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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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The whole thing is ridiculous. Melendez, the host, had three different interactions with two White House operators and got through two call screens before Jared Kushner called him from Air Force One. According to Melendez, Kushner asked if he wanted to talk to the president then or have them call him back later, which is what he did.

The details: When the White House operator calls back, he says: "Hello is this Sen. Menendez?" and then "Hello is this Air Force One?"

  • President Trump picked up the phone congratulating who he thought was Sen. Menendez and telling him he "went through a very tough situation."
  • He also talked about immigration. "Bob, let me just tell you I want to be able to take care of the situation every bit as much as anybody else at the top level. I'd rather do the larger solution rather than the smaller solution."
  • He said the North Dakota Senate race is "a tough race."
  • Regarding his SCOTUS nominee, he said they'll be done making a decision in 12 to 14 days.

The White House didn't respond to requests for comment.

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5 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:




The whole thing is ridiculous. Melendez, the host, had three different interactions with two White House operators and got through two call screens before Jared Kushner called him from Air Force One. According to Melendez, Kushner asked if he wanted to talk to the president then or have them call him back later, which is what he did.

The details: When the White House operator calls back, he says: "Hello is this Sen. Menendez?" and then "Hello is this Air Force One?"

  • President Trump picked up the phone congratulating who he thought was Sen. Menendez and telling him he "went through a very tough situation."
  • He also talked about immigration. "Bob, let me just tell you I want to be able to take care of the situation every bit as much as anybody else at the top level. I'd rather do the larger solution rather than the smaller solution."
  • He said the North Dakota Senate race is "a tough race."
  • Regarding his SCOTUS nominee, he said they'll be done making a decision in 12 to 14 days.

The White House didn't respond to requests for comment.


Why would Trump (R) talk to Menendez (D) in the first place?  In less it was because Trump wanted tips on how to avoid going to prison, I suppose. 

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3 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

He congratulated "Menendez".


Jesus Christ.


It sounds like a straw man attack, but with him floating a pardon for Blagoavitch it genuinely seems like the one thing that breaks through party lines for Trump is rank corruption.


If you are proudly, loudly, and blatantly corrupt....Donny can work with ya.

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Canada struck back at U.S. steel and aluminum tariffs Friday, vowing to impose punitive measures on C$16.6 billion ($12.63 billion) of American goods and unveiling a C$2 billion aid package for affected industries and workers.

Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland said the tariffs would take effect as planned on July 1 and stay in place "until the United States eliminates its trade restrictive measures against Canada."


Trade wars are easy!

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21 hours ago, PaladinSolo said:




The whole thing is ridiculous. Melendez, the host, had three different interactions with two White House operators and got through two call screens before Jared Kushner called him from Air Force One. According to Melendez, Kushner asked if he wanted to talk to the president then or have them call him back later, which is what he did.

The details: When the White House operator calls back, he says: "Hello is this Sen. Menendez?" and then "Hello is this Air Force One?"

  • President Trump picked up the phone congratulating who he thought was Sen. Menendez and telling him he "went through a very tough situation."
  • He also talked about immigration. "Bob, let me just tell you I want to be able to take care of the situation every bit as much as anybody else at the top level. I'd rather do the larger solution rather than the smaller solution."
  • He said the North Dakota Senate race is "a tough race."
  • Regarding his SCOTUS nominee, he said they'll be done making a decision in 12 to 14 days.

The White House didn't respond to requests for comment.



@Chris- @SaysWho?



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This is the entire article:



KISSIMMEE, Fla. (AP) — Attendees at a conference of Florida Republicans applauded and laughed during a speech in which a conservative provocateur said the Democratic Party was historically the party of the Ku Klux Klan and segregation.


Author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza referred to the Democratic Party as the “party of slave plantations” at the Sunshine Summit conference on Friday.


D’Souza also said the political platform of the Nazi Party in Germany would sound similar to that of the Democratic Party if the word “Jew” were replaced with “the top 1 percent.”


President Trump recently pardoned D’Souza, who was convicted of a campaign finance violation in 2014.


In February, D’Souza mocked on Twitter a photo of Parkland, Florida, students upset over the failure to ban assault weapons in Florida. He later apologized.


Really good example, IMO, of how "just reporting the facts" is not useful.

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Adventure journalism used to be a journalist embedding himself with an explorer and staying in a jungle off the grid for months. Now it's upper class New Yorkers who leave their apartment that costs more per month than many people are paying towards their mortgage in a year to explore the wild world that is the suburbs of the Midwest and force themselves to go to a restaurant and a couple of stores, instead of ordering everything from DoorDash, to seek out noble savage mystical rednecks who will confirm their preconceived notions and are absolutely representative of the common man despite owning a car dealership because they drive a $55k pickup truck and listen to country pop.

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