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Halfway through the year.. How has 2018 been treating you


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2018 so far for me has been bitter sweet full of sad moments along with amazing moments 


I started off the year with no job and frantically looking for one (the loss of my job last fall broke my spirit) but found the perfect job that I love with decent pay in March 


March was rough with my grandfather passing away my last living grandparent and finding out my daughter dropped out of college 


The exciting part but stressful has been the wedding planning. I never realized how much there is involved in wedding planning and understand why so many chose to elope plus it isn't that cheap 


June has been a month that has put me on the edge with many sleepless nights. While wedding planning, my older daughter moving out on her own and working hard to establish myself at my new job two things happened. Our house flooded and my aunt I love had a stroke and it has been two weeks with her in a comma. Also had to take my parents dog to be put down due to cancer 


Having the house destroyed including no ceiling on the first floor dealing with contractors, insurance agents, restoration company, lawyers has been too much. Everyone calls me weekdays during the day when I have to work and be focused. So much paperwork too 


My aunt is a tough one (my mom's sister) is one little piece of happiness left from my horrible childhood. Doctors say she won't wake up but her eyes opened yesterday. Half of her brain is dead and even if by some miracle she would wake up she would be unable to speak and she would be paralyzed which isn't the life anyone wants for her. Her eyes opening just reflexes 


BUT despite all of that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that's getting married to my best friend in Disney World this Christmas. Which few users from here have played a huge role in this happening and I will forever be greatful and I cannot wait to meet some of you at our wedding! 


Here's to hoping the next 6 months go smoother! 

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That's definitely a pretty full on year.  My year has been a pretty good one. 


  • Engaged in January
  • Found out I'll be an uncle in January
  • Left my management job to work as a Teaching Assistant (still working part time at my old job)
  • Finally starting to learn how to drive after...11 years of putting it off


They have been the big hitters.  I both can't wait until October as I'll submit my application for teacher training, but if I'm not accepted it will be an interesting decision  as it takes a year to reapply so it can take an eternity to arrive. 


Suffice to say, depending on how everything falls, 2019 could be a very interesting year off the back of this one. 

  • stepee 1
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6 hours ago, gamer.tv said:

That's definitely a pretty full on year.  My year has been a pretty good one. 


  • Engaged in January
  • Found out I'll be an uncle in January
  • Left my management job to work as a Teaching Assistant (still working part time at my old job)
  • Finally starting to learn how to drive after...11 years of putting it off


They have been the big hitters.  I both can't wait until October as I'll submit my application for teacher training, but if I'm not accepted it will be an interesting decision  as it takes a year to reapply so it can take an eternity to arrive. 


Suffice to say, depending on how everything falls, 2019 could be a very interesting year off the back of this one. 

I tried learning how to drive but I failed the driving test because I would get extremely nervous and had panic attacks. I ended up giving up on that idea.


In April my boss quit for a better job and we have had equipment problems so I was working overtime. The new short term managers didn't put in my time correctly and the district manager took our time cards. Almost 3 months later and they still haven't paid me for 40+ hours and at this point I'm not sure if they ever intended to pay me for that missing time. My current manager overlooked  8 hours overtime I wrote down a few weeks ago that he knows he didn't put in for and I didn't get paid for that even.

They raised my rent $125 a month and all the places near me are even more outrageous. $1,500 for a 1 bedroom apartment is the average price for the area I live in.

  • Sad 1
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Good and bad. I would say the first half the year has actually been kind of shitty, but I'm moving to Arizona next week and ditching the baggage that has been living with me so I'll get a fresh start. Other than the constant summer heat, I'm actually pretty excited about going. Should be a nice fresh start for me. I'm really looking forward to it. Hopefully once I'm free of my chains that have been holding me back here things will pick up for me. Need to focus on getting in shape while I'm there and doing everything I can to advance my career. I'm optimistic the second half of the year and going forward from here is going to be a lot better for me. 

  • stepee 2
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2 hours ago, Dodger said:

Good and bad. I would say the first half the year has actually been kind of shitty, but I'm moving to Arizona next week and ditching the baggage that has been living with me so I'll get a fresh start. Other than the constant summer heat, I'm actually pretty excited about going. Should be a nice fresh start for me. I'm really looking forward to it. Hopefully once I'm free of my chains that have been holding me back here things will pick up for me. Need to focus on getting in shape while I'm there and doing everything I can to advance my career. I'm optimistic the second half of the year and going forward from here is going to be a lot better for me. 

Where in Arizona? I had some friends who used to live in Phoenix which sounds like hell on Earth to me! I only visited the airport but that was too hot even in December....

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Chandler, which is right by Phoenix

1 hour ago, therockdltj said:

Where in Arizona? I had some friends who used to live in Phoenix which sounds like hell on Earth to me! I only visited the airport but that was too hot even in December....


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Two relatives died in the same month, one being my grandmother.


Got a raise(nipping at the heels of six figures)

Picked up some more coding skills.

Paid off my truck.

acquired another cat.

Got a good amount in the savings.


No movement on the love life . . .but just can't bring myself to bother with dating.


So. . .pretty good considering.

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22 hours ago, gamer.tv said:

That's definitely a pretty full on year.  My year has been a pretty good one. 


  • Engaged in January
  • Found out I'll be an uncle in January
  • Left my management job to work as a Teaching Assistant (still working part time at my old job)
  • Finally starting to learn how to drive after...11 years of putting it off


They have been the big hitters.  I both can't wait until October as I'll submit my application for teacher training, but if I'm not accepted it will be an interesting decision  as it takes a year to reapply so it can take an eternity to arrive. 


Suffice to say, depending on how everything falls, 2019 could be a very interesting year off the back of this one. 

Congrats on the engagement! I'm glad things are going good you've been through some tough times in the past. So you never knew how to drive before? How did you get around? 


My lil sister is pregnant too with her first baby :) Congrats on being an uncle

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12 hours ago, Dodger said:

Good and bad. I would say the first half the year has actually been kind of shitty, but I'm moving to Arizona next week and ditching the baggage that has been living with me so I'll get a fresh start. Other than the constant summer heat, I'm actually pretty excited about going. Should be a nice fresh start for me. I'm really looking forward to it. Hopefully once I'm free of my chains that have been holding me back here things will pick up for me. Need to focus on getting in shape while I'm there and doing everything I can to advance my career. I'm optimistic the second half of the year and going forward from here is going to be a lot better for me. 

So happy for you! Good luck! You deserve good things and to be happy. 

  • stepee 2
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1 hour ago, Dre801 said:

Two relatives died in the same month, one being my grandmother.


Got a raise(nipping at the heels of six figures)

Picked up some more coding skills.

Paid off my truck.

acquired another cat.

Got a good amount in the savings.


No movement on the love life . . .but just can't bring myself to bother with dating.


So. . .pretty good considering.

Sorry about your losses they are always touch :( 


We too adopted another cat. So now we have four ??‍♀️

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