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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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35 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

Is it unconstitutional though? I figured outside of sex, race, or religion, a state could set their own rules and requirements for getting out on the ballot for their state Even in federal elections. 


If a state has the power to deny third parties ballot access for whatever reason they want, they probably also have the power to deny major parties for whatever reason they want.

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20 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


If a state has the power to deny third parties ballot access for whatever reason they want, they probably also have the power to deny major parties for whatever reason they want.

This is less a case of just denying a candidate a spot on the ballot. It’s not like Donald cannot easily comply with the request/requirement. 

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1 hour ago, TheGreatGamble said:

Yeah, i'd say Fox is pretty mainstream. Its the most watched news channel. 

I just always find it weird when people like Trump criticize the "mainstream media" when Fox News is the most watched news channel in the US, which makes them the mainstream media.  Hell, I'm sure even Fox News itself criticizes them mainstream media without any hint of irony.

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It's because nothing has any meaning to them. And they know that their core audience are such obedient drooling fuckwits that they'll just eat up and regurgitate whatever ridiculous idiotic narrative that they want to push.


Of course, they think the exact same thing about us... so you know...


Then again... Trump has finally 100% proven that there is no intellectual honestly behind anything they stand for. None. Zero. Zip.


They're just throwing social issue chum into the water to work up their base into a frenzy and while everyone is distracted they do what they actually care about, which is just tax cuts and killing government regulations for big business.

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21 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

I imagine the hardest conversation on the planet would be trying to explain to Trump the different between quantitative and qualitative

I wonder if he also confused it too, but over Quantum Break or that Quantum Realm thingy those Avenger guys used. 


God or I wish we had a Quantum Realm thingy to make the possible next 5 years feel like a few hours only or just go back and stop this Grimace Thanos from ever taking office

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On 7/31/2019 at 11:05 AM, marioandsonic said:

I just always find it weird when people like Trump criticize the "mainstream media" when Fox News is the most watched news channel in the US, which makes them the mainstream media.  Hell, I'm sure even Fox News itself criticizes them mainstream media without any hint of irony.


Yep. And an overwhelming majority of the most listened to radio programs are conservative talk radio.

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