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Official Destiny 2 Thread - Blad's Best Friend Club, update: significant layoffs hit Bungie, including composer Michael Salvatori


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  • 2 weeks later...

I need to rant a little more about the loot system in this game, and sunsetting in particular. 


I'm actually a fan of sunsetting gear. I haven't been playing Destiny 2 since launch so it surprised me that people had been using the same gear for years. I think it's healthy that new chapters in the game mean finding new loot.


The thing that baffles me is that you can still acquire gear that has already hit its sunset point. You're still given quests that reward gear that is basically worthless. Even relatively challenging content like PoH or Master nightmare hunts give you gear that you can't really use. I suppose you could make the argument that they're directing people towards new content, but the Powerful / Pinnacle rewards already do that just fine.




No gear currently in the loot pool should have already past its sell by date. It's really that simple.


They've already shown they're fine with having the exact same item released with different sunset dates. They could decide that something you got from the Moon last season was sunset, but that exact same content now rewards the exact same thing, but with a new max light. Maybe people wouldn't love that, but at least you wouldn't feel cheated for playing the game. If they really want to move people away from stuff that came out in 2018, fine, just replace the loot tables in the still available content with current gear, problem solved. It's puzzling to me that someone thought the current state of this was ok. 


I have a bunch of other random complaints, but I won't go on too long about them. I will say that I think it's stupid how hard it is to get mods. You should be able to earn all the Charged with Light and Warmind Cell mods somehow. They're clearly keeping those around, and more than almost anything else in armor, they can change your whole playstyle, but people like me that haven't been checking Banshee daily for the last two years have no way of accessing many of those mods. Nevermind how completely hidden those kinds of build are within the game.


Anyways, I do think Beyond Light is a good expansion, and I'm having fun in the new raid, but I think Bungie needs to talk to the new players they're trying to recruit more often. 







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They have “renewed” the Sunset date on weapons and armor in the past, I would not be surprised if they do it again. I think the only reason we didn’t see a big batch of weapons with a refreshed Sunset date was to push people toward the new stuff on Europa. I could be wrong though. If I’m not, then next season we’ll get some new weapons and some old ones with a refreshed Sunset date too. 

as for Mods, I think you can also get them from Banshee if you turn in weapon parts for engrams. I think Nightfalls is also a good source. My friend was getting a bunch, because he was missing a bunch having just came back to the game. 

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Gotta say, the combination of them throwing a bunch of content we already paid for into the "vault" on top of the consistently mediocre reception each recent update to the game has had really has me wondering if I'll ever even bother reinstalling at this point. Breaking free of Activision seems to have done absolutely nothing towards them making the game better or less filled with bullshit. If anything, they don't seem at all interested in wowing anyone anymore. Just plodding along, releasing okay stuff and disappointing some of their biggest fans, like MynameisByf, whose content I used to watch all the time to catch up on Destiny 2 lore, but seeing "this isn't great" over and over again and seeing him clearly losing both hope and interest in the game is just sad.


You can chalk it up to Covid or whatever, but there's no ambition, there's the opposite of ambition, in fact. They want to scale things down, but not in a cool, interesting way, just what appears to be for technical reasons. They swing between no content at all at launch to way too much content with no real guidance as to what a player should do who doesn't follow a path set by other players. I consistently want to play and love this game, but Bungie seems completely unconcerned about that and would instead rather pump out another batch of meh.

  • Guillotine 1
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7 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

Gotta say, the combination of them throwing a bunch of content we already paid for into the "vault" on top of the consistently mediocre reception each recent update to the game has had really has me wondering if I'll ever even bother reinstalling at this point.


I still have it installed but I haven't played it since May. I really think I got my fill of Destiny 2 after 300 hours and really have no desire to go back and do the same thing with slightly different variables.

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Yeah, hit Level 73 & LL 1254 w/ artifact bonus of +12 today. I'll be well past 1250 w/out the artifact by weeks end at which point I'll start unlocking all the exotic engrams from my seasonal pass so that I have to use less upgrade modules. Also, not sure if you all read Bungie's update from Joe Blackburn (assistant game director) but you should take a gander!



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18 minutes ago, SoberChef said:

Yeah, hit Level 73 & LL 1254 w/ artifact bonus of +12 today. I'll be well past 1250 w/out the artifact by weeks end at which point I'll start unlocking all the exotic engrams from my seasonal pass so that I have to use less upgrade modules. Also, not sure if you all read Bungie's update from Joe Blackburn (assistant game director) but you should take a gander!



I also hit 73 today!

  • stepee 1
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So as I approach soft cap, I'm beginning to really & thoroughly explore armor 2.0 & mods unlike any other time beforehand and that minutiae alongside the improvements made to the system going into Beyond Light is pretty awesome.


One thing, in terms of coming seasons, I find myself pondering is this:

  • We accessed Vault of Glass on Venus yet nothing has been said about that planet returning ... does that mean we will somehow find a way into the Vault via the Cosmodrome then?

Furthermore, in terms of the recently "sunset" planets, what IF, via the Darkness powers, that is what allows us to enter/revisit them down the road? We all know that Bungie is having to recode these destinations in order to even have them up to snuff for the now current gen systems, but as already seen just by the small bit of Cosmodrome we have already been gifted, not everything is as it always was.


Just spitballing & hoping to drive the conversation a bit. So damn glad to be back all the way into D2!

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11 hours ago, SoberChef said:

So as I approach soft cap, I'm beginning to really & thoroughly explore armor 2.0 & mods unlike any other time beforehand and that minutiae alongside the improvements made to the system going into Beyond Light is pretty awesome.


One thing, in terms of coming seasons, I find myself pondering is this:

  • We accessed Vault of Glass on Venus yet nothing has been said about that planet returning ... does that mean we will somehow find a way into the Vault via the Cosmodrome then?

Furthermore, in terms of the recently "sunset" planets, what IF, via the Darkness powers, that is what allows us to enter/revisit them down the road? We all know that Bungie is having to recode these destinations in order to even have them up to snuff for the now current gen systems, but as already seen just by the small bit of Cosmodrome we have already been gifted, not everything is as it always was.


Just spitballing & hoping to drive the conversation a bit. So damn glad to be back all the way into D2!


There are rumours/leaks that Venus could return with Vault of Glass. It was one of my favourite planets. 


I wonder if when Mars returns we'll also get both the D1 and D2 locations. I'm sure we will since that would after all be a perfect time to bring back that location. 

  • stepee 1
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