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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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1 hour ago, MarSolo said:

No you see guys if we vote third party and Biden loses he'll learn a lesson that he had to EARN our vote and oops all my rights are gone under Trump why are the cops shooting me with rubber bullets and tear gas for peacefully protesting for Gaza?


Seriously, did people SERIOUSLY memory hole how Trump treated protestors?


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5 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

I bet this sounded real good when you typed it out


Still does!


4 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

I agree which is why I’m voting for Biden to try to limit the Russian genocide in Ukraine


theres nothing we can really do in Israel to stop whatever it is they’re doing there outside of the diplomatic process. Pulling weapons support only loses any leverage we have and won’t meaningfully stop their efforts


I agree! Trump certainly wouldn't push to defend Ukraine.



4 hours ago, Spork3245 said:


Cat What GIF by truth



Good thing Biden isn't committing genocide, then.


He is totally supportive of it however. 


4 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

He's committing genocide against ice cream


Ice Cream Election GIF


That bastard!


4 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:



I'm genuinely asking because I don't know, what are you trying to say here? No one on this board is for genocide, regardless of wherever they fall on the issue of the current Israel/Gaza/Palestine conflict. You agree that Biden is better overall, even for Gaza, than Trump would be. The current general election will be Biden vs. Trump, so all that matters is Biden vs. Trump, and so it logically follows that if Biden is better than Trump, even on Gaza, we must vote Biden so Trump doesn't get elected instead, which would be worse for Gaza, as we just laid out.


No one here will tell you, if it was Trump on the one side and Biden was being seriously challenged during the primary by other candidates to vote Biden anyway. Instead, yeah, vote for the candidate during the primary who you feel would do better on Gaza than Biden has, single issue voting during primaries isn't that strange if the issue is large enough, like genocide. But the primary is over, Biden is the candidate against Trump. Ergo, we vote Biden. Not really complicated.


Also, your comparison is not analogous. Netanyahu would be Hitler in your scenario, except Netanyahu is killing Muslims rather than Hitler is killing Jews. Biden isn't Hitler in this scenario at all, so I'm not sure where you're getting this comparison, unless I missed something. Biden is the president of America and doesn't run Israel, nor during this conflict has enough political pressure to make Israel do anything if Israel is committed enough to this operation, which they are because of Netanyahu and his cronies (if Biden had that kind of power, why does Biden refer to Netanyahu as an asshole in private if he could just make Netanyahu do what he wants?). So again, not analogous. 


I'm saying that sometimes voting on a single issue is important enough. Yes Bibi is Hitler. We could just not send them weapons at all and keep our hands out of it.


3 hours ago, SaysWho? said:


I'd definitely push back on this. Trump's positions aren't that much different from any other Republican; he's just much more blatant and more a person who wants to dismantle all checks against him:




Biden: Puts pro-choice judges on the bench at record pace, slowly undoing the catastrophic damage Trump did

Trump: Overturned Roe. v Wade, which means women have already been nearly dying or unable to have kids anymore due to not being able to terminate. 


Climate Change


Biden: Signed the biggest climate bill into law in U.S. history, helping to spark a massive green energy manufacturing boom, giving poor-middle class Americans big tax credits for getting energy-efficient appliances.

Trump: Thinks it's a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese or something.




Biden: Signed legislation making it harder to overturn an election in Congress, makes VP role ceremonial.

Trump: Tried to overturn an election because he got emotional while losing.


Gay Marriage


Biden: Signed Respect for Marriage Act, overturning DOMA, and putting pro-gay marriage judges on the bench

Trump: Puts anti-LGBTQIA judges on the bench, likes Clarence Thomas, who doesn't even think that should be a right.




Biden: Signed gun control legislation.

Trump: Opposes gun control legislation.


Health Care


Biden: Extended Affordable Care Act subsidies, capped insulin prices for Medicare recipients, expanded health care services for veterans, including those exposed to burn pits

Trump: Tried to repeal the ACA without any plan in place




Biden: Signed the biggest infrastructure bill into law in decades, putting billions in roads, airports, bridges, building an electric network along U.S. highways, removing lead pipes across America, spreading broadband in rural areas.

