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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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8 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

If so, why would the speechwriter put something so readily traceable to the VP's staff in the text?


Why would someone in the administration of high-IQ geniuses do something not becoming of someone with a high IQ?

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15 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


But why?


This is what I wrote to the NYT in their feedback portal that was linked in the op-ed:



What in God's name possessed you to publish this anonymously? The role of the press is to hold power accountable. The publication of this op-ed does not further your mission. It only seeks to preemptively rehabilitate the author as if they are doing the right thing in the moment. In reality, they are rolling over and cowardly penning this missive while still operating the machine, even if they are throwing sand between the gears. This perspective you are delivering is self-serving to the author and you are hiding behind a facade of journalistic integrity of your own design. It is not the true manifestation of journalistic integrity. Please explain to your readers and to the American public why you felt the need to publish this anonymously rather than conform to the mission of journalists in this country and require the author take ownership of their words


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Does the word "Senior" carry a tangible meaning here?


Can they just call anyone they feel is important enough "Senior" or are we looking at a list of like 20 people here?


At the very least, we should be able to show the  NYT a list of 20-30 names and get them to confirm whether or not the author is one of the people on the list?


What does "Senior" mean?

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2 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

@legend isn't there some sort of machine learning thing that can give an estimate of who wrote this trash based on previous writings? I mean, not that anyone in this administration is particularly well written, but would it be possible?


Given sufficient previously written text from the candidate set, it could probably be done with reasonable accuracy.


(And if no one has has done this application before, it's super low hanging fruit. I feel pretty confident I know how I would do it and it would just be matter of getting training data and some hyperparameter search.)

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Totally normal thing all presidencies go through.




The phrase, “The sleeper cells have awoken,” circulated on text messages among aides and outside allies.

“It’s like the horror movies when everyone realizes the call is coming from inside the house,” said one former White House official in close contact with former co-workers.


The president was already feeling especially vulnerable — and a deep “sense of paranoia,” in the words of one confidant — in the wake of his devastating portrayal in Woodward’s book. He was upset that so many in his orbit seemed to have spoken with the veteran Washington Post investigative journalist, and had begun peppering staffers with questions about who Woodward’s sources were.

Trump already felt that he had a dwindling circle of people who he could trust, a senior administration official said. According to one Trump friend, he fretted after Wednesday’s op-ed that he could only trust his children.


Both inside the White House and in Trump’s broader orbit, aides and confidants scrambled to identify the anonymous official, windmilling in all directions; within just hours of publication, they privately offered up roughly a dozen different theories and suggested traitors.

One aide, for example, suggested a staffer seeking glory and secretly hoping to get caught, while another mused that the official was likely a low-level staffer in a peripheral agency. Others wondered aloud just what constituted a “senior official in the Trump administration.”


Brinkley said the most analogous example of disloyalty and advisers disregarding the president’s wishes was in Richard Nixon’s final year as president. He explained that Nixon would “bark crazy orders” to aides that they intentionally disregarded.

“You’d have to go back to Hans Christian Andersen, ‘The Emperor Has No Clothes,’ to see this syndrome where the president’s reality happens to be so different from his own senior advisers,” Brinkley said.

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