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Captain America: The First Avenger - 9/10


I think it might be my favorite MCU movie, or at least tied with Guardians. It is definitely the most unique, in everything from its music, to the way it was shot, to the way Cap runs. It's a throwback to 40's/50's/60's pulp cinema, and I'm here for it. They use a lot of those shots where Cap jogs towards the camera, stops, looks around for a second, and then jogs off camera. I love it every single time. No one does that anymore because it's stupid. But old action movies used to do that shot all the time. It's the same with the way Cap moves. He almost bounces when he runs in this goofy exaggerated movement the way they used to do in old pulp adventure movies.


I love that the MCU opens with Captain America (yes I know it didn't come out first). I think it sets the tone perfectly. It just says "remember those old movies you watched as a kid? Yeah, this is like that, but with more explosions. Sit back and relax." But at the same time it doesn't lose any integrity or character. It's not a Michael Bay movie.


edit: Also, when Cap takes over the torpedo-nukey-planey-thing and one of the Hydra goons falls back and gets turned into red mist by the propeller, is that the only instance of real gore in the MCU? I'm trying to think of another one and I can't.


A small nit I have to pick: When Cap first gets to Italy, they say that Bucky's regiment was "30 miles behind enemy lines," then they say that the Hydra base is in Austria. The allies never got anywhere NEAR Austria from the south. They only captured Rome right before the Normandy landings and they never even reached Milan until the very end of the war. It's actually an interesting story, the final offensive to break through the Gothic Line was the only offensive in the war that Brazil had a major part in, with their RCT forces becoming highly decorated before the main contingent of their forces arrived forming the Brazilian 1st Division, helping lead the final push into northern Italy. Someone should make a movie about them. Maybe there is one from Brazil.:thinking:

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Captain Marvel - 7/10


It's fun. Brie Larson is awesome and I like that Samuel L. Jackson finally got a movie where he really shows actual character. I don't like how the MCU started to retcon things around this time, but whatever. I suppose it's inevitable with 23 movies and 3 TV shows (though is Agent Carter considered canon?)

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38 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

Captain Marvel - 7/10


It's fun. Brie Larson is awesome and I like that Samuel L. Jackson finally got a movie where he really shows actual character. I don't like how the MCU started to retcon things around this time, but whatever. I suppose it's inevitable with 23 movies and 3 TV shows (though is Agent Carter considered canon?)


The non-Disney+ shows are in a weird sort of place when it comes to canon, but I believe Agent Carter is completely canon. There is little that contradicts it and it was made to be canon at the time.

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32 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


The non-Disney+ shows are in a weird sort of place when it comes to canon, but I believe Agent Carter is completely canon. There is little that contradicts it and it was made to be canon at the time.

It seems like Disney kind of disavowed the Netflix shows, and they never really had anything to do with the MCU anyway, except for passing references. They were also all over the place in terms of quality (though Daredevil season 1 is all-time great for me)


Though as I understand it, WandaVision basically allows them to completely hit the reset button if they want and alter timelines and such? I haven't seen it yet, so don't spoil it, but that's what I've been told. Basically anything can be canon now because what even is reality

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11 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

It seems like Disney kind of disavowed the Netflix shows, and they never really had anything to do with the MCU anyway, except for passing references. They were also all over the place in terms of quality (though Daredevil season 1 is all-time great for me)


Though as I understand it, WandaVision basically allows them to completely hit the reset button if they want and alter timelines and such? I haven't seen it yet, so don't spoil it, but that's what I've been told. Basically anything can be canon now because what even is reality


I've seen WandaVision and I don't see how it could reset anything. You'll see what I mean - the show actually doesn't affect much for any characters from the regular MCU. 


You're right about the Netflix shows, but Agent Carter wasn't a Netflix show and it has a character/actor from the mainline films (Agent Carter herself) so I think its more canon than the Netflix shows. Agents of Shield also sits in a super weird place, moreso than even Carter or the Netflix shows.

