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Mueller Season 3: The End Game

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19 hours ago, Chairslinger said:

So she's threatening to retaliate against Donald Trump's family with punitive investigatons because one of them said something mean about her?



I am aware of the right wing campaign to brand her as stupid, but this remark is stupid. And I am aware that they will come up with leftist boogeymen no matter what but this serves it up to them on a platter(and may even be grounds down the road to challenge the legitimacy of an investigation).


Either something is worth investigating or it's not. Period. Your personal feelings should have nothing to do with it.


The days of going high when they go low are over bro.

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13 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:



As long as we're digging up old shit, might as well grab W on war crimes. Specifically, torture.


Yeah but how do you get from Trump to W via the Mueller investigation? With Clinton, I can see how the Mueller investigation might incidentally turn up something that connects to Clinton via Epstein. 

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2 minutes ago, Jason said:


Yeah but how do you get from Trump to W via the Mueller investigation? With Clinton, I can see how the Mueller investigation might incidentally turn up something that connects to Clinton via Epstein. 


Clinton connects to Obama through Benghazi and then *big plot twist* epic two for one; you nail Bush on war crimes and you get there by nailing Barry for not pursuing those war crimes.

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33 minutes ago, Jason said:



When you boil it down, this is probably the best move he has going forward.


While it looks doubtful that strategy will net him 270 EC votes in 2020, in every other way that matters it's depressingly likely that it will "work".


Edit: Though it's worth asking what a shrugged shoulder policy looks like when one of your sons, one of your daughters, and one of your son-in-laws all get indicted and face prison time.

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4 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

Edit: Though it's worth asking what a shrugged shoulder policy looks like when one of your sons, one of your daughters, and one of your son-in-laws all get indicted and face prison time.


Donald Trump Jr. was a low level volunteer covfefe boy. Donald J. Trump has never heard Donald Trump Jr., couldn't even pick him out of a room.

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1 hour ago, SaysWho? said:

My favorite line about this whole thing:


"Trump is shitting so many bricks he could finally build the wall."


He should build the wall out of Hillary, since she's apparently impossible to get over.

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3 hours ago, SaysWho? said:

My favorite line about this whole thing:


"Trump is shitting so many bricks he could finally build the wall."



And his excuses have so many holes in them because you gotta be able to see through them. Gotta be able to see through them or someone throws a big block of marijuana over and it hits you and kills you. Gotta have holes in your story.

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13 minutes ago, CayceG said:


People need to learn how to properly meter a fucking limerick. 


I think it would work like:


Donald told us some news that’s quite shocking.
He said the Dems' gun isn’t smocking.
He rejoices in glee,
With his buddy Scott Free,
Unaware he’s the subject of mocking

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