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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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4 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Also...Trump has basically lost every dispute with Canada



Trump says he’s a master negotiator. Those who’ve actually dealt with him beg to differ.


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I'm pretty far from a legal expert, but I feel like this could prove problematic to implement. The government restricting the speech of government employees is one thing, but expanding that into the private sector seems like it opens it up to court challenges. I know the government can put all kinds of pre-conditions on companies they work with, but I don't recall another condition that was reliant on speech (though I could easily be wrong).

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1 minute ago, TwinIon said:


I'm pretty far from a legal expert, but I feel like this could prove problematic to implement. The government restricting the speech of government employees is one thing, but expanding that into the private sector seems like it opens it up to court challenges. I know the government can put all kinds of pre-conditions on companies they work with, but I don't recall another condition that was reliant on speech (though I could easily be wrong).


But I thought Trump hates cancel culture.

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1 hour ago, TwinIon said:


I'm pretty far from a legal expert, but I feel like this could prove problematic to implement. The government restricting the speech of government employees is one thing, but expanding that into the private sector seems like it opens it up to court challenges. I know the government can put all kinds of pre-conditions on companies they work with, but I don't recall another condition that was reliant on speech (though I could easily be wrong).


Future 6-3 SCOTUS ruling: the president can force people or companies to exclude doing business with other people or companies for any reason.

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Trump abused his fathers declining mental state get him to sign over everything to him.  



“It was basically taking the whole estate and giving it to Donald,” Trump’s sister said in secretly recorded audio.

Then, within months of Trump’s effort to amend his father’s will, Fred Trump Sr. was formally diagnosed with “early stages of dementia,” according to medical records that were disclosed in a 2000 court case brought by Mary Trump and others seeking a larger inheritance from the elder Trump’s estate. In that case, Donald Trump and two of his siblings were deposed, and Fred Trump Sr.’s medical records were disclosed.

Mary Trump on Thursday filed suit in a New York court against Donald Trump, Barry and the estate of their brother Robert Trump, alleging that they — as executors of their father’s estate — later deceived her about the “true value” of what she believes she should have inherited. Her complaint said she was “fleeced her of tens of millions of dollars or more.”

Mary Trump said in a statement to The Post that Donald Trump’s initial effort to change his father’s will when his mental state was in decline is still relevant today because it shows how he put his own interests above even those of his own family members.

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1 hour ago, PaladinSolo said:




1 hour ago, osxmatt said:

I mean his politics and associates are ass but no one deserves to feel depressed or suicidal. Hope he gets the help he needs.



The fact that these idiots, charlatans, and just plain broken people took over this country proves how fucked we are.


In telling ourselves that Trump is just a fluke, I think we kind of avoid that bigger picture.


If you showed up out of the blue to Harvard and the entire faculty running it was chimpanzees you wouldn't need to know the entire backstory to start questioning the legitimacy of Harvard's reputation as such a smart school.

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