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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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1 hour ago, MarSolo said:

Every Biden ad between now and November should do nothing but refer to Trump as “convicted felon Donald Trump”.


During the debate, every question Trump is asked should start with "Now that you're a convicted felon..."



"Now that you're a convicted felon, what do you think about people serving time for marijuana possession?"


"Now that you're a convicted felon, what will you do to stop people from crossing the border?"


"Now that you're a convicted felon, what's your favorite flavor ice cream?"


56 minutes ago, SuperSpreader said:

On social media and web forums, users called for jurors, judges and prosecutors to be killed after the former president was found guilty on 34 felony counts.


The nice thing about cultists is that they're all very stable people (with love in their hearts).

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23 hours ago, Chris- said:

I’d bet a fair amount of money he gets some jail time because between now and sentencing he will absolutely sic his ghouls on the jury, and I think that is a red line that the judge wouldn’t allow him to cross without consequence. 


1 hour ago, SuperSpreader said:

On social media and web forums, users called for jurors, judges and prosecutors to be killed after the former president was found guilty on 34 felony counts.





Easy money. He made a mockery of the judicial process - ship him to Rikers for six weeks to make good on the amount of the state's time he acted contemptuously toward.

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Independents are stupid and also this is why sentences shouldn’t be handed out by the public. If he just shut his big fucking mouth and told his supporters to leave the jury alone he would be guaranteed just a fine or probation. Instead it’s a legitimate question of if Trump goes to prison for some time because of his actions outside the courtroom. 

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21 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:


Independents are stupid and also this is why sentences shouldn’t be handed out by the public. If he just shut his big fucking mouth and told his supporters to leave the jury alone he would be guaranteed just a fine or probation. Instead it’s a legitimate question of if Trump goes to prison for some time because of his actions outside the courtroom. 


Ok, I understand I'm not extremely knowledgeable about all this stuff but why would he drop out and why would his supporters want him to quit? 


Yes, I've seen his post conviction "speeches" and he just continues to dig his grave. 

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6 minutes ago, Best said:


Ok, I understand I'm not extremely knowledgeable about all this stuff but why would he drop out and why would his supporters want him to quit? 


Yes, I've seen his post conviction "speeches" and he just continues to dig his grave. 

He should drop out because the felony conviction should be a red line for anyone in higher office, he’s once again proving he is unfit for the job. 

He won’t because he stands a good chance of winning in November and he continues to get away with his crimes and his idiot supporters see him as their ticket to power and all that entails 

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16 hours ago, SuperSpreader said:

The "Lock Her Up!" mob struggling with a little bit of Law & Order. They're losing their minds online, complete meltdowns.

How is this the thing that they can't get around.  They have been practicing cognitive dissonance for years now.

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5 hours ago, Jason said:

Donald Trump denied ever saying "Lock her up!" about Hillary Clinton in his first interview since being convicted of falsifying business records.



That pic looks like somebody was playing with his hair on Photoshop and just left it there…


I hate Trump but hes the type that is incompetent and fails upward.. whats a good windfall that can happen for him? Papa Biden passing away close to election time?


All the ads where he denies saying one thing always has a soundbyte where its proven he lies.. there is nothing that will change how folks in the country feel about him one way or the other.. its just a matter of votes against him +however many votes the GOP managed to legislate away

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Some old ass fossil was walking around my grocery store with a MAGA hat. I've never seen that in this part of town. He didn't get anything and his wife kept the car running, everyone at the grocery looked spooked and seemed upset and uptight. I couldn't even look at him I felt so disgusted.

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5 minutes ago, SuperSpreader said:

Some old ass fossil was walking around my grocery store with a MAGA hat. I've never seen that in this part of town. He didn't get anything and his wife kept the car running, everyone at the grocery looked spooked and seemed upset and uptight. I couldn't even look at him I felt so disgusted.

Oh No Omg GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm

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1 hour ago, SuperSpreader said:

Some old ass fossil was walking around my grocery store with a MAGA hat. I've never seen that in this part of town. He didn't get anything and his wife kept the car running, everyone at the grocery looked spooked and seemed upset and uptight. I couldn't even look at him I felt so disgusted.


It's become something a sick fascination with me just thinking about the two different meanings a Trump 2028 hat would have depending on the outcome of this year's election....


I absolutely never do anything with political gear, but if Trump loses this year I have seriously been mulling over getting/making a Trump 2028 hat for myself.


Just as a conversation starter so I can say, "Hell yeah I hope they run him again! I hope he keeps gettin beat every 4 years until he dies!"


