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Emelie 2.5/5


its got some interesting stuff. Basically girl babysits these kids but the babysitter isn’t who she says she is and she’s crazy. Some of the stuff she does with the kids is a little jarring like the bathroom scene and the video scene. Never really comes together and kinda devolves into every other evil babysitter movie. 

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21 hours ago, johnny said:

Emelie 2.5/5


its got some interesting stuff. Basically girl babysits these kids but the babysitter isn’t who she says she is and she’s crazy. Some of the stuff she does with the kids is a little jarring like the bathroom scene and the video scene. Never really comes together and kinda devolves into every other evil babysitter movie. 

I was curious about this but I think I will take a pass.

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MI : Fallout.


Just came back from seeing it. It's amazing that this series still keeps it fresh even when we know certain elemen's are likely to happen but the question is how will it be presented to Ethan and his team this time? Wow. This was such a good movie and it had a few things in there for longtime fans of the series. Tom Cruise is crazy. I know he didn't do all that but I know there is quite a few stunts he did do and he keeps pushing the bar. Henry Cavil was just a damn beast in this movie. Angela Bassett always bring a regal class and no nonsense to her characters and it's just the same here. Such a good damn movie.



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Avengers Age of Ultron


I have not seen this since i saw it opening weekend in the theater. I liked it but didn't enjoy it as much as the first film but I in no way thought it deserved the critical criticism it got. Upon 2nd watch, it's a very good movie and I enjoyed more this time around especially knowing how this movie has some foreshadowing to Civil War and Infinity War. As much as I want to go in a huge diatribe about what made this movie so good, I will just point out a few good things. 


- James Spader is absolutely perfect as Ultron. I don't think he gets enough credit as Ultron is probably the most forgotten villain of the MCU so far probably even more so than  Yellowjacket in Ant-man. While I think we all may have been a little miffed that Tony and Bruce were the creator's of Ultron but Spade made Ultron a psycho type Tony Stark which was cool.  Which moves on my next point.........


- Tony is very obsessed about making mistakes and doing what he can to not lose lives which we see play later on in Homecoming and Infinity War. We know that Ultron later becomes a mistake but he's willing to make certain risks cause he believes the reward is worth it.  And he's still hilarious. 


- Cap is taking charge and really leading the Avengers in this film. 


- I love Quicksilver's characterization. Wants to take care of his sister and he's hot headed with a bit of impatience which is a key trait . 


- I just love the Hulk in Hulk smash mode. He is the epitome of team muscle and this movie shows it. 


- Hawkeye is fucking awesome. Renner nails him. 


I can go on and on about the good. I think the major issues I have is that somethings could have been explained better, espeically the Thor water scene which has an extended scene on the Bluray and just that the Avengers are fighting drone type minions again. Great fighting choreography but it's drone minions again (which we also get in Infinity War).



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Preacher season 3


I don't recall the last time I've seen a show revel in and fully embrace its weirdness to such a degree, it is glorious. I feel the comics told the Angelville story a bit better but the show version was still solid. Herr Starr remains the best page to screen adaptation on any character I have ever seen with the only possible exception of JK Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson, in fact all the grail stuff was dead on from the comic.






Shameless Season 3, 4 and 5


I forgot to review these as I was watching so what happened in what season is blurring together.


Fiona and Lip are two of the most well developed characters on television. Ian and Mickey's relationship feels extremely real. Kevin and V are great together but the whole thing with getting V's mom pregnant went on way to long.


I'm glad that Sheila is finally gone, she was really getting on my nerves too bad she is essentially replaced with the equally annoying Sammi. Not sure I like the humanizing of Frank that is going on, he was such a piece of shit in the first couple of seasons that I am having a really hard time buying any kind of redemption arc for him.



combined 3 season review  8/10

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3D: 4.25/5
AQ: 4.5/5

It’s a bit slow for a movie but that 3D does add a good amount “ah hell no” with the great amount of added depth to the peril they are always in climbing/descending the mountain. The sound is amazing when the storm kicks in or when an avalanche occurs, but it’s also filled with quieter dialog moments too. It was worth the viewing but just like climbing Everest. I think it’s pretty much a one way trip

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6 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


I've heard it's fucking terrible. To be fair - and I don't mean this as a slight - you have a much higher tolerance for that kind of stuff (average or bad movies) than @GeneticBlueprint and I do. :p 

Lol, no offense taken. I know I do but I look for key things that people do say. It those small things that can determine if it's something I want to see soon or I'll just wait until whenever I see it? This just sounds all around bad. I can do bad if there is some decent action.

