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A baby was treated with a nap and a bottle of formula. His parents received an $18,000 bill.

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4 minutes ago, The def star said:

This is why I haven't been to a doctor in a long time. I don't want to go in get checked and they give me a $10,000 to tell me I'm fine. Healthcare in America sucks. It's why so many people in California are heading g to Mexico for all their healthcare needs. Ironic isn't it?

Sorry, but that's really dumb. A yearly checkup isn't that expensive and could save your life. Don't be a moron.

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Just now, The def star said:

It may be dumb but healthcare is crazy expensive here. Look at the example in the OP.

It's not cheap anywhere. 


But a routine health exam is certainly affordable for someone like you. You have literally no excuse, which kinda pisses me off, since there are people who legitimately can't afford it. 

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7 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

It's not cheap anywhere. 


But a routine health exam is certainly affordable for someone like you. You have literally no excuse, which kinda pisses me off, since there are people who legitimately can't afford it. 

Just because I can afford it doesn't mean I want to get screwed for no reason. I know I have to go to the doctor soon just because I'm heading into my mid 30's. You think you are pissed that I choose not to go but can afford it, I'm pissed for the people who need to go and can't afford it. The healthcare system is really messed up in our country.


PS. I don't want to come across like a dick. I appreciate youre concern for my health more than I am :p I'm just a bit afraid of what they might tell me :( 

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2 minutes ago, The def star said:

Just because I can afford it doesn't mean I want to get screwed for no reason. I know I have to go to the doctor soon just because I'm heading into my mid 30's. You think you are pissed that I choose not to go but can afford it, I'm pissed for the people who need to go and can't afford it. The healthcare system is really messed up in our country.

Psssttt - you're increasing the cost for everyone else by NOT going for preventative checkups!

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1 minute ago, The def star said:

Just because I can afford it doesn't mean I want to get screwed for no reason. I know I have to go to the doctor soon just because I'm heading into my mid 30's. You think you are pissed that I choose not to go but can afford it, I'm pissed for the people who need to go and can't afford it. The healthcare system is really messed up in our country.

I'm pissed about it all. I work in it. 


I hate that you literally have no excuse for not going, yet you refuse to go when there are people who would give anything to be in your shoes and be able to afford it. You may think you're healthy, because you're a young guy who feels good, but you really have no picture of your health until you go to a physician, get looked at, and have a wide panel of labs done. 


But, hey, keep making half assed excuses. Buy another Xbox instead.

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7 minutes ago, The def star said:

This just goes to show how I don't know how our healthcare system even works. How is this even possible?


Because let's assume that there is something actually wrong with you -- something that you won't know about UNLESS you get a preventative checkup -- then the cost of treating that condition is invariably more than if it's caught early through a preventative checkup.  At that point, the costs of treatment that you or the insurance company do not pay for are distributed through the risk pool to everyone else.

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7 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:


Because let's assume that there is something actually wrong with you -- something that you won't know about UNLESS you get a preventative checkup -- then the cost of treating that condition is invariably more than if it's caught early through a preventative checkup.  At that point, the costs of treatment are distributed through the risk pool to everyone else.

Eh I'm Mexican. My plan was just to roll over and die if I was diagnosed with anything terminal :p  On a serious note that's how a majority of my family has dealt with their health :( If this is the case how our health system works no wonder people are heading south of the border for health care.

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I'm starting a new health insurance company where if you get diagnosed with anything that requires more than 3 doctor visits to fix we send someone to your home or workplace to kill you and your family is left behind 5 common stocks in the company that will pay a quarterly dividend because our surplus value is going to be through the fucking roof.

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2 hours ago, SFLUFAN said:


Because let's assume that there is something actually wrong with you -- something that you won't know about UNLESS you get a preventative checkup -- then the cost of treating that condition is invariably more than if it's caught early through a preventative checkup.  At that point, the costs of treatment that you or the insurance company do not pay for are distributed through the risk pool to everyone else.


Also I think wellness visits being covered at 100% once a year is one of the last pieces of Obamacare still standing

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5 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Sorry, but that's really dumb. A yearly checkup isn't that expensive and could save your life. Don't be a moron.


Also a routine internist appointment simply doesn't present the opportunities for billing fuckery going to be hospital for. 


5 hours ago, The def star said:

It may be dumb but healthcare is crazy expensive here. Look at the example in the OP.


Again, going to get a physical isn't the same thing as going to the ER. You are not going to get bill shock from getting a physical. If you don't have insurance then CVS Minute Clinic has a fixed menu of prices and I think they can do a physical and at least some of the bloodwork that you're supposed to get as part of a physical (like cholesterol and blood sugar).

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/29/2018 at 3:57 PM, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

That's pretty standard, though most physicians will order a complete metabolic panel instead of just the glucose, long with a CBC and probably a hepatic panel. 


None of those are anything crazy or expensive. 

My doctor orders me to get a metabolic panel blood test for every yearly checkup.  Thankfully, it's one of the few things my insurance fully covers.

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On 6/29/2018 at 1:57 PM, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

That's pretty standard, though most physicians will order a complete metabolic panel instead of just the glucose, long with a CBC and probably a hepatic panel. 


None of those are anything crazy or expensive. 


I don't think a yearly physical is that important or necessary for a man in his 20's - 30's with no pre-existing health conditions. I had a shitload of doctors appointments due to recovering from injuries from a traffic collision about 5 years ago and when I was pretty much recovered I asked my doctor about yearly exams (because I hadn't been going to a doctor regularly before then) and she said they weren't really necessary until I get in my 40's or 50's. 

This article says basically the same thing my doctor said (except more in depth). The only thing that is really necessary (according to the article) on a man <40 years old is a blood pressure test which can be done at most pharmacies for free (I have a home blood pressure tester my mom gave me for some reason). 



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The doctor my wife and I use is $125 for the first visit, then $75 after that for virtually any visit. He has a contract with a lab that is typically very reasonable (like the stuff they typically do for a physical, ~$100). This is for cash patients. Not exactly breaking the bank.

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