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3 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


I've seen WandaVision and I don't see how it could reset anything. You'll see what I mean - the show actually doesn't affect much for any characters from the regular MCU. 


You're right about the Netflix shows, but Agent Carter wasn't a Netflix show and it has a character/actor from the mainline films (Agent Carter herself) so I think its more canon than the Netflix shows. Agents of Shield also sits in a super weird place, moreso than even Carter or the Netflix shows.

Ah, I forgot Agents of Shield and Agent Carter were different things somehow. For some reason in my head they blended together. I've never seen either and honestly don't really plan to.

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52 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

Ah, I forgot Agents of Shield and Agent Carter were different things somehow. For some reason in my head they blended together. I've never seen either and honestly don't really plan to.


Haha all good - yeah, two different shows, neither were on Netflix. Agents of Shield was pretty bad - I hung in for 3 seasons I think. I heard it got better but meh.


Agent Carter is a short and sweet 2 seasons. I enjoyed it, has some good tie ins to The First Avenger. I recommend watching it if you're ever bored, but its not essential MCU viewing.

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Iron Man - 8/10


I've seen this movie probably like 5 times, and it's honestly still so good. RDJ fucking kills it obviously, but I think the reason it's rewatchable is because it really isn't trying to do too much. It's just well executed. The only thing I would knock it on, if I had to, is that Obadiah Stane's plans seemed kind of nonsensical to me after Tony survived the assassination attempt.

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Iron Man 2 - 5/10


Probably the weakest in the MCU, but it's still a good time. Some of the character growth feels unearned, the plot is just 'eh,' Whiplash is kind of a shit villain, it's the closest the MCU gets to being a Michael Bay movie.

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Thor - 5/10


I used to like this movie more. It has some witty dialogue and the action scenes are great, but a lot of it falls flat. The romance between Thor and Jane is completely unearned beyond "attractive people think each other are attractive." They honestly don't even speak to each other all that much during the movie. The fight with the destroyer is kind of meh.

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The Incredible Hulk - 6/10


It's honestly kind of refreshing that they basically skipped his origin story by just having a montage at the start of the movie that tells you everything you need to know. I would assume it's because this movie came out only 4-5 years after the last Hulk movie, so they didn't want to retread the same territory.


Tonally, the movie is completely different from anything else in the MCU. There aren't any quippy one-liners, it's generally a much more serious and somewhat generic action movie. It makes sense. It was actually filmed slightly before Iron Man, and at the time, while Kevin Feige WANTED to do the MCU, it was still far from set in stone (Feige only became president of Marvel Studios like a few months before shooting started). If I recall, the ending teaser with RDJ wasn't filmed until much later, so it's almost accurate to say The Incredible Hulk was kind of retconned into the MCU in real time. Other than a few "Stark Industries" logos and and a vague reference to a super soldier serum developed in WW2, there is not even an easter egg reference to anything else in the MCU in the actual movie.


Overall, a perfectly fine movie. But that's it, just "fine." There's nothing at all wrong with it, but It doesn't really have a lot of its own character, and it's entirely skippable within the MCU.

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The Avengers - 7/10


Very fun. The only thing I don't like is the movie spending entirely too much time on the whole "villain gets captured on purpose" thing that fucking every movie was doing around that time, which makes the second act drag like a motherfucker. Character moments still make it fun, though. Then the third act pulls through and everything is awesome again.


Iron Man 3 - 8/10


I know a lot of people like to shit on this movie, but I really like it. Ben Kingsley is hilarious, it's got probably the sharpest dialogue in the MCU, one of the more tightly focused stories, it's brilliant in my opinion.


Also I'm glad that it's the last standalone Iron Man movie. I'm 8 MCU movies down over the last few days and I'm kind of Iron Man'd out.

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11 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

Increased lockdown measures have me only working like 3 days a week, plus I generally stay up very late/early and have nothing to do.


I see. Well hopefully you're ok financially and are enjoying your free time. Watch all the movies you want! I enjoy reading your mini impressions/reviews on the movies you watch. 

