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~Rate The Last Movie/TV Show You Watched Thread~

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I watched Corvette Summer last. It came out in 1978 Starring Mark Hamil and Annie Potts. It was ok not great. I saw it more out of curiosity than anything else. Only so many Mark Hamil movies out there. This was between Star Wars and Empire when he was still cast as a teenager. I can't say I would recomend it but if you are curious like me you might give it a shot. It is slow burn and doesn't really pay off. Definatly not a classic nor cult classic. I just kind of ran into it. I give it one light saber out of five. Not bad just not worth your time.

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49 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

Heat - 8/10


Haven't seen it in years so it was like watching it again for the first time. I think this movie is about half an hour longer than it needs to be. Other than that it's great.



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American Animals - 8.5/10

Great cast, clever take on retelling a true story. I figured that there would be riffs on other heist movies (they get a lot of fun out of assigning Resovior Dogs code names) but I was really caught off guard by a shot that evokes the opening scene of The Dark Knight. So, look for that, I guess. 

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Westworld season 2


Reading online I see a lot of people complaining about the jumping around timeline but I never had an issue following, it was all fairly clear when things were taking place at least until the very last scene. Strong performances as expected. It is going to be real interesting to see where they go next season "westworld" is essentially done at this point.



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I enjoyed the first season but it felt like it lacked a bit of oomph to make it truly exceptional. There was an odd pacing and tonal shift that seems to plague a lot of anime where it's all fun and games then they realize they actually have to wrap the show up and things get serious. Like the first half felt like Harry Potter-esque shenanigans. In any case it is always a pleasant surprise when an anime show gets a second season, so many seem one and done.


The second season I feel like has that same issue as the first season except maybe in reverse. The second season is only half as long as the first season so in a way everything seems kinda rushed. A lot of the episodes are exposition, explaining everything with very little way in the way of action. Half of the show is spent setting up a twist. By the time the end rolls around (the big dilemma I won't spoil I suppose) it just kind of ends. I guess it does set up for a season 3 which will maybe give the end of the show a purpose. All that being said I'd probably give it the same rating as the first season, 7/10 and still worth watching overall. You can see this on Amazon Prime streaming ??

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John Wick 2 - 8/10 - I really enjoyed the movie, though I feel like the first one was better.  The action was fun.  I wasn't sure about how I felt about the ending and whether events will lead to a better or worse John Wick 3 when it comes out next year... I guess I'll find out!

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Cleanskin - 3/10


A movie about a British Secret Service agent hunting down a homegrown terrorist cell in London starring Sean Bean. What's not to love? Turns out: pretty much everything. The action is horribly shot, the effects are bad, the script is a convoluted mess, and the dialog is atrocious. Also Sean Bean doesn't die. WTF.

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Blockers  6/10  Generic comedy where the best parts are spoiled by the trailer #987. It’s funny and entertaining enough. Nice to see a role reversal where it’s the girls with the sex pact. And it was also kind of nice that the guys in the film were also all pretty decent human beings. 

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6 hours ago, nacthenud said:

Pan - 6.5/10 - It was decent.  I thought Hugh Jackman did a great job.  The actor playing Hook - not as strong.  The tone seemed a bit all over the map.  I enjoyed it, but it wasn't amazing.


Peter Pan, with Jason Isaacs as Hook is still my favorite version. 

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The Villainess  


Not what I expected from the trailer. I really thought it was going to be balls out all action. Didn't expect a pretty deep story but the action was too far and inbetween. Even with the story, the movie does tend to drag. Great camera work with the few action scenes we get. Watched it on Hulu and kind a glad I didn't run out to rent or buy it due to the great trailer.



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On 7/9/2018 at 4:47 PM, Rodimus said:

I watched Corvette Summer last. It came out in 1978 Starring Mark Hamil and Annie Potts. It was ok not great. I saw it more out of curiosity than anything else. Only so many Mark Hamil movies out there. This was between Star Wars and Empire when he was still cast as a teenager. I can't say I would recomend it but if you are curious like me you might give it a shot. It is slow burn and doesn't really pay off. Definatly not a classic nor cult classic. I just kind of ran into it. I give it one light saber out of five. Not bad just not worth your time.

I haven't seen this movies in ages. I watched it when I was a little kid just because it had a corvette and my dad bought me a hot wheels corvette. 

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Hereditary: 7/10.  It was well worth a watch, just to enjoy a good spin on a fairly familiar set up. 

The Impossible: 7/10.  Vastly different to the expectations that I had, very full on for it's subject matter. 

Inglorius Basterds: 9/10.  Probably my favourite Tarantino movie

The Hateful Eight: 8/10.  Enjoyable and well worth watching, though in the weaker end of the spectrum for me. 

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it was good and fun but wished the villain weren’t so obvious. 


BLOCKERS - 2.5/5


like mentioned above, best parts were in the trailer. Minus the one scene that was way to NSFW to even show in a Redband trailer.




nice lighthearted fun after the last Avengers film. Although I wish the story were maybe a little stronger, but the action was pretty damn solid.

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1 hour ago, Mercury33 said:

Blade Runner 2049: 10/10


Now THATS how you do a sequal to a 30 year old movie. Phenomenal. 


