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~Rate The Last Movie/TV Show You Watched Thread~

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4 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

The Irishman - 7/10


Really good, but good god making it 3.5 hours long was entirely unnecessary. I actually watched it all the way through in one sitting, which says something, but there were definitely parts where I kind of wanted to skip along.


Side note: I was kind of hoping the skipping around with the nursing home stuff would lead to some kind of "unreliable narrator" thing, and maybe that's what it was, because Frank Sheeran's story is 100% full of shit. He's basically claiming to be the Forrest Gump of all major mafia-related events in the 60's and 70's. From the little I've looked into it, he was probably involved with the murder of Jimmy Hoffa, but almost no one thinks he personally pulled the trigger on anyone, let alone Hoffa or Joe Gallo. 


Still, really good movie. Cinematography was A+.

Him being an unreliable narrator is very much a part of the film, it goes well beyond belief and into "bucket of Horseshit" levels though. Its my least favorite of his films.

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Y tu mamá también: 7/10 - I feel like in general this is something I wouldn't really be into anymore but this movie has special sauce and it's called Alfonso Cuarón. It's like a buddy road trip movie with these two knuckleheads (You might recognize Diego Luna from Rogue One) but also a coming of age type movie and a nice slice of life along the way. I think the humor is honest and the look at reality maybe a bit somber. Mexico probably isn't the best eye candy but this movie makes it look charming. In any case I liked it. I say the only gripe I had was the narration felt a little awkward, like the audio takes an abrupt cut and then the voice over comes in. I feel like maybe an audio fade would be less jarring.

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11 hours ago, elbobo said:



I pray this is the stupidest movie I watch this year



Then don’t watch Spiral.  I watched this the other day and it never amazes me when an action spends half the movie explaining lore that no one cares about. 

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A film set in the 80's where a kind of bookish young women is working for the UK government grading and censoring "video nasties". At a young age her sister disappeared and her parents finally give up and assume she is dead. In the middle of her watching one of these films she believes one of the actress's is her lost sister. From there is a spiral into madness. Her life falls apart watching films that border on snuff and family loss . Its shot very well and looks the part of gritty 80's style. If you hate Lynch and Cronenberg this one is not for you.



☠ Video Nasties, The Complete 72 Banned Titles List with Details and Anecdotes




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Operation Finale - 6/10


It's not bad at all, it just feels like it tries at moments to grasp at something without fully committing to it, ultimately leaving it feeling a little paint-by-numbers. It doesn't help that it repeats a lot of the same beats that Argo did. And by "a lot" I mean damn near everything.

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15 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

Operation Finale - 6/10


It's not bad at all, it just feels like it tries at moments to grasp at something without fully committing to it, ultimately leaving it feeling a little paint-by-numbers. It doesn't help that it repeats a lot of the same beats that Argo did. And by "a lot" I mean damn near everything.


Watch Anthropoid if you haven't yet. Probably more what you'll like. Great movie with an amazing last 20 minutes or so.

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Wolf's Rain: 9/10 - Sounding like a broken record, but, this is one I've heard good things about but had it in an unwatched backlog until now! I'm somewhat upset it took me so long to watch it because this feels like one of the all time greats. It is a masterclass in animation, storytelling and music. It all starts up front with this awesome intro song by none other than Yoko Kanno



Then the rest is just gravy. It takes place in a dystopian future, and the world building is pretty incredible. The story is engaging from beginning to end and no stupid story threads. The tones is very somber and mature, someone might be cutting onions while you watch, who knows! I docked it a point because about halfway through there is like a 3 or 4 episode stretch and they are just recap episodes of the first half of the show. Kind of a waste but I guess when you're pumping out stuff of this quality you need some extra time to make sure the last half is just as good as the first half. So yeah if you somehow haven't seen this you probably should make it a priority.


From the beginning of the year I had set aside 5 or 6 anime to watch from my backlog. This all was spurred on because @Bloodporne wanted to see something "dark and gritty" Up until this point the things I have watched I probably wouldn't have been comfortable recommending to him. This I would say would come closest to what he wanted to see. It's not dark and gritty but I would say dark and bleak.

