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Good morning fellow gamers { 1 year later update }


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Good to see you here again Kev. Hope your getting some use out of that dreamcast. I was always so glad it went to you, someone who'd appreciate and use it! 


Hope your eyes heal fast. Trust me, my eyes get all messed up reading this post to. I do it in 10 to 20 minutes spurts! Its overwhelming, and simply humbling! I struggle badly trying to type and I'm so slow. We have just our phones right now. 


Lots of love,

                 Glenn S.

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Im starting to understand that. Thought I did something wrong, the banners gone at the top of the page! I'm still in the process of thanking as many people as I can. So much support, today was the first day I did not break down. 


That's a start, baby steps! Honestly thought my wife was going to lose it, so much crying. Shes so amazing, one in a million, though sometimes it seems we dont have the words to even communicate to eachother! We will find a way to get through what ever the next life bomb is.

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On 11/12/2018 at 7:51 AM, foosh said:


I never ment to leave anyone hanging. We were 0 dark 30 for awhile the first 2 days. We slept in my truck at chico's fair grounds! 


Had a big break today! Finally got through to allstate to claim my wife's 2006 Toyota camery with 157k miles on it. They totaled it on the phone and direct deposited 5400 bucks!!! Never thought it was worth that much, perfect timing. We now have clothes, and food, hotel, and were safe! Along with the generous donations were not having to use credit cards.



Thanks again everyone, really mean it!

                                    Glenn & family!



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    So my wife got together with some Girl friends to support each other. Like I said,not only did we lose our house, but my daughter all my neighbors and most of all my friends. Simply apocalyptic!  Glad she was able to do this with some friends and start the healing process. While shes been gone the cal-fire people finally released a street picture of my House. They had been updating it daily but for whatever reason it took till today to get a look at how bad it actually is / was!  Their saying another week at least just to start allowing us / people back to see their property!!


    So of course the flood waters started to fall again. Even though we knew it was gone, seeing it was really tough. I know my wife had a really fun day {lots of crying, she said I would've hated it} she'll be back here at our hotel in an hour, and then I'll have to show here the picture of our home and do it all over again! At least was closure in that we wont find anything! It just looks like a Nuclear bomb went off! 


    You'll notice in the GoFundMe account, I did not mention my Son Donnie {well my mom didn't} as we didn't want to pull that frikk'in hard on the heart strings! I know because I'm living this, it just sounds like too much, and it is! I'm also typing a bit faster as I have a Microsoft Surface Pro {that is being loaned to me by a nice lady in the room next door while I'm here at the motel} That phone was killing me, though it is a note 8. I was able to access my steam account and play some HD Poker! Can't play anything with fancy graphics {or anything that has graphics....lol} but it does feel a bit more like home!


    Thanks guys,

This forum has been a great release, knowing how big this family is :hug: is awesome . . . . .

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On 11/16/2018 at 9:22 PM, HardAct said:

I never ment to leave anyone hanging. We were 0 dark 30 for awhile the first 2 days. We slept in my truck at chico's fair grounds! 


Had a big break today! Finally got through to allstate to claim my wife's 2006 Toyota camery with 157k miles on it. They totaled it on the phone and direct deposited 5400 bucks!!! Never thought it was worth that much, perfect timing. We now have clothes, and food, hotel, and were safe! Along with the generous donations were not having to use credit cards.



Thanks again everyone, really mean it!

                                    Glenn & family!




No worries dude. I was really just bumping to the thread to make sure it wasn't forgotten. Glad you are doing alright. I am just 3 hours south if theres anything immediate you need taken care of.

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On 11/19/2018 at 3:24 AM, SaysWho? said:

Keep giving us updates when you can, yo. Every time I go to work, NPR has this as a lead story, and it's really heart-breaking. It's been educational how you have coped through it and I'm really glad everyone is pitching in to help.


   So I went a complete day without touching my phone. Or watching the news.