Worst thing about the old boards being gone is when you’re LttP on things you can’t look up the old threads and read people’s thoughts and commentary :(

Yeah, it was great.

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Psycho Pass Season 1


It took me awhile which should have not been the case but it was so good. Major things happened in this season. I'm a little disappointed  that season 2 only seems to have 11 episodes on Hulu compared to the 22 episodes of season 1. I just hope it's as good and that all 11 make a season and this doesn't stop part way thru.

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1 hour ago, Hurdyb1 said:

Psycho Pass Season 1


It took me awhile which should have not been the case but it was so good. Major things happened in this season. I'm a little disappointed  that season 2 only seems to have 11 episodes on Hulu compared to the 22 episodes of season 1. I just hope it's as good and that all 11 make a season and this doesn't stop part way thru.


There's also a Psycho-Pass film, make sure to watch that too, that takes place after season 2. Season 2 is indeed just 11 episodes. 

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as I recall season 2 of psycho-pass was bad




Shameless Season 1


I having a hard time deciding what to make of this series. Frank is probably the biggest piece of shit character I have ever seen on television surpassing the Always Sunny crew because they are played as over the top monsters while Frank Gallagher is a more plausible drunk waste of human flesh though as the season went on he got more over the top IMO. Fiona is great, Lip and Ian's relationship is good everything else is take it or leave it. This series has a rather shocking amount of under age sex scenes, lot of 15 and 16 year olds getting it on often times with adults.



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12 hours ago, elbobo said:

Shameless Season 1


I having a hard time deciding what to make of this series. Frank is probably the biggest piece of shit character I have ever seen on television surpassing the Always Sunny crew because they are played as over the top monsters while Frank Gallagher is a more plausible drunk waste of human flesh though as the season went on he got more over the top IMO. Fiona is great, Lip and Ian's relationship is good everything else is take it or leave it. This series has a rather shocking amount of under age sex scenes, lot of 15 and 16 year olds getting it on often times with adults.




Season 2 of Psycho-Pass is quite divisive, yeah. 


Shameless' next few seasons get even better, then around season 7 it kind of peters out, but it's still good. 

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7 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


Season 2 of Psycho-Pass is quite divisive, yeah. 


Shameless' next few seasons get even better, then around season 7 it kind of peters out, but it's still good. 


Fuck Shimotsuki.  Fuck her and her entirety.  AND ESPECIALLY FUCK HER FOR EVEN HAVING A PART IN THE MOVIE.


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Pacific Rim Uprising  7/10....  much better than most of the indifferent responses conditioned me to expect...had enough touches of familiarity to the original to feel part of the universe, story interesting enough.... I guess the most honest assessment I can give is that its pretty much like the middle of the line Marvel movies, very well put together but easily digestible and forgotten...  I like Eastwood, but I guess hes destined to sidekick/cameo movies for the time being? looks so much like Clint..


2 Guns  6/10 .... Denzel as always elevates the material, but its a cluster overall, Madsen was an odd casting choice

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The Equalizer 2 - 2/10


This movie is so bad. Soooo fucking bad. My God.


I'm not expecting brilliance from an action movie about a vigilante rideshare driver, but I at least expect it to be fun and it can't even manage that. The movie has no flow, it has a ridiculous protagonist, an obvious villain, and poorly shot action. 


Meet McCall. The motivational speaking, thug life discouraging, ex special forces Lyft driver. Who also reunites Jewish families that were separated from each other during the Holocaust, cleans up graffiti, makes everybody he ever talked to love him, always manages to pick up the right people for him to dispense justice, and somehow finds time to read a million books and learn a bunch of languages too. He's so spit-shiny perfect that he fails to be interesting in any way.


And when your movie kills off literally every other character that your villain could be, but still takes half an hour after that to come out and say it, you're gonna have a bad time.

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The Death of Stalin


I need to read a book on the real version of these events because I'm guessing the movie isn't that far off. Some fun performances and I liked that everyone used their real accents.






Ready Player One


I wonder what the ratio of live action to pure CGI scenes in this movie is, it felt like way more happens in the oasis than IRL.


If you liked the book you will like the movie, it is just weaponized geek nostalgia with the climatic battle being a WMD. The rest is just kind of there.


I will not lie I had the biggest smile when

the Serenity dropped off a Gundam to fight mechagodzilla, I'm so happy this is something that exists in a big budget movie



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I watched Fucking Berlin on Netflix. It tells the story of a 20 year old student who moves to Berlin to study at the university and ends up making one bad decision after the other, becoming a prostitute, cheating on her boyfriend, dropping the university, etc. and then getting upset about it when it all inevitably blows up in her face.


I rate it meh/10 . The acting is OK and the main actress is very cute IMO, but those are about the only points of redemption I could find here. 

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Die Hard - 10/10


Die Hard 2 - 7/10


Die Hard with a Vengeance - 9/10


I forgot how good the third film was. You can tell it was another script and where McLane was shoe-horned into it, but that actually makes it work better overall because it feels like a fresh take on the formula and gave a solid reason for it to be happening to him again. I also appreciated all of the sly Christmas references since it's TOTALLY A HOLIDAY MOVIE FRANCHISE, BRUCE.

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