And after this one, this was my last one I set aside to watch, I wanted to take a break and go back to my Korean shows. However, I have more to watch so I could be persuaded to watch more, but that was my plan in any case. :p



Super super PS PS here at the end. I kept seeing Les Claypool's name in the credits and I guess there is a Les Claypool III that is not related to the Les Claypool (but they even have the same middle initial :confused:). And he was an audio engineer at a place called Magnitude 8, a recording studio which I guess is where they did the English dub for this.

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4 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:



Wolf's Rain: 9/10 - Sounding like a broken record, but, this is one I've heard good things about but had it in an unwatched backlog until now! I'm somewhat upset it took me so long to watch it because this feels like one of the all time greats. It is a masterclass in animation, storytelling and music. It all starts up front with this awesome intro song by none other than Yoko Kanno



Then the rest is just gravy. It takes place in a dystopian future, and the world building is pretty incredible. The story is engaging from beginning to end and no stupid story threads. The tones is very somber and mature, someone might be cutting onions while you watch, who knows! I docked it a point because about halfway through there is like a 3 or 4 episode stretch and they are just recap episodes of the first half of the show. Kind of a waste but I guess when you're pumping out stuff of this quality you need some extra time to make sure the last half is just as good as the first half. So yeah if you somehow haven't seen this you probably should make it a priority.


From the beginning of the year I had set aside 5 or 6 anime to watch from my backlog. This all was spurred on because @Bloodporne wanted to see something "dark and gritty" Up until this point the things I have watched I probably wouldn't have been comfortable recommending to him. This I would say would come closest to what he wanted to see. It's not dark and gritty but I would say dark and bleak.

And after this one, this was my last one I set aside to watch, I wanted to take a break and go back to my Korean shows. However, I have more to watch so I could be persuaded to watch more, but that was my plan in any case. :p



Super super PS PS here at the end. I kept seeing Les Claypool's name in the credits and I guess there is a Les Claypool III that is not related to the Les Claypool (but they even have the same middle initial :confused:). And he was an audio engineer at a place called Magnitude 8, a recording studio which I guess is where they did the English dub for this.

Hey thanks this looks pretty cool! I'm honestly just kind of dipping my toe into anime very lightly so far but the trailer you posted looks great. How did you watch this one? I just saw it's a show so I don't wanna drop $2.99 or something per episode on Amazon (who the hell watches entire shows in that format anyway)

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48 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

How did you watch this one? I just saw it's a show so I don't wanna drop $2.99 or something per episode on Amazon (who the hell watches entire shows in that format anyway)


I got the blu-ray a while ago :p It was $28.99 3 years ago - Just saying because I look on Amazon and see it at $50. Yikes!

If you really want to stream it you can do so on funimation.com (with a subscription of course!)

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1 hour ago, Keyser_Soze said:


I got the blu-ray a while ago :p It was $28.99 3 years ago - Just saying because I look on Amazon and see it at $50. Yikes!

If you really want to stream it you can do so on funimation.com (with a subscription of course!)

I'll look into Funimation. My girlfriend quite likes anime in general it seems so maybe she'll go in on a subscription. 

  • stepee 1
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Mission of Honor - 4/10


Goddamn it takes some balls for someone to be like "we have the budget of a JC Penney commercial, let's make a movie about aerial dogfights in WW2." 


And you know what? It's not terrible. They kind of pulled it off. Sort of. Mostly because Iwan Rheon is a fucking boss. The rest of it doesn't really work that well. Characters die and you're left thinking "who was that again?"


I mean to say, the movie is not good, but it's still better than it has any right to be. Kudos to everyone involved, it should have been a dumpster fire and it wasn't.

