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Mueller Season 3: The End Game

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44 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

This is why people in that camp always claim

“paid actors!”, they clearly do this themselves because there is no reason for such a person to exist.


It's all just nonstop projection from them. Like how Trump complains about news stories citing unnamed sources—it's pretty obvious it's because he has a history of calling up news reporters as a fake source (Jonn Barron, etc) and therefore assumes everyone else would do that too.

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5 minutes ago, Reputator said:

I read this tweet about ten times and I can't make grammatical sense out of #4. Can someone please translate?

There are 23 committees in the house. The GOP has assigned members to 22 committees. The only one they haven't filled yet is the House Intelligence Committee, which can't start its work until the GOP assigns members to it.


So, we have to wait until GOP stop being cowards (never) or Pelosi wields that Big Dick Energy and lays down an ultimatum.

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17 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:



It's interesting that so little discussion has taken place over this possibility.


I think it is because, and I kind of assume this myself, unlike Cohen it seems like Stone saw this coming for a year or more and is the type to have no qualms about destroying evidence.


Why on earth would Stone talk about knowing an indictment was coming while at the same time having a stack of incriminating hard drives in his closet?

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12 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

Why on earth would Stone talk about knowing an indictment was coming while at the same time having a stack of incriminating hard drives in his closet?


Stone seems to be pretty fucking dumb.

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44 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:



I have heard Trump's presidency described thusly soon after the midterms; the election and first two years was the bank heist. The next two years are the getaway.


So he is just trying to one up Obama again. Must of gotten the idea from that South Park episode when Obama took office but it was for a heist and not for the presidency. God, that his his first term so far, but at least Obama decides he wants to try to be the president in the end of the episode.

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