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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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14 minutes ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:




These companies are overwhelmingly dominated by caucasian techno-libertarians who more than likely share a HELLUVA LOT of the ideology of the Republican Party.  They'll sooner kowtow to whatever inane "Social Media Fair Use Doctrine" they come up with than "break".

While they are a bunch of libertarians, what drives them is users (acquisition/retention) and ad money and if I remember correctly twitter posted in the last few years that their largest user block was liberal women. There is a point where they're going to turn sour to their user base and die out. I don't fully lump FB in this since they've been trying to spread out into other areas (mainly through acquisition plus boomers do well for them in a few divisions, Late Gen X & boomers are a big part of why portal is still a thing). 

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I don't --really-- think this would be possible for them to get away with, but there's like... 5% of my brain that thinks that maybe they installed a Trump loyalist as Postmaster General to try and actually tamper with the mail-in vote. Most likely it's just to try and fuck with the USPS shipping rates because of his Amazon beef, but... like I said... 5% of my brain.

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Here are the details of that executive order. There's a lot of language like, "task the Commerce Department to petition the Federal Communications Commission to open a rulemaking proceeding to reconsider the scope of the law," so my suspicion is that this will not actually do anything in practice, but it absolutely would break the internet if it DID do something.



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14 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

Am I wrong in thinking this is actually shooting Trump in the foot without him realizing it?

Yep, if providers become liable they’re going to have to crackdown or update their TOS that they can come after you for damages.

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18 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

Am I wrong in thinking this is actually shooting Trump in the foot without him realizing it?


no.  if this went the way he thinks it would it would make twitter, etc, actually kick people so they dont get sued as being responsible when incels start murdering people because orange said so.


but everybody in this admin is fucking stupid so they dont realize this

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Who knows what Trump himself thinks, but I can't believe anyone even mildly knowledgeable in the administration actually thinks that this thing is legal or will do anything. It's a best effort to do the crazy thing Trump says he wants, but that's about it.


My biggest questions surrounding this EO is who will have proper standing to sue if it's signed. It's not as if it only applies to Twitter. Every website with comments would be under the umbrella of this. As a website that allows users to create and share content, D1P would fall under this EO and could lose all 230 protection if the FTC wanted to put in a few minutes worth of effort to find out that moderation decisions here are obviously not taken in good faith nor do they aspire to protect free speech.


However, before any real action could be taken, and before any of these obviously illegal penalties could be put into action, the AG will have to establish a working group of State AGs to look at laws that aren't really applicable, the NTIA needs to petition the FCC to put out guidance on a thing they're not allowed to change,  the FTC would need to establish an enforcement mechanism that they lack the legal authority to weild, and every executive department and agency that spends advertising money would need to do their own reviews of all their ad platforms for "bias", justify their spending according to those reviews, and find their own legal reasons for not spending money on biased platforms.



Questions of standing always puzzle me, so I have no clue what needs to happen before someone can effectively sue, but the implications here are so broad, and the legality so shaky, that as soon as anyone does have sufficient standing, I have to imagine that most of this gets held up in court immidiately.

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3 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

My biggest questions surrounding this EO is who will have proper standing to sue if it's signed. It's not as if it only applies to Twitter. Every website with comments would be under the umbrella of this. As a website that allows users to create and share content, D1P would fall under this EO and could lose all 230 protection if the FTC wanted to put in a few minutes worth of effort to find out that moderation decisions here are obviously not taken in good faith nor do they aspire to protect free speech.


Don’t give the miscreants on this board any ideas!

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I will GLADLY inform the FTC that I voluntarily renounce any and all 230 protections for this site because not only are moderation actions not taken in "good faith" nor do they "aspire to protect free speech", but that the owner/operator of this site ACTIVELY seeks to quash the (non-existent/degenerate) so-called "right" of free speech not only on this site, but in general society as well.


Bring on the lawsuits.  I welcome them.

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Doesn't 230 protections just mean that either sites need to be heavily moderated to protect the owners of the site from potential lawsuits or not at all moderated for the same reason? Someone correct be here, but I don't see how this would protect free speech. Twitter isn't going to just allow literal Nazis to take over their platform, so this is just going to result in ramped up and extreme moderation. Trump would be along the first to get kicked off.

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1 hour ago, Jason said:

Trump just signed the EO




Others fretted the proposal Trump signed threatens to circumvent Congress. “The idea you could have an executive order that reinterprets a clear statute that Congress passed, that has been interpreted by the courts for over 20-plus years, as recently as yesterday … is just nonsense,” said Jesse Blumenthal, who leads tech policy work for Stand Together, an organization backed by industrialist Charles Koch.


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He's a fucking idiot and so is every single one of his supports.


How is this really happening? It still feels like we're in some sort of splinter reality... like we all got pulled into some sort of alternate timeline where Biff Fucking Tannon is president.


How can republicans keep defending this man? What the fuck is wrong with these people?

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1 hour ago, Firewithin said:


of all the stupid ass scenarios he could have come up with and he went...............this????




This is the same very stable genius who came up with people changing clothes in their cars to vote a second time. 

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4 hours ago, Ghost_MH said:

Doesn't 230 protections just mean that either sites need to be heavily moderated to protect the owners of the site from potential lawsuits or not at all moderated for the same reason? Someone correct be here, but I don't see how this would protect free speech. Twitter isn't going to just allow literal Nazis to take over their platform, so this is just going to result in ramped up and extreme moderation. Trump would be along the first to get kicked off.

It basically says that the site isn't liable for the content that users post, as long as they put in an effort to prevent anything illegal. 


It's basically impossible to imagine a site like Twitter functioning without 230. It's not that they'd have to heavily moderate, it's that they couldn't exist. There'd be no way to moderate heavily enough to shield them from everything said on the site.

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