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Blood Red Sky - 9/10


My viewpoint might be skewed because I have been watching *a lot* of bad movies recently, but...


Just watch it. I don't want to spoil anything. Watch it. Like, as soon as it's convenient, just watch it. Watch the fucking movie.






Watch the fucking movie. I only took a point off because there are times in the movie where you go "oh this is where that character's going to [blah blah whatever]," but it ultimately feels more heartfelt than it has any right to be, given how honestly fucking stupid the premise is.


Netflix, you finally did it. Bravo.

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Gunpowder Milkshake - 4/10


It's like a stupid John Wick. Which is saying a lot since John Wick is already kind of stupid, just done a lot better. Still, it's a fun time when you can't sleep and it's 9am.


It reminds me of Shoot 'Em Up, and not just because Paul Giamatti plays an evil fuck in both.


Also the plot, especially late in the movie, frequently gets into "wait, what?" territory. And I just watched a movie about monsters on an airplane.

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3 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

Gunpowder Milkshake - 4/10


It's like a stupid John Wick. Which is saying a lot since John Wick is already kind of stupid, just done a lot better. Still, it's a fun time when you can't sleep and it's 9am.


It reminds me of Shoot 'Em Up, and not just because Paul Giamatti plays an evil fuck in both.


Also the plot, especially late in the movie, frequently gets into "wait, what?" territory. And I just watched a movie about monsters on an airplane.

You’re making me wanna watch this even more with your review:lol:

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Martian Successor Nadesico: The Motion Picture – Prince of Darkness: 7/10


Finally they made a motion picture about the Martian Successor Nadesico! The thing is going into this I didn't even know there was anything else related to this Nadescio stuff. Turns out the prerequisite to watching this is 1. There is an anime Series 2. Following the anime series is a Sega Saturn game 3. THEN this movie comes after the game. The homework perquisites show right away, however, as you are dumped right in the middle of some conflict. The pacing of the movie is insane and there is very little explanation of what is going on, well for the most part it is "This is A, I am A" and then we move on from there. This is almost like if you wanted to watch Star Trek: The Motion Picture but had to watch the original series first to get a grasp about what is going on in the movie. Though Star Trek TMP is easy to understand even if you haven't watched the show.


Despite all of this I was still moderately able to enjoy the movie. The jumble of words in the title come down to this: Nadesico is the name of a battleship. Martian Successor refers to some sort of rebel group who take over a space ship (station?) and want to wage a war (I guess 🤷‍♀️ )

I thought the animation was actually pretty good for 1998. I think the future tech is pretty cool and there are even some Terrance Malick-like scene segues of nature and the environment and such.


I did notice a blu-ray of the entire series and movie were released several years ago. I might consider giving it a look. As it stands I was watching the DVD version, picture was non anamorphic and a bit hard to watch with how chaotic the movie was. :p

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18 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

Gunpowder Milkshake - 4/10


It's like a stupid John Wick. Which is saying a lot since John Wick is already kind of stupid, just done a lot better. Still, it's a fun time when you can't sleep and it's 9am.


It reminds me of Shoot 'Em Up, and not just because Paul Giamatti plays an evil fuck in both.


Also the plot, especially late in the movie, frequently gets into "wait, what?" territory. And I just watched a movie about monsters on an airplane.

It's a weird movie. They straight up copy a lot of John Wick's world-building (everyone is either an assassin or in business with assassins. It's a library, but all the books have guns!!) but then it seemed like they were going to add a goofy comedy sensibility to stand out. Unfortunately, they don't take that far enough for it to really work. There's that one action sequence with a fun gimmick that I thought was done pretty well, but then that kinda goes away and the rest of the action is fairly straightforward. I would put it a little higher than a 4, but not much. 

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2 hours ago, TheLeon said:

It's a weird movie. They straight up copy a lot of John Wick's world-building (everyone is either an assassin or in business with assassins. It's a library, but all the books have guns!!) but then it seemed like they were going to add a goofy comedy sensibility to stand out. Unfortunately, they don't take that far enough for it to really work. There's that one action sequence with a fun gimmick that I thought was done pretty well, but then that kinda goes away and the rest of the action is fairly straightforward. I would put it a little higher than a 4, but not much. 

I think that's my  problem with it. Like, it reminds me of Shoot 'Em Up, just not done as well. Like if you're going to lean into the absurdity, lean into it, don't just tap your fingers on the window.


