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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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I mean, you phsyically can't snort cocaine into your 70's. I should know, your nose gets absolutely fucked after a while.


He's probably on a cocktail of designer pills, though.


Then again, Keith Richards didn't stop doing cocaine until he was in his 60's... but even he had to stop at some point.

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6 minutes ago, Jason said:


Jr. definitely does coke, I still think it fits Sr. better to only do the crank pills from the pharmacy.


5 minutes ago, silentbob said:

Jr. does it for sure. I think they even had him do a Fox News interview and the powder was on his facial hair. Plus he he was rambling like a drugged up mad man while trying to run a marathon


1 minute ago, Fizzzzle said:

I mean, you phsyically can't snort cocaine into your 70's. I should know, your nose gets absolutely fucked after a while.


He's probably on a cocktail of designer pills, though.


Then again, Keith Richards didn't stop doing cocaine until he was in his 60's... but even he had to stop at some point.


Yeah I buy that Donald isn't snorting coke anymore (that was back in the 80's) but he's still doing something, or did enough of something that by now his brain is mush. Don Jr. is in peak young Donald Trump form, but now we have cell phones and social media, whereas Trump Sr. got to do it in smoky rooms behind closed doors or whatever so it's all more obvious with him.

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4 hours ago, silentbob said:

Jr. does it for sure. I think they even had him do a Fox News interview and the powder was on his facial hair. Plus he he was rambling like a drugged up mad man while trying to run a marathon

The idea that Jr is this big coke head yet nobody has ever actually seen him do it, take a picture of him doing it, or talked about it in a news article is ridiculous. It’s this weird things liberals say with no evidence whatsoever besides their own wishful thinking.


maybe he does do it, I don’t actually know, but neither do you guys. 

Jr is a piece of shit and there’s thousands of things you can shit on him for, so it’s weird to me that people all go for the one single rumor that has no evidence whatsoever and is just the result of people who don’t like him making the claim. 


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1 hour ago, BloodyHell said:

The idea that Jr is this big coke head yet nobody has ever actually seen him do it, take a picture of him doing it, or talked about it in a news article is ridiculous. It’s this weird things liberals say with no evidence whatsoever besides their own wishful thinking.


People hiding their drug use isn't strange at all. And having people around you that make sure it's not seen or caught being done in public (just the effects of it) is kind of the entire point. Listen to any famous person who has gone through drug rehab and there are incredible amounts of insulation from such things being caught. Honestly, Don Jr. has done a surprisingly poor job of hiding it. If he's not on coke or something similar he's certainly behaving and acting like he certainly is. I did say it's speculation but it's not crazy to believe.


I just saw John Mulaney's newest stand-up special "Baby J" since he got out of drug rehab and he had insane stories and yet no one knew (meaning the public at large) until he checked into rehab that he had drug addiction issues but when you hear his stories it's hard to believe this wasn't easily noticed or caught. Just one example, he walks right into SNL's hair and make up department coked out of his mind when he isn't even hosting asking for a haircut (because it'd been Covid for months) so he could go to a party of a friend of his and no one said anything that I heard about. I imagine it must have been very obvious he was coked up to the crew there.

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12 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


People hiding their drug use isn't strange at all. And having people around you that make sure it's not seen or caught being done in public (just the effects of it) is kind of the entire point. Listen to any famous person who has gone through drug rehab and there are incredible amounts of insulation from such things being caught. Honestly, Don Jr. has done a surprisingly poor job of hiding it. If he's not on coke or something similar he's certainly behaving and acting like he certainly is.

How many of those famous people had no reports of their drug use? No “friends” going anonymously to the press? No pictures, nothing. Almost none of them, and definitely none as scrutinized as him.


. You honestly think that NYT and the likes never dug very deep on JR? They’ve been investigated by every non right wing paper in this country, and while he’s been accused of all kinds of horrible things, not one of them even mentioned a cocaine habit. Nobody brought it up to them? You better believe they’d print it. This is a completely made up story until there is evidence otherwise. 