Trump: Talked about it for a while.




Biden: Diversified the bench by putting public defenders and civil rights lawyers into judicial positions. Judges support LGBTQIA rights, abortion rights, oppose unlimited money in politics.

Trump: His judges continue to turn your rights yesterday into crimes tomorrow.




Biden: Expanded computer chip manufacturing in America.

Trump: Talked about it for a while.




Biden: Supports its expansion amid Russian aggression.

Trump: lol


Sexual Harassment


Biden: Signed a bill into law voiding workplace NDAs related to sexual assault.

Trump: Looks exactly like if sexual harassment were a person.


Student Loan Debt


Biden: Moved to forgive $20k in Pell Grants and $10k in all other federal loans, which was only stopped by SCOTUS. Since then, he's forgiven tens of billions in student loan debt, including from people who were tricked by scam colleges.

Trump: Doesn't give a shit.




Biden: Supports Ukraine.

Trump: Supports Putin.


Workers vs. Corporations


Biden: Made it easier to unionize, installed a much more progressive FTC which eliminated noncompetes

Trump: Anti-worker.




If you can find me the Republicans who'd be running who would agree with Biden on the majority of this, I'd be interested. ESPECIALLY on judges, which they've creamed their jeans over.


I hope you used AI to make this and didn't painstakingly type it all out because I don't need to read it all to know I agree with it.


3 hours ago, finaljedi said:



People have laid out better than me the differences between the two, but even for this one issue it comes down to this:  The plight of the Palestinians doesn't get better if Trump defeats Biden in November.


He's not better with the one issue and is so much worse at literally everything else.


I followed up saying if it is anyone but Trump he is running against it would be worth considering. Biden is better than Trump 100% for Americans however I know foreigners who think Biden is our worst President ever because of how he is handling this situation. 

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1 minute ago, DPCyric said:

I hope you used AI to make this and didn't painstakingly type it all out because I don't need to read it all to know I agree with it.


Using AI would be a disservice to you. :talkhand:

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25 minutes ago, DPCyric said:

I'm saying that sometimes voting on a single issue is important enough. Yes Bibi is Hitler. We could just not send them weapons at all and keep our hands out of it.


But Israel would just arm itself then and we'd have no leverage over the slight leverage we have now. If Bibi is Hitler, then why earlier were you making it sound like you were implying finaljedi would vote for Hitler because he's voting for Biden over Trump. If Bibi is Hitler and not Biden, what were you trying to say there? Also, you didn't address the rest of my post. Are you saying one shouldn't vote for Biden over Trump? 

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4 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


But Israel would just arm itself then and we'd have no leverage over the slight leverage we have now. If Bibi is Hitler, then why earlier were you making it sound like you were implying finaljedi would vote for Hitler because he's voting for Biden over Trump. If Bibi is Hitler and not Biden, what were you trying to say there? Also, you didn't address the rest of my post. Are you saying one shouldn't vote for Biden over Trump? 


While Biden isn't Hitler himself he has done a much better job supporting Bibi than he has stopping him. I'm saying if there was a reasonable alternative this is one policy definitely worth voting for someone else. No one should vote for Trump over Biden though... Trump will destroy the whole world given the opportunity. 

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5 hours ago, SaysWho? said:


I'd definitely push back on this. Trump's positions aren't that much different from any other Republican; he's just much more blatant and more a person who wants to dismantle all checks against him:




Biden: Puts pro-choice judges on the bench at record pace, slowly undoing the catastrophic damage Trump did

Trump: Overturned Roe. v Wade, which means women have already been nearly dying or unable to have kids anymore due to not being able to terminate. 


Climate Change


Biden: Signed the biggest climate bill into law in U.S. history, helping to spark a massive green energy manufacturing boom, giving poor-middle class Americans big tax credits for getting energy-efficient appliances.

Trump: Thinks it's a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese or something.




Biden: Signed legislation making it harder to overturn an election in Congress, makes VP role ceremonial.

Trump: Tried to overturn an election because he got emotional while losing.