    Another big hurdle has been Doctors visits and prescriptions. So many with us didnt grab medications. That along with all the doctor offices we went to are all burned down. So just trying to get something filled or see a doctor means long lines and wait times. Sometimes, it's all day! My wife stood in line in Chico California (big college town 20 minutes south of paradise and magalia) just to get our mail, only to find it hasn't made it there. Everything is in turmoil.


    We still haven't been able to go see our place  or the devastation in person. I've lived in this area almost 27 years. Its gonna be a huge shock to see just what we escaped. Fire everywhere, people running, 2 lane roads, turned into 7 lane roads, every one just panicking, doing anything and everything just to get out.

     Lost the use of the laptop, the lady that was loaning me her surface pro was moved to another Motel. She was amazing and so have so many people affected. So back to thumb typing on my phone, (Oh, and I could go buy a cheap laptop, but it just dosent seem like a necessity right now)


       The hotel were in is half filled with First Responders. Were staying in Anderson, an hour + away from our home, but still 2 hours away from our son. They drive every morning over an hour to battle the fire, or any of the other amazing things they do, and return late at night in the big red and green/yellow fire engines filling the parking lot, surrounding my little truck. Yesturday we donated 200 dollars to their fund, best I've felt in a long time,  As even though they weren't able to save our home or neighborhood, they do save many homes and people each and everyday.

      We feel blessed and its humbling to just see and hear them leave so early each and every morning, only to return after everyone's sleeping, only to go do it again the next day. AMAZING HUMAN BEINGS!! 

      I stay up and wait for them to return, only then do I go to sleep (trucks are loud too). Sometimes, I go down to the lobby, just to hold the door for them as they all carry their gear towards the hotel, or just sit there and have a cup of coffie and listen to their stories. I try and stay as anonymous as possible. Weird, I know. They have no idea who we are, or that we have lost what we lost. Just weird people staying in a hotel, visiting family in Redding for the holidays probably!

     My dog Juno gets attention though, as shes a pretty 6year old Shepard (very biased opinion admitted )So, theres that weird guy who never sleeps with the big dog......lol :money:



      My son starts treatment next week! By now we've all come to grips with what were facing or at least we have put on that face. It's not going to end well, that's for sure. But maybe, just maybe we can have another year with him, and his kids and our grandkids will have him longer that the average. We stopped concentrating on what they say will happen, and are just gonna take this one day,Week,Month at a time. 


      I haven't bought much of anytime as it all has to fit in my truck. Along with Juno our German Shepard. Everytime we move. We repack up the truck, and its getting old. Wifes so afraid to lose anything else, that we grab almost everything when we just go to the store.


     Plz know that we aren't or feel alone, my wife facebook and for me this site means everything right now. Our extended family  (you guys :twothumbsup:) have grown expeditiously, were greatful to all of you.


      Thanks for the well wishes, The donations, and all the support. Your all appreciated more that you'll ever know 

     Thanks again,

            Glenn & Barbara Sullivan

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Incase people aren't up to date.


     Death toll is 78, with over 600 unaccounted for Over 12,000 homes destroyed, and 700 businesses. 175,000 acres and still only 66% contained. Most destructive forest fire in California history! 

     It's amazing to see the how this community is helping. Its everywhere. This evening I met a family who started to cry talking to my wife, her house at the end of her street was saved. The only house in the entire neighborhood not even touched, yet they feel guilty. So sad, their  lucky and yet have to feel so horrible about it. I hugged them all, and told them how truly happy we were to hear that their house was spared! 

     I have 19 friends that have lost their homes. My good friend Jamie's sister and her husband are unaccounted for. It's unimaginable, and yet it's all real. I feel we are very blessed, my family is all safe, All my pets are safe. This will be a dark day forever in our lives.


     Just trying to keep an update out there for all you that have helped, are listening, are shouting out well wishes, etc. Not much more else I can do, but were all in this together now, it's the least I can do!

