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Good morning fellow gamers { 1 year later update }


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We got a new place!


    After a month of looking we found a place in Medford that will take our Juno. 3 bedroom 2 bath fully fenced house on a nice street. It's only a few miles from Rogue Valley Medical Center where Donnie is being treated every day for the next 5 more weeks. We finally got a break, and it came at a good time. A bit expencive but beggers cant be choosers! 

    Tomarrow we start looking for all the stuff we all take for granted, a bed, dishes, blankets, towels, couches, everything and anything that makes up a home we need. Sounds fun, but it's a bit overwhelming to be honest. Blessed to have a place this close to Christmas to spend with the kids and grandkids. 


      Happy Holidays fellow gamers, best of wishes!

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45 minutes ago, HardAct said:

We got a new place!


    After a month of looking we found a place in Medford that will take our Juno. 3 bedroom 2 bath fully fenced house on a nice street. It's only a few miles from Rogue Valley Medical Center where Donnie is being treated every day for the next 5 more weeks. We finally got a break, and it came at a good time. A bit expencive but beggers cant be choosers! 

    Tomarrow we start looking for all the stuff we all take for granted, a bed, dishes, blankets, towels, couches, everything and anything that makes up a home we need. Sounds fun, but it's a bit overwhelming to be honest. Blessed to have a place this close to Christmas to spend with the kids and grandkids. 


      Happy Holidays fellow gamers, best of wishes!


So happy to hear things are starting to get back on track! Best wishes to you and your family and happy holidays!

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14 hours ago, HardAct said:

We got a new place!


    After a month of looking we found a place in Medford that will take our Juno. 3 bedroom 2 bath fully fenced house on a nice street. It's only a few miles from Rogue Valley Medical Center where Donnie is being treated every day for the next 5 more weeks. We finally got a break, and it came at a good time. A bit expencive but beggers cant be choosers! 

    Tomarrow we start looking for all the stuff we all take for granted, a bed, dishes, blankets, towels, couches, everything and anything that makes up a home we need. Sounds fun, but it's a bit overwhelming to be honest. Blessed to have a place this close to Christmas to spend with the kids and grandkids. 


      Happy Holidays fellow gamers, best of wishes!

So happy to hear this! I live in Medford too! But Massachusetts. :) Happy Holidays bud. Glad things are starting to look up. :hug:

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On 12/12/2018 at 10:33 PM, HardAct said:

We got a new place!


    After a month of looking we found a place in Medford that will take our Juno. 3 bedroom 2 bath fully fenced house on a nice street. It's only a few miles from Rogue Valley Medical Center where Donnie is being treated every day for the next 5 more weeks. We finally got a break, and it came at a good time. A bit expencive but beggers cant be choosers! 

    Tomarrow we start looking for all the stuff we all take for granted, a bed, dishes, blankets, towels, couches, everything and anything that makes up a home we need. Sounds fun, but it's a bit overwhelming to be honest. Blessed to have a place this close to Christmas to spend with the kids and grandkids. 


      Happy Holidays fellow gamers, best of wishes!

This made my day, friend. Keep fighting. 

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Hey All !!

   Just thought I would check in and do a much needed update for all those interested.


    Like I said we found a House. After feeling we weren't ever gonna find a nice place that would also take or 80Lb Shepard Juno, we finally did and it's a nice one. We are now 10 minutes from the Hospital where my son Donnie is being treated. I see him every day! They live 50 minutes in Yreka California and I live { Now } in Medford Oregon. He is treated here everyday with radiation and he also is taking high doses of Chemo and Steroids. You all know he has rapidly gotten worse and nothing there has changed. He is now 8 Days into an intense 6 weeks treatment schedule. It's looking like this will be the last Christmas we have with him. Wrapping my head / our head around such a grimm reality it quite hard, but we haven't given up hope that's for sure!!! We can hardly make out any words most days that he says, he's now blind in one eye, and almost deaf too. 40 Days ago he was riding his motorcycle complaining about how cold it was getting, it's just crazy how aggressive this tumor is. He can no longer feed himself either and can't walk but a few steps, if at all. So he's already wheelchair bound too. I'm not telling you this to make you feel sorry for us, or to shock you guys. I feel those that have jumped on board and ridden this ride with us deserve to know how it's going. So many of you guys have helped in many ways and we are grateful for the friendships! I know soon his wife will no longer be able to handle him, and my wife and I will attempt to take over his day to day.


