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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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18 hours ago, SimpleG said:

Predatory!” Mr. Wilson said of WinRed. Like multiple other donors interviewed, though, he held Mr. Trump himself blameless, telling The Times, “I’m 100 percent loyal to Donald Trump.”

 The level of idiocy knows no bounds


I'd like to find this funny, but the fact that this person is still loyal to Trump is maddening. These people are not just hurting themselves, they've hurt the entire country and are dead set on dragging everyone down with them. If they can't even puzzle out that Trump is bad after he sends them to hell, then there is no hope for these people and they will continue to drag us down with them. It's very discouraging. Biden won, but these people are still here and are still a problem.

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59 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

A grift so good the NRCC is doing it!






I saw this variant and had to check the donation page on NRCC to confirm this shit is real, and sure enough I got the one on the left there. The language is CRAZY. 


Like, these people they are writing to believe Trump is still in power basically and that the presidency was illegally taken away, and they are being threatened pretty much that if they don’t donate every month they will be reported as traitors. 

Man the right fucking HATES their supporters.

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The Democrats sent out a lot of chicken little emails last year, I feel like I saw daily how much I was disappointing Nancy Pelosi because I don't just give money to every Democratic PAC the DNC sold my email to.  They just weren't trying to run some weird con job on their supporters from what I saw.

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Yeah, fuck giving any of these people money.


I don't do it and I won't. Even the ones I like. The whole system is fucked and I refuse to participate. (well, financially)


I used to work in the parasitic world of political consultants... there is so much free flowing money... it's pretty sickening... nothing is ever going to change about any of this until we get all money out of politics. ALL OF IT.


It's never going to happen, but one can dream...

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I donated for this first time this election, to ActBlue I think. Then I started getting a ton of emails from WisDems about whatever (I'm in Illinoid but pretty close to the Wisconsin border). I don't know what fear-mongering they were peddling because I didn't read any of the emails.

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53 minutes ago, finaljedi said:

The Democrats sent out a lot of chicken little emails last year, I feel like I saw daily how much I was disappointing Nancy Pelosi because I don't just give money to every Democratic PAC the DNC sold my email to.  They just weren't trying to run some weird con job on their supporters from what I saw.


I kept getting text messages that read like they came from a desperate ex after I donated to Biden.


I think it was posted ITT that one of the online Democratic fundraising things did default to a recurring payment, which is not great and should stop, but which at least made it very clear what it was defaulting to.

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I help my parents with computer stuff all the time and I see the emails from the democrats and while they aren't this level of shitty and bad, they are pretty shitty and bad.


The entire political industry is a ouroboros. They don't want anything to change. They want us all angry, confused and donating. This is how they want everything to go and they don't want anything to change because this is how they make money. They want both sides angry and donating. They don't want to win, they want the struggle, because the struggle makes them money.


90% of my moms emails are political groups asking for money. That's not an exaggeration.

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5 hours ago, MarSolo said:

I got an email from MoveOn where they said that, so they could just be fear mongering to drum up donations?


Seems unlikely for Facebook at least, they deleted a video by Lara Trump for having Two Scoops speaking in it.



Hi folks,
We are reaching out to let you know that we removed content from Lara Trump’s Facebook Page that featured President Trump speaking. In line with the block we placed on Donald Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts, further content posted in the voice of Donald Trump will be removed and result in additional limitations on the accounts.



Facebook has a ban on "the voice of Donald Trump."


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“There was nothing new. It was just the greatest hits,” one person at the event said. “And it was really nasty.”


Imagine being so delusional that you paid money to attend this expecting anything other than exactly what's being described.

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3 hours ago, PaladinSolo said:

GOP paid Trump to insult them, its amazing just how weak these people are, lol.







43 minutes ago, Jason said:


Imagine being so delusional that you paid money to attend this expecting anything other than exactly what's being described.



I have zero patience anymore for the hand wringing anonymous Republicans that come out after Trump does exactly what they knew he was going to do and try to get beltway brownie points by tsking about how they can't believe Trump acted like that.


It's not even politically expedient anymore. The guy is out of office.



27 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


His "greatest hits" will be enough to clinch him the nomination in2024, if he wants it.


25 minutes ago, Joe said:

You think he’s a shoe-in over DeSantis? I’m not so sure.


4 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


For the kind of people that vote in primaries? I do.



Definitely agree with Riley here.


For one thing, it is hard to quantify this weird Trump mojo of name recognition and celebrity that Trump has. It remains to be seen if any Republican politician can replicate that.


We have talked before about how unpopular Republican issues now are. Without Trump's unique "appeal" you have to go back to 2004 to find a GOP that was either  not a loser or a Trump cult. I don't think the party knows what it is anymore.


But anyway, Jason kind of beat me to it. The bottomline is that all these guys are playing the game of trying to win by being like Trump.


Why would that work if you have an actual Trump? Republican strategists might like DeSantis because he is ""Trump without the baggage" but the Republican base loves the baggage. The baggage is why they voted for him in the first place. The baggage drives the libs nuts!


The only thing stopping Trump from being the nominee in 2024 is if he doesn't run, or takes a greasy burger to the chest. 

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1 minute ago, Joe said:

I think DeSantis is the clear favorite at this point. He's supported by the far-right and regular conservatives alike.


In the general election, sure, but we're not talking about the general election. We're talking about the primaries. The kinds of people that vote in the Republican primaries usually represent the oldest crowds and the most right-wing crowds. Those are two groups that Trump did very well with.

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