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On 11/14/2018 at 7:06 PM, Anzo said:

Donated. @HardAct I’m about 4-5 hours from Yreka but if you need something delivered to your son on a non-urgent timeline (not sure what that would be but just throwing this out there) please let me know. 

Thanks man,

   I'm trying to thank everyone. Your so very kind. So appreciated. Everyone thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

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Hello again everyone :hug:


    Were still in the Hotel, 2 weeks now. Still no word on us getting to go see our home. It's been 220+ days since we had rain, and now it's raining so hard that is scary. Their saying 6-8 inches of rain now in the next 5days. That's an alarming amount or rain to fall in a drought stricken climate. Not to mention the fact that all the trees are weak or dead and the ground has nothing to hold anything back. All underbrush is burned through, so mud, and trees are now the danger as there falling all over the place. Paradise and Magalia {our home town} is a war zone. No real update other then were fine, safe, and still grateful. Our German Shepard Juno is friends of all the people here, and the enemy of every dog here at the same time. She has no idea why were staying here, and is quite stressed!


    Happy Thanks Giving All!

We were able to drive through the rain up to Yreka from Anderson for Thanks Giving Dinner with our Son Donnie Yesterday. We weren't really to see just how far hes slipped motor skills wise. Hes now using a walker all the time. It's only been a month since this whole thing started, 2 weeks since the diagnosis! He doesn't start treatment till the 5th of next month. Radiation 6 weeks strait, 6 days at a time with just Tuesdays off every week. Just hoping it shrinks the Tumor an he responds well to the kemo. Then he should gain motor skills improvement. Loved having the Grand Kids crawling all over we. We had a GREAT day! 


     Gonna be a long time before I have a Ps4 Pro and Xbox One x again. Yet alone a place to call home. This whole Cancer thing thing has made the recovery of our home tough. We don't know where to go yet, what makes more sense. Just so slow going and this rain is making everything at the burn site a standstill. Body recovery is still on going and is what is holding us back now. Gonna take some time with over 600 people still missing, some are family of my friends. This thing is horrible every where you turn. 


     Thanks for being here, haven't read anything gaming wise in a long time it seems. Wish I had badass laptop to log into steam and play some of my Library with. Then it would be the Internet connection holding me back. Always something. I have been able after the wife goes to sleep, play Dark Souls Remastered and a few other titles on my switch. I do not have the dock, but do have it and am grateful for that! Typing this on a cheap tablet, so tired of my phone. I'm a bad big thumbed typer for sure, and you all deserve an update here and there. Man, I was just 2 hours into Red Dead Redemption 2 when this Shit Hit The Fan!


    Thanks Gaming Family, thank you so much . . . 

                                                             Glenn / HardAct

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Hello  again:

    Over 2 weeks now in this hotel. It's a nice hotel, we have a double queen room and it has all the amenities, but it's getting super old! Get this, my dog (Juno) has her own queen bed, even though she stelthelly waits till' were both asleep and sneaks over and crashes between us anywayI hate complaining and there are so many displaced by this that are way worse off. Just seems like were stuck in mud going nowhere fast. Right in the middle of where our home is/...was, and our son. Until insurance companies can but boots on the ground and see for them selves we cant move forward. We haven't seen it either. Except by drone, we've seen our entire neighborhood gone. Turned to dust. Population of magalia cut in half, and the population of paradise California cut in half too. Unbelievable, almost certain to be a movie about this disaster. Oh and the internet/wifi sucks donkey ass here. So internet is limited by my phone network which is quite good here, so theres that.


Been playing Darksouls Remasted on switch late at night and rage quitting every night soon there after. Fuck that game is hard. Surprised how well it runs in handheld mode, but it's all I hate so.....I also have diablo on switch, so for a change of pace it's nice to have not been completely wiped out gaming wise. Dont think I'll ever even try and rebuild my retro gaming collection, it's just not even worth it cost wise this late in my life. I did have them all. From Atari 2600, to A Jaguar, Sega genesis, all nintendo consoles and even the new dreamcast, etc. Gonna miss my Sony PSP, and launch Vita. Think I'll just move on from that stuff. 


