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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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7 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

AOC and the other 3 know what they are doing. The rest of House Dems want to just tweet out a fundraising link that says "This👏is👏not👏who👏we👏are!"

Next time the Dems call me for money I'm gonna tell them not until Pelosi and Co get off AOCs dick.

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Daily reminder that during the campaign Trump insisted we define our enemies by referring to them as "radical islamic terrorists." Then once he won the presidency, he stopped using that expression, and now regularly uses the adjective "radical" to define the Democratic Party or people in the Democratic Party.


This is not an accident.

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What a disgusting period of time we are living through.  It enrages me that nearly everyone in his party won't call him out because they're more concerned about keeping their seats than they are at calling out Trump for what he is, a racist.  

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