2 minutes ago, Haya Dune said:

Republicans seem to be doubling down on that traitorous manchild. What the trump are they thinking?


Sunk Cost Fallacy.


There are Scientologists that are out seven figures that aren't in as deep as your average Trump cultist.

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25 minutes ago, Haya Dune said:

Republicans seem to be doubling down on that traitorous manchild. What the trump are they thinking?


There have been very few real consequences for them not to do so and there is every possibility/probability that he will win in November, so why the hell not double or triple down?

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10 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


There have been very few real consequences for them not to do so and there is every possibility/probability that he will win in November, so why the hell not double or triple down?


 Because of their values!








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34 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


There have been very few real consequences for them not to do so and there is every possibility/probability that he will win in November, so why the hell not double or triple down?

I think there is a bit more to it than that. In the normal course of politics losing a presidential election cycle, getting walloped in one midterm, and then vastly underperforming in another would be more than enough consequences for either political party to have long since dumped a candidate.


So there have been consequences, but not enough when you mix in the unique cult-like following that Trump as an individual has. On top of that, the Republican Party is a profoundly weak one that simply has no one better to run than Trump. They have been coasting on his unique celebrity and one "victory" for a decade now.


I understand that 2016 was a traumatic experience for a lot of us, but at some point this kneejerk reaction to treat Trump as though he is some kind of unstoppable juggernaut to avoid being surprised again(which I think a lot of liberals have been doing) goes from being a personal defense mechanism and turns into a self fulfilling prophecy. Guy is a demented old man who couldn't stay awake during his own criminal trial....people need to stop acting like this guy is just totally unbeatable!

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2 hours ago, silentbob said:

“Holy crap,” one bystander on the scene remarked, adding that it had been a “freaking miracle” no one was hurt.

Didn’t know where to post but seem right for this thread 


Guess it veered too far to the right.

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5 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

I think there is a bit more to it than that. In the normal course of politics losing a presidential election cycle, getting walloped in one midterm, and then vastly underperforming in another would be more than enough consequences for either political party to have long since dumped a candidate.


So there have been consequences, but not enough when you mix in the unique cult-like following that Trump as an individual has. On top of that, the Republican Party is a profoundly weak one that simply has no one better to run than Trump. They have been coasting on his unique celebrity and one "victory" for a decade now.


I understand that 2016 was a traumatic experience for a lot of us, but at some point this kneejerk reaction to treat Trump as though he is some kind of unstoppable juggernaut to avoid being surprised again(which I think a lot of liberals have been doing) goes from being a personal defense mechanism and turns into a self fulfilling prophecy. Guy is a demented old man who couldn't stay awake during his own criminal trial....people need to stop acting like this guy is just totally unbeatable!


Not unbeatable, but dumbfoundingly resilient to any of the scandals, traitorism, gaffs, lies, and legal entanglements he's been involved in. I do still think this is Biden's race to win or lose, but he's facing a completely lopsided double-standard of behavior. He basically has to be absolutely flawless in everything he does from now until November, while Trump literally shits his pants and doesn't know what year it is. 

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28 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:


I understand that 2016 was a traumatic experience for a lot of us, but at some point this kneejerk reaction to treat Trump as though he is some kind of unstoppable juggernaut to avoid being surprised again(which I think a lot of liberals have been doing) goes from being a personal defense mechanism and turns into a self fulfilling prophecy. Guy is a demented old man who couldn't stay awake during his own criminal trial....people need to stop acting like this guy is just totally unbeatable!


It doesn't need to be a self-fulfilling prophecy when the data that suggests that Biden has little-to-no incumbency advantage is pretty evident in the polls and especially in this chart which illustrates more than anything why his support level with working class black and Latin voters has notably declined:




It's the cumulative effect of inflation over the last few years that has eroded the buying power of those groups in particular.  Now, before anyone cites Reagan, the really high inflation was very front-loaded at the beginning of his term and largely abated by the 1984 campaign.


As @Reputator said, Joe has to run a near-perfect campaign to overcome this issue which is effectively "baked in" at this point.

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1 hour ago, Reputator said:


Not unbeatable, but dumbfoundingly resilient to any of the scandals, traitorism, gaffs, lies, and legal entanglements he's been involved in. I do still think this is Biden's race to win or lose, but he's facing a completely lopsided double-standard of behavior. He basically has to be absolutely flawless in everything he does from now until November, while Trump literally shits his pants and doesn't know what year it is. 

Because it’s a cult

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