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~Rate The Last Movie/TV Show You Watched Thread~

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2 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

I don't know, it's at least top 5 for me. It's such a fucking tight narrative compared to most war movies. I'd rate come and see, the pianist, das boot, and.... I think that's it over saving private Ryan. And Schindler's list, if that counts. So still top 5.


The Thin Red Line is really fucking good. Much more my style though (Terrence Malick at his bestt). Son of Saul is a foreign film that is fucking harrowing and up there with Schindler's List - I definitely recommend it.

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47 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


The Thin Red Line is really fucking good. Much more my style though (Terrence Malick at his bestt). Son of Saul is a foreign film that is fucking harrowing and up there with Schindler's List - I definitely recommend it.

The thin red line meanders too much for me, though I still think it's good.


Ultimately, I want to feel disgusted by war films. Come and See manages it almost too well in that I never want to see that movie again, but holy shitballs did it hit me like a freight train. My second favorite war movie is probably The deer hunter. Neither of those movies are traditional action movies. Saving private Ryan is probably the best war movie I've seen that's a traditional action movie. First Blood is also up there.

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The Sum of All Fears - 6/10


This movie perfectly encapsulates the dad book energy better than maybe any other movie. I feel like a dad after watching it and I don't have kids. I think watching this movie made me more virile. Ben Affleck is like 4th on the list of best Jack Ryan actors, but The Sum of All Fears captures the energy better than any other Jack Ryan movie or show. Not that it means it's necessarily better. The show is better. So is Clear and Present Danger. Patriot Games kind of sucks, come at me. There's also that one with Chris Pine, which exists. Hunt for Red October is probably the best, but still not as good as the show.


Side note: It is reeeeally jarring to see a modern-ish movie in which US soldiers are sporting M16s. When I see an M16 I think of like Vietnam or the Gulf War. Like, the fact that they're using pagers and flip phones doesn't bother me, because I'm old enough to have used them, but I see an American soldier with an M16 and I'm like "fuck, I'm getting old."

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Fear Street: 1994 and 1978

I imagine these are real love-it-or-hate-it type movies. I love ‘em. Fun teen slasher flicks with YA novel roots, these would be good “entry level” horror movies, although in that context the violence/gore is a little extreme at points. I’m really looking forward to 1666 next week. 

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On 7/8/2021 at 9:59 AM, Fizzzzle said:

The Pianist - 10/10


Say what you will about Roman Polanski, and I will say it because he's a trash monster piece of shit, but The Pianist might be the best WW2 movie ever made. Better than Saving Private Ryan. It captures the loss of humanity in a way that is unique in its beauty. Come and See and Saving Private Ryan both kind of hammer you with the bleak reality of war, while The Pianist consistently reminds you of the beauty of humanity throughout, while still making you want to kill yourself a little bit.



The Pianist is a phenomenal movie. It just feels really right for the subject matter. Terrible directors this and that, yes, but at least they managed to do something with whatever good is in them, like Annie Hall and The Pianist. Both those movies ironically had a pretty profound positive effect on me. 

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I really thought at first I was going to love this film. It’s like an adult Shrek with pop culture reference/songs but with nudity, gore, movie cliches, and 3 shit tons of swearing. It’s a Lord/Miller production film and so Will Forte had to play Abe Lincoln in the film (always plays Abe from Lego movies to their Clone High) The violence and site gags can be pretty great, but it becomes repetitive and everyone is yelling most of their lines. I do love the political satire throughout and the ending nails the landing on where we are today. It might still be worth 95minutes of your time , and I would suggest watching it high (on Netflix)

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Life: 7/10 - I thought it was alright. Not quite as full of dread as one would think. In a typical movie of this fashion crew members panic, but everyone in this one seemed to be calm and professional and very cognizant of "the firewall" which I suppose would be boring to some. But it's a double edge sword because if they do it the other way the movie gets criticized for "they were so dumb!" - In any case I think of this more of a survival movie than a horror movie. Like maybe 35% horror and the rest if them trying to survive.

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Black Widow - 7/10


It kind of starts to go off the rails at the end, but Florence Pugh is a boss. The acting in general carries the show.



Also, what a waste of Olga Kurylenko. She has one speaking line, and you can only see her face in like 2 scenes, which means it was a stunt double for the rest. What was the point, just have one of the stunt doubles play the part. It makes me wonder if there was a lot cut from her character.


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7 hours ago, Dre801 said:

Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness(Episode 1) -  Yeeeah. . they just kinda got right down to the zombie slaying without much preamble.


I will say this, the CGI is top notch,

I was originally gonna watch this last night, but my Netflix feed kept freezing up every 10sec on this. I was surprised I even got the America movie to work after that

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Finished up the four episodes of Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness.  It wasn't bad.  It was fine.  Predictable.    Not as action heavy as previous RE animated films.


The Claire/Leon voice actors from the RE2 remake apparently reprise their roles here.



Finally started watching Black Summer after having it in my Netflix queue for over a year.  If you're burned out on The Walking Dead, but not zombie apocalypse stuff, it may be worth a watch.

