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~Rate The Last Movie/TV Show You Watched Thread~

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England is Mine - 6/10.  I appreciate the fact that Morrissey struggled in his personal life but the movie succeeds in making him such an unlikable person. I'm not a Morrissey fan and I'm sure this is a good reflection of him as a young man, but it's a struggle to want to watch him and in turn, the film itself. 



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On 7/21/2019 at 8:44 AM, Greatoneshere said:

I always respect your opinion but this is quite the hot take. Can you go into more depth? My wife and I saw it recently and we both enjoyed it. It was fun, I mean, it's Spider-Man and the MCU, I'm not expecting Schindler's List. 

Sure! Wish I had been more diligent about writing something when I saw it last month so details are somewhat hazy which is why I was fairly brief, but I'll try my best to point to specific things in the movie to make my points more clear.


Gist is, this is probably going to be a mess of a post. Fair warning!



Easiest place to start, perhaps, is that a decent degree of the thematic concerns of this film are very similar to Spider-Man 2, just in a much less coherent and emotionally satisfying way. I hate to compare it so closely to not just one of the previous film adaptations of this character but one of the best (in my eyes, certainly THE best) superhero/comic book films made to date, but Far From Home seems to be in a constant dialogue with it, and doing a poor job of echoing those themes. Spider-Man 2 had Peter struggling with balancing life as a regular guy (in every single fashion that that would entail) and a crime fighter, and had his waning powers to mark his skepticism at continuing to do double-duty. Far From Home, by contrast, has Peter constantly whining about not having enough time for MJ, and a very sporadic mention of his "Peter Tingle" (quick aside: I hate this phrase, along with Infinity War's big climax being deemed "The Blip", and it's disappointing that it's used so frequently, especially toward the end) that he's lost at some undetermined point. There's not much of an emotional anchoring to the storyline, and his "lost power" is casually mentioned at the beginning as a joke and near the end when it's important to the story.


No one feels quite like themselves, the biggest examples being Peter, who comes off as a dramatic regression to a Peter Parker/Spider-Man prior to Homecoming, and, most surprisingly of all, the absent Tony Stark. Marvel has always had a problem with consistent characterization for Tony, but never to this extent, and it's additionally surprising that this happens right after his demise. The glasses that are capable of hacking into anything and everything and the space silo with an untold number of drones paint him as an insane tech despot who would have gladly kept the entire world under his finger as opposed to someone who was trying to help the world be a better place. A lot of this feels like a very specific betrayal of the Tony depicted in Age of Ultron, which showed the effects that his own controlling behavior could potentially have on the world, and which he seemed to learn from.


A lot of the actors feel like they're mugging up the screen with an incredibly weak script. The first half in particular feels very odd and rushed, with a lot of misplaced humor (undressing in front of the female agent, Peter targeting the drone at his classmate, Ned and Betsy trapped on the ferris wheel, Peter hitting his head on the bell, etc.). I was hoping that they would explain this to an extent by having everything prior to Mysterio's turn be an illusion, but no such luck. Inconsistencies and weak writing continue into the second half.


This one may be a bit more of a personal thing as a friend let me know that they're apparently going toward a specific adaptation of the character (Ultimate Spider-Man, if I'm not mistaken), but I don't care for the direction they're taking Peter in in general. They're really leaning into him taking up the Iron Man mantle in some fashion, and that seems like a fundamental betrayal of the character. Part of what makes the character great in my eyes is that he's insanely brilliant, but with the most meager of means. His ingenuity in spite of his poverty and low circumstances are what make him an interesting character. So I was pretty disheartened during the scene when he's building a new suit on a $500 million dollar jet while Happy blasts AC/DC. At its core, this is not a Spider-Man I'm interested in following.



And I had no expectations beyond the hopes for it being a quality follow-up to Homecoming. I wouldn't even call myself a fan of the MCU, and I still found it severely disappointing.

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Aquaman 8/10..

a good spectacle to watch, confort in its own skin and has great visuals...(trench, torch diving sequence).... on par with Black Panther but this one nails the thord act (killmongers passing almost saved black panthers).... best part was the entire subplot involving Black Manta


kept waiting for Willem deFoe to betray someone.. good on them for keeping him as Willem deFriend..

