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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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2 minutes ago, Jason said:




I am starting to see these investigations in a bit of a different light.


I used to be bummed at the vast majority of possible scenarios of how this might play out not being nearly as bad for Trump as they should be(both as an example to discourage other billionaire demagogues from running for president, but also just because he's a garbage human that deserves so much bad).


For instance, it is hard to imagine a scenario where he gets convicted in the Senate. It's also hard to imagine him ever spending any time in prison between rich white privilege(*coughManafortcough) and possible self pardoning scenarios. And, as you guys are discussing in that other thread, there might not even be that many pragmatic reasons to impeach him at all with 2020 fast approaching.


That all said, the flavor of many of these recent investigations give me some hope that we might see Trump get hit where it hurts; right in the wallet.


I don't hold out much hope of an Agnew deal where Trump resigns in return for a promise to not come after his money, but it seems possible(and probably more likely than a Republican Senate convicting him).


But the real promise here seems to be the myriad of financial investigations that look like they are impossible to stop, will outlive his presidency, and have the potential to ruin him financially.


There's that famous line about how Vader is more machine than man. I think there is a good chance that when the SDNY, House Committee, and others get done chewing away the corrupt parts of Trump's fortune there ain't going to be anything left.


While that may be small comfort to those who have to live through his presidency right now, just imagine how that must keep Trump up at night. After all, he knows far more about how dirty all his money than we do.

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10 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:



I am starting to see these investigations in a bit of a different light.


I used to be bummed at the vast majority of possible scenarios of how this might play out not being nearly as bad for Trump as they should be(both as an example to discourage other billionaire demagogues from running for president, but also just because he's a garbage human that deserves so much bad).


For instance, it is hard to imagine a scenario where he gets convicted in the Senate. It's also hard to imagine him ever spending any time in prison between rich white privilege(*coughManafortcough) and possible self pardoning scenarios. And, as you guys are discussing in that other thread, there might not even be that many pragmatic reasons to impeach him at all with 2020 fast approaching.


That all said, the flavor of many of these recent investigations give me some hope that we might see Trump get hit where it hurts; right in the wallet.


I don't hold out much hope of an Agnew deal where Trump resigns in return for a promise to not come after his money, but it seems possible(and probably more likely than a Republican Senate convicting him).


But the real promise here seems to be the myriad of financial investigations that look like they are impossible to stop, will outlive his presidency, and have the potential to ruin him financially.


There's that famous line about how Vader is more machine than man. I think there is a good chance that when the SDNY, House Committee, and others get done chewing away the corrupt parts of Trump's fortune there ain't going to be anything left.


While that may be small comfort to those who have to live through his presidency right now, just imagine how that must keep Trump up at night. After all, he knows far more about how dirty all his money than we do.


That's the real justice for me: Trump becoming financially ruined despite using the Presidency to enrich himself. It's already been reported that the Trump Organization is bringing in less money that ever. 


Hell, I wouldn't be shocked if the Trumps get roped into this Singer investigation.

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