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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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19 hours ago, osxmatt said:



To me, this seems like the kind of thing that will make the border wall take even longer. If you just seize land instead of bargaining for it, and if you ignore environmental regulations instead of either changing them or fulfilling them, you're very quickly going to end up in court, where this administration doesn't have the best track record.


I often think that the only saving grace of the Trump administration is just how inefficient and ineffective they are in their villainy.

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6 hours ago, SaysWho? said:




"We have to start looking for a new News Outlet." That's a really sad thing a president should never say. It's actually more bothersome than a lot of other things I see him say.

I really wish this was some kind of actual break between Trump and Fox, but in the end they both know all too well that they need each other. A few mean tweets won't stop Fox being a propaganda outlet, and aside from some weird YouTube nonsense there isn't going to be a more Trump approved broadcaster anytime soon.


I'd love to see them actually at each other's throats for an extended period. I'm honestly not even sure who needs who more at this point, but my instinct is that Trump probably needs Fox more. Trump routinely loses popular support for his pet causes even with Fox constantly blaring at half the nation. How much worse would family separation or the trade war go over if you didn't have the most watched news in the country shilling for their orange messiah? How would a Trump campaign energize their base without Fox's hate factory running at full steam?


In the end though, Fox doesn't have anywhere else to go. They're not suddenly going to go all in on Joe Walsh. I'm sure that as soon as Trump is out of office Fox will be happy to blame him for all the GOP's woes (real or imagined), but until then they'll keep working for him, because he's pretty much all they've got.

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