    Ok, not everything is so horrible, like I said we have a house. I love my new laptop. It's a MSI GS65 with the gtx1070 and 16 gigs ram and man can it game. I'm typing this now on it and I'm grateful to have been able to buy it. I have now been in the house for 3 nights. I didn't have a place to sit until today at 11am when my wonderful couch and love seat combo arrived. So far we have dishes somewhat, the couch and love seat, and a queen bed and that is it. Having the treatment everyday kinda makes it tough to actually shop or think about our selves at all. After he's done we it's usually 4pm'ish and it's draining. This Sunday my other son will be here and his kids for the week. Everyone knows we aren't furnished and their all bringing mattresses and bedding etc to make the stay tolerable. This will be the first time he has seen his brother and it's going to be really hard on him. My youngest Daughter will also be up Christmas day so most of my kids will be around this holiday season. Funny, I don't even own a TV yet. I'm gonna go buy a cheap 50 inch TV and put it in the living room to stream things like Netflix and Amazon Prime to so we will have something. I also got INTERNET !!! It's Spectrum and it's 100mbps a far cry from the 3mbps the Hotel had. I have quite a few games to play now. I downloaded Forza 4 and all the dlc stuff I had on Xbox on the laptop and plan on playing a bit after I type this. I honestly don't really get into gaming more than an hour before I started losing concentration and thinking about my son again. I bought a nice entertainment center but it won't be here for another 12 days, and a nice dining room table also wont be here for 2 weeks. Wrong time of the year to be buying furniture and finding it also in stock...lol In a few weeks I'll have the place to put a PS4 Pro and Xbox One x again and some of you online.


    Thanks to you guys, my online family. Your appreciated as i have told you. I pop in to here and there to get away and appreciate the forum so much. I hope you all have an incredible Holiday season this year, an amazing Christmas and please hold your loved ones tight. 


                            Thanks s much Glenn & Barbara and Juno {The Dog}

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37 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

@HardAct - please check the PM I sent you yesterday.

I did friend, sorry.


I slept hard first time with the wife after I updated the thread. I was going to play Forza but I slept better than I have in over a month last night!


I'll call mom and get that sorted out as she wanted to send the thing out soon. I haven't been following it, sounds weird buy it's not the first or second thing on my mind. Stressing with Donnie and the Insurance Company is taking a daily toll that's hard to explain. I really appreciate all the help and kind words and many of you need personal thanks and I want to get to it, I love being a part of this community and am grateful this site exists for me to get away here and there!

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Merry Christmas Everyone . . . .


    We are in our new house, we have a couch and a recliner and a 50 inch Samsung NU8000 and we are able to stream Netflix to that now., and Amazon Prime Video! All is good as we have our youngest Son here for Christmas but weren't able to see Donnie today. He was supposed to come up but that didn't happen. My youngest Daughter will be up for the day tomarrow all day, we will all get to see Donnie at the hospital during his treatment. So not a perfect day, but I'll take what I can. Of course my Oldest Daughter is AWOL in Washington state doing well enought we hope.


I hope you all have an amazing day and new year, I really really do.


From all of us here Merry Christmas &Happy Holidays. . . 


Glenn & Barbara and Juno


PS: I went into our local Best Buy to pick up the TV and Xbox One X's were on sale for 399.99!! I was like holy shit, I had a 45 dollar Best Buy gift card that I had been carrying forever, plus 95 dollars in Reward Zone Points and I just could not pass it up. I bought a Battlefield V limited edition Xbox X for just a dad under 275.00 and it came with Battlefield V Ultimate Edition too. So I have the following downloaded.


Battlefield V

Mortal Kombat

Forza Horizon 4

Black Ops 4

Red Dead Redemption


That's been enough to keep the grand kids gaming oh and my oldest Grandson got Diablo 3 Ultimate Edition, so we will be playing that tonight. I haven't gotten a chance to play the console yet, but look forwards to running into some of you soon online!