I don't think it's a terrible movie (on my scale a 4 isn't terrible, just... forgettable), it just couldn't make up its mind

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Candyman 8/10

Candyman [Collector's Edition] - Blu-ray :: Shout! Factory


Films great , this is really more about the Shouts blu ray release. The upgrade come from a 4k scan and it the video quality is about as good as its gonna ever get. I watched this film on release and more times on cable/VHS in the 90's than I should have. Being able to see the intricacies of Candymans clothing and the grime of Cabrini Green really pulls the viewer in. The big star of the show is the 5.1 audio. There is the scene where Candyman meets the main character in a parking garage and Tony Todd's booming sultry voice just envelopes the audience. Shouts behind the scenes and extras are always top notch as well, if you are into that kind of thing. 

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34 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


It is MOST DEFINITELY on the list - but not yet. My wife and I are going through David Lowery's films first in preparation for The Green Knight but it'll be my next watch after those! I'm excited. 


And after Green Knight he's got to watch Martian Successor Nadesico The Motion Picture The Prince of Darkness. So his queue is pretty long!

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2 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


And after Green Knight he's got to watch Martian Successor Nadesico The Motion Picture The Prince of Darkness. So his queue is pretty long!


Nope because fans of the show hate the movie for the most part because it wasn't by the same creative team as I understand it (and ruined what was apparently a great ending). But I've never seen any Nadesico, that's just what I remember from the time.

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On second viewing in a less-than-ideal theater experience (spoiler: it was the audience), I can safely say that I fucking love this movie.


I don’t know if Eszterhas knew what he wrote, but Verhoeven sure as hell knew what to do with it. His scathing takes on American society go down a lot better when violence and suspense are in the mix. But here, it’s all bad taste with a glossy finish, and done oh so well. Had a lot more appreciation for Berkeley’s performance this time around too. Easy to mock the line readings, but there’s such a specificity to her physicality that I found enthralling.


I also think it’s fascinating how the only scene where the the satirical veil is lifted (well, outside of That One Scene) is the last time we see James. The row full of frat bros peppering the screening with misogynistic jokes went silent as he fully comes to grips with the life he’s entering into, and Verhoeven knowingly lingers on it.




Hope Baumbach or Gerwig name-checked this for Frances ha. Anyway, really lovely film that I heard about a few years ago and finally got a chance to check out with threat of it leaving the Criterion Channel last night. Marvelous to watch it flit between plot points so casually, with the immediacy of real life. Reminded me of Pialat frequently, especially an early cut from Annie losing her shit to the two of them laughing in the bar. As the perennially single one in my social circle, I identified a lot with Susan in a late scene where she and her married best friend go at it.

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4 hours ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

The Forever Purge - No rating - The movie felt too real of possibility to me, which ruined my mood. I have watched all the purges and never felt that way until now. 

Off topic work story but slightly relatable to your situation. I remember working at the theatre one night in projection and closing floor and checking to see that everyone left the theatres for that night. American Gangster (14A or PG-13 stateside) got out and a lady in her mid 40’s was just standing in the lobby looking around. She had just come out of that theatre and was waiting for her 13yr old son’s film to get out. He originally started with her but she thought the violence was too realistic for him and sent him to see Saw 3 instead.(or whatever number they were at. Ontario rating 18A or R stateside) She said that at least the death scenes were so badly over the top violent that it made it almost cartoony compare to the realistic deaths in American Gangster. 

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28 minutes ago, Zeluge said:



On second viewing in a less-than-ideal theater experience (spoiler: it was the audience), I can safely say that I fucking love this movie.


I don’t know if Eszterhas knew what he wrote, but Verhoeven sure as hell knew what to do with it. His scathing takes on American society go down a lot better when violence and suspense are in the mix. But here, it’s all bad taste with a glossy finish, and done oh so well. Had a lot more appreciation for Berkeley’s performance this time around too. Easy to mock the line readings, but there’s such a specificity to her physicality that I found enthralling.


I also think it’s fascinating how the only scene where the the satirical veil is lifted (well, outside of That One Scene) is the last time we see James. The row full of frat bros peppering the screening with misogynistic jokes went silent as he fully comes to grips with the life he’s entering into, and Verhoeven knowingly lingers on it.




Hope Baumbach or Gerwig name-checked this for Frances ha. Anyway, really lovely film that I heard about a few years ago and finally got a chance to check out with threat of it leaving the Criterion Channel last night. Marvelous to watch it flit between plot points so casually, with the immediacy of real life. Reminded me of Pialat frequently, especially an early cut from Annie losing her shit to the two of them laughing in the bar. As the perennially single one in my social circle, I identified a lot with Susan in a late scene where she and her married best friend go at it.

I will forever hate showgirls now because I hate joe estzteras' son with the fire of a thousand suns

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16 hours ago, Zeluge said:


I would like to know more. Everything, really.

I spelled the name wrong but Steve eszterhas can suck a dick, and his father seems like a fucking creep like, there are few people I actively hate, but Steve eszterhas is one of them


edit: text apparently got cut off.