Gay Marriage


Biden: Signed Respect for Marriage Act, overturning DOMA, and putting pro-gay marriage judges on the bench

Trump: Puts anti-LGBTQIA judges on the bench, likes Clarence Thomas, who doesn't even think that should be a right.




Biden: Signed gun control legislation.

Trump: Opposes gun control legislation.


Health Care


Biden: Extended Affordable Care Act subsidies, capped insulin prices for Medicare recipients, expanded health care services for veterans, including those exposed to burn pits

Trump: Tried to repeal the ACA without any plan in place




Biden: Signed the biggest infrastructure bill into law in decades, putting billions in roads, airports, bridges, building an electric network along U.S. highways, removing lead pipes across America, spreading broadband in rural areas.

Trump: Talked about it for a while.




Biden: Diversified the bench by putting public defenders and civil rights lawyers into judicial positions. Judges support LGBTQIA rights, abortion rights, oppose unlimited money in politics.

Trump: His judges continue to turn your rights yesterday into crimes tomorrow.




Biden: Expanded computer chip manufacturing in America.

Trump: Talked about it for a while.




Biden: Supports its expansion amid Russian aggression.

Trump: lol


Sexual Harassment


Biden: Signed a bill into law voiding workplace NDAs related to sexual assault.

Trump: Looks exactly like if sexual harassment were a person.


Student Loan Debt


Biden: Moved to forgive $20k in Pell Grants and $10k in all other federal loans, which was only stopped by SCOTUS. Since then, he's forgiven tens of billions in student loan debt, including from people who were tricked by scam colleges.

Trump: Doesn't give a shit.




Biden: Supports Ukraine.

Trump: Supports Putin.


Workers vs. Corporations


Biden: Made it easier to unionize, installed a much more progressive FTC which eliminated noncompetes

Trump: Anti-worker.




If you can find me the Republicans who'd be running who would agree with Biden on the majority of this, I'd be interested. ESPECIALLY on judges, which they've creamed their jeans over.

Shocked Pop Tv GIF by Nightcap

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2 hours ago, Haya Dune said:

As a registered independent, I'd vote for a dead goat before I'd vote Republican again. They have lost my vote forever.


As someone who's not declared for any party since I moved to MA, one of the bigger shifts in the last 12 years or so has been the absolute gooberism of even very local republican candidates. it's not like this in every town / local election I look into but it's much more common than it was when I moved up here in 2002. We still get "Massachusetts republicans" like Charlie Baker who are not insane but I wonder if they're a dying breed.

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2 hours ago, DPCyric said:

While Biden isn't Hitler himself he has done a much better job supporting Bibi than he has stopping him. I'm saying if there was a reasonable alternative this is one policy definitely worth voting for someone else. No one should vote for Trump over Biden though... Trump will destroy the whole world given the opportunity. 


I agree with everything you said, so what point exactly were you originally trying to make? Also, "making a much better job supporting Bibi than stopping him". I actually don't know, what do you expect Biden to do? Call Bibi an asshole to his face? Not play diplomacy? I don't agree with Biden's somewhat weak stance but is this really the specific issue to get up in arms about when there's little to be done about it? I'm asking sincerely, how much power do you think Biden actually wields against Bibi and can you explain what wielding that looks like practically speaking?


I've been fighting for Palestinians rights for 2 decades now (some on this and older boards know where I've stood on this long before October 7th) and I can't tell what you're suggesting. Biden is better than Trump for Gaza. A reasonable alternative doesn't exist. So . . . what are we saying here? That America is more on the side of Israel? That's always been the case.

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If your single issue is that your government is not doing enough about what another government is doing, you have a pretty poor understanding of what your government actually does on a daily basis.

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Guys the American mindset on full display here; ignore them; let them manifest lower taxes for me. They’re all vibes; they know and understand nothing; shit hole country due to a shit populace.


Literally people who say Jews are white supremacists 


they can’t navigate the world in any other way than this.