Addicts make too many mistakes not to get caught.

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5 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

How many of those famous people had no reports of their drug use? No “friends” going anonymously to the press? No pictures, nothing. Almost none of them, and definitely none as scrutinized as him.


. You honestly think that NYT and the likes never dug very deep on JR? They’ve been investigated by every non right wing paper in this country, and while he’s been accused of all kinds of horrible things, not one of them even mentioned a cocaine habit. Nobody brought it up to them? You better believe they’d print it. This is a completely made up story until there is evidence otherwise. 

Addicts make too many mistakes not to get caught.


I added to my post before you posted this giving one recent famous person example where there were no reports beforehand (as I recall) to the degree I outlined in my previous post addition. But it happens plenty. Why is this so hard to believe? "Public secrets" aren't a strange thing either, which this could be. :)

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7 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

It’s this weird things liberals say with no evidence whatsoever besides their own wishful thinking.



Considering this also describes conservatives, but for..everything, I think it’s fair to let them have the coke rumor 

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1 hour ago, Fizzzzle said:

For the sake of clarity, I assume like 50% of people in general have drug habits they're hiding, it's not just rich trust-fund-baby conservatives.


... But especially trust-fund baby conservatives.

50% of the population definitely doesn't have drug problems, that's really, really stretching, unless you consider pot a drug problem. 

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3 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

50% of the population definitely doesn't have drug problems, that's really, really stretching, unless you consider pot a drug problem. 


I consider running out of pot a drug problem if that counts 

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Just now, BloodyHell said:

50% of the population definitely doesn't have drug problems, that's really, really stretching, unless you consider pot a drug problem. 

Marijuana isn't necessarily a problem, but I know a shitload of people who can't function unless they're high. My ex used to keep a loaded bowl on the bedside table so she could get high as soon as she woke up every day. My best friend absolutely has to smoke a joint before work every day.


Look, I'm not one to judge, considering my, well... *gestures broadly* but I get tired of people who find any excuse to rationalize why being high 24/7 is totally not the same as having a drug problem.

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8 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

Marijuana isn't necessarily a problem, but I know a shitload of people who can't function unless they're high. My ex used to keep a loaded bowl on the bedside table so she could get high as soon as she woke up every day. My best friend absolutely has to smoke a joint before work every day.


Look, I'm not one to judge, considering my, well... *gestures broadly* but I get tired of people who find any excuse to rationalize why being high 24/7 is totally not the same as having a drug problem.

I mean, I agree, but 50% of the people I know are not high 24/7, or doing hard drugs. I think that number is an extremely high guess. 

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1 minute ago, BloodyHell said:

I mean, I agree, but 50% of the people I know are not high 24/7, or doing hard drugs. I think that number is an extremely high guess. 

Maybe. Who knows. It's not like data on who is abusing drugs is super duper reliable. I like to assume the worst in people. That might be projecting but we don't talk about that.

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9 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


People hiding their drug use isn't strange at all. And having people around you that make sure it's not seen or caught being done in public (just the effects of it) is kind of the entire point. Listen to any famous person who has gone through drug rehab and there are incredible amounts of insulation from such things being caught. Honestly, Don Jr. has done a surprisingly poor job of hiding it. If he's not on coke or something similar he's certainly behaving and acting like he certainly is. I did say it's speculation but it's not crazy to believe.


I just saw John Mulaney's newest stand-up special "Baby J" since he got out of drug rehab and he had insane stories and yet no one knew (meaning the public at large) until he checked into rehab that he had drug addiction issues but when you hear his stories it's hard to believe this wasn't easily noticed or caught. Just one example, he walks right into SNL's hair and make up department coked out of his mind when he isn't even hosting asking for a haircut (because it'd been Covid for months) so he could go to a party of a friend of his and no one said anything that I heard about. I imagine it must have been very obvious he was coked up to the crew there.

Ok, but now, what if Mulaney is the son of the most hated president in the world, and not a well loved comic (before he left his wife), you really think that his drug use wouldn't have been found out by journalists?


