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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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I wonder if some other well known celebrity can start publicly praising Trump, get a bunch of publicity, get a meeting like this and then do a complete 180 use it to get in his face and confront him and turn it into a giant circus... how epic would that be. Probably wouldn't be that hard for the right person.


Kind of an Andy Kaufman-esque kind of performance art kind of deal.

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6 minutes ago, ort said:

I wonder if some other well known celebrity can start publicly praising Trump, get a bunch of publicity, get a meeting like this and then do a complete 180 use it to get in his face and confront him and turn it into a giant circus... how epic would that be. Probably wouldn't be that hard for the right person.


Kind of an Andy Kaufman-esque kind of performance art kind of deal.

And I can 100% guarantee that the Imbecile will absolutely love it.

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Kaufman's schtick was to fool the audience and the public. 


If he were alive, he'd be playing the role of total MAGA chud and pissing off everyone he came into contact with. Everyone except Trump, who he would lavish praise on. 


The joke being, we'd all be mad, but Andy would actually be apolitical and just doing it to make us mad. 

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And what the fuck with all this faux moral outrage over Eric Holder saying "if they go low, we kick em". I mean, seriously, get the fuck out of here with that shit. If you are truly outraged by that statement, you are probably the stupidest most useless fucking morally bankrupt hypocritical fuckitted fuckwit moron in the entire world. SHUT UP.


I mean, seriously, If that's really what you think, if that's your real opinion, then guess what, you've lost, you've lost the game of life... you're opinion is garbage and you are worthless garbage person who's entire existence is garbage. Never speak again. Go away forever and the fuck out of my face with that shit. You've lost the right to have an opinion on anything for the rest of all time. That's how fucking moronic that opinion is.


And if you're pretending to be outraged so you can point your donald trump shit stained finger toward the entire left and say, "you do it too", then get the fuck out about that too. Same shit applies. YOU ARE A WORTHLESS GARBAGE PERSON. Go away forever. Never speak again about anything. Your words and thoughts have no meaning or value to anyone capable of critical thought.

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On 10/11/2018 at 12:56 PM, ort said:

And what the fuck with all this faux moral outrage over Eric Holder saying "if they go low, we kick em". I mean, seriously, get the fuck out of here with that shit. If you are truly outraged by that statement, you are probably the stupidest most useless fucking morally bankrupt hypocritical fuckitted fuckwit moron in the entire world. SHUT UP.


I mean, seriously, If that's really what you think, if that's your real opinion, then guess what, you've lost, you've lost the game of life... you're opinion is garbage and you are worthless garbage person who's entire existence is garbage. Never speak again. Go away forever and the fuck out of my face with that shit. You've lost the right to have an opinion on anything for the rest of all time. That's how fucking moronic that opinion is.


And if you're pretending to be outraged so you can point your donald trump shit stained finger toward the entire left and say, "you do it too", then get the fuck out about that too. Same shit applies. YOU ARE A WORTHLESS GARBAGE PERSON. Go away forever. Never speak again about anything. Your words and thoughts have no meaning or value to anyone capable of critical thought.


Where do I find your podcast? 

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