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Mortal Kombat (2021): 5/10


This movie was really a mixed bag and it's hard to  decide what to judge it against. Are we judging it against the original movie, which wasn't really a good movie but the campiness kind of made it good? This one kind of tried to be serious and adhere to the games a bit more but at the same time didn't quite nail the landing. The first 10 minutes are probably the most engaging. It would have been interesting to see them stick to the 17th century and kind of do an expansion of the origins of the tournament on earth or something. Instead we are fast forwarded to modern times with some dude named Cole Young who's good at getting beat up. What's funny is, and this is possibly a writing goof, but we don't know where he lives. But then Jax says, "Go to Gary Indiana!" but why would you go there it's a shithole? And where are we now?


The writing certainly earns the R rating but not necessarily for good writing, all the F-bombs thrown around got old pretty quickly. Like Kano, yeah he was kind of like a smart ass you loved to hate, then just hated, he was a bit much. The story is odd. The lore says there is going to be a tournament but Shang Tsung's plan is take out his competitors before the tournament so by preventing a tournament they kind of create a tournament. That being said it would have been a lot more interesting if there was a tournament. There was a lot of importance placed on the "arcana" and trying to explain why they have powers but I think it was unnecessary. If we can accept that the outworld people just had abilities with arcanas I think we could just accept that the earth people had innate abilities that allowed them to throw fireballs and such. Worst of all when Cole's aracana is revealed he just looks like a rejected super hero. Kind of shows you the chops that the game creators had to refine the looks of these characters over the years and perhaps lack of imagination the filmmakers had when it came to their own original character. Also if that was supposed to be Reptile, yikes.


Things I did like Liu Kang was probably the best character. The gore and fatalities were good and true to the games. They kind of redeemed Mileena at the end since she is supposed to be part Tarkatan. And that's it I guess. 🤷‍♀️

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7 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:



Mortal Kombat (2021): 5/10


This movie was really a mixed bag and it's hard to  decide what to judge it against. Are we judging it against the original movie, which wasn't really a good movie but the campiness kind of made it good? This one kind of tried to be serious and adhere to the games a bit more but at the same time didn't quite nail the landing. The first 10 minutes are probably the most engaging. It would have been interesting to see them stick to the 17th century and kind of do an expansion of the origins of the tournament on earth or something. Instead we are fast forwarded to modern times with some dude named Cole Young who's good at getting beat up. What's funny is, and this is possibly a writing goof, but we don't know where he lives. But then Jax says, "Go to Gary Indiana!" but why would you go there it's a shithole? And where are we now?


The writing certainly earns the R rating but not necessarily for good writing, all the F-bombs thrown around got old pretty quickly. Like Kano, yeah he was kind of like a smart ass you loved to hate, then just hated, he was a bit much. The story is odd. The lore says there is going to be a tournament but Shang Tsung's plan is take out his competitors before the tournament so by preventing a tournament they kind of create a tournament. That being said it would have been a lot more interesting if there was a tournament. There was a lot of importance placed on the "arcana" and trying to explain why they have powers but I think it was unnecessary. If we can accept that the outworld people just had abilities with arcanas I think we could just accept that the earth people had innate abilities that allowed them to throw fireballs and such. Worst of all when Cole's aracana is revealed he just looks like a rejected super hero. Kind of shows you the chops that the game creators had to refine the looks of these characters over the years and perhaps lack of imagination the filmmakers had when it came to their own original character. Also if that was supposed to be Reptile, yikes.


Things I did like Liu Kang was probably the best character. The gore and fatalities were good and true to the games. They kind of redeemed Mileena at the end since she is supposed to be part Tarkatan. And that's it I guess. 🤷‍♀️

Think you are about 2 points too high on your score :p

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58 minutes ago, Derek said:

A Quiet Place 2. 7/10 


Tense and scary at times. I wish they had done more with the opening. I had 0 idea that Cillian Murphy was one of the leads. Pleasantly surprised.



don’t they do this because of sound? I haven’t seen either but the creatures are attracted by sound. Hard rubber soles on gravel too loud and socks could snag on something and bring trouble their way. They said that is also why the store shelves are filled with untouched chip bags because they’d be too loud to handle/eat

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37 minutes ago, silentbob said:

don’t they do this because of sound? I haven’t seen either but the creatures are attracted by sound. Hard rubber soles on gravel too loud and socks could snag on something and bring trouble their way. They said that is also why the store shelves are filled with untouched chip bags because they’d be too loud to handle/eat


Yeah, but socks or slippers would be much better. Plus, Murphys character walks around in like work boots the entire time lol.