Thanks to all those following this thread, appreciated! Much love!!

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Hey, when the wife wakes up I'm gonna ask her if she thinks we could afford a Laptop, and I have a question. Below is a Link to another Thread I started asking you PC guys if this is a good deal On a Gaming Laptop? I know its expensive, but we really need something NOW! and we have no PC/Laptops anymore? So Below is the thread and link to MSI laptop. I know it's expensive, but what do I do?




MSI Laptop


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13 hours ago, HardAct said:

Hello  again:

    Over 2 weeks now in this hotel. It's a nice hotel, we have a double queen room and it has all the amenities, but it's getting super old! Get this, my dog (Juno) has her own queen bed, even though she stelthelly waits till' were both asleep and sneaks over and crashes between us anywayI hate complaining and there are so many displaced by this that are way worse off. Just seems like were stuck in mud going nowhere fast. Right in the middle of where our home is/...was, and our son. Until insurance companies can but boots on the ground and see for them selves we cant move forward. We haven't seen it either. Except by drone, we've seen our entire neighborhood gone. Turned to dust. Population of magalia cut in half, and the population of paradise California cut in half too. Unbelievable, almost certain to be a movie about this disaster. Oh and the internet/wifi sucks donkey ass here. So internet is limited by my phone network which is quite good here, so theres that.


Been playing Darksouls Remasted on switch late at night and rage quitting every night soon there after. Fuck that game is hard. Surprised how well it runs in handheld mode, but it's all I hate so.....I also have diablo on switch, so for a change of pace it's nice to have not been completely wiped out gaming wise. Dont think I'll ever even try and rebuild my retro gaming collection, it's just not even worth it cost wise this late in my life. I did have them all. From Atari 2600, to A Jaguar, Sega genesis, all nintendo consoles and even the new dreamcast, etc. Gonna miss my Sony PSP, and launch Vita. Think I'll just move on from that stuff. 


Thanks to all those following this thread, appreciated! Much love!!


I feel your pain with the handhelds. I let my friend borrow my DS and games (he just wanted to borrow the DS but I gave him the whole case) in 2010, and his apartment burned down. I saw the remains and I was like, "FUCK, I had so many hours on all of this shit." :( 



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Update fellas!


    So looks like even the insurance companies are getting tired of waiting to see the properties. So like us who still haven't seen our home other that the pictures that Cal Fire have put up. Drone pictures and whatnot. They are using the pictures that we have to call some of our homes a total loss, like ours. So looks like things might be moving a bit sooner than later.


    My son starts his first consultation before his 6 weeks of treatment in Oregon tomarrow!! Then 6 days a week with just Tuesdays off for 6 weeks strait. Radiation, and kemo, and home he responds well and the tumor shrinks, relieving some of the pressure thus the headaches and vision problems. To be honest, he is really alot worse from when this all started. Only been less than 3 weeks. But he uses a Walker now. And struggles with that. He has horrible headaches and blurred vision. I'm just not gonna be able to handle this, I'm just losing it inside. I keep it together on the outside, but hes just not doing well guys. I'm afraid my last best day with him was this last Thanksgiving. We had fun that day. But he hardly moved at all. A dad shouldn't have to outlive his son, even worse is knowing that's the case. Just so hard, this shit! AND losing our home, wow just wow!


     Keep sending the well wishes and kind words, they mean so very much to us right now. Thanks for hitching a ride with us on this fuckrd up rollercoaster. Nice to not be so alone. Your all appreciated like I've said. We thank all of you so much.....


     Your friend Glenn /HardAct Sullivan & family

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5 hours ago, HardAct said:

Update fellas!


    So looks like even the insurance companies are getting tired of waiting to see the properties. So like us who still haven't seen our home other that the pictures that Cal Fire have put up. Drone pictures and whatnot. They are using the pictures that we have to call some of our homes a total loss, like ours. So looks like things might be moving a bit sooner than later.