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For anyone that has the setup to enjoy good HDR on 4K UHD Blu-ray: the 40th Anniversary release of Alien on the format is well worth the upgrade. Holy cow, they did a great job with this restoration! Aside from 1979 special effects and 1979 fashion/hair, you could tell me that this movie released last year and I'd believe it based on what my eyes are looking at. HDR is put to great use with lots of dark scenes with specific light sources and specular highlights everywhere. Heck even the space shots make me smile with the way the stars light up as bright pin-pricks in the black of space. This is what OLED TVs were made for.

Audio-wise, the 7.1 track is nothing to write home about. No, super-immersive Atmos or DTS:X tracks here. But it is nice that there are so many audio track options available including the original theatrical 4.1 mix which is a nice little bonus. And there is an isolated score track that removes all the pesky dialogue and sound effects. That's kinda neat.

Honestly, as much as I liked this movie before, the picture quality of this release bumped my enjoyment up a notch, from any other time I've watched it, for sure. 9/10

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Batman Hush...2/10...

As with all “new 52” styled adaptations... the lines from the comics are there, but they are delivered with so little passion that all dialog falls flat....they rush from scene to scene that no moment sinks in or has any emotion.

this being based on a “longer” series with more characters means that “big” scenes are rushed through even more... the fight between 


batman and superman

is executed so fast and lazily that it like the rest of the movie falls flat..

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Alita: Battle Angel 3D 2.5/5


visually it is a stunning looking movie, but it was like a disjointed little “extended preview” of a real movie (hopefully) coming out soon. The movie has a big setup of big things to come and it just ends before the real shit is about to happen. I’d compare it to my feelings of Harry Potter and the Half-Blooded Prince. That felt like a long trailer setup for the big 2-part ending. It has burst of “oh that was cool” moments but they were very few real quick in and outs. Maybe another viewing will do me better, but this is my first impression of the film. Happy to see the 3D included for the release (thanks James) Not really any in your face pop outs but the depth is god damn stunning at times. So I’ve seen the “trailer” and here’s hoping we get the movie to go along with it soon


The Little Mermaid 4K 4/5


Wanted to watch my 3D copy but couldn’t find it, but I had my 4K copy and it is pretty damn stunning. Had problems at first with with my projector and player but got things figured out. So I have had the DVD, initial Blu-ray with 3D disc and now this. Still haven’t watched in 3D but the big difference right off the bat are that the colours look so much better, especially Ariel’s red hair and Flounder’s yellow. The Atmos isn’t a game changer but it was a nice extension to the musical numbers and the occasional stormy scene. If you have 4K player and tv/projector, this is the disc to pick up for the film (until I see it in 3D)

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On 7/27/2019 at 3:22 AM, gamer.tv said:

England is Mine - 6/10.  I appreciate the fact that Morrissey struggled in his personal life but the movie succeeds in making him such an unlikable person. I'm not a Morrissey fan and I'm sure this is a good reflection of him as a young man, but it's a struggle to want to watch him and in turn, the film itself. 



I'm not a big Smiths nor Morrissey fan but I was curious about this...until I read it's unauthorized, doesn't feature any of the music and was written before Morrissey's actual biography was released. 


Basically, I absolutely love music bio pics/docus/anything but even I'm pretty disinterested after seeing some reviews and stills. I do think Morrissey had some fantastic lyric writing abilities but beyond that I'm not so sure why he even particularly requires a bio pic to be honest. 

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8 hours ago, silentbob said:

Alita: Battle Angel 3D 2.5/5


visually it is a stunning looking movie, but it was like a disjointed little “extended preview” of a real movie (hopefully) coming out soon. The movie has a big setup of big things to come and it just ends before the real shit is about to happen. I’d compare it to my feelings of Harry Potter and the Half-Blooded Prince. That felt like a long trailer setup for the big 2-part ending. It has burst of “oh that was cool” moments but they were very few real quick in and outs. Maybe another viewing will do me better, but this is my first impression of the film. Happy to see the 3D included for the release (thanks James) Not really any in your face pop outs but the depth is god damn stunning at times. So I’ve seen the “trailer” and here’s hoping we get the movie to go along with it soon


The Little Mermaid 4K 4/5


Wanted to watch my 3D copy but couldn’t find it, but I had my 4K copy and it is pretty damn stunning. Had problems at first with with my projector and player but got things figured out. So I have had the DVD, initial Blu-ray with 3D disc and now this. Still haven’t watched in 3D but the big difference right off the bat are that the colours look so much better, especially Ariel’s red hair and Flounder’s yellow. The Atmos isn’t a game changer but it was a nice extension to the musical numbers and the occasional stormy scene. If you have 4K player and tv/projector, this is the disc to pick up for the film (until I see it in 3D)


Alita - I felt the same way about Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.  The movie feels like the first two acts of a complete film.