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  • 2 weeks later...

   Good Morning My Fellow Gamers again . . .


   Haven't updated you all in awhile, thought I'd catch you all up a bit. My son isn't failing as quickly as he seemed to be the last week or so. This is good new, but he is obviously in bad shape. He now has only 10 more radiation treatments left. The tumor symptoms aren't getting much worse and a few things are actually a bit better. He can stand up better on his own though he is quite shaky. He doesn't walk at all without help and even then it's just a few feet. So wheelchair all the time, and he does wear a patch on his right eye to help with severe double vision. His right side from the head to his foot is numb and that's not going to get better. I say this to put into perspective that though it all sounds horrible, and it is, it's not getting much worse like it was every day. So radiation and daily Chemo  is helping and it seems like the Tumor has stopped it's rapid growth at least and maybe even shrunk a bit putting less stress on his head and eyes, etc. He is still obviously Terminal and that word I have grown to hate. This will take his life, but he is still with us, can hold a conversation though it's slurred a bit. After the 10 radiation treatments he will be done, and will only have Chemo 2 weeks on and 3 weeks off for awhile.


   We have settled into our new home {a rental} but furnishing it has been a bit difficult. Every time we go out for something we are overwhelmed with the task of replacing all the essentials that a home has that we all take for granted. Our insurance will nowhere close cover what we lost and it has taken this long to actually realize just what that means. Spending money is a bit hard to do, knowing just what all we need. No do not get me wrong, we have now replaced our bedroom set, have a new NU8000 TV in there too. We have an amazing new living room set and we are picking up a new NU8000 65" TV to go in there today. That said the house as a whole is so empty. All the things that made our home a home just seem unrepeatable. I sure miss my gaming room where I could go and hide and get away from life stresses. Having my son as sick as he is keeps me a bit paralyzed in a sense. Hard to explain. We are slowly moving forward and we have a great relationship my wife and I, but losing our home, our Town. our Jobs, and having a Terminal Son with Cancer is most days just too damned much!


   I have been looking for a PS4 Pro but I'm waiting  for one that I feel I'm getting a deal at least. Maybe a 50 dollar off somewhere 349.99 ish? That;s just so not important but I do still love gaming and am looking forward to a day soon where I can actually relax and enjoy some gaming. I have my Xbox One Battlefield V edition but haven't even played more that 25 minutes in a single day yet. Looking forward to Resident Evil 2 Remake more than anything else I can think of!! I want to build a 2080Ti gaming PC too this year but will wait for a great deal on the card somewhere around 900'ish and then I need everything else that goes with it. For now I have a great laptop anyways so there is that. 


   Hope all of you had a great holiday season and are excited for the new year. Thanks for everything friends, take care of each other the best you can, looking forward to also Finisjing some of you in the new Mortal Kombat 11 !! See you all around . . . 


    HardAct out . . .


Plz look past my grammar the best you can, I d try!! 

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Hey man, merry Christmas and New Year to you and the family, better late than never!


A good friend is actually going through something similar with his son here right now so I see the struggles first hand but for what it's worth I'm glad to see you guys at least moving ahead a bit here. Take it easy man.

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On 1/8/2019 at 7:44 PM, Bloodporne said:

Hey man, merry Christmas and New Year to you and the family, better late than never!


A good friend is actually going through something similar with his son here right now so I see the struggles first hand but for what it's worth I'm glad to see you guys at least moving ahead a bit here. Take it easy man.

Very very sorry to hear about your friend, so tired of all this Fucking Cancer Shit! I hope your friends son gets better, I truly do man. Keep me updated if youd like. This is a good forum to talk shit out in too, even privately, I have found it a gift lately to just read and interact with some great folks and take my mind off the horrid shit this life has thrown at me as of late!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Thanks so much @SFLUFAN !!


      and thanks to all those that have given and wished us well, so appreciated! We lost our son {Donnie} on Monday the April 8th after 4 & 1/2 months of fighting Brain Cancer. This is by far the single hardest thing I have ever endured in my life, followed by the lose of our Home in the Camp Fire in California! We are doing better, if there is a better! i have poped in here a few times but just couldn't find anything of interest, sure you all understand. So appreciated to those that helped us in our time of need! I love this site and love you guys!