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7 hours ago, Hurdyb1 said:

Damn. That bad? Not even leave your brain at the door little good?


6 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


I've heard it's fucking terrible. To be fair - and I don't mean this as a slight - you have a much higher tolerance for that kind of stuff (average or bad movies) than @GeneticBlueprint and I do. :p 


The movie seems almost racist in its joy of killing stereotypical Mexicans (and other non-whites) straight from Central Casting. The score is awful. The cinematography and editing were pulled right out of Man on Fire which would have been cool in 2003 but nowadays just makes you nauseous. The action was poorly shot—the movie is rated fucking R and it still cuts away or has the gory bits off screen. I mean the script has 1000 "fucks" in it so you're getting the R rating and you know it. Why not just go all out?

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5 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:



The movie seems almost racist in its joy of killing stereotypical Mexicans (and other non-whites) straight from Central Casting. The score is awful. The cinematography and editing were pulled right out of Man on Fire which would have been cool in 2003 but nowadays just makes you nauseous. The action was poorly shot—the movie is rated fucking R and it still cuts away or has the gory bits off screen. I mean the script has 1000 "fucks" in it so you're getting the R rating and you know it. Why not just go all out?


I mean, it is directed by Pierre Morel. Every villain in all of his movies (District B13, Taken, From Paris with Love, and The Gunman) are racist caricatures. It's super disappointing and he's not even a great director. I wonder if him being French has anything to do with it given the racial tensions there. 


While I enjoy District B13 and Taken for what they are, From Paris with Love was so overt in its racism that I didn't even bother seeing The Gunman. 

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Operation Finale - 8/10 - I needed to wash the taste of Peppermint out of my mouth (ironic because I actually love that flavor) so I went for some Oscar bait. And it was pretty good. The entire cast was fantastic and the suspenseful moments were there. I thought it worked well. Oscar Isaac is quickly becoming my favorite actor.

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3 hours ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

Operation Finale - 8/10 - I needed to wash the taste of Peppermint out of my mouth (ironic because I actually love that flavor) so I went for some Oscar bait. And it was pretty good. The entire cast was fantastic and the suspenseful moments were there. I thought it worked well. Oscar Isaac is quickly becoming my favorite actor.

Oscar Isaac is phenomenal. 

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The Shawshank Redemption - 8.5/10


Why the fuck did I always think this was a horror movie :lol:

On 9/8/2018 at 6:20 PM, Nokra said:

Idiocracy - 6/10


Very silly but had some pretty amusing parts. The best documentary I've seen in a long time. :p 

Grab yourself a nice latte to treat yourself :P



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On ‎9‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 8:44 AM, elbobo said:

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom


this is one of the dumbest movies I have ever seen and I've seen a lot of dumb movies, I'm also terrified where they are going to take the series from here





that's harsh. I was hardly a great movie, but only 2?!




A Simple Plan  7/10 maybe even 8/10 was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Was expecting a straight up suspense thriller ala gone girl but there was a ton of humor in well that actually worked IMO. 

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The Predator


It was a fun movie. I did go in with my expectations low so that probably helped to have me enjoy the movie. Not a great movie but not terrible either. It was fun and entertaining enough that I continue to enjoy the Predator movies. I don't feel the need to stop or bury this series like I do with a series such as The Terminator.



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Deadpool 2: After the first 20 minutes, I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy this (after finding the first simply lovely) but then it pulled it all around a bit more towards the end.  It's a shame the Juggernaut was used for pretty much nothing bar a leg gag (considering the hype within the movie) and some of the humour was forced.  It was nice to see a slightly more touching approach to superhero immortality.

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Just finished Castle Rock


Really enjoyed it. It felt like it was everything that AHS should be but always fails at. It left a fair amount of looses ends which is annoying and leaves you with a lot of “hey but what about....” but regardless I still enjoyed it and liked the ending. Bill Skaarsgard is entering “will watch anything he’s in” territory for me. 

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Shameless season 6


They started hitting the running out of good ideas part of the series pretty hard this season, the whole hippie commune plot was garbage. Carl surprising had character progression this season. Fionna straight up needs to take a couple year break from dating. Lip has become one of the most frustrating characters on TV to watch, by Gallagher standards life is handing him winning lottery tickets on a silk pillow and he keeps tearing them up. I'm glad they kept Frank a POS, for a couple episodes it almost looked like he was going to attempt a redemption arc with his family but his true nature won out.



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