Also, you realize he had been to rehab multiple times before his final stint at xmas 2021, right? Like, there was no illusion that Mulaney wasn't an addict before then. Maybe you didn't know, but the world did. 


I just don't believe the guy is a coke head. He's a piece of shit, a monster, worthless to the extreme, but I don't think he's a secret cokehead. The circles he travels in (hunters, fisherman, outdoorsman), somebody would have spoken up before now, at least trying to get a payday for the story, imo. I met him at SHOT show presentation years ago, before his dad was president, he was pretty friendly and he's an accomplished and knowledgeable outdoorsman. I liked him. I was pretty sad when he outed himself to be as big a piece of shit as his dad. 


And I could be wrong, I just like to see some evidence beyond people who don't like him saying so, 

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3 minutes ago, SimpleG said:

My only drug problem is they need to dial the potency back a bit on cannabis. Fuck man, I wanna get high not blitzed into a coma.

If you live somewhere it's legal, it should be easy to get low thc marijauna product. Theres a wide, wide variety to what's on the market. 


I've mostly moved to vapes and edibles, which are strong, but also discreet. 

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3 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

If you live somewhere it's legal, it should be easy to get low thc marijauna product. Theres a wide, wide variety to what's on the market. 


I've mostly moved to vapes and edibles, which are strong, but also discreet. 

Edibles is my normal go to but sometimes I just wanna smoke. Every dispensary around me only carries high octane for Rec use and the lower stuff is reserved for med users.

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15 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:


And anyone who's ever done cocaine will tell you, there are 2 types of people in this world: Those who love cocaine, and those who have never tried it.

A couple of years ago I was on a mission to do cocaine and fortunately never was able to do it. None of my really close friends do it and those that have strongly advised me not to. Suspiciously it was right around the time I moved to LA :hmm:

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51 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

Ok, but now, what if Mulaney is the son of the most hated president in the world, and not a well loved comic (before he left his wife), you really think that his drug use wouldn't have been found out by journalists?


And I could be wrong, I just like to see some evidence beyond people who don't like him saying so.


No, I had no idea Mulaney was an addict to that degree before he went in to rehab (just because he had mentioned he had struggled with addiction in the past before 2005 isn't the same thing). I assumed like most he probably drank too much and smoked too much weed or something but not hard drugs. It was a surprise to many people or it wouldn't have made headlines and been the main thrust of his 1.5 hour stand up special, I would think. I mean, according to Wikipedia (to get the basics), in a 2014 interview he "said" he'd been sober since 2005. And there's no other news about it there until he checked in to rehab in December 2020. It's the same as Philip Seymour Hoffman, people may have been aware that he had substance abuse problems in the past, but he claimed he had been sober for 23 years but clearly relapsed (without people knowing) in 2013 and died shortly thereafter due to overdose in February 2014. Famous people can and do hide this stuff.


I'm not trying to convince you he definitely does coke or something. I just said it's possible, and said it's not some insane, out of the realm of possibility type of thing was all. I didn't say it was a given he does drugs either. You made the claim initially that it was impossible to believe that he does because he must have been caught somehow. Even politicians and their kids, etc. hide drug use all the time, hush it up, etc. Yes, even with the most hated president being their father (potentially). I'm just saying it's not crazy, try to see his behavior and infer from there even if it's not necessarily the case. 


And if it's not drugs, isn't that more concerning? :p 


Edit: I mean, Chadwick Boseman hid a stage III colon cancer diagnosis from 2016 from Disney(!) and everyone else before they hired him for what they assumed would be a long time franchise role in Black Panther despite Chadwick knowing by the time of filming. Different kind of thing, but point is you can keep things hush. I mean, I saw him in a Kevin Hart documentary in 2019 and he looked super thin and sickly and I thought it was for a role, not because he had cancer (he then died in August 2020). I only pieced it together after he died. We don't assume drugs or illness or cancer and then people are able to hide it.