     Looking forward to losing myself in some games sometime soon, even though I have 4-5 AAA titles now again, I just can't seem to get into any of them now. Only Fallout 4 has gotten any time from me and it's 20-45 minutes at a time!


     We now live in Medford, Oregon and the wife is looking hard to find a job though she is on disability from stress thus causing a heart scare. We will heal though I'm sure there is no time table. My other 3 kids are just crushed too, having them to cry with has been the most help obviously.


See you all again soon, on better terms thanks so much . . . 



      Glenn aka HardAct and the Sullivan Family

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18 minutes ago, HardAct said:

Thanks so much @SFLUFAN !!


      and thanks to all those that have given and wished us well, so appreciated! We lost our son {Donnie} on Monday the April 8th after 4 & 1/2 months of fighting Brain Cancer. This is by far the single hardest thing I have ever endured in my life, followed by the lose of our Home in the Camp Fire in California! We are doing better, if there is a better! i have poped in here a few times but just couldn't find anything of interest, sure you all understand. So appreciated to those that helped us in our time of need! I love this site and love you guys!


     Looking forward to losing myself in some games sometime soon, even though I have 4-5 AAA titles now again, I just can't seem to get into any of them now. Only Fallout 4 has gotten any time from me and it's 20-45 minutes at a time!


     We now live in Medford, Oregon and the wife is looking hard to find a job though she is on disability from stress thus causing a heart scare. We will heal though I'm sure there is no time table. My other 3 kids are just crushed too, having them to cry with has been the most help obviously.


See you all again soon, on better terms thanks so much . . . 



      Glenn aka HardAct and the Sullivan Family


I'm amazed he was able to fight it for that long. I'm so sorry to hear that :(, but I am also very happy to hear that, 1) you're gradually getting better, although it'll take time, 2) you've successfully relocated, 3) you're able to get enjoyment from the gifts the board gave you.

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Thanks all . . . .


It mean so much.

    Having the fire happen literally 12 hours before my son was gonna come stay with us awhile sucked ass. And even though I never asked for help, my mom putting up the go fund me account really helped us. We used the entire amount plus some savings to make sure he had everything he needed. Having lost our home and jobs too we wouldn't have been able to do all he needed we thank you all so much.


   He was cremated and we will be spreading his ashes at our favorite Salom fishing spot on the feather river. Near where when he was only 9 years old he caught his first 30+ pounder. What a great day that was.


   Have a great week my fellow gaming family. Take care! 

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  • 6 months later...

Hey guys and Gals . . . . 


Here's a recap of the past year . . . . .




Original post November 11th 2018


Just a quick hello, shit has really hit the fan for me and my family. Bear with me. I find out out Wednesday night my son has a stage 4 brain stem tumor, FUCK!! My wife and I have been driving 4 hours a day for an entire week to go through the testing with him


Bamm Thursday, he gets released to come do treatment in the hospital where my wife works and we life. Find out that night that's it is stage 4 inoperable.


He asks if he can come down and stay a day, sure......and here the real kicker. On TV a warning Paradise California is being evacuated! Where my wife works where the treatment was to be. 20 minutes later my kid daughter is at my house and my wife and her jump in the car to paradise and grab cat and some stuff, FUCK, there to be right back. 3 hours later I realize the stuck in the middle of the paradise blaze. I lose power and cell services! No one saying evacuate Magalia where we live, but 3 hour of waiting, I realize were fucked. I grab one computer. My dog 2 hand fills of clothes a few stupid shit and jump in truck. At this time I'm in line with a direction away from where my wife went. 5hours later I make it the 13 Mile's to Chico and call wife on a stranger's phone, ok where all ok, about 2 more hours apart.


We spend night in my truck behind all the first responders, and the start getting news. Paradise California is a complete loss, so is lower magalia where we live. I'm homeless and jobless and so is my daughter and all my friends. What the fuck just happened.


