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Good morning fellow gamers { 1 year later update }


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Just a quick hello, shit has really hit the fan for me and my family. Bear with me. I find out out Wednesday night my son has a stage 4 brain stem tumor, FUCK!! My wife and I have been driving 4 hours a day for an entire week to go through the testing with him


Bamm Thursday, he gets released to come do treatment in the hospital where my wife works and we life. Find out that night that's it is stage 4 inoperable.


He asks if he can come down and stay a day, sure......and here the real kicker. On TV a warning Paradice California is being evacuated! Where my wife works where the treatment was to be. 20 minutes later my kid daughter is at my house and my wife and her jump in the car to paradise and grab cat and some stuff, FUCK, there to be right back. 3 hours later I realize the stuck in the middle of the paradise blaze. I lose power and cell services! No one saying evacuate magalia where we live, but 3 hour of waiting, I realize were fucked. I grab one computer. My dog 2 hand fills of clothes a few stupid shit and jump in truck. At this time I'm in line with a direction away from where my mife went. 5hours later I make it the 13 Mile's to chico and call wife on a stranger's phone, ok where all ok, about 2 more hours apart.


We spend night in my truck behind all the first responders, and the start getting news. Paradise California is a complete loss, so is lower magalia where we live. I'm homeless and jobless and so is my daughter and all my friends. What the fuck just happened.


Fastest moving wildfire in California in history, moving 80 football fields a minute. We literally have nothing. Nothing. It's hard, because we had everything, life was perfect. Dont blink gamers / friends. Hold on to what and whom you love. Dont let go!



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For some reason I initially read the title as "Good morning fellow Jews", which I thought was an odd greeting to say the least. 


Sorry to hear how life has shit all over you. Too often we take our possessions, health, and family for granted. I'm terrible at consoling people, so I'll just say I'm sorry you're having to go through all that. 

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I wouldn't even know where to begin in being able to process everything that you're going through at this very moment, so I'm not going to even bother trying.  All I can say is that PLEASE take advantage of any counseling services that are being offered as your mental well-being is of utmost importance for both you and your family.  That should be priority one above all things.


Next, I'll be more than happy to provide financial assistance for immediate needs of food, clothing, and shelter as well as setting up some form of crowdfunding campaign as well.  I have no experience with that type of endeavor, so anyone from the D1P community who knows about it please let me know.


@HardAct - please PM me so we can discuss a way for me to get some immediate funds over to you.

  • stepee 11
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Just now, HardAct said:

hey again

  I have been in shock as can be expected, wife if fucking losing it. This forms been a great release forum been a great release over the years, and a much needed escape. i just don,t know where to start now. thanks for the kind words, means alot.

First, let us know how we can get money to you.  


Also, there should be Red Cross personnel to provide relief services.

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1 hour ago, HardAct said:

hey again

  I have been in shock as can be expected, wife if fucking losing it. This forms been a great release forum been a great release over the years, and a much needed escape. i just don,t know where to start now. thanks for the kind words, means alot.

The forums are here to help where ever we can. Don’t be afraid to even tell us what basic needs you might need right now for us to help with being overwhelmed.


Some of us have even gone through dark days ourselves and are more than willing to even just be an open ear to let you vent.


Don’t be afraid to simply just talk.

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Holy fuck man I just noticed this thread.  I don't even know where to begin with processing all of this at once. Like others have said we're here to help anyway we can. I'll definitely contribute some money if we get something set up. 

Anybody have any knowledge of insurance payouts in a disaster like this? I'm going to assume HardAct has home owners insurance. Are wildfires generally covered? How quickly do you get assistance when you call them up and tell them everything is gone? This is insane... And your son.....I'm very sorry to hear about him:(brings a tear to my eye just thinking about that. 

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Insurance usually pays out when your house burns down. I don't believe they discriminate if its natural or not (as long as he didnt set it on fire himself). But some of last year's victims in the Napa fires are still waiting for payment.


Only guessing but @hardact may have limited access to electricity.

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