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~Rate The Last Movie/TV Show You Watched Thread~

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The Exorcist 3

Fantastical bat shit crazy film. The dialog is so damn snappy and George C Scott chews every second of it. Hes a man on the verge of exploding and he revels in it. No blood and no gore and  its awesome.



Masters Of Horror

Imprint by  Takashi Miike

This was pulled from Showtime before it was aired due to the extreme violence and sexual brutality, even after being heavily edited. It was later released on DVD. Compared to the rest of the episodes it feels weak but it does live up to its  reputation .


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Spider-Man Far From Home: 7/10 - It was alright. Maybe a bit too much awkward / cringe humor in there. Also, not sure if I like what they did to Mysterio


Mainly the idea of needing a production team instead of doing it himself like a proper villain.


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decided to do a run through all the Star Wars films..tonight was The Phantom Menace.   utter shit/10   when its been a while since I see it, I was seem to think 'well it's not that bad' but then when I fire it up it more like 'holy shit this is even worse than I remember' So many talented people in the prequel trilogy and yet it seems like none of them can act worth a damn, as if this were an elementary school production and not professional actors. I cringe at the thought of what's to come next....The Clone Wars and the *cough* 'love story' :dumpster_fire:

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On 4/5/2020 at 11:33 AM, elbobo said:



You watched the trailers, you read the reviews, you are not prepared. It isn't just the weird CGI cat people that are horrible, literally 80% of the plot is just cats coming out and singing a song to introduce themselves, that is all the movie is. I want to know how many people had to say "yes" at some point for this abomination to be made.


even worse than you thought it would be/10

But...but that’s what I said about the musical 

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55 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:

decided to do a run through all the Star Wars films..tonight was The Phantom Menace.   utter shit/10   when its been a while since I see it, I was seem to think 'well it's not that bad' but then when I fire it up it more like 'holy shit this is even worse than I remember' So many talented people in the prequel trilogy and yet it seems like none of them can act worth a damn, as if this were an elementary school production and not professional actors. I cringe at the thought of what's to come next....The Clone Wars and the *cough* 'love story' :dumpster_fire:

I watched the first three again the other week. 1 and 2 suck balls. 3 sucks until the last hour where there’s some cool stuff but then Padme loses her will to live lmfao 

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1 hour ago, EternallDarkness said:

decided to do a run through all the Star Wars films..tonight was The Phantom Menace.   utter shit/10   when its been a while since I see it, I was seem to think 'well it's not that bad' but then when I fire it up it more like 'holy shit this is even worse than I remember' So many talented people in the prequel trilogy and yet it seems like none of them can act worth a damn, as if this were an elementary school production and not professional actors. I cringe at the thought of what's to come next....The Clone Wars and the *cough* 'love story' :dumpster_fire:


The dinner scene


well done ok GIF by funk

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I don't know, hope you don't want explanation on what is going on in this movie







This feels like somebody found a script from the 80s sitting in a draw and decided to finally produce it, this isn't a complaint just a statement.



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On 5/2/2020 at 11:10 PM, EternallDarkness said:

decided to do a run through all the Star Wars films..tonight was The Phantom Menace.   utter shit/10   when its been a while since I see it, I was seem to think 'well it's not that bad' but then when I fire it up it more like 'holy shit this is even worse than I remember' So many talented people in the prequel trilogy and yet it seems like none of them can act worth a damn, as if this were an elementary school production and not professional actors. I cringe at the thought of what's to come next....The Clone Wars and the *cough* 'love story' :dumpster_fire:

The ugly-ness really explodes in the Gungan vs Droid battle.. the utterly empty field, its definitely a video game cutscene.. the close ups of gungans fighting hand to hand with droids (watch the background of the jar jar closeups when hes doing slapstick).. 

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Rise of Skywalker 1/10


Decided to rewatch thinking maybe I’d enjoy it with much lower expectations. Nope. 10 min in and I wanted to punch the screen. I can’t watch this and not constantly think of TLJ. Hey let’s take the best actor this series has ever had who delivered in spades in the previous movie and remove 90% of his dialogue and make him a 1 dimensional villan. Also, hey remember that anyone can be a hero, anyone can be special? LOL


Fuck JJ, fuck all the dumb shit fans who complained about TLJ and fuck this movie 

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2 hours ago, Mercury33 said:

Rise of Skywalker 1/10


Decided to rewatch thinking maybe I’d enjoy it with much lower expectations. Nope. 10 min in and I wanted to punch the screen. I can’t watch this and not constantly think of TLJ. Hey let’s take the best actor this series has ever had who delivered in spades in the previous movie and remove 90% of his dialogue and make him a 1 dimensional villan. Also, hey remember that anyone can be a hero, anyone can be special? LOL


Fuck JJ, fuck all the dumb shit fans who complained about TLJ and fuck this movie 


It really is a bad movie. 

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Watching Boondocks for the first time, my girlfriend turned me on to it. I somehow missed this minus and episode or two back in the day.


I've seen five episodes so far and it's funny as hell, really enjoying it. I'll wait to rate it after seeing a season or two.

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1 minute ago, Bloodporne said:

Watching Boondocks for the first time, my girlfriend turned me on to it. I somehow missed this minus and episode or two back in the day.


I've seen five episodes so far and it's funny as hell, really enjoying it. I'll wait to rate it after seeing a season or two.

Boondocks for me is easily up in the top 5 of Adult Animation series.

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6 hours ago, Mercury33 said:

Rise of Skywalker 1/10


Decided to rewatch thinking maybe I’d enjoy it with much lower expectations. Nope. 10 min in and I wanted to punch the screen. I can’t watch this and not constantly think of TLJ. Hey let’s take the best actor this series has ever had who delivered in spades in the previous movie and remove 90% of his dialogue and make him a 1 dimensional villan. Also, hey remember that anyone can be a hero, anyone can be special? LOL


Fuck JJ, fuck all the dumb shit fans who complained about TLJ and fuck this movie 

It’s really amazing how badly they fucked up the final movie. 

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Chain Reaction: 7/10 - It's ok. Your average thriller (I feel like this is a dead genre these days) but an above average cast. Biggest problem is they cast Brian Cox and you know right away this fucker is a bad guy because Brian Cox plays a bad guy 95% of the time.

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I watched “The Boy” and for the first half I couldn’t keep my mind off of how the doll in it is totally jared kushner and that it’s pretty much exactly how it went down when jared’s parents introduced him to ivanka.

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On 5/18/2020 at 9:39 AM, Bloodporne said:



Just bizarre all around especially considering some of the acting is shockingly good for this type of flick.  I didn't watch the whole thing yet, fell asleep. Will rate when I'm done, but it's pretty fun so far.


If you have the DVD / blu-ray I HIGHLY recommend watching the commentary. 100% worth re-watching it with the commentary on.

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