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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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17 minutes ago, Jason said:




You know, I don't talk about it much because right now I am solely concerned with beating Trump, but I don't like most politicians much, including Democrats.


When they come on news shows I watch I tend to turn them off because all they say is canned, homogenized, focus tested talking point bullshit.


This is something where I both have some understanding of Trump voters, but also something that I really hate about them.


Politicians are dishonest in a lot of ways, but normally in the not telling the whole truth, twisting words kind of way.


One of the biggest failures of Trump voters is that they see Trump being different than other politicians and they confuse his bluntness with honesty. They confuse his rejection of "political correctness" as honesty. They confuse his old rich white guy privilege of saying whatever he wants as honesty.


When really he is the biggest liar out of all of them. 


Like much of his political strategy I think he lucked into something not too many had considered before. Telling a bald face, simple lie is more convincing to some people than trying to tell a complicated, hedging, misleading but technically accurate statement.


Of course, the decline of the GOP into an anti-science, anti-reality, anti-fact party has mitigated the counter to this, which is the clearer the lie, the more easily disprovable it is. But with Fox News and other rightwing outlets that ability is blunted. Another case of how the GOP's goal now is not really ever to win an argument, but to flood the conversation with so much shit that people get exhausted and move on.

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Trump wanted to "swap" Greenland for Puerto Rico because PR is dirty and poor:



First off, the asshole sharing this info is a human chode who willingly worked for the Trump admin and is now trying to whitewash his image. So no props to him.


But...how does one "swap" a territory for another? Does Denmark take Puerto Rico? Or did he simply want to cut PR loose and take Greenland? And why?

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4 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Trump wanted to "swap" Greenland for Puerto Rico because PR is dirty and poor:



First off, the asshole sharing this info is a human chode who willingly worked for the Trump admin and is now trying to whitewash his image. So no props to him.


But...how does one "swap" a territory for another? Does Denmark take Puerto Rico? Or did he simply want to cut PR loose and take Greenland? And why?


The stupidest part of this is, if Puerto Rico is as awful as Trump says it is, why in the ever-loving fuck would Denmark want it?!


Exhibit 1212748912381 that Trump is fucking terrible at deals.

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2 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

Trump wanted to "swap" Greenland for Puerto Rico because PR is dirty and poor:



First off, the asshole sharing this info is a human chode who willingly worked for the Trump admin and is now trying to whitewash his image. So no props to him.


But...how does one "swap" a territory for another? Does Denmark take Puerto Rico? Or did he simply want to cut PR loose and take Greenland? And why?


People in PR are brown. It's there any other reason?

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