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10 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

How many of those famous people had no reports of their drug use? No “friends” going anonymously to the press? No pictures, nothing. Almost none of them, and definitely none as scrutinized as him.

A LOT of them. What are you actually talking about? There's more people that do cocaine and have substance abuse problems in Hollywood than you think. These people employ folks to kill negative stories about them or they just pay folks off. Trump's family had a whole tabloid in their back pocket so you have no idea what stories have been buried on their behalf. This is a weird hill to die on. 

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5 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

A couple of years ago I was on a mission to do cocaine and fortunately never was able to do it. None of my really close friends do it and those that have strongly advised me not to. Suspiciously it was right around the time I moved to LA :hmm:

Oh I will tell everyone not to touch the shit if you like your bank account, your relationships, and your sanity.


There is a reason I haven't done it in years and it's not the money.

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9 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


No, I had no idea Mulaney was an addict to that degree before he went in to rehab (just because he had mentioned he had struggled with addiction in the past before 2005 isn't the same thing). I assumed like most he probably drank too much and smoked too much weed or something but not hard drugs. It was a surprise to many people or it wouldn't have made headlines and been the main thrust of his 1.5 hour stand up special, I would think. I mean, according to Wikipedia (to get the basics), in a 2014 interview he "said" he'd been sober since 2005. And there's no other news about it there until he checked in to rehab in December 2020. It's the same as Philip Seymour Hoffman, people may have been aware that he had substance abuse problems in the past, but he claimed he had been sober for 23 years but clearly relapsed (without people knowing) in 2013 and died shortly thereafter due to overdose in February 2014. Famous people can and do hide this stuff.


I'm not trying to convince you he definitely does coke or something. I just said it's possible, and said it's not some insane, out of the realm of possibility type of thing was all. I didn't say it was a given he does drugs either. You made the claim initially that it was impossible to believe that he does because he must have been caught somehow. Even politicians and their kids, etc. hide drug use all the time, hush it up, etc. Yes, even with the most hated president being their father (potentially). I'm just saying it's not crazy, try to see his behavior and infer from there even if it's not necessarily the case. 


And if it's not drugs, isn't that more concerning? :p 

Oh, I agree you didn’t say he was 100% doing it, but others here have. Just like I can’t 100% say he doesn’t. I’m just saying ascribing things without evidence is the same thing they are accused of doing by all of us, all the time. Theres so many crimes and awful things to destroy these people with it, I don’t see why we need to give them valid reasons to claim its just vindictive accusations. 

And frankly, if his private life and supposed drug use just hasn’t been investigated and I’m wrong, then that’s just another indictment of journalism today, because that is the easiest stuff to find out about anyone.

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27 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

A couple of years ago I was on a mission to do cocaine and fortunately never was able to do it. None of my really close friends do it and those that have strongly advised me not to. Suspiciously it was right around the time I moved to LA :hmm:

Don’t do that shit. It just makes peoples lives worse, and nobody is immune to its charms. 

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Oh I will tell everyone not to touch the shit if you like your bank account, your relationships, and your sanity.


There is a reason I haven't done it in years and it's not the money.

4 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

Don’t do that shit. It just makes peoples lives worse, and nobody is immune to its charms. 

Like I said, it was a weird phase I was in and fortunately I had people around me who pretty much said the same thing. To be honest, if I really wanted to do it, I would have... I mean it's LA... that shit falls out the sky out here :p

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18 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

He must have been surrounded by so much cocaine in the 80's it would be wild to assume he's never done it.


And anyone who's ever done cocaine will tell you, there are 2 types of people in this world: Those who love cocaine, and those who have never tried it.

I’ve only done cocaine three times in my life over a period of a decade, and knowing that it’s basically a reset button whenever I was out drinking with the people I was with… no wonder people love it.


”Man, I’m fucking hammered…”



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3 hours ago, SimpleG said:

Edibles is my normal go to but sometimes I just wanna smoke. Every dispensary around me only carries high octane for Rec use and the lower stuff is reserved for med users.