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8 Mile - 3/10


Oof. This movie... did not age well. Everything that was wrong from culture 20 years ago (yes, this movie came out almost 20 years ago) is present: toxic masculinity, casual racism, toxic relationships that are sometimes held up as like somehow good? On top of that, it follows a formula that's been done a shitload of times since then. It's like an R-rated Pitch Perfect.


I can see why I liked it when I was a teenager, but no. It's honestly kind of hard to watch now. The cringe factor is there aplenty.

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The Punisher (2004) - can't rate/10


It's a very interesting case study in the development of action movies. Even though it came out in 2004, The Punisher is one of the last of what I would call a 90's action movie. It's like all of these movies had this mixture of John Woo/Hong Kong/Western influences that you can see everywhere. Think Blade, Die Hard 2/3, Face/Off, all the movies your dad used to watch on Friday nights. The Punisher is even scored like a western when they're not playing early 2000's butt rock in the background.


I think what changed action movies is a mixture of 2 things: 1) CGI. The Punisher doesn't have all that much CGI, and the CGI it does have is pretty bad. Most of it is like real explosions and shit. When you're doing real explosions and pyro, it fundamentally alters how you approach filming the shot. There is no fixing it in post. 2) The Bourne Identity happened. I know that movie came out a couple years before The Punisher, but it changed action movies forever. The way it was shot in a way that was like "let's have 597 individual shots and stitch together a coherent scene out of it" became the blueprint for almost every action movie since. Which becomes a lot easier with CGI, because now you CAN just fix it in post. Hell, Army of the Dead added a whole ass character in post that they just stitched into every scene.


I'm not going to say one way is better than the other, but I think there was something lost in the art of composing an action scene in the John Woo kind of fashion that people don't really do anymore. It can feel really corny at times, and things are always on fire or super foggy for no reason, and they have like 3 cuts on a slow motion fall, BUT at the same time it also feels like so much more thought went into every shot, and it's easier to follow the narrative of an action scene.


So, is The Punisher a good movie? Ehhhh... no. But it was filmed in a way that was after its time, and in that sense I kind of see it as a love letter to corny 90's dad movies. If it came out in like 1998, it would probably be haled as a classic.

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The only thing that Punisher movie did to entertain me was the Russian fight. It felt like a classic 80’s or early 90’s bad guy/good guy fight @Fizzzzle mention. Thomas Jane I also liked as The Punisher, and he just needed a better movie to show he was the right man for the job. Check out this cool 10min short “Dirty Laundry” that isn’t official but he’s playing The Punisher and I want more of this. I guess I should watch the series on Netflix 




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Brick Mansions - 1/10


The stunt coordinator must have been banging the director's wife or something with how determined he was that we don't actually see any of the stunts or set pieces, which actually look like they were really well put together.


Also the ending is completely unearned.


Someday I should watch District B13.

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The Uninvited (2009) - 7/10


I had seen A Tale of Two Sisters before so figured I'd check this out. I have a real soft spot for these super-compact, one-setting type Horror/Mystery flicks. I don't think it's a particularly good movie or anything but it hit the spot for me. It's very atmospheric at points, the actual 'ghost' scenes and makeup effects are actually quite eerie, no or barely any CGI, short and sweet. I want to say the cliche 'the original is better' but I can't remember...haven't seen it ages ago and I lost the plot in that one because I was high and watching subtitled movies high doesn't work for me. 



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Reno 911: Miami - I don't even know/10 


For the record, I love the show but knew this would be shit so I never watched it when it came out. There are several funny skits in here but as a movie, what a trainwreck. Only watched it because I was too lazy to search for something else. The hotel room bit with everyone jerking off is hilarious though. 

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Finally got around to seeing F9...The movies have always been over the top and getting more so with each one but holy crap they aren't even trying to maintain any semblance of reality :lol: I can't tell you how many times I was laughing or shaking my head at the pure insanity of it all. Still enjoyed it, just had to check my brain at the door. 

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The F&F franchise is one weird world, and so are the movies. I think Tokyo Drift is the only one I haven’t seen all the through. They are real hit or miss for me. I really couldn’t get into the 7th but I was surprisingly entertained by the 8th, but CT as the villain was great. So I’m kind of looking forward to seeing what the 9th is like.

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14 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

Brick Mansions - 1/10


The stunt coordinator must have been banging the director's wife or something with how determined he was that we don't actually see any of the stunts or set pieces, which actually look like they were really well put together.


Also the ending is completely unearned.


Someday I should watch District B13.


District B13 is actually fun, and good. Definitely watch it. Brick Mansions is garbage.


10 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

The Uninvited (2009) - 7/10


I had seen A Tale of Two Sisters before so figured I'd check this out. I have a real soft spot for these super-compact, one-setting type Horror/Mystery flicks. I don't think it's a particularly good movie or anything but it hit the spot for me. It's very atmospheric at points, the actual 'ghost' scenes and makeup effects are actually quite eerie, no or barely any CGI, short and sweet. I want to say the cliche 'the original is better' but I can't remember...haven't seen it ages ago and I lost the plot in that one because I was high and watching subtitled movies high doesn't work for me. 