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The King's Man - 3/10


I want to score it higher because it continunes what the other Kingsmen movies have given us - great fight choreography, great editing, great sound, but basically everything else about this movie is a mess. Plot points lead to nowhere, characters come and go and we don't really get backstory on any of them to know why they give a shit about any of it, and don't get me started on the villain's plan


So, he assembles a team of individuals... He wants Gavrilo Princip to murder Franz Ferdinand to start WWI, then he wants Rasputin to get Russia OUT of WWI so that Germany can defeat England (remember WWI only starts in the first place because Russia mobilized), then he wants Wilhelm's aide to send the Zimmerman telegram to America to get America into WWI, but then he wants Mata Hari to seduce President Wilson to keep America out of WWI, and for the purpose of.... what, exactly? He just doesn't like English people, apparently. It's just like... huh?


I wanted to like it and it has some really fun scenes, but the movie is a fucking mess.

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Blade Runner 2049: 8/10


I saw this a number of years ago but was kind of turned off from seeing it because I was kind of skeptical of a sequel to this movie and also my friend made me watch it. As you know people hate being told to watch something as evidence of @Greatoneshere totally ignoring my call to action a few posts above. In any case after hearing more people rave about it I decided to give it another chance, eyes unclouded by hate. Also as a small aside I saw this a couple of years ago and vaguely remembered it was based on 2049, so there's that.





I'm still unsure about how I feel about it. As a sequel it's tonally and even aesthetically different than the first movie. Of course they give a plot reason for that. After 2020 the world goes to shit, hmm hits a bit too close to home now. So instead of a cyberpunk wet dream it's more of a dystopian dust shithole. I mean it is a well shot and nice looking shithole but feels very different than the first. Ryan Gosling is a perfect choice for an unemotional quiet replicant, if he had to play a human it might have been a bad choice, however. Jared Leto stuck out as particularly terrifying as if offering up a soliloquy from a dude who belonged in a different movie.


I thought the story was the most compelling part furthering the complicated nature of treading replicants like humans and their acceptance into society. Unfortunately it's not something that is resolved in this movie. It's like an interesting mystery until terminator replicant chick takes over. Also, not sure how I feel about the whole Joi subplot. It had a purpose for one thing but otherwise felt like a waste of time. Overall I probably enjoyed it more than the first time I saw it but not sure I can agree it's better than the original movie, or even that this movie is super great.

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30 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

What call to action? :p 



On 2/18/2022 at 1:29 AM, Keyser_Soze said:


Now for a PSA


I generally don't end summaries like this but I noticed that they added Her Private Life to Netflix, a show I watched a while ago and held in very high regard but I KNOW none of you watched it. So now you have no excuse, you should watch it.


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2 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:





I did see that didn't realize it was a call to action lol. Honestly I don't have a lot of free time and most things I watch I watch with my wife and we have such a backlog of shows that I have no idea when I'd honestly get to anything anyone recommends me. Movies are easier in that regard at least.

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5 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


I did see that didn't realize it was a call to action lol. Honestly I don't have a lot of free time and most things I watch I watch with my wife and we have such a backlog of shows that I have no idea when I'd honestly get to anything anyone recommends me. Movies are easier in that regard at least.


Tell your wife that some guy she's never heard of said it was good and she'd like it. :p

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My movie watching has been nothing for over 6 months now. My receiver crapped out and my ordered Denon x6700 still hasn’t arrived. My backlog of movies was bad before it crapped out on me and now it’s HUGE. Can’t watch my movies without my Atmos and Projector screen for watching. Good for you if Headphones do it for you, but I’ve been spoiled for almost 20 years now of surround sound movies bliss. 

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The After Party - 7/10

The score is probably a little misleading. I really really like the show and would recommend it to anyone. I LOVE that the mystery is actually solvable for the viewer if you’re paying insane attention to the different stories. Honestly the reason I scored it lower is because of how early it peaked. The Ike Berinholtz(sp?) is so damn funny. The rest of the show kinda feels like a let down after that episode. I dunno if that makes any logical sense but I guess my expectations were sky high after that episode and then they just kinda settled into very good. So yeah anyway, if you like Murder Mystery def check it out. 

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Currently watching Archive 81 on Netflix and while it's a bit ham-fisted so far, I am enjoying it more and more. Hoping it doesn't ultimately shit the bed like most mystery/horror plots seem to but the end of episode 3 was really good. Its descent into surrealism is what I like about it, the rest is so-so. 


