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~*The Official Thread of Hero Cop Valor and Bravery*~

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4 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

Apologies for rule breaking in the interest of having the video embed, but happy 1st birthday to the Boston Cop Slide Video to all who celebrate.




I litteraly just saw this yesterday on YouTube. It's definitely strange. 

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More on this "incident" and SURPRISE! - the cop had a history of complaints -- EVEN FROM HIS FELLOW OFFICERS -- was demoted at his previous job, and then moved to another law enforcement office.



The Blaine County sheriff said he has received hundreds of calls from concerned citizens after a Watonga police officer was shown on body camera video slamming a man to the ground




Blaine County Sheriff Travis Daugherty said hundreds of people have also reached out to him.


"We've had over 200 phone calls this weekend," Daugherty said.


While it isn't his department, the sheriff called for both officers involved to be taken off of the streets while OSBI works the case.


"I can understand why they feel the way that they do, because of hearing that child scream is one of the hardest things," Daugherty said.


That officer has a history of other complaints, including from his former colleagues, according to the sheriff.


"The deputies that were underneath him, they had lost faith in him as their leader. Yeah, and so I demoted him back later," Daugherty said.



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4 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

More on this "incident" and SURPRISE - 



The Blaine County sheriff said he has received hundreds of calls from concerned citizens after a Watonga police officer was shown on body camera video slamming a man to the ground




I'm reading this article now. The kid has autism which is probably why he takes him on these walks. FUCK THESE COPS. 


EDIT: It's even worse... Officer Storm Trooper there has a history of complaints and has moved between different departments which is what pieces of shit like this do when they get in trouble at one department. They just go to another one and keep doing the same shit. Wow. This makes me so fucking angry for a HOST of reasons.

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18 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I'm reading this article now. The kid has autism which is probably why he takes him on these walks. FUCK THESE COPS. 


EDIT: It's even worse... Officer Storm Trooper there has a history of complaints and has moved between different departments which is what pieces of shit like this do when they get in trouble at one department. They just go to another one and keep doing the same shit. Wow. This makes me so fucking angry for a HOST of reasons.


See, this is the kind of shit that drives me mad. My 7yo daughter is autistic and is constantly awake at like 5 or 6 in the morning. Her favorite thing on the planet is going outside for a walk, but I don't because then I'm the brown guy walking around with a little girl that can't speak up for herself. Instead, I bought her a trampoline and just hope it's enough even though she tries multiple times a day to go outside. Does that mean now I have a child gate bolted into the walls with a padlock at the top of the stairs to keep her from sneaking out in the morning? Yup. It's fucking dystopian.

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37 minutes ago, Brick said:

So basically nothing's changed in the 4 years since George Floyd. 


Oh it has, cops have just completely stopped doing their jobs. Traffic violence is majorly up, which is both obviously dangerous and is causing car insurance to skyrocket because we're getting way more crashes that are way more severe. This is just San Francisco but same shit nationwide:



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16 minutes ago, Best said:

Watch this bullshit 





It has been said before, but it is fucking horror movie levels of terrifying to think what this cop has done in the dark of night in a secluded spot during a traffic stop if this is how she acts in the light of day knowing his girlfriend is filming her....

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13 hours ago, sblfilms said:

I’m not saying there are no women who should be police officers, but tiny white women should definitely not be police officers. 

I disagree.  We need to stop pretending that the only safe cop is robocop.  The overwhelming majority of cops will go about their career with little to no reason to resort to violence, and honestly the more we hire roided out freaks and give them an arsenal, the more they’re going to want to use it.  If we hired less people who can (and gleefully will) default to physical violence, the less likely we’ll be to have shit go down in the first place.

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1 minute ago, LazyPiranha said:

I disagree.  We need to stop pretending that the only safe cop is robocop.  The overwhelming majority of cops will go about their career with little to no reason to resort to violence, and honestly the more we hire roided out freaks and give them an arsenal, the more they’re going to want to use it.  If we hired less people who can (and gleefully will) default to physical violence, the less likely we’ll be to have shit go down in the first place.

This isn't an individual problem. It's a systemic cultural problem with law enforcement in this country. This officer isn't a "roided out freak" and she tased this guy TWICE. I looked this incident up and she arrived on the scene aggressive, was pissed that he asserted his rights and tased him the first time when he pulled out his phone to record. The moment captured in this video is the SECOND time she tased him when one of his passengers was recording. She was pissed that he challenged her authority and that had nothing to do with her gender, race or how many steroids she may or may not have been using. This is about the CULTURE of these cops, ESPECIALLY today... she knew she was being recorded and couldn't care less. Then arrested the guy on a bunch of bullshit charges (most of which were later dismissed)



Leroy Mawell Jr., who represented Micah Washington, said there are investigations ongoing by the SBI and the FBI.


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2 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

This isn't an individual problem. It's a systemic cultural problem with law enforcement in this country. This officer isn't a "roided out freak" and she tased this guy TWICE. I looked this incident up and she arrived on the scene aggressive, was pissed that he asserted his rights and tased him the first time when he pulled out his phone to record. The moment captured in this video is the SECOND time she tased him when one of his passengers was recording. She was pissed that he challenged her authority and that had nothing to do with her gender, race or how many steroids she may or may not have been using. This is about the CULTURE of these cops, ESPECIALLY today... she knew she was being recorded and couldn't care less. Then arrested the guy on a bunch of bullshit charges (most of which were later dismissed)



Leroy Mawell Jr., who represented Micah Washington, said there are investigations ongoing by the SBI and the FBI.