I’m still a bong guy, use to be just the vaporizer (Arizer Solo II) but it doesn’t hit me as well anymore. I haven’t done it in a while, but I made edibles with just my weed decarbed/grounded up into capsules. They were a god send for my cousins during Covid to give them some relief as vaping was even too hard on them and their lungs.

2 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

A couple of years ago I was on a mission to do cocaine and fortunately never was able to do it. None of my really close friends do it and those that have strongly advised me not to. Suspiciously it was right around the time I moved to LA :hmm:


I remember in my first week working at a pot store. We had a young lady, late 20’s if that, come ask us “Can you recommend a strain that be similar to cocaine. That might help get my boyfriend to switch over to weed instead?” We were pretty fucking shocked/sadsaid we didn’t know because we never done cocaine but suggested she seek him other help instead. 

Then a few months later we get a new Sativa strain called “Medellin” Which is named after the cocaine cartel because of the weeds cocaine like effects. So cocaine must be amazing because my managers were in fucking love with it, and the few people that came and bought it. (Very low stock then, might be better now as it’s on our OCS site) 



As for myself, yeah I’m stone right now but functional. I usually get high before supper because of my long haulers from Covid. I was pretty good month or so, but have felt it coming back for past month or so (along with bad allergies) Also gotta admit that my weed does better for me then any narcotic drug I’m prescribed. I fucked up my back a few weeks back and was on 3 pills for the pain. I’d give them a few hours to do their thing a couple times and I was still in agony. Finally hit my bong and 20mins later, I was still hurting a little, but I was much more comfortable. After that I was pretty much high all day but I was able to walk again without wincing. I also admit to overdoing it at times and I will know it. Just wish it worked as well as it use too for my sleep. I’m taking 4/5 bowls from my bong and I’m still hit/miss on the sleep. My energetic Sativas are working better for me sleeping at the moment because they’re more relaxing them my Indica strains. 

I also just started my next grow and but no seeds have popped yet. Hopefully next day or 2, they’ll start popping. Inside my tent all landrace Sativas with Malawi, Golden Tiger, Killer A5 Haze and Golden Tiger x Panama. Outside is more Indica/hybrids because of their shorted flowering time. Plus I’m growing a CBG strain that is geared for stomach issue (especially cancer patients) Anyways if anyone cares I’m growing CBG Zero, Slurricane, BlackBerry Moonrocks, Blue Cindy, Cinderella 99, MAC, and Banana Kush Cake. 

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2 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

A LOT of them. What are you actually talking about? There's more people that do cocaine and have substance abuse problems in Hollywood than you think. These people employ folks to kill negative stories about them or they just pay folks off. Trump's family had a whole tabloid in their back pocket so you have no idea what stories have been buried on their behalf. This is a weird hill to die on. 



Like Greatoneshere said, Chadwick Boseman was able to hide his cancer diagnosis from DISNEY. That’s like Cain being able to hide Abel’s dead body from God Himself. 

Trump had the one tabloid bury a bunch of stories about him in 2016. Looking at Don Junior, he’s on SOMETHING. No one just starts acting maniacally like he does unless he’s an undiagnosed bipolar.

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2 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Like I said, it was a weird phase I was in and fortunately I had people around me who pretty much said the same thing. To be honest, if I really wanted to do it, I would have... I mean it's LA... that shit falls out the sky out here :p


The temptation is controlled by knowing it's an incredibly bad mix with my ulcerative colitis. 

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7 minutes ago, MarSolo said:



Like Greatoneshere said, Chadwick Boseman was able to hide his cancer diagnosis from DISNEY. That’s like Cain being able to hide Abel’s dead body from God Himself. 

Trump had the one tabloid bury a bunch of stories about him in 2016. Looking at Don Junior, he’s on SOMETHING. No one just starts acting maniacally like he does unless he’s an undiagnosed bipolar.

Shit Jamie Foxx was at death's door apparently recently and we have NO IDEA what the fuck happened and people are definitely trying to find out. I think folks really underestimate how much the rich and the powerful can control their public perceptions. 

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