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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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Sorry, 4:30 AM. Which is even more like a stable genius. And he deleted and re-did them...I can't spot any obvious typos so maybe he really was just trying to not have them showing as him being up at 4:30 AM going crazy from doing uppers all night.




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The Verge on where that 96% figure came from:


This claim seems to have originated on the right-wing site PJ Media before spreading to other outlets, including Fox News. It’s the analysis of a reporter who Googled the term “Trump” a number of times “using different computers.” She then tallied up the perceived bias of the outlets appearing in the first 100 results. (The political alignment of the outlets was assigned based on a chart by journalist Sharyl Attkisson, a former CNN reporter who appeared on Fox News last year claiming that the media is feeding the public an “artificial reality.”)


I know that Trump's talk about how "this is a very serious situation-will be addressed!" is the empty threat of a early morning Twitter troll, but let's for a brief moment consider what kind of action could actually be taken here. Do these conservatives really want the US government to go to a private company and force them to change results based on some kind of political fairness algorithm. Setting aside the impossibility of pleasing anyone with such an algorithm, it would be an unprecedented (I hope) and obviously unconstitutional example of governmental overreach.


I know it's all bluster, but even the most cursory thought to the potential policy behind his specious reasoning can't possibly pass muster. 



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31 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

Do these conservatives really want the US government to go to a private company and force them to change results based on some kind of political fairness algorithm.


If it helps their side, as it currently does, and them knowing the left would never silence them because we actually believe in the ideals that they only care about when it benefits them, the answer is, absolutely, yes, that's what conservatives want the US government to do. Surely this is the default we should all be operating under at this point? :p 

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59 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

The Verge on where that 96% figure came from:


I know that Trump's talk about how "this is a very serious situation-will be addressed!" is the empty threat of a early morning Twitter troll, but let's for a brief moment consider what kind of action could actually be taken here. Do these conservatives really want the US government to go to a private company and force them to change results based on some kind of political fairness algorithm. Setting aside the impossibility of pleasing anyone with such an algorithm, it would be an unprecedented (I hope) and obviously unconstitutional example of governmental overreach.


I know it's all bluster, but even the most cursory thought to the potential policy behind his specious reasoning can't possibly pass muster. 



A fairness doctrine for internet search engine results. Hilarious given the pushback if something similar we're proposed for AM radio, for example.

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41 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

Something big is about to go down if his little thumbs did that much typing this morning.


Especially suddenly deciding, after over a year, to try to discredit his Lester Holt interview.

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