    My son starts his first consultation before his 6 weeks of treatment in Oregon tomarrow!! Then 6 days a week with just Tuesdays off for 6 weeks strait. Radiation, and kemo, and home he responds well and the tumor shrinks, relieving some of the pressure thus the headaches and vision problems. To be honest, he is really alot worse from when this all started. Only been less than 3 weeks. But he uses a Walker now. And struggles with that. He has horrible headaches and blurred vision. I'm just not gonna be able to handle this, I'm just losing it inside. I keep it together on the outside, but hes just not doing well guys. I'm afraid my last best day with him was this last Thanksgiving. We had fun that day. But he hardly moved at all. A dad shouldn't have to outlive his son, even worse is knowing that's the case. Just so hard, this shit! AND losing our home, wow just wow!


     Keep sending the well wishes and kind words, they mean so very much to us right now. Thanks for hitching a ride with us on this fuckrd up rollercoaster. Nice to not be so alone. Your all appreciated like I've said. We thank all of you so much.....


     Your friend Glenn /HardAct Sullivan & family


I'm glad the board is doing what it can to soften the blow, but I know the blows are still there. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we appreciate the updates, even when the updates aren't good.

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Damn reading this is painful. I can't even try to relate. We don't get much in the way of fires, flooding, earthquakes, or any natural disasters up here in Ontario, Canada (we had a few fires up north this Summer and some out west in the past year or two but but I am in Toronto).


Interested to see how your insurance company will handle your gaming collection if you don't have pictures of everything or how the value of each item is more difficult to determine. I've never had to make a claim on property except for my car when someone hit it and it was written off (no injuries for anyone thankfully).


Do you think you'll move back to the same neighborhood or nearby? Build a new home or buy existing? Being uprooted like this must be awful. Like you've described, I'd be dumbfounded on where to even start.


Keep your stick on the ice down there. Hopefully you get a laptop soon to help with the downtime.

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7 hours ago, BasemntDweller2 said:

Hey, Glenn stay strong for your son, I can't imagine how hard it is for you guys. Did you decide on a laptop? Sometimes a little normalcy like playing games helps 

Bought this laptop


   It's a beast, and I love it. It was 300 off the 1999.99 price showing along with 18 months interest free financing! So 1699.99 I had to do it. It'll be some time before I have a desktop. I have to share it with the wife, but it's a nice laptop. Only played Renagage Ops through my steam library so far with a wireless windows 10 xbox one controller and a 4 GB western digital external Hd. This should be all I need. It even has an hdmi out for use as a desktop if I wish. So I did it, felt guilty but needed something to feel normal.


    Looks like I had pretty good insurance and was a bit surprised as to how much coverage I had in case of a total loss. Also I had pictures of everything and anything I owned, taken 5 minutes before i grabbed my dog and ran from the fire. I got everything, there is no dispute and I'm getting the policy limit on everything. It will still be months before we can even have the area cleared, as were in a 13,500 home line. Insurance finally declared it all a total loss. Right now we have up to 2 years emergency accommodations to pay for housing and gas and food up to 25k


    You  all know the house is the least of my worries and is what is making this all so damned hard. I just hope and pray I get one more Christmas with my boy Im truly scared he wont make it that long. Hes worse each and everyday I talk to him. No longer showing by himself, severe double vision, and almost unable to understand him when we talk. They say he will almost certainly lose his hearing too from the radiation! All this has happened remember in less than 3 weeks!!!! Well a week before the fire we were going to UC Davis trying to find out what was wrong with him. 5 days later we found out stage 4 brain tumor and the very next morning the FIRE happens!!!! Its been 3 week since the fire, It's so hard to take, and still act like it's all going to be ok for all my other kids.


    Yea I bought a laptop, and it was to soon, but I wanted it. It's making talking to the insurance people and getting all there documents to them easier too. Hope to run into some of you again in a game room somewhere! Maybe Battlefield V. Never know.


     Thanks all, HardAct 

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Hello everyone!