I get that.  I’m saying it’s a cultural problem.  It’s the entire situation from top to bottom.  We heavily arm our officers and cultivate a culture of violence as first response and who do we attract?  Freaks and lunatics who want to use violence as a first response.  I’m guessing this woman didn’t default to what she did because she wasn’t 6’4” and carved out of oak, but because she wanted to flex and this job gives her that opportunity and on the whole the country will tolerate that.  

My point wasn’t that we need to hire tiny petite women and that will solve the problem, my point was we need to stop treating cops like they’re road warriors instead of public servants.  Give them fewer violent options and enforce a less violent practice, and the assholes who want to legally beat the shit out of people will stop applying.  

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2 minutes ago, LazyPiranha said:


I get that.  I’m saying it’s a cultural problem.  It’s the entire situation from top to bottom.  We heavily arm our officers and cultivate a culture of violence as first response and who do we attract?  Freaks and lunatics who want to use violence as a first response.  I’m guessing this woman didn’t default to what she did because she wasn’t 6’4” and carved out of oak, but because she wanted to flex and this job gives her that opportunity and on the whole the country will tolerate that.  

My point wasn’t that we need to hire tiny petite women and that will solve the problem, my point was we need to stop treating cops like they’re road warriors instead of public servants.  Give them fewer violent options and enforce a less violent practice, and the assholes who want to legally beat the shit out of people will stop applying.  

And I'M saying that it's not a bunch of "assholes who want to beat the shit out of people" applying to this job. I'm saying once they are ON the job the culture of the Department encourages this behavior whether the rookie officer has it in them or not. Veteran officers often tell rookies to "forget all that shit they learned in the academy" and that their first priority is to "make it home safely." This does two things, one it cause the officer to disregard what little techniques they learned as far as de-escalation and resolving situations peacefully and two it puts the new officer in a state of heightened awareness where they see themselves not as public servants, but as combatants behind enemy lines. The solution to this problem is to hold officers and departments TRULY accountable and get rid of qualified immunity and make any settlements from lawsuits come out of the Department's budget and not the city or town's budget. The problems with our law enforcement community in this country run VERY deep going back to it's origins as Slave Patrol.

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9 minutes ago, LazyPiranha said:

my point was we need to stop treating cops like they’re road warriors instead of public servants. 

Who's "we"??? I've been saying these shits should walk around unarmed for ages!

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2 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

And I'M saying that it's not a bunch of "assholes who want to beat the shit out of people" applying to this job. I'm saying once they are ON the job the culture of the Department encourages this behavior whether the rookie officer has it in them or not. Veteran officers often tell rookies to "forget all that shit they learned in the academy" and that their first priority is to "make it home safely." This does two things, one it cause the officer to disregard what little techniques they learned as far as de-escalation and resolving situations peacefully and two it puts the new officer in a state of heightened awareness where they see themselves not as public servants, but as combatants behind enemy lines. The solution to this problem is to hold officers and departments TRULY accountable and get rid of qualified immunity and make any settlements from lawsuits come out of the Department's budget and not the city or town's budget. The problems with our law enforcement community in this country run VERY deep going back to it's origins as Slave Patrol.

It’s a chicken/egg situation.  Both of us are right.  The system turns people who wouldn’t be assholes into assholes and it ALSO directly appeals to people who are already assholes and don’t need any convincing, which also pushes away people who don’t want to be associated with that in the first place.  

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We need to change so much. Change it so that the goal of police is to get everyone else safely home first, and that them letting anyone else die is a tragedy and the worst possible outcome, rather than their own lives being the most important. That's what the shield is for. We need serious overhauls to training to emphasize empathy, de-escalation skills, not drawing your weapon every time you see anything even remotely suspicious, not harassing people for no reason other than you don't like the way the look.


We need supervisors who track all this and enact real punishments, we need legislation to make it so not only is it not impossible to get them fired, but it's possible to get them imprisoned for crimes as a police officer (which should be much harsher since they should be held to a near maximal standard) and permanently blacklisted from serving in any job where they could ever wield a weapon or government authority again.


We need oversight for all police stations that aren't the police station or other general law enforcement: a truly impartial third-party that reviews cases and evidence and has the authority to end careers in a heartbeat if it concludes severe wrongdoing, strong capabilities from the top-down. We need politicians to stop getting their way by passing myopic bullshit to make police forces "do more of this" or "do more of that" -- the police force and its overseers, as well as the public at large, should be able to figure this out without some kneejerk gimmick policy.

We need people at all levels to give a shit about real evidence on what works and what doesn't, we need to not have any quotas for law enforcement, that's a fucking ridiculous concept, outside of maybe response time to an incident and "don't kill people." Police shouldn't be there to generate revenue or fill up prisons. Speaking of which, we need to demolish our entire concept of jail/prison and its purpose and rebuild it from the ground up, again, based on what actually works and what doesn't.


We need to have more than just police/medical/fire departments available for emergencies and non-emergencies. I know in some cities they've been having wild success with non-police response teams to deal with heated situations. With no guns or threats of force, most people are a lot more responsive to just talking rather than their heart rate immediately shooting through the roof and flooding their brains with adrenaline to where it feels like it's already hopeless depending on the situation.

We need people to give a fuck and use their brains.

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2 hours ago, LazyPiranha said:

I disagree.  We need to stop pretending that the only safe cop is robocop.  The overwhelming majority of cops will go about their career with little to no reason to resort to violence, and honestly the more we hire roided out freaks and give them an arsenal, the more they’re going to want to use it.  If we hired less people who can (and gleefully will) default to physical violence, the less likely we’ll be to have shit go down in the first place.

You took my post a little too deeply :p 

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