Fastest moving wildfire in California in history, moving 80 football fields a minute. We literally have nothing. Nothing. It's hard, because we had everything, life was perfect. Dont blink gamers / friends. Hold on to what and whom you love. Dont let go!



One Year Later:


Ok so . . . .  it's now been just over one year since the devastating Camp fire in Paradise and Magalia California where we lost our home both ore jobs one of our cars, my daughters home and her car! We all managed to escape, my wife and my daughter made it out through the fire and flames driving through Paradise, I had to escape up and over the mountain with our Dog Juno. Were all OK and a lot has happened so I wanted to update the thread one time just to thank the kind folks here at D1P from the bottom of our hearts!


We lost my son to the Brain Cancer quickly, just over 5 months ago. Fucking single hardest thing I have ever had to fathom of course! So, we packed up and moved to Medford Oregon to be close to our son during his treatments and his kids. Him being in Yreak Ca, us in Medford Oregon 55 minutes apart. We spent just over 4 1/2 months in hotels meeting so many amazing people. We then found a rental that could take my dog for 1325.50 a month, and were grateful to have it. Insurance is paying the rental for now and paid off our home though under 20k went to us because we didn't have much equity. So no house payment, but no nothing else. It took us until about a month ago to start feeling better about the loss of our son, and we can at least talk about it, etc.


Here's some good news and why I'm updating this thread. The GoFundMe account my mother started raised over 11k! Most from here at this site, LOVE LOVE YOU GUYS and GALS!!! It helped a lot while we started to recover, and get some sort of direction for our lives. We have made the decision to stay in Oregon as we are done with California. My wife and I both turned 50 years old this year, and thats enough in that state. We love Oregon so much. We have some furniture and our cars are replaced, and I have a brand new gaming PC and both Xbox One X and PS4Pros to game on again. 


Obviously we have years still to deal with what all we have lost, everyday I'm reminded of things I lost that I just forgot we even had. We are doing so much better. Stress and depression took a super nasty toll on me and my wife, unbelievable we got through it, only together was that possible though. Weve been together 25 years now and I love here so Damned much!!!


Also, my daughter has rebounded from the loss of her home and everything well too. She and her long time Boyfriend are married now, and get this, Pregnant with a new Grandson for us to love. Due in February. So good new about us too. We made an offer on a beautiful home, our dream home. Much nicer than anything we would've ever been in ever, it was accepted and we move in to our new super fancy 3 bedroom, 3 living areas, meaning 2 living rooms and a family room, wonder neighborhood, great quiet street over a 1/4 acre huge back yard for our Dog and the grand kids, etc. I;m so fucking blessed and thankful to all you that chimed in with kind words, advise, money, game offers, everything you know who you are! And to all the many others that gave us clothing and blankets and food, etc, so many people helped us. Bless all of you truly from the bottom of our hearts . . . ..


Though the house is very expensive {320k} we were able to liquefy some of our 401ks and use almost all of our entire savings to put over 165,000 dollars down. Making the final payment with State taxes and insurance to just over 925.00 a month.    That's an amazing payment for us for a 1850 square foot home in an very nice area in Medford. 


I just wanted you to know that yea we went through a Mother Fucker of a fire, Lost our Son to Cancer, lost our friends homes, our home, both our jobs {mine of 19 years, wife's of 26 years} our stability and everything we ever knew and managed to fight to get to a point where we can enjoy the little things again. With tons of help around every corner, we are blessed, surrounded by friends, and again we thank every one of you that took the time to leave so kind word, your advise, tried and helped us in so many ways, and those of you that donated to our Go Fund Me account. Everyone one of those comments helped us get through just one more day, 

                                 Thanks to these boards, we love you guys . .  . 

                                                                                          Thanks D1P'ers for being part of our family . . 

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On 11/15/2019 at 3:19 PM, cusideabelincoln said:

Glad to hear your back on your feet!  And that's one hell of a payment anywhere, congrats on that steal.  And congrats on the grandson.  Are you the official D1P grandpa now? :p

    This grandson will be our 10th so if I'm not, I'm pretty sure I am now!

    When I say old school gamer, I'm not joking. I've played them all. It's in my DNA




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