      My son Donnie started Radiation yesturday and Chemo finally. Still the outcome is real grimm. 14 months was the first Doctor, these new guys are saying less. Just unable to put into words how hard this is, so I wont try. Hes changed so much in 30 days, it's just the most impossibly fucked up emotional storm imaginable and I'm not even talking about the home we lost.


      Still stuck in Anderson California! Cant find anything  I mean anything in the medford are that will rent to us with Juno my 80ld sweet heart of a German Shephard at anywhere near the 1500.00 limit we have to work with! I'm so fucking frustrated I cant even put it into words. This hotel is just costing us way to much. I need something really soon.


      We did finally get to see our place. To do so we had to drive to chico. And then take highway 32 up and around through Butte Meadows all the way around the mountain still bumper to bumper traffic. Snowing icy roads, etc. This because the town of Paradise is still completely inaccessible and the town of Magalia where my home was is reached normally through it. So what normally takes 2 hours, took from 12 noon to almost 11pm when we got home. Nation Guard check points, etc. Its just apocalyptic what happened to our home and the 2 towns we frequented.


     We did get closure, we were unable to find a single thing to take back with us. Insurance is starting to come through, just cant seem to get a break either a new home wise or with my son. Everything we own still fits in 2 large blue walmart tubs in the back of my truck and one large biffle bag! Do still gonna be the easiest move ever if we can find a place to do it!





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    I did forget to say again thanks to all of you for the extended support, lots of love. Appreciate you guys, I really do. For the most part I'm doing Ok, just every time I try and think about what is going to happen sooner than later, It starts to feel grim again like I said!  I started looking at white Xbox one x's as I see there is a Bundle with the Fallout 76 game that comes with a glacier white Xbox, BUT! Damn it, as much as I always wanted one to finally be released, the Damned Limited edition White PS4 Pro I had that came with destiny 2 isn't anywhere to found now!! Pissing me off! I'm not in any position to buy these consoles yet, but I have my eye on what I want and now it figures, The Xbox is in stock, and the PS4 pro isn't anywhere for the 299.99, they are being scalped on eBay or being sold used! I see there is a White Xbox elite controller too to even better the collection. I'm hoping some new edition with launch  a white ps4 pro but my luck doesn't seem to roll like that! . . . . :twothumbsup:

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Update to whom have been following me . . . 


      Things are looking up in the housing part of this shit storm. We after looking feverishly for 3 weeks have found a decent rental in the 1300.00 range that will take out Dog also. I find out today and if all is good we move in Friday. Gonna be crazy as we have absolutely nothing except our clothes this laptop and a few bathroom necessities! It's in Medford Oregon right next to the hospital where my son is currently going through radiation and chemo treatments! So yes we have money to start replacing stuff but finding a place was holding us back big time. Also this hotel has cost me 6k already! Our insurance is going to pay out Temporary accommodations through around 18 months or the policy limit which ever comes first! That is a good start to get jobs and also be there during this horrible time with our son. So glad that this worked out to where we will be living so much closer to him and the treatment center! It's a blessing. 


    We don't have a single thing that makes up a household, but we do get a fresh restart, I'm gonna look at it that way! Our son though is ever worse and it the most heart breaking event we/I have ever had the chance to endure! Not the loos of our home and everything we owned, the potential { He is Terminal } loss of a loved one yet along one of your kids is unimaginable! Thanks again to those who have shared with us your kind words and support as always we greatly so much appreciate you all . . .   

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5 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

@HardAct - please do take advantage of any counseling services that your son's medical center offer.

we already are starting this, it is a must and without it emotions fly allover the place. Thanks you, your word are very much appreciated! Fingers crossed guys, we need this house. Well know this afternoon!


So many kind people we have come across in this looking to help in many different ways. Toughest part is when we are alone and back in the Hotel we seem to just look at each other, seeming to ask why or in what way we are responsible for this. As his parents, you can only wonder these things. So tough to deal with the silence at times . . . 

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