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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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The problem is that Trumps slack jawed painfully idiotic followers only think racism is when you run around yelling the N-word and punching black people in the face. Anything less just doesn't register.


They don't understand much. These people are fucking stupid. how fucking stupid? So fucking stupid that the elected Donald Trump to be the president. That's how fucking stupid. It never stops being terrifying that we live in a country with 63 million people dumb enough to be conned into voting for Donald Trump. Fuck everything.


If you still support Trump you are either a rich person who doesn't care about anything but your personal enrichment, a total bigot or a complete fucking idiot. If you're having trouble figuring out which box you belong in, it's most likely the third thing.

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1 minute ago, vaxick said:

House now voting to condom Trump's racist Tweets.  To no surprise at this point in the vote, not a single Republican is voting yes.  


Trump's 🍄 is too small for condoms, that's why he only rawdogs it. 

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So now Trump boot-lickers are digging back to the 90s to find the one time Trump dated a black woman as proof he's not racist, and pulling up a random article where she states he never said anything racist around her. Of course people forget he makes everyone sign an NDA.

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Looks like more of the GOP is showing its true colors.


Pennsylvania GOP Rep. Mike Kelly told VICE News, "You know, they talk about people of color. I'm a person of color. I'm white. I'm an Anglo Saxon. People say things all the time, but I don't get offended"



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11 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

So now Trump boot-lickers are digging back to the 90s to find the one time Trump dated a black woman as proof he's not racist, and pulling up a random article where she states he never said anything racist around her. Of course people forget he makes everyone sign an NDA.

Nows the time to release those N word tapes

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9 minutes ago, vaxick said:

Looks like more of the GOP is showing its true colors.


Pennsylvania GOP Rep. Mike Kelly told VICE News, "You know, they talk about people of color. I'm a person of color. I'm white. I'm an Anglo Saxon. People say things all the time, but I don't get offended"




LOL the persecuted Anglo Saxon!

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53 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

So now Trump boot-lickers are digging back to the 90s to find the one time Trump dated a black woman as proof he's not racist, and pulling up a random article where she states he never said anything racist around her. Of course people forget he makes everyone sign an NDA.


Trump Caught In Racist Rant About ‘Big Black Dick’; White House Crisis Mode Begins

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1 hour ago, vaxick said:

Looks like more of the GOP is showing its true colors.


Pennsylvania GOP Rep. Mike Kelly told VICE News, "You know, they talk about people of color. I'm a person of color. I'm white. I'm an Anglo Saxon. People say things all the time, but I don't get offended"



Then later he says he's Irish. An Irish Anglo-Saxon??


By the way, how soon until this guy goes with the "blacks didn't have it bad, Irish were slaves too!1!" bullshit.

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15 hours ago, MarSolo said:

So for someone not in the know, what exactly does this condemnation do other than "jack" and "shit"?


The only tangible benefit is we now have Republicans on the voting record siding with Trump's comments for all of history to see. Not sure that matters, but it is something.

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15 minutes ago, Jason said:




Pelosi: this is what is called a distinction without a difference. She's such a dumbass. Or weak. Or bought. Or all of the above. 


Edit: And thanks for the reference @b_m_b_m_b_m: we all need to internalize this and use it all the time: "believe people when they tell you who they are" (or whatever variation of it one likes). 

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