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Netanyahu is a POS but comparing him to Hitler is a slap in the face to Hitler comparisons since it makes zero sense. People can be morally bankrupt assholes without “being Hitler”. Hamas is more Hitler since they actively kill their own people and shut down elections (and even then, the comparison sucks). Israel has a 20% Muslim population with Muslims (some of which are women and some of which are Palestinian) elected to Israel’s parliament, not to mention the 600%+ surge in Arab/Muslim recruitment (volunteers) in the IDF. Does any of this mean Netanyahu is a good person? Fuck no, but jfc.


10 hours ago, DPCyric said:

He is totally supportive of it however.

Supporting an ally who was attacked and then constantly criticizing the leader of that government while actively trying to get a ceasefire for months via Blinken constantly being over there to negotiate and demanding more aid to Gaza isn’t supporting genocide.

You can argue “well we’re giving them weapons!”, sure, but it’s not that simple. The aid we give Israel is a leash and a deterrent for larger conflicts. How do you think the response to Iran would’ve gone had the US not had a say? The idea that we should cut all aid to Israel is something that sounds good on the surface and only on the surface, as it’s incredibly short sighted. Israel’s GDP is very high, many on the far right in Israel have been wanting to cut ties with US aid for a decade+ now as they want the leash removed so they can start much larger scale military operations and respond to “potential threats” more extremely. Israel can and will source weapons from elsewhere as well as create their own in a matter of weeks/a few months should US aid stop. Part of the deal with US aid packages to Israel limits their own weapon manufacturing and prevents them from getting weapons from elsewhere.
It sounds backwards, but the US aid to Israel is the only reason there are still Palestinians in Gaza right now. Hell, with Biden’s ceasefire proposal, I’d go as far to say that Biden is the best chance for an independent Palestine that there has ever been; there’s just two things stopping it, and it’s the leadership in Israel and the ruling party of Gaza.

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But how can the tik tok crowd feel smug and self righteous then! 

you gotta think about this as an American would my guy. Gazan lives don’t matter, feeling superior about your morality/tribe does.


TF am I stuck in this shit hole. 

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Since we are doing hypotheticals has anyone considered the scenerio where they develop an electric razor that your can wear on your tongue as a sleeve and then you are forced every morning to shave Trump completely hairless from head to toe and then every morning it all grew back and you had to do that for the rest of your life?

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47 minutes ago, stepee said:

Since we are doing hypotheticals has anyone considered the scenerio where they develop an electric razor that your can wear on your tongue as a sleeve and then you are forced every morning to shave Trump completely hairless from head to toe and then every morning it all grew back and you had to do that for the rest of your life?

To keep it realistic it doesn’t need to be electric

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58 minutes ago, stepee said:

Since we are doing hypotheticals has anyone considered the scenerio where they develop an electric razor that your can wear on your tongue as a sleeve and then you are forced every morning to shave Trump completely hairless from head to toe and then every morning it all grew back and you had to do that for the rest of your life?


Why does your mind work like this?

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1 hour ago, stepee said:

Since we are doing hypotheticals has anyone considered the scenerio where they develop an electric razor that your can wear on your tongue as a sleeve and then you are forced every morning to shave Trump completely hairless from head to toe and then every morning it all grew back and you had to do that for the rest of your life?



You never stood a chance :cry:

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1 hour ago, stepee said:

Since we are doing hypotheticals has anyone considered the scenerio where they develop an electric razor that your can wear on your tongue as a sleeve and then you are forced every morning to shave Trump completely hairless from head to toe and then every morning it all grew back and you had to do that for the rest of your life?

Come On Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

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1 hour ago, stepee said:

Since we are doing hypotheticals has anyone considered the scenerio where they develop an electric razor that your can wear on your tongue as a sleeve and then you are forced every morning to shave Trump completely hairless from head to toe and then every morning it all grew back and you had to do that for the rest of your life?


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2 hours ago, stepee said:

Since we are doing hypotheticals has anyone considered the scenerio where they develop an electric razor that your can wear on your tongue as a sleeve and then you are forced every morning to shave Trump completely hairless from head to toe and then every morning it all grew back and you had to do that for the rest of your life?

I also played lost odyssey 

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