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Bo Burnham - Inside.  Definitely not the revelatory work of genius brought down from the heavens that a lot of reviews make it out to be, but as a personal, emotionally impactful and unique work that comments on & encapsulates a lot of what's happened in past few years, I loved it. Content, Comedy, White Woman's Instagram, Sexting, WTTI, All Eyes on Me and That Funny Feeling are bangers. 8/10

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Too Hot To Handle


Came home the other night to my girlfriend and her friend watching this asinine trash...and subsequently was pulled into it and thought it was kind of hilarious. We had a few drinks and a joint and that surely helped.


10/10 of course

  • Haha 1
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The Tomorrow War - They tossed Starship Troopers, The Terminator, and Independence Day into a blender(it's not as entertaining as any of those films)  6/10.


It runs long and eventually it feels that way.  Well made, competently acted, with some good action setpieces though.  Something dumb and reasonably entertaining to watch on a Friday night.



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The Hunt: 5/10 - I wonder who this movie was made for. I guess it's supposed to be satirical pitting the left against the right but at the end of the day they all suck. Also, the concept isn't extreme enough as these portrayals of the individuals are a little too on the mark. It all made sense once the credits rolled, from the brilliant mind of Damon Lindelof. I don't really have much more to say. It tried to be clever but it was just dumb.

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Tomorrow War - 8/10


This might be the most hole filled, nonsensically insane story ever. But I fucking dug it. Could just be the mood I was in but this was all of the 4th of July Blockbuster I wanted. Complete with Will Smith name drop. Acted well. Made well. Special effects are decent and the set pieces are cool. The end. Lol holy shit the end is so over the top bad ass in a way that makes no sense. This movie is terrible and I loved every second. 

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Our Friend - I wasn’t quite ready for something that emotional, as-hoc, on a Monday evening. 

8.5/10, mainly so I’m being objective - but on first impressions and how I felt, add another 1 to that.


Edit: I read the article that led to the film. Very hard reading, especially with the context that one in two people will experience cancer in their life.

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HELLBOY(2019) 3/5


Don’t get me wrong, this is a bad movie but so bad it was good. It really doesn’t seem to have a straight forward narrative and felt more like volumes of a story. He’s no Ron Pearlman but I enjoyed David Harbour’s take as the character with his dry delivery. Can’t say the same for the makeup, as I like the cleaner redder look of the original movies. The sets were either cool or totally bad CGI/green screen effect, but it sort of worked charm wise. It was like watching a little more expensive version of an episode of Buddy or Angel, and I loved that shit. Maybe that’s why it worked for me, and I picked the right strain to watch it with (Lemonchello Haze)

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9 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

Every time I think of watching it, I get a pit in my stomach because of the subject matter and end up deciding 'another time'.

It's heavy, intense, horrifying, and infuriating, but my god is it well done.  Watch it some day.

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The Pianist - 10/10


Say what you will about Roman Polanski, and I will say it because he's a trash monster piece of shit, but The Pianist might be the best WW2 movie ever made. Better than Saving Private Ryan. It captures the loss of humanity in a way that is unique in its beauty. Come and See and Saving Private Ryan both kind of hammer you with the bleak reality of war, while The Pianist consistently reminds you of the beauty of humanity throughout, while still making you want to kill yourself a little bit.



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1 minute ago, Fizzzzle said:

The Pianist - 10/10


Say what you will about Roman Polanski, and I will say it because he's a trash monster piece of shit, but The Pianist might be the best WW2 movie ever made. Better than Saving Private Ryan. It captures the loss of humanity in a way that is unique in its beauty. Come and See and Saving Private Ryan both kind of hammer you with the bleak reality of war, while The Pianist consistently reminds you of the beauty of humanity throughout, while still making you want to kill yourself a little bit.



The man should hang by his scrotum but he’s a hell of film maker.

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11 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

There are a lot of WW2 movies better than Saving Private Ryan though.

I don't know, it's at least top 5 for me. It's such a fucking tight narrative compared to most war movies. I'd rate come and see, the pianist, das boot, and.... I think that's it over saving private Ryan. And Schindler's list, if that counts. So still top 5.

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