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Just now, best3444 said:


I see. Well hopefully you're ok financially and are enjoying your free time. Watch all the movies you want! I enjoy reading your mini impressions/reviews on the movies you watch. 

Well, thank you! And yes, I'm doing fine financially. We're kind of opening back up again on Friday, I wasn't expecting it for another week.

  • stepee 1
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Thor: The Dark World - 8/10


I don't know why people shit on this one, either. It is so delightfully silly, yet still heartfelt at the right moments. Yes, the dark elves/Malekith are crappy villains, but they're not the point of the story. Whereas most of the other MCU movies have heroes and villains fighting over a macguffin, in this movie the villains kind of *are* the macguffin. The final showdown is possibly my favorite in the entire MCU. It's completely ridiculous.


I don't know, I really like both Iron Man 3 and Dark World. Sue me.

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier - 9/10


I love how the opening of the movie shows you how much of a badass Cap actually is. Like, in the previous movies, you get glimpses of it, then the opening of Winter Soldier has him running "13 miles in 30 minutes" and has him taking out basically an entire ship of bad guys buy himself. I noticed that they changed the way Cap moves in this one, too. In The Avengers, they kept the hokey/bouncy running that he did in TFA, which worked to put him out of time with everyone else. Winter Soldier changes it in a way to say "this is the modern Cap now." Everything is lower, more grounded, and faster.


If The First Avenger and Guardians of the Galaxy are my favorite MCU movies, I think Winter Soldier is probably the best. Those aren't always the same thing. Like, I love Final Fantasy VI more than Chrono Trigger, but I view Chrono Trigger as "better," for whatever that means. But they're both masterpieces so what does it matter.


Guardians of the Galaxy - 9.5/10


I take it back, Guardians of the Galaxy is better. I think this is probably the... 4th? time I've seen it. It still has me grinning the entire fucking time, except for the sober moments, which are all completely earned. I fucking love this movie. It's hilarious, endearing, sincere, and also there's a lot of explosions. In my mind, in terms of popcorn movies, it's knocking right up there with The Matrix and Die Hard. Not *quite* there, but hanging in the same neighborhood.

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9 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

Captain America: The Winter Soldier - 9/10


I love how the opening of the movie shows you how much of a badass Cap actually is. Like, in the previous movies, you get glimpses of it, then the opening of Winter Soldier has him running "13 miles in 30 minutes" and has him taking out basically an entire ship of bad guys buy himself. I noticed that they changed the way Cap moves in this one, too. In The Avengers, they kept the hokey/bouncy running that he did in TFA, which worked to put him out of time with everyone else. Winter Soldier changes it in a way to say "this is the modern Cap now." Everything is lower, more grounded, and faster.


If The First Avenger and Guardians of the Galaxy are my favorite MCU movies, I think Winter Soldier is probably the best. Those aren't always the same thing. Like, I love Final Fantasy VI more than Chrono Trigger, but I view Chrono Trigger as "better," for whatever that means. But they're both masterpieces so what does it matter.


Guardians of the Galaxy - 9.5/10


I take it back, Guardians of the Galaxy is better. I think this is probably the... 4th? time I've seen it. It still has me grinning the entire fucking time, except for the sober moments, which are all completely earned. I fucking love this movie. It's hilarious, endearing, sincere, and also there's a lot of explosions. In my mind, in terms of popcorn movies, it's knocking right up there with The Matrix and Die Hard. Not *quite* there, but hanging in the same neighborhood.

Both GOTG films could be perfect 10’s for me but they can’t let a serious moment pass by itself. They always feel the need to add humor to the moment and it ruins it for me.

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2 hours ago, SimpleG said:

Both GOTG films could be perfect 10’s for me but they can’t let a serious moment pass by itself. They always feel the need to add humor to the moment and it ruins it for me.

I think the second one is much more egregious in that aspect than the first. The first one tended to let sober moments play out most of the time, while the second one basically has something "ruin the moment" like 80% of the time.