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The Vault - 5/10


It's fine, I guess. I kind of feel like Ocean's Eleven ruined heist movies. Like that was it, they're never going to be done better. Everything else just feels like it's trying to be Ocean's Eleven (and this movie thinks it's clever by having the main character say "you're like Danny Ocean" in the beginning). Like, you're not. You're not even the Italian Job. You are a fine movie that I would happily watch when I have nothing better to do, and I love Liam Cunningham. But that's it.

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Jungle Cruise - 5/10


It's perfectly fine, for the most part. It's got swashbuckling, and witty quips, and puns, and big set pieces, and jungles. It is also jarring in its pacing, and also for some reason I have a hard time believing romantic tension between Dwayne Johnson and anyone. Like he's great, and I'll watch pretty much anything he's in, but a love interest? It doesn't really work, in my opinion. Maybe it did 10 or 15 years ago, but now it's just... weird and forced. I think it's because The Rock has become such a big star that my brain can't separate him from the character.


Edit: Also also, they could have made this movie take place in 1936 instead of 1916 and nothing would have changed. The deranged psycho German character works better when it's an actual Nazi. The Germans weren't evil in WWI.

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Real strange one. Trailer is incredibly misleading as this is much more of a character piece on Damon’s character than it is about getting his daughter out of jail (a massive part of the midsection doesn’t even deal with this.) Score moves from suspenseful to whimsical on a scene-to-scene basis. Grating, but I got used to it. As basic and straightforward as it is, I was actually getting drawn into it. Damon is really great here, and witnessing his character establish a new center for himself is fairly compelling.


Then the third act comes and puts this thing way off-course. Makes it a lot more like the movie the trailer suggested, which I found less interesting, though I kind of like how the dust settles on everything.


Jungle Cruise


Vin Diesel recently stated that he was instrumental in shaping The Rock’s performance in the Fast and Furious films, and this movie serves as damning evidence that he’s telling the truth. Johnson’s superficial charms are used to great effect in Pain & Gain and the FF franchise, but once you start to lean on them as a lead as in Hobbs & Shaw and here, his deficiencies as an actor are thrown into the spotlight. He cannot make you care as a performer. He has more chemistry with the boat than Blunt or his cartoon cat.


Plemons still riding the A train to glory. Love that guy.

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Woodstock '99: Peace, Love and Rage - I didn’t know much about Woodstock '99 going in other than hearing about it and seeing clips on MTV at the time.  The '99 version of me had awful taste in music and probably would’ve wanted to be there. I’m glad I wasn't. What a figurative and literal shitshow (you think that’s just mud caked onto the crowd’s bodies in those screenshots? It might’ve been, had the plumbing not been destroyed) where seemingly anything that could go wrong, did. This felt like a truthful enough account of the toxic atmosphere of the time and mirrors a lot of what's going on now. When you see how REVERED a band like Limp Bizkit was back then (more or less the headlining act), especially given their behavior there, it can even seem downright jarring when viewed through a current lens, but it makes it all the more a compelling watch. 8/10


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On 8/1/2021 at 12:20 AM, SimpleG said:

There is the scene where Candyman meets the main character in a parking garage and Tony Todd's booming sultry voice just envelopes the audience. 

This is one of my favorite scenes in the movie and one of those many cool touches that really elevated this flick. There's a cool artsy and very gothic aspiration running through it, always loved that about it. 

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9 hours ago, heydude93 said:

Woodstock '99: Peace, Love and Rage - I didn’t know much about Woodstock '99 going in other than hearing about it and seeing clips on MTV at the time.  The '99 version of me had awful taste in music and probably would’ve wanted to be there. I’m glad I wasn't. What a figurative and literal shitshow (you think that’s just mud caked onto the crowd’s bodies in those screenshots? It might’ve been, had the plumbing not been destroyed) where seemingly anything that could go wrong, did. This felt like a truthful enough account of the toxic atmosphere of the time. When you see how REVERED a band like Limp Bizkit was back then (more or less the headlining act), especially given their behavior there, it can even seem downright jarring when viewed through a current lens, but it makes it all the more a compelling watch. 8/10


Just watched it. I personally get the sense that it was thrown by a bunch of boomers who both don't understand how society had changed while at the same time view how it was in '69 through rose tinted glasses. Like they want to pretend no one ever got sexually assaulted/raped, or that nothing got burned down, or any number of other things, when all of those things did happen, they just didn't get talked about. On the other hand, you can tell how aggressive music had started becoming throughout the late 80's/early 90's, with NWA, DMX, Tupac, and then bands like Korn, Limp Bizkit, Rage Against the Machine, and Papa Roach. And then they go "let's put a bunch of them at a 3-day festival in 110 degree heat, it'll be just like the good old days."