The Little Mermaid.  I found the 4K HDR version of the film felt much more filmic and less like a little kids' show.  The blu-ray has an overall brighter average picture level.  The 4K disc has a lot of scenes that are darkened in general while adding more punch to the bright elements within a frame. Some screen comparisons I took are below.  4K versions are on the top and left. 

Note that my phone camera can't capture the full dynamic range of the TV, so, for instance, bits of the image from the HDR version may show as being clipped to white on the picture, but in person it was a very bright yellow:











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The Farewell: 10/10


Probably my favorite movie of the year.  Fuck Crazy Rich Asians, this movie actually captures the cultural differences between America and Asia (China) and does so in a humorous and moving way.  Awkwafina and Zhao Shuzhen put in amazing performances that are worthy of nominations.

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On 7/30/2019 at 5:01 PM, Amazatron said:

The Farewell: 10/10


Probably my favorite movie of the year.  Fuck Crazy Rich Asians, this movie actually captures the cultural differences between America and Asia (China) and does so in a humorous and moving way.  Awkwafina and Zhao Shuzhen put in amazing performances that are worthy of nominations.

Agreed 100%. Beautiful, touching, sweet in all the right ways. 

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xXx: Return of Xander Cage 3D 1.5/5


Well I had to import my 3D disc and while the 3D was overall good, the movie was nothing but a green lit old fashion Mountain Dew commercial feature film. I can’t remember how many times I felt like rolling my eyes at the bad innuendo jokes and winks to Sam L. Jackson also being an Avenger. At least I got some Donnie Yen action, even if it were just a few scenes. It has a couple of fun moments but overall it is just a shitty movie. Thank god I didn’t pay too much for my imported disc ($10 after conversion)

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The Boys season 1


One of the most improved comic to live action I have seen, shocking how good a job they did removing most of the trash while retaining the core ideas. A few misses here and there, Deep's plot after the dolphin scene just kind of flopped. 


Starr is the absolute standout of this season as Homelander.





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Another Life


I honestly don't know how to rate this. It's objectively not a good show, but I enjoyed it and would watch another season, especially since it did start paying off in the last 2-3 episodes. If you can get enjoyment out of a cool setup even if the execution leaves something to be desired, then it's worth a watch. 

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On 8/5/2019 at 7:41 PM, elbobo said:

The Boys season 1


One of the most improved comic to live action I have seen, shocking how good a job they did removing most of the trash while retaining the core ideas. A few misses here and there, Deep's plot after the dolphin scene just kind of flopped. 


Starr is the absolute standout of this season as Homelander.






Agreed. He was electrifying as Homelander. Also arguably the most terrifying character this year. Every single scene he was in made me uncomfortable and yet he was so compelling and so interesting that despite the discomfort. I couldn’t wait for his next scene. 

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On 8/5/2019 at 8:27 AM, Bloodporne said:

The Office: Season 6


I'm not even sure what to rate this but lord, this is a sharp decline in quality to the point it's barely even funny in seemingly most episodes thus far. 

For fans of the show:


Are season 7, 8 or 9 any better than 6? I really didn't enjoy this one and thought most of it fell flat and don't want to invest more time if it's just going to continue floundering around. 

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Good Omens


Tennant is wonderful everything else was just ok to good. Thought the anti-christ plot went from 0-100 way too fast





Battle Angel Alita


Good action, some groan inducing dialogue. They also saved a bunch of stuff for a sequel that will never happen.





Hellboy 2019


Desperately missing Del Toro. There was one 30 section of great eldritch horror near the end with monsters rampaging around London but that was I think the only moment of the whole movie I might remember a year from now.







Probably would have liked it better if I hadn't just watched the superior version of the evil superman last week with The Boys.



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