Speaking of which:


Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 - 7/10


It's still quite enjoyable and legitimately hilarious, but at the cost of some of the endearing character moments the first one had.

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In Search Of Darkness 2

 4 hour long documentary on 80's horror . This one covers a bit more of the unknown or lesser known horror films. My biggest complaint is I wish they would cut some of the films and do some longer more in depth interviews with folks like Linnea Quigley, Tom Atkins, or Clancy Brown.


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3 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

The first one tended to let sober moments play out most of the time, while the second one basically has something "ruin the moment" like 80% of the time.

Very true and I wonder if that comes from Disney or if its choice Gunn makes.

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Avengers: Age of Ultron - 7/10


I like it better than the first one. I think it helps that the relationships each character has with each other are already mostly established. Still, at some level, I think the Avengers movies just can't hit that same high level that the more character-focused stories can. Infinity War and Endgame might be able to do it back-to-back, but the Avengers stories have so much going on that they kind of have to go beat-by-beat, if that makes sense.

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3 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

Avengers: Age of Ultron - 7/10


I like it better than the first one. I think it helps that the relationships each character has with each other are already mostly established. Still, at some level, I think the Avengers movies just can't hit that same high level that the more character-focused stories can. Infinity War and Endgame might be able to do it back-to-back, but the Avengers stories have so much going on that they kind of have to go beat-by-beat, if that makes sense.


I've always felt like there are scenes missing early on in this film. Needs more Ultron character development and Tony's reasoning for doing it in secret seems underdeveloped as well. 

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9 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:


I've always felt like there are scenes missing early on in this film. Needs more Ultron character development and Tony's reasoning for doing it in secret seems underdeveloped as well. 

Yeah, I think in general the movie starts and you're kind of like 'wait, what?' for the first 20 minutes. Like they skipped some stuff. It gains a lot of steam as it goes, though.

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Ant-Man - 6/10


Putting aside how fast and loose (emphasis on loose) this movie is with its own physics and rules - and by that I mean there basically are no rules - it's still a lot of fun. It's just kind of basic, like if The Incredible Hulk had a sense of humor.


Michael Pena's character is fucking brilliant in how he plays into and subverts stereotypes. "So I was at this red wine tasting with my cousin Ernesto, right? I don't really do reds, but there was this rosé that saved the day." "So I was at this art museum with my cousin Ignacio, right? and there was this abstract expressionism exhibit, but you know me, I'm more of a neo-cubist kind of guy.":lol:


And also they missed an opportunity to say "no ants were harmed in the making of this film" before the credits.

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50 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Personally I gave it an 8 and think its one of the better MCU movies.

I mean, there isn't really a whole lot separating most of them. In my mind, Thor, Iron Man 2, and The Incredible Hulk are the only ones that kind of tip-toe on the edge of being bad. Then Guardians of the Galaxy and Winter Soldier are next level great, with the rest you're kind of splitting hairs. In my marathon I've realized they're all like 6-7-8 and it probably at least somewhat depends on my mood.

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19 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

I mean, there isn't really a whole lot separating most of them. In my mind, Thor, Iron Man 2, and The Incredible Hulk are the only ones that kind of tip-toe on the edge of being bad. Then Guardians of the Galaxy and Winter Soldier are next level great, with the rest you're kind of splitting hairs. In my marathon I've realized they're all like 6-7-8 and it probably at least somewhat depends on my mood.

I didn’t like Thor 2, the first avengers one and gotg 2 was meh.  To each their own

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3 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Personally I gave it an 8 and think its one of the better MCU movies.


I'll have to watch it then. You have great reviews, too. I trust your opinion and you're very intelligent like Fizzzzle. 

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8 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:

Ant Man is just a blast. Love that it doesn't take itself seriously at all. And the cast is just killer. 

See, that's what I like about thor 2 but no one agrees with me.


There's a lot in ant man I really like and Paul Rudd and Michael Pena are great, but I kind of wish it was more. Maybe that comes from the fact that I watched it after back to back Guardians 1/2 and Ultron, so it's a super big downscale

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