Something else they touch on is how the organizers blamed the artists for inciting things, which is like the whole attitude boomers tend to have of like "let's blame music/movies/games every time someone does something bad," instead asking "WHY is music with violent lyrics popular in the first place?" But that requires too much introspection.


Anyway, I agree. 8/10. I can't wait for the next doc in the series.

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On 7/30/2021 at 10:59 AM, Fizzzzle said:

Blood Red Sky - 9/10


My viewpoint might be skewed because I have been watching *a lot* of bad movies recently, but...


Just watch it. I don't want to spoil anything. Watch it. Like, as soon as it's convenient, just watch it. Watch the fucking movie.






Watch the fucking movie. I only took a point off because there are times in the movie where you go "oh this is where that character's going to [blah blah whatever]," but it ultimately feels more heartfelt than it has any right to be, given how honestly fucking stupid the premise is.


Netflix, you finally did it. Bravo.



wow, had a totally different take on the movie. Found it to be a snoozefest. Had to force myself to finish it. 

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25 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:



wow, had a totally different take on the movie. Found it to be a snoozefest. Had to force myself to finish it. 

It's okay to be wrong sometimes.:p


I've also found that I can have a vastly different take on a movie depending on the mood I'm in when I watch it. Also the movie has an 84 on RT but only a 43 on Metacritic, so clearly it's a bit polarizing.

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Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (AKA Goblin): 8/10


So back to the stuff I know no one here will watch, this show, I ended up enjoying it a good deal. In western culture Goblins are green ugly creatures. But I guess in Korea, Goblins are gods (Perhaps @thewhyteboar can clear this up)


With that in mind the show is about a 900 year old general who was murdered by a young king who was clearly being manipulated behind the scenes. To top it off he was cursed with a sword that gave him immortality. To break the curse he would have to find a bride to pull it out. The catch is, however, once the sword is removed he will die. But since he is a goblin he's kind of like a rogue god. He can change the fate of others, such as one night when a woman was dying and prayed for any god to help. So he did. There are grim reapers around and they expect death, so this one is unaccounted for and to top it off the woman was pregnant so they have a nameless person who was supposed to be deceased, that girl who is born turns out to be "the goblin's bride" well according to the ghosts that the girl can see. (Don't worry this isn't a spoiler this is all like the first episode)


The show is somewhat spiritual but not in a religious way. It's very much about life and death and even the concept of past lives and such so a lot of the mystery surrounding a bunch of characters are who they were previously. - If you're paying attention you'll probably catch on after a while. I don't think it's a detriment to the show if you figure it out because the journey is pretty solid. It even has global appeal, like  the  Maple Nation, Quebec, is a prominent part of the show (So folks like @CitizenVectron might be into it). It is a love story but it's mostly full of somber moments due to the overall theme of the show. But it is certainly well acted and entertaining.

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Rosemary's Baby -  A horror film is most effective imo when it’s about characters in situations in which they're being manipulated by ulterior forces/the source of the horror, making smart and relatable decisions in reaction to the situations they’re in, but ultimately helpless to stop it until it's too late. And attempts to stop it somehow make it even worse. That’s more or less what happens here. My main gripe is I think it’s executed much better in other films with that premise made since. 7.5/10


Pasture - I knew the director of this, so figured I’d check it out. I think the concept was new and interesting, but lacking in scariness. It kept me guessing and was pretty unnerving from beginning to end though 7/10

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Pathology: 6/10 - I feel this movie had all the makings to be a really sick movie, but it turns out the sickest part were the characters. The movie is about well educated doctors who are in a pathology residency. I guess with education comes great idiocy as they use their powers of deducing cause of death for their amusement as they turn it into a guessing game among a tight circle of disgusting people. Milo Ventimiglia plays the good doctor who somehow gets roped into the influence of the game along with doing drugs and having sex, he really falls into it deep. I can't say very much of it surprised me or grossed me out. Feels like a missed opportunity especially when you have Q in your movie.

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6 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:



Pathology: 6/10 - I feel this movie had all the makings to be a really sick movie, but it turns out the sickest part were the characters. The movie is about well educated doctors who are in a pathology residency. I guess with education comes great idiocy as they use their powers of deducing cause of death for their amusement as they turn it into a guessing game among a tight circle of disgusting people. Milo Ventimiglia plays the good doctor who somehow gets roped into the influence of the game along with doing drugs and having sex, he really falls into it deep. I can't say very much of it surprised me or grossed me out. Feels like a missed opportunity especially when you have Q in your movie.


I actually think this is an underrated, though very fucked up movie. It's written by the duo who wrote and directed the Crank movies. It's a crazy movie.

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