Just remembered that one of the big draws here is actually the score for me, it's really good. 

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Last night I watched The Shawshank Redemption. I'd never seen it, though of course I'd seen it referenced everywhere and knew the basic story. The movie still holds up exceedingly well, with stellar performances. 



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Summer Wars: 9/10


This is a re-watch for me but last time I watched it was 8 years ago. I wanted to check in on it again because someone asked "What's a movie like Big Fish" and this came to mind. While not exactly the same kind of story I don't think you'd be disappointed if you had seen it. Also, I don't believe I had seen the dub before and while it is annoying the movie does not have dubtitles the voice acting is quite good. I feel like J. Michael Tatum's voice is very distinct here and was also pleasantly surprised to see Colleen Clinkenbeard's name in the credits as well.


In any case Summer Wars is the director Mamoru Hosoda's follow up to the groundbreaking film The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, and he's here to blow even more minds (It also just so happens they share the same writer) I would say this movie was ahead of it's time. Metaverse shmetaverse, this film is half based in the real world and half in a virtual world called Oz (keep in mind this movie came out in 2009). Billions of people and services are connected to Oz so the world relies heavily on this virtual world. But one day, it gets hacked and not only does the virtual world get fucked up it has real world consequences too. In the real world one of the Oz admins and some high school kid, Kenji, is coaxed into going to this girl's summer house for her grandmother's birthday, she only brought him along so she could lie and say they were getting married, whuut? But COULD they develop feelings for each other for real? 🤔 The movie has a lot of messages about balancing family, never turning back on people in trouble and fighting against all odds. I think it's a really nice package. Also, the movie with the balls to tell it like it is, the terrible country and real villain behind all of this


The United States! :o


The animation is by Madhouse (yet again) but each world has a distinct animation style. The real world looks ordinary but of course looks good, and I think there is some distinct cinematography and editing going on here. There is an interesting shot early on where a some guy drops a girl off and she runs off and he tells her she forgot to give the helmet back. So she tosses the helmet to the guy and then while it's in the air it cuts to a baseball player throwing a pitch from the same angle. Just something that stood out to me. But in the Oz world, everyone is like bright computer graphic characters and as far as the CG goes it actually looks pretty good and stylized. Overall Hosada has really carved a name for himself with his movies and he's made at least three great ones, I really need to catch up on his other movies (and so should you!)

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American Gigolo: 7/10


Richard Gere plays Julien Kay, a chauffeur and translator who enjoys getting paid to have sex with women. But get your head out of the gutter you pervs, he only does older women. It' a pretty swell way to make a living until one day he's being framed for murder. He also happens to fall in love with a Senator's wife who turns out is the only character that gives a damn about him. It's a decent crime drama / thriller riding on the charisma of Gere. Dialogue is a bit dated, however. Also, the ending leaves you feeling a bit high and dry. Sure I guess we care about Julien but what about the whole conspiracy? I guess that just leaves it open for a sequel.

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The Boys: Diabolical Season One 4.5/5 I really enjoyed these quick shorts and the various stories/animation style. For people who thought Homelander couldn’t be any scarier/creepier, well, fuck he is one fucked up fucker. Simon Pegg gets to play his comic book self and not the dad. Aquafina’s shit show is just that, and Andy Samburg has written one of the most touching yet deadliest episode of the 8. 

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Harukana Receive: 7/10


Harukana Receive is an anime about a girl, Haruka who goes to live with her cousin, Kanata, in Okinawa. Haruka is tall and her cousin introduces her to playing beach volleyball and they form a team (Hence the name Harukana, a combination of Haruka and Kanata). From there the anime tackles issues of self doubt and the importance of trusting your teammate and even dives in the the tactical aspect of volleyball. As far as fictional sports media goes this  one is actually pretty good and manages to be pretty grounded. I think the animation is pretty good and they have an interesting gradient thing on the character's eyes. Personally I think this is a good feeling type of anime that you could show anyone of any age.


