up and is somewhere else in the house and her friend says "cant be her , shes dead".

Fabio Frizzi score is absolute perfection


The gore is top notch and so over the top its almost self aware .



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Slowly but surely, I’m catching up on my Marvel films, and in 3D. I think it was worth it for the 3D inflated price, because of the great sense of depth it provides in some these awesome fight scenes. They felt like classic Jackie Chan fights with use of props and fluidity of the movement in tight spaces. Some cool surprising characters appear and I sort of felt bad/sympathetic towards his dad at times. We also get some cool pop outs as well from weapons, debris and occasional body parts. Also happy to say that the sound wasn’t nearly as neutered as my Multiverse of Madness sound track. In fact, this has some great panning moments and a beautiful classic oriental orchestra sound. Almost tempted to see how the Atmos on the 4K discs sounds compare to my DTS-HDMA 7.1 track, with Neural X added (adding some cool overhead effects) The sub action still feels like it was held back, but at least I noticed it this time. I only wish I took advantage of my Oppo feature to download a proper English subtitle track. Discs included subtitles are more like closed captions, everything is in English and not just when a foreign language is spoken. I think Thor: Love and Thunder will be my next disc (almost watched it instead of this) and should maybe see my Wakanda Forever 3D from Amazon Japan later this week or beginning of next week. 

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Kairos (카이로스): 8/10


Kairos is a high concept show about a young woman Ae-ri, who's mother needs a heart transplant, but disappears. It's also about Seo-jin, a high up executive for a construction company. His daughter is tragically kidnapped. Seo-jin and Ae-ri are connected in some ways but the most important and odd way is that she can contact Seo-jin on a cell phone she presumed was lost. The catch is that he is living exactly 31 days ahead of her. So they decide to work together in order to solve each other's mysteries and possibly uncover bigger conspiracies along the way.

It's a pretty compelling show. The time gimmick works well and the atmosphere is quite tense the whole way through. There are some downright despicable characters on this show. All that being said up front warning there is a lot of death and crying so if you think that might upset you keep it in mind before you watch.

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Drugstore Cowboy: 8/10


Gus Van Sant seemingly quietly built up a pretty solid filmography. Drugstore Cowboy is one of his first movies. As far as drug movies go, this one feels pretty laid back. Not in a relaxing kind of way but in a "let's not freak out because we are addicted to drugs" kind of way. Matt Dillon (an actor you might not ever think of) is quite good as Bob, a drug addict and thief. He is the drugstore cowboy as the title suggests, a dude who with a couple of friends robs drug stores and then gets high on the drugs. But unlike other drug movies like Requiem for a Dream for example, there's nothing really to be freaked out about here. Bob and his friend stay cool even when the police basically demolish their house trying to find drugs. Of course the only thing that could foil their plans are superstitions and once a hat winds up on the bed Bob decides to go straight.

Like I said, well acted, well directed and a somewhat positive and not too heavy look at a life of drugs.

One gripe and maybe this is just the dvd transfer or something but it seemed like the picture was pulsating the whole time, it was kind of distracting.

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I just started Mortdecai and I’m only a minute in but it just hit me why I always liked Johnny Depp when I was younger and I think it’s because I feel like I could do that.


Like it’s just all being silly and having fun with no nuance for the roles that people love him for and when he does drama he’s just like okay. Less so now but there was a time he was considered a top talent in regards to acting and I think I liked the idea that I could be regarded as that good of an actor too.

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Serenity (2019): 5/10


Serenity (not the space one) is a bad movie disguised as a good movie. With a cast of Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Diane Lane, Jason Clarke and Djimon Hounsou how could you go wrong? Set on the island of Plymouth (nowhere in particular) McConaughey plays an ex marine turned fisherman, Baker Dill. He's after a big tuna he calls Justice that he just can't seem to catch and pretty much dedicates his whole life to that until his ex-wife shows up. She wants Dill to kill her abusive husband for 10 million dollars. Now things were a laid back up till this point though a quirky salesman keeps showing up just a tad too late to talk to Dill. But after this proposition things get a lot sillier as an absurd twist gets dropped, not that you couldn't see it coming but the whole idea is kind of dumb. Ultimately in the end you're kind of left scratching your head. The movie really has nothing to say and is just kind of a big metaphor for the motives of someone else. But the first half of the movie, if it was just about catching a fish, was kind of enjoyable.

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A friend and I went to a matinee of "Renfield" today, the Nic Cage as Dracula movie. It was pretty good ridiculous fun, though sometimes the dialog was cringeworthy. I mean, worse than you'd expect from a Nic Cage Dracula movie. :p 6.5/10

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On 4/20/2023 at 4:59 PM, stepee said:

I just started Mortdecai and I’m only a minute in but it just hit me why I always liked Johnny Depp when I was younger and I think it’s because I feel like I could do that.


Like it’s just all being silly and having fun with no nuance for the roles that people love him for and when he does drama he’s just like okay. Less so now but there was a time he was considered a top talent in regards to acting and I think I liked the idea that I could be regarded as that good of an actor too.


Also this movie sucked.


I watched but I’m a cheerleader and Nope this weekend and really enjoyed both though


Also almost done with Florida Man and enjoying that as well

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