The South Korean film A Tale of Two Sisters by director Jee-woon Kim (A Bittersweet Life, I Saw The Devil, The Good The Bad The Weird) is still really good. I recommend a rewatch. I haven't seen The Uninvited which I did hear was at least solid.

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Mudbound - 9/10


If I could pick a nit in this movie, it's the use of random narration, which I generally don't approve of as a storytelling device, BUT holy balls is this movie powerful. It hits that balance that few historical movies really manage to achieve between hope and despair. I can't say too much else without spoiling the movie, but throughout all the dark shit (and there is a lot of it), you never forget the humanity. It's down to the scene level, even down to each line of dialogue, you want to hate humanity but it doesn't quite let you do it. The world might be 90% evil, and the movie does not shy away from that at all, but it also constantly reminds you of that 10% that is good. Brilliantly written, brilliantly acted, brilliantly shot, would be 10/10 if not for those fucking narration sequences, I hate those fucking things.


Imagine if Legends of the Fall and 12 Years a Slave had a baby movie, and that movie was a more focused narrative. That's basically Mudbound.

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Sideways: 7/10 - This is a film that garnered a lot of acclaim, even Oscar nods, so I had a passing interest in seeing it. I recognize it was a well made movie. Heck Paul Giamatti looks young as hell! But overall you're just watching a couple of shitty middle aged guys drinking wine. One guy just wants to get laid while the other is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Weird that Thomas Haden Church was nominated for an Oscar but not Giamatti. 🤔 - That being said it's just okay for me, like I said well made, good performances but who and what it's about isn't super appealing.

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On 6/25/2021 at 8:56 PM, elbobo said:



I pray this is the stupidest movie I watch this year




well this didn't hold the record for long this year, I just watched The Tomorrow War. The military "strategy" used is the most criminally negligent I think I have ever seen in a movie. The action was fine. It was also one act to long.



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On 7/14/2021 at 5:45 PM, EternallDarkness said:

Finally got around to seeing F9...The movies have always been over the top and getting more so with each one but holy crap they aren't even trying to maintain any semblance of reality :lol: I can't tell you how many times I was laughing or shaking my head at the pure insanity of it all. Still enjoyed it, just had to check my brain at the door. 

I think you have to take an iq test to ensure you are dumb enough to enter the theater. However, if you’re unvaccinated you can skip the test and walk right in!

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19 hours ago, gamer.tv said:

Deep Impact - call it my age, but for me it’s the GOAT disaster film. I just love everything about it.


Saw that in the theaters and liked it a lot. I think I've only seen it one other time on video back in the day. 

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2 hours ago, best3444 said:


Saw that in the theaters and liked it a lot. I think I've only seen it one other time on video back in the day. 

AMC played this like once or twice a day for like 2-3 weeks straight last month. I still enjoyed the movie but AMC likes to play a lot of movies over and over again. Just in case you were looking to watch again soon, cause you’ll have a good chance on AMC

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F9 The Fast Saga - Glad to see Lin back in the driver's seat. Too much exposition, but action is stellar and the flashback shit worked surprisingly well for me. // B-

No Sudden Move - Sodie never disappoints with these capitalism critiques in genre clothing. Top to bottom excellent cast, but Seimetz might be my MVP in her minor role with the best line/delivery in the movie. // B+

Zola - Top-notch direction and some great comedic moments pulled from a puddle-deep Twitter thread. Perspective reversal scene is worth the price of admission. // B

Black Widow - Outside of the dinner table scene, kind of just a big eh. // C

Summertime - Tough to get past the contrived scenarios to contextualize these earnest spoken-word poems, but builds steam and there's some genuinely affecting ones by the end. Marquesha had me in tears. // B-

Pig - Want to gush, but also believe that going in blind is best. Check it out! // A-

Pierrot le fou - Massive Vivre sa vie fan, and relatively lukewarm to the other Godards I've seen, so glad it had a vibe closer to that than I expected, especially towards the end. // B+

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52 minutes ago, Zeluge said:

F9 The Fast Saga - Glad to see Lin back in the driver's seat. Too much exposition, but action is stellar and the flashback shit worked surprisingly well for me. // B-

No Sudden Move - Sodie never disappoints with these capitalism critiques in genre clothing. Top to bottom excellent cast, but Seimetz might be my MVP in her minor role with the best line/delivery in the movie. // B+

Zola - Top-notch direction and some great comedic moments pulled from a puddle-deep Twitter thread. Perspective reversal scene is worth the price of admission. // B

Black Widow - Outside of the dinner table scene, kind of just a big eh. // C

Summertime - Tough to get past the contrived scenarios to contextualize these earnest spoken-word poems, but builds steam and there's some genuinely affecting ones by the end. Marquesha had me in tears. // B-

Pig - Want to gush, but also believe that going in blind is best. Check it out! // A-

Pierrot le fou - Massive Vivre sa vie fan, and relatively lukewarm to the other Godards I've seen, so glad it had a vibe closer to that than I expected, especially towards the end. // B+


Bro where have you been. It's been ages! There are so few film snobs left here, good to see you.

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