Which brings us to the unfortunate part about how this was marketed in a way. The back says "The complete UNCUT season" maybe trying to entice you to see it because you'll see something lewd, and it's rated TV14 but there's really nothing objectionable about it. There's no blood or violence or even cursing. Which takes us to the subject of girls in swimsuits, which if you've been to a pool you can see when you're 3 years old. Swimsuits can be sexy but a girl wearing a swimsuit for sporting purposes isn't necessarily meant to be sexy so it's kind of rotten to give the impression that this is anything other than a straight up sports show (which it is). I'd also say the other bummer is that it's only 12 episodes. While I thought what we got was good, it is kind of hurried towards the end. Like Haruka is a beginner and then there's a point where they just train for a year and fast forward to a big tournament. But the end certainly is not the end, as they want to be #1 in the country but we don't get to that part, and the manga is still ongoing but I doubt we will see any more of this. I guess it's important to just enjoy what we have here because it is a nice time, if more comes after this then it is just a bonus!



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1 part Gaspar Noe, 1 part Lynch, 1 part Cronenberg and 1 3 week long meth binge. Horror film dealing with family, trauma, sex and gender.

Its unrepentant in its brutality and  even if you adore Noe, Lynch, and Cronenberg theres a good chance this film will not be your cup of tea.


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On 3/13/2022 at 4:50 PM, SimpleG said:



1 part Gaspar Noe, 1 part Lynch, 1 part Cronenberg and 1 3 week long meth binge. Horror film dealing with family, trauma, sex and gender.

Its unrepentant in its brutality and  even if you adore Noe, Lynch, and Cronenberg theres a good chance this film will not be your cup of tea.


I saw this a few weeks ago, and I’m still processing it. I went into it expecting a certain kind of weird/uncomfortable movie. I knew it involved body horror and a woman who, uh, really loves cars. But it is so much more than that, in ways I couldn’t have ever imagined. I ultimately enjoyed it way more than I thought I would. 

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Mirai: 7/10


Well, I said I  wanted to watch more Mamoru Hosoda movies so here I am. Mirai is his 2nd most latest film Written and directed by Hosoda this movie takes the perspective of a four year old boy named Kun. His parents come have recently come home from the hospital with their new baby and you can probably figure how Kun is feeling. Starved for attention thanks to the new baby he has a fit through most of the movie. But lessons are learned so to speak as his yard seems to serve as a portal to alternate realities. Various figures teach him various life lessons and open his four year old mind to the bigger picture. Another Hosuda movie that puts revolves around the importance of family. No matter how you cut it, whiny four year olds are a bit grating to listen to (even if not voiced by one) but the magical moments in between make it worth watching. Also, the animation is probably the best yet from his movies, there are some eye popping moments towards the end of the film.


Now I had originally started this in English but something about the lip-sync made me switch it to Japanese and this is probably the preferred way to watch. In the extras Hosuda goes on for about 15 minutes about each of the cast members. A lot of them have returned from other films he's done. Other people, like Koji Yakusho, are just people he's always wanted to work with. All that being said, you can stream this on Netflix right now!

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Star Trek Discovery season 4


Best season yet but that is an extremely low bar to clear. The last couple of episodes were really good Trek though with first contact with an extremely alien alien although it aped a lot from Arrival, if they focus on those style of plots going forward it would be for the best.


Book got absolutely character assassinated in the back half of the season and became a complete idiot.





The Adam Project


Paint by the numbers fine and completely forgettable as expected from a netflix movie. There was a genuinely sweet moment at the end though that got my finance choked up.



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Jujutsu Kaisen 0 2.5/5


I shall quote the lady who sat behind me about 10 minutes before the ending of the movie “What the fuck is happening?” I think I get the gist of it and I guess the best way to describe this movie is as a twisted anime of Harry Potter with a shit ton more monsters, blood and death. I only went because my sister is obsessed with the manga and anything JK merchandise. I think she was more upset that no one liked her shirt of the movie itself. She loved it, paid for the film and I finally braved a theatre outing since a Covid came out. Last movie I saw in theatres was Sonic and I thought seeing the 2nd movie would of been almost poetic. Oh well, now I can hopefully brave 3hrs for The Batman 

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Millennium Mambo: 5/10


Millennium Mambo is an arthouse film (Literally, one of the production companies is called Arthouse Films) about some lady in Taiwan. Her boyfriend is a major loser, a thief, drug addict and super insecure regarding his girlfriend. Her plan was to leave him when she had enough money. The film is a bit obtuse as the story is only told by voice over, like the most interesting parts of the story are voice over and then the actual movie is just the characters hanging around. There is so little story you don't even find out the name of the main character until like halfway though the movie. I think it is well acted and shot but the movie isn't all that interesting. If you enjoy trance music you should find some enjoyment as there seems